Thursday, June 1, 2017

Florida - October 21, 2016

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago 
Before opening prayer, Jackie read a poem she found while sorting some of Frank's papers. (see the poem here:  Astrid read a selection in Spanish that she described as, "a prayer for the ones who are gone."  After the opening prayer, Nelson read "The prayer for the recently departed."  (Note: Read the prayer and more on death here
Spirit 1 (via Gloria):  Immediately after the readings, Gloria began to channel a spirit for Frank (or perhaps it was just a reflection of her thoughts for Frank):
Spirit: My dear friend, now you can see clearly our feelings.  We will never forget you.  You will be a part of our table, and you are always welcome.  You were a good man.  Thank you for being my friend for so long.  I love you, and take care.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson): Nelson's spirit guide (Caballito) was urging Nelson to ask Jackie if she wanted to say anything.  Jackie had nothing specific to say, so Caballito decided to speak directly to Frank and our table:
Caballito:  It is difficult to say goodbye, but for all of us with spiritism in our hearts, we don't say goodbye - we say that we will see you soon.  (the glow of the candle on the table brightened as Caballito spoke to Frank's spirit)  Just go, and prepare yourself to visit us.  Forget about what is left behind.  Look forward.  See the work you have to do now.  Prepare yourself, open your heart, and do not let anyone interrupt your travel.  Go forward, as you know where to go and what needs to be done.  We want you to progress.  Continue on that path you already started.  Go with God, and he will guide you.
Caballito stepped back, and Astrid shared that she was recently shown a vision of Frank.  He was resting, very comfortably, and he was content.  Astrid understood that Frank would be resting for a while.  He was asleep when she first saw him, but now his eyes were open in wonder at his surroundings.  He knew that he had three spiritual friends with him, but his mother was not one of them. He was aware of where he was.
Spirit 3 (via Jackie):  Jackie's mother whispered to her that Frank was "well cared for," and she wanted the table to know that the spirit of Frank's mother was with him in his room when he passed, but "she was a means to the end, and she is not there now."  Jackie's mom continued her message:
Spirit (to the group):  You had no idea how spiritual he was.  Even at the end, there are spirits who wish ill will, and they come to try and shake your faith.  His could not be shaken.  (tearfully)  The prayers for his suffering to end were heard.  They were so numerous, it was almost like a chant.  He went as he wanted, in peace.  Cookie will never know the enormity of that one act (being with Frank as he transitioned), and how it helped to erase things from her past.
The group discussed the situation.  There was a lengthy silence, and Astrid noticed spirit guides around our table.  They brought peace and harmony with them.  Jackie heard Edgar say he "wished he could have gone that peacefully," as he was not at peace when he passed.
Spirits 4 & 5 (via Astrid & Jackie):  A soft spirit quietly moved into Astrid to add to our conversation:
Spirit: Most of us do not cut the strings.  Everyone is afraid, so they hold on to this (material) side.  Frank knew what he wanted and needed.  Contentment is not a word, those feelings come from your spirit - not your material body.  When you live here (in the material world), and you are honoring your spirit, then you can go in peace when the time comes.  You don't know who I am, but I have been here, and I enjoy your conversations.  When I left, I had a bundle of things, and it has taken me a long time to throw it all into the garbage.  Thank you for letting me speak today...
Astrid had previously envisioned this male spirit, and she explained that whenever he showed himself to her, he was always dressed in gray pants.  Jackie sensed the spirit of someone named Jeanette Fisher behind her.  The spirit told Jackie, "The way he returned, Frank comprehended what was said.  He was a silent man with a lot of faith."  Caballito stepped back into Nelson, and he extended his hand behind Jackie's head:
Caballito (to Jackie): Keep your eyes closed for me.  I want to take something away.  You are pretending to be okay, but you are not.  The crying is not doing it for you.  I know you feel as if you didn't fulfill the whole thing, but do not feel abandoned.  That is the pain I have to take away.  I went to see you in you house.  Did you know it was me?  (Jackie said she did)  Do you know what this is doing to you?  It's hurting your body.
Jackie was asked to stand with Jeff facing her.  Caballito worked silently behind her, explaining that Frank's issues were not Jackie's issues now.  Caballito said that Jackie's stomach was in knots, and he moved around her to untie the tension.  He asked Astrid for a small glass of water, which he magnetized and gave to Jackie to drink.  Caballito said that Frank had left some spiritual friends behind in his home, and those spirits had attached themselves to Jackie.
Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  As everyone returned to their seats, Caballito ushered in a member from the group of spirits who were with Jackie now:
Spirit: Who is going to take care of us?  Everybody is busy, taking care of everyone else.  I knocked that door (at Frank's house), but nobody answered.  We looked in the window, and at first we couldn't see anything - and then we saw you (Jackie).  And you saw us!  You invited us, so we came with you. Can you guide us where we need to go?  We are abandoned, with no one.  We are lost.  (sadly)  Very lost.  That door was always opened - but no one answered.
Jackie: You need to move on now.  That's why you are here with us - this door is opened.
Spirit: There is nothing left for us there?
Astrid: You have a new job now.
Spirit: So we have been replaced?  We need to move on, but not with him - or with you?
Jackie: Yes.  It's time to move on, away from him and me.
Spirit: We didn't harm.  We were observing, and suddenly it was empty, so we thought we would choose you as the next one.  But they tell us it is not you.  We are called at the end (of a material life) to take care of things, but you do not need us yet.  We were not serving you, we were harming you.  We apologize. 
Jackie: I understand, you were just doing your job.  There is a new job for you, and it's better.
Spirit (with sorrow): We work, we comfort, and at the end we are abandoned (as the material body is removed and the spirit transitions back).  We didn't mean to harm you.  They are taking us, to a place where we can develop ourselves.  (astonished)  There are a lot of people here to take us.   
Jackie: It will be interesting.
Once the group had departed, Astrid shared something she saw previously, when Jackie, Jeff and Caballito were all standing.  There were three spirits with them  They were all dressed alike, in an intense white color, similar to a large petal of a magnolia flower.  The spirits were Astrid's aunt, Lula, and Angelica.  Lula was a spirit who worked with nature and plants to create remedies for the problems of the material world, and she was responsible for the water that Jackie drank.  Caballito had returned to speak to Jackie again:
Caballito: When you are home alone, you do not feel good.  Remember that you are not really alone.  She knows that, but she does not really believe it.  Call on me, or call on Lula.  What we did today (with the magnetized water), you can do at home - IF you have that faith.  Just drink a little cup of water, and let us do the work.  Your work here is not done.  Don't hurt yourself.  (pause)  I don't want you to go back to your house the way it is now.  Let's keep that condition between you and me.  (Jackie understood)  Some friends of mine will help organize that home again - as it has never been that disorganized.  I am not worried about the material side, but the spirit side is out of love.  You cannot throw it (love) away.  I had to get it out of the garbage.  Why did you put the love there?
Jackie: Habit.
Caballito:  Grab my hand, you can touch me.  I want to give the love back to you.  Come back, and be alive. (grabbed both of Jackie's hands)  Promise me that you will take care of yourself.  You are my patient now.  Sometimes, without knowing, we harm ourselves so much.
(Note: While Caballito was speaking with Jackie, another conversation was occurring between Astrid and Gloria.  The conversation was in Spanish, and it referenced Gloria's daughter.  No notes.  Caballito politely interrupted the conversation to ask Gloria for a favor.)
Caballito (to Gloria):  Don't leave Jackie alone.  The friends she invites over, they are not friends.  (pause)  The ones she attracts, they are very difficult to remove.  (pause)  They are still not convinced to go.  THEY ARE SUICIDES!  I have increased my voice level to get them in line so I can take them.  Their minds are only on one subject - the ending of a life.  But I got them.  There are 14 of them.  Thank you for letting me do my work.  I'm not far.  Call me.  Nelson does not need to be here for me to be here.  Take good care of yourselves, and love each other.
After a prolonged discussion of the session, Jackie closed with a prayer.

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