Friday, June 16, 2017

Chicago - June 14, 2017

(After our Wednesday classes, we often have a short session.  These are the notes)

In attendance: Denise, Gabe, Jeff, Nelson and Sonia 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  As we finished our class on Selfishness, Nelson began to sense a large group of spirits yawning.  He noticed them near the back of the room during the class.  One of them stepped into Nelson to speak:
Spirit: I'm so glad we are not here today, it's boring.  We are just a reflection of what everyone else is thinking (laughed).  'Don't waste my time, I only want to go when they take away what's wrong with me!'  Or they think, 'It's too dark and cloudy, I'll stay home.'  None of them want to be invited unless there is a cure for them!  (laughed)  'Don't change me!'
Sonia: We do things differently here.
Spirit: Who are you people to call me selfish?  I heard what you were talking about.
Sonia: You are not thinking of others, only yourself.
Spirit (pointing directly at Jeff): YOU!  Yes you.  Printing all this for nothing - how many did you print?
Jeff: Ten.
Spirit: And you only had FIVE show up!
The spirit continued to have a conversation with everyone at the table.  He eventually explained that his group of spirits were similar to a thousand bees - buzzing around people until they could create doubt.  The spirit said they were able to influence two of our members into not attending.  It took them only one second, and in that instant, one person thought the storm was too inconvenient, and another member decided to stay home and eat.  The spirit acknowledged that he was smart enough to know that if he sat, he would have to go, and he eventually left (reluctantly) with his group of a thousand.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Before our class, Nelson wanted to mention the names of two people at the table. Caballito had spiritually taken Nelson to the Florida house of one of his cousins, and this cousin was realizing that the cancer he had at age 19 was now returning at age 55.  The cousin was despondent.  We discussed the issue and some possible solutions.  The other person was Antonio - Mary's longtime partner in Buenos Aires. Antonio was a medium, and he had been suffering from headaches and blackouts.  Was it spiritual?  Was there a material world issue?  Ironically, when he visited his doctor, the doctor recommended that he see a spiritist.  Caballito sat though Nelson to explain more:
Caballito: Tell Mary that there is something physically wrong with Antonio.  We will work on the spiritual side, but there is something material that needs to be done.  He needs an evaluation of the nervous system.  There is a pinched nerve in the back of his neck (in the center) and when he finds out where it is, his issue will be alleviated.  We will remove four spirits from him that are contributing to the situation.  They are dressed all in black, with a black mask over their eyes (similar to Zorro) and they are all wearing a black cape.
Jeff: Were the spirits sent to him from someone else?
Caballito: His issue has nothing to do with anyone except himself.  That is his problem, his own demons.  If he has doubts, this element will come in.  Tell him to stop the doubt.  We will also remove two ladies, female spirits who are dressed in black masks.  His headaches will go away once they release the nerve.  His left side is the most painful.  The doctors can finish what we have started.  Tell him to stop thinking, "When Caballito comes back, he will take care of me."  If he puts all his thinking into a magic person, he's not doing what he needs to do.  (Update: Mary later verified that everything Caballito said was true)
Caballito (to Denise): Did your mother have a heart attack?  (yes)  There is damage to her brain, and that is what started it.  The brain damage led to the heart attack.  We will remove what we are allowed to remove, only that, and you will see an improvement.  What a busy hospital she is in.  The sad part is that they are not taking care of the problems, only treating the symptoms.  Until they work on the spiritual side, they only treat the symptoms.  So sad to see a friend in that situation. 
Denise: It's unnecessary. 
Caballito (to the group): Everything is spent on selfishness.  Be less selfish, and life will improve drastically.  It's easy.  Stop acting that way, and it (the selfishness) will go away by itself.  What is attached will not be there any longer.  Just start, and it will follow through. 
Caballito (to Sonia): Let every member of your family be who they are, and they will not contact (bother) you anymore.  Isn't that nice?  It resolves all of the problems and issues because you accept them as they are.  (to Jeff) Will you write that on a slip of paper and give it to everyone in the group?  Tell them, 'This is a summary of what happened in the Wednesday class on selfishness.'  (to Gabe)  Will you pass that message on to your family members? (yes)  Tell them to stop trying to change everyone around you.
Sonia had set a reminder alarm on her phone, and it began to chime.  "That reminder is for me," Caballito said, "What time is it?"  It was 8pm, so Caballito said goodbye, and Nelson closed with a prayer.

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