Friday, June 30, 2017

Chicago - January 1, 2017

(Note: These notes were authored by Denise)
Attendees: Sonia, Denise, Frank, Emiliano, Esperanza, Isabel, Ron, Xavier

Instead of a regular session, we decided to hold a class.  Sonia saw a white light in the corner as she was reading the opening prayer. One of the prayers we were directed to say was the prayer for St. Francis for Frank. (Note: The prayer for St. Francis is a Catholic prayer, it is not a prayer for spiritist sessions.)
A message was received about our need to have correct thinking – negative thoughts always want to overthrow the positive.  Emiliano related that as Sonia was reading the prayer for St. Francis, Frank was given an object but he was unsure if Frank received it.
Our discussion then turned to a comment made by Don Juan stating that the work waits for Nelson to reappear; all agreed that the work continued and progression was being made while Nelson is away on vacation or visiting other places.  There is no need to wait for Nelson for the work to be done or for any progression (group or individual) to be made. 

We discussed that when a message is received by a medium, they should not interpret the message, but give the message as it was shown to them.  With everything that happens to us, there is a lesson that we need to learn and then move forward as a better person.  Emiliano believes that he receives messages through dreams which he has been writing down.  (Read more about dreams and spiritism here:

We have also read passages from Kardec's The Spirits’ Book.  Questions 403 – 404 regarding dreams and their meaning. (see the two questions below)
403. Why do we not always remember our dreams? 
“Sleep is only rest for the body, and the spirit always remains active. The spirit is partially free while sleeping, and communicates with loved ones, in both this world and other worlds. As the body is heavy and material, it is difficult for it to retain possession of the impressions received by the spirit during sleep, because those impressions were not received through the physical organs.” 
404. What should we think of the significance attributed to dreams? 
“Dreams are not indications of the future, as is often alleged by fortune-tellers. It is absurd to believe that a certain kind of dream reveals the occurrence of a specific event. However, they are indications in the sense that they present images which are real for the spirit, though they may have nothing to do with its present physical life. In many cases, dreams are a memory, and sometimes an intuition, of the future, if permitted by God, or the vision of something that is taking place in some other place to which the soul has traveled. Have you not heard of the many instances proving that individuals may appear to friends and family in dreams, warning them of what is happening to them? What are apparitions, if not the soul or spirit of individuals who are communicating with you? When you are certain that what you saw has actually taken place, is it not proof that it was not a figment of your imagination, especially if what you saw was something that you had not thought of when you were awake?” 

Emiliano dreamt that the group was going to disintegrate because another group pushed us out of the temple (see question 404 above: "It is absurd to believe that a certain kind of dream reveals the occurrence of a specific event.")  Emiliano said that in his dream, three spiritual priests had arrived, and they were praying and bowing. These priests left to go look for Nelson because they knew we had disappeared from the center. 

We were reminded of a quote from the bible, “Where there are two or more gathered there I shall be.” (from Matthew 18:20)

Isabel then related that Ron has epilepsy, and he has had seizures in the past, but since he has been regularly attending our sessions, he has not had any episodes in the last two years.

Another bible quote: “Lord, make me an instrument of your peace”  (Note: This is not a quote from the bible, although the bible mentions peace many times, (see: The "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace," is another Catholic prayer to Saint Francis, and although it's a nice thought, it has nothing to do with the bible or with spiritsm.)

Sonia related that Nelson has shared a part of what is coming in the following year: A balance.  Xavier noticed a very tall figure standing next to him and he was given the impression of a detective.

Closing Prayer

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