Monday, June 19, 2017

Chicago - November 27, 2016

(Note: These notes were authored by Gabe)

Table: Denise, Sonia, Maricela, Marisol, Gabe
Attendees: Emiliano, Don Juan, Esperanza, X, Isabel, Ron, Milagros, Emiliano, Nazario

Opening prayer

-We received news that Jose survived 2 bullets (wounded) on his trip to the bank.
-Marisol is feeling another tribe is around the Romero family again (laughing, making a racket, angering the family)
-Marisol feels a burning sensation, which is what the Romero's feel in their home.

Spirit #1 via Marisol (w the Romero Family)
-Meddling people!  One way or another, I will finish you all: Devils, demos, criminals
-They're not letting me say what I want to
-We remember everything
-We hate all of you, We'll find a way..
-We're knocking down the strong one (Maricela), look what we did to the other one (Juanita)
-We are stirring a pot- this is what you did to us. Now its time for them to fall in.  It was a bloody past...
Sonia: But now they have progressed.
-Yeah, they don't eat each other any more
Maricela: You're living off of a memory...
-(spirit pointing to his group) Are you hearing this story they're telling us?

-We were tired of this darkness, and we didn't want to come...
Nazario: You actually taught us something...
-(spirit cuts him off)  I a only going to listen to these people (the spirit guides) and not you!
-They tell us, to experience this light we have to forgive...I don't want to think of any of you anymore.
-They tell us you're different, and now you pray, but we don't know what any of that is...OK, we are leaving...

The mediums received more information from the spirits regarding Jose. His grandma and his Indian spirit guide protected him (it should have been worse). This attack was also meant for Janet
- Doing the right thing and praying can save you from having a bad moment...

Marisol inquired about Ron, and Isabel said he was doing OK. Isabel also shared that there have been some issues with her daughter... she has been more defiant.  Marisol heard the thoughts of the daughter, as she was thinking, "they should leave, they should go to a retirement home...why don't they leave, and give me the house." (the daughter lives in the basement of their house)

There was a spirit present, and it was connected their daughter. Isabel believes the husband changed her.  The spirit was very witty, and he was a prior husband from a past life.  The spirit blamed Ron for taking everything from him in that previous existence:

Spirit #2 via Marisol (w Ron and Isabel)
-(to Ron) You ,you get out of here...We are the bosses here, and it's me and her (Isabel)
-You know, both of you can go (Ron and his daughter), and so can her husband
-We get away with everything, right Ron?
-They're telling me she (Isabel) is not they're wrong, she's mine.
Denise: You are living off the past life.
-Past life? I'm living nicely. I'm happy, while he (Ron) is the tired one...
Sonia: You are creating confusion.
-That works for me...she does everything I say.
-And I remember that past very well...she and I had everything, and he took it!  There wasn't any justice then, well now I'm creating it for know eye for an eye.
Sonia: You have got to move on.
-I don't understand what you're saying.  She's not mine, and I do not have a body? Move on to what?  Move on with her?  He (Ron) does look different.  You know he kicked us all out.  My family, we were homeless...but now they tell me my family is no longer roaming.  You don't know what that is like, to see your family in the streets.
-I'm leaving, because I will find them today...I've taken enough of everything.

Once the spirit had departed, Marisol explained that this spirit was brought in because of Isabel's prayers.

There were prayers for Eva, and a conversation on dreams in regards to Emiliano and Milagros, as well as a tamacon (note: not sure what that is) update.

Closing prayer

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