Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Why Do We Get Sick?

(From the Wednesdays in Chicago Spiritism Classes June 21, 2017)

Why do we get sick? 
Sickness is a state that creates discomfort, pain, imbalance and unpleasant sensations. We need to change, in order to cure ourselves - physically, morally and spiritually. It is a difficult step, but an essential one for all that believe the world needs to evolve. 
(from: Gilberto Schoereder, Spiritism and Science Magazine, No. 78) 

Why do we have so many diseases on our planet? 
Kardec defined our planet as something he called a Trial and Expiation World 
Trial = Made or done as an experiment 
Expiation = The act of making atonement 
"Where evil predominates, with more evil than good, this is where the spirits have the opportunity of repaying the mistakes of past lives and improving themselves. It is a world of tests and atonements, not a place of happiness, and the planet Earth fits into this category." (from the Gospel According to Spiritism) 

Where do diseases come from? 
"Being that the soul is responsible for the thoughts and the free will of our actions, it is natural that the spirit can influence not only our behavior, but the cells of our organism - leading to states of health or sickness. Good thoughts create around the person transmitting them, a powerful fluid field of forces that produce wellness and cancel evil vibrations that were directed to that person. On the other hand, a person who stays in a neutral or negative state will have open doors to receive evil or bad vibrations, and will therefore suffer the consequences." (from Diseases of the Soul, by Dr Roberto Brolio) 

"We can say that good thoughts create around the person who transmits them, a powerful fluidic field of forces that produces wellness and neutralizes or cancels evil vibrations directed to a person. On the other hand, the person who stays in a neutral or negative state opens doors to receive evil or bad vibrations, and will therefore suffer the consequences." (from: Diseases of the Soul, Dr. Roberto Brolio, p.33) 

Can we cure our own diseases? 
We need to balance and harmonize ourselves: 
- Body (with food, exercise) 
- Emotions (with mental stimulation, self help books or discussions) 
- Psychology (self awareness and knowledge) 
- Spiritism (by knowing ourselves and understanding others) 
"Do what I myself used to do during my life upon the earth. At the close of each day, I examined my conscious, reviewed all that I had done, and asked myself whether I had not failed in some duty, whether someone might have a reason to complain of me. It was in this way that I succeeded in obtaining a knowledge of myself, and in ascertaining what there was in me that needed reforming."  (from: The Spirits' Book, Allan Kardec) 

Can diseases be prevented? 
"Positive thoughts, faith, determination, intelligence and our will, give us the possibilities to achieve our full development in all situations of our life." 
(from: Diseases of the Soul, Dr. Roberto Brolio, p.168) 

Some of the Pharisees and teachers of the law came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked, "Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders by not washing their hands before they eat?" And Jesus called the multitude and said unto them, "Hear and understand. What goes into someone's mouth does not defile (degrade or dishonor) them...the things that come out of a person's mouth come from the heart, and those defile them. 
(from Matthew 15-18, Gospel According to Spiritism, Chapter 8)

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