In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Gabe, Isaac, Jeff, Nelson
and X
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): When Bernardo arrived for our class
on negative energy, Nelson immediately noticed that there were negative spirits
with him. At the end of the class, a laughing, mocking spirit decided to
Spirit (to Bernardo): Be careful who you call! (reeling with
laughter) He calls us, but he doesn't know who arrives to answer him! He
likes calling on saints. I appeared as St, Martin de Porres (a Peruvian Catholic
saint of mixed race). He calls on the saints and the spirits and I show up
(laughing, almost unable to speak) and he thinks he has power! Every
day we receive his calls. (Carmen coached the spirit) He's my friend,
and now you tell me that I have to leave him? Who will answer his calls? He
calls us to provide miracles for his family (with blood and ice). I hear
everything he thinks. He seeks, he waits, and we give him a small result - so
he keeps calling us back. He asks us, 'Cure her blood (in regards to his
daughter),' and I go over there with injections, and all of us laugh so much!
(to Bernardo) Don't be scared, you know you call me! We come to him
to help, because he thinks he has power, but we have the power. He needs to be
careful when he calls, because the ones who show up (laughed) are not
the ones he thinks! He invited us here, but I do not like being here, because I
cannot do what I want. He keeps asking how much time he has left (Bernardo
is obsessed with finding out exactly when he will die), and I tell him some
random amount of days, and then he runs to her (Carmen) in fear! It's so
funny! I disguise myself, and I like fooling him. Sometimes I send someone
else, depending on what he asks for (to Isaac and X) Hey boys, what would you like? A girlfriend, car, money? I can call one of
my boys, but they need to do what I say. We work together. We are not doing
bad things, he just keeps asking for the impossible. Let me look into my
crystal ball (demonstrated) and decide what we tell him
(laughed), let me look into this ball and tell him when he will die!
It's close to 2024, or at least that's what we told him! His bed sheets get
hot. He wonders why they start out ice cold, but then I get in them, and they
are hot! (Bernardo agreed) He feels me immediately. Don't call us,
and we will stop showing up! They tell me to count everyone. We are three
bosses, eight soldiers, and six mocking clowns - but it's seven when you count
me. We needed to be there for him so he would make himself think. He hasn't
learned that everything has a consequence - don't ask, or we will show up! But
now, we are all leaving together. (laughter) And St. Martin de Porres
(the saint that Bernardo was praying to) is coming along with us!
Nelson's guide ushered the group of spirits out. Caballito offered advice
to Bernardo and answered a couple of questions, and Nelson closed with a
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