Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Avoiding Negative Energy

(From the Wednesdays in Chicago Spiritism Classes - June 28, 2017)

In many of our sessions, we are often advised (especially the mediums) to "protect ourselves" from negative spirit energy. What does this mean, and how can we do it? 

What are negative energies?
They are unpleasant energies that can build up over a period of time, sometimes for hundreds of years or longer. The main cause for negative energy is undesirable human emotions and actions (such as anger, jealousy, violence, etc.). Our mood may become worse around certain people and/or in certain places, and we may find that we lose a lot of energy (feeling drained or tired) in these circumstances. We may also have a problems such as insomnia, poor sleep, nightmares or low energy levels due to negative energies. If the negative energy issue is not addressed, it may lead to chronic fatigue, frequent colds, illnesses or other physical/mental problems. 

Where do these negative energies come from?
Although human thoughts and emotions are the most frequent, there are many sources for negative energy. The negative energy may be intentional or unintentional:
Human: Any form of self-defeating emotion or thoughts such as pessimism, anger, or jealousy, can build up in the atmosphere. If we (or someone else) has those types of thoughts, negative energy is automatically projected in our direction. Because negative spirits are attracted to negative energy, those thoughts can draw negative spirits to us.
Spirit/Entities: As with human thoughts, any emotion that is not positive from a spirit can linger and build up in the atmosphere of a room or house. Or like the spirits, the energy can travel with us, in our minds.
Natural Energies: They are found all around us in the environment. When high levels of unnatural energies are present, they can cause people to become depressed and anxious. 
Technology: Many of our modern gadgets (such as cell phones, microwaves and computers, among others) can create negative energy.
Objects: Antiques or second-hand objects can hold the energies of the people who once owned them. This may happen with handmade objects such as works of art or homemade crafts. We may be initially attracted to these objects because they resonate within our perispirit. But if the creators or the previous owners had emotional or mental health problems, those negative energies might also be attached to the objects. 

Why would spirits send us negative energy?
Negative energy that is paranormal doesn't have to be an actual spirit. There could be residual energy from events that happened many years before, leaving a stain on the environment of a room or an entire house. When there is a spirit presence, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is an evil spirit. We may encounter confused, trapped earthbound spirits who are depressed or scared, and those negative emotions will affect us. When we come into contact with this low energy from a spirit, it may cause adverse affects (such as feeling tired, low in mood, or having headaches). 

How can we recognize negative energy?
With negative spirit presences, there are signs that can be picked up by our physical senses, and with certain feelings that can affect us mentally:
- Bad odors of unknown origin that manifest spontaneously and disappear quickly
- Strong feelings of oppression and of being constantly watched
- Experiencing powerful negative emotions and images that we normally do not suffer
- Disturbed sleep due to noises, movement of objects, smells, or bad dreams
- A room or an entire house may feel very heavy and uncomfortable to be in 
- Nausea, headaches, or other ailments that disappear or ease up after leaving a location 

How do we repel the negative spirit energies?
Regardless of where the negative energy comes from, the same basic techniques can be used to cleanse the atmosphere and make it a healthier and a more refreshing area to live in. Positive energies will dissolve the negative ones, but we need to arrange for the positive spirits to help protect us against the negative ones. Negative thoughts can be canceled or extinguished by directing a positive thought of the same, or greater strength at it. When they meet, the negative thought will dissolve. 
- Tell the spirit to leave. Be firm, control your fear, and let the energy know it is not welcome
- Ask for help and understanding at a Spiritist Center
- Use a spiritist cleansing technique (such as burning sage)
- Change your behavior to discourage additional, similar spirit energies 

Where does the negative energy go? 
When the positive spirits predominate, many of the negative entities can be permanently removed to other spirit worlds. In other words, the negative energy now feels uncomfortable (because the positive energy is stronger) so it is removed or relocated. 

How can we generate positive thoughts to protect ourselves? 
This can be achieved with prayer or visualization. A common example of visualization is to imagine yourself surrounded by a protective bubble of light. We might also imagine ourselves as a hot ball of light - like the sun - radiating a hot, bright, light outward to remove the dark. Our protection needs to be stronger than the negative energy, and in some cases, that might mean that we need to remove ourselves from the source of the negative energy. We are told to apply sun screen to protect ourselves from the rays of the sun, but the only way to be truly protected would be to remove ourselves from the sun. 

The best way to receive help from positive spirits is by requesting it with prayer. How would we structure such a protection prayer? Ask for:
- Protection against all that is not of or from the light (for entities alive and dead)
- Healing help on all levels (for the person sending the negative thoughts and for yourself). Love, light and healing energies are not just something that we need, they are also useful for those who are working against our spiritual progression. 
- Guidance with our life. Maybe we did something to someone (dead or alive, and in the past or the present) and now we need to assure that our intentions were understood. Mention a specific thing you may have said or done, or ask for general spiritual help with becoming a better channel for love, light, healing, guidance and inspiration. 

Remember that our own negative thinking and emotions can weaken or reduce our protection. And keep in mind that things may take time. Some people may think that praying for one night and imagining white light around them for five minutes will solve all of their problems. This is unlikely. Suppose that negative energy had built up around you and your home for ten years. Do you think it would be reasonable to expect it to go away in five minutes? Think of it this way: If you had a cigarette lighter, could you melt an iceberg? Of course, but it would take you much longer than five minutes. Be patient and persistent. 

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