Friday, June 30, 2017

Chicago - January 1, 2017

(Note: These notes were authored by Denise)
Attendees: Sonia, Denise, Frank, Emiliano, Esperanza, Isabel, Ron, Xavier

Instead of a regular session, we decided to hold a class.  Sonia saw a white light in the corner as she was reading the opening prayer. One of the prayers we were directed to say was the prayer for St. Francis for Frank. (Note: The prayer for St. Francis is a Catholic prayer, it is not a prayer for spiritist sessions.)
A message was received about our need to have correct thinking – negative thoughts always want to overthrow the positive.  Emiliano related that as Sonia was reading the prayer for St. Francis, Frank was given an object but he was unsure if Frank received it.
Our discussion then turned to a comment made by Don Juan stating that the work waits for Nelson to reappear; all agreed that the work continued and progression was being made while Nelson is away on vacation or visiting other places.  There is no need to wait for Nelson for the work to be done or for any progression (group or individual) to be made. 

We discussed that when a message is received by a medium, they should not interpret the message, but give the message as it was shown to them.  With everything that happens to us, there is a lesson that we need to learn and then move forward as a better person.  Emiliano believes that he receives messages through dreams which he has been writing down.  (Read more about dreams and spiritism here:

We have also read passages from Kardec's The Spirits’ Book.  Questions 403 – 404 regarding dreams and their meaning. (see the two questions below)
403. Why do we not always remember our dreams? 
“Sleep is only rest for the body, and the spirit always remains active. The spirit is partially free while sleeping, and communicates with loved ones, in both this world and other worlds. As the body is heavy and material, it is difficult for it to retain possession of the impressions received by the spirit during sleep, because those impressions were not received through the physical organs.” 
404. What should we think of the significance attributed to dreams? 
“Dreams are not indications of the future, as is often alleged by fortune-tellers. It is absurd to believe that a certain kind of dream reveals the occurrence of a specific event. However, they are indications in the sense that they present images which are real for the spirit, though they may have nothing to do with its present physical life. In many cases, dreams are a memory, and sometimes an intuition, of the future, if permitted by God, or the vision of something that is taking place in some other place to which the soul has traveled. Have you not heard of the many instances proving that individuals may appear to friends and family in dreams, warning them of what is happening to them? What are apparitions, if not the soul or spirit of individuals who are communicating with you? When you are certain that what you saw has actually taken place, is it not proof that it was not a figment of your imagination, especially if what you saw was something that you had not thought of when you were awake?” 

Emiliano dreamt that the group was going to disintegrate because another group pushed us out of the temple (see question 404 above: "It is absurd to believe that a certain kind of dream reveals the occurrence of a specific event.")  Emiliano said that in his dream, three spiritual priests had arrived, and they were praying and bowing. These priests left to go look for Nelson because they knew we had disappeared from the center. 

We were reminded of a quote from the bible, “Where there are two or more gathered there I shall be.” (from Matthew 18:20)

Isabel then related that Ron has epilepsy, and he has had seizures in the past, but since he has been regularly attending our sessions, he has not had any episodes in the last two years.

Another bible quote: “Lord, make me an instrument of your peace”  (Note: This is not a quote from the bible, although the bible mentions peace many times, (see: The "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace," is another Catholic prayer to Saint Francis, and although it's a nice thought, it has nothing to do with the bible or with spiritsm.)

Sonia related that Nelson has shared a part of what is coming in the following year: A balance.  Xavier noticed a very tall figure standing next to him and he was given the impression of a detective.

Closing Prayer

Thursday, June 29, 2017

After the Wednesday Class - June 28,2017

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Gabe, Isaac, Jeff, Nelson and X

Spirit 1 (via Nelson): When Bernardo arrived for our class on negative energy, Nelson immediately noticed that there were negative spirits with him.  At the end of the class, a laughing, mocking spirit decided to sit:
Spirit (to Bernardo): Be careful who you call!  (reeling with laughter)  He calls us, but he doesn't know who arrives to answer him!  He likes calling on saints. I appeared as St, Martin de Porres (a Peruvian Catholic saint of mixed race).  He calls on the saints and the spirits and I show up (laughing, almost unable to speak) and he thinks he has power!  Every day we receive his calls.  (Carmen coached the spirit)  He's my friend, and now you tell me that I have to leave him?  Who will answer his calls?  He calls us to provide miracles for his family (with blood and ice).  I hear everything he thinks.  He seeks, he waits, and we give him a small result - so he keeps calling us back.  He asks us, 'Cure her blood (in regards to his daughter),' and I go over there with injections, and all of us laugh so much!  (to Bernardo)  Don't be scared, you know you call me!  We come to him to help, because he thinks he has power, but we have the power.  He needs to be careful when he calls, because the ones who show up (laughed) are not the ones he thinks!  He invited us here, but I do not like being here, because I cannot do what I want. He keeps asking how much time he has left (Bernardo is obsessed with finding out exactly when he will die), and I tell him some random amount of days, and then he runs to her (Carmen) in fear!  It's so funny!  I disguise myself, and I like fooling him.  Sometimes I send someone else, depending on what he asks for (to Isaac and X)  Hey boys, what would you like?  A girlfriend, car, money?  I can call one of my boys, but they need to do what I say.  We work together.  We are not doing bad things, he just keeps asking for the impossible.  Let me look into my crystal ball (demonstrated) and decide what we tell him (laughed), let me look into this ball and tell him when he will die!  It's close to 2024, or at least that's what we told him!  His bed sheets get hot.  He wonders why they start out ice cold, but then I get in them, and they are hot! (Bernardo agreed)  He feels me immediately.  Don't call us, and we will stop showing up!  They tell me to count everyone.  We are three bosses, eight soldiers, and six mocking clowns - but it's seven when you count me.  We needed to be there for him so he would make himself think.  He hasn't learned that everything has a consequence - don't ask, or we will show up!  But now, we are all leaving together.  (laughter)  And St. Martin de Porres (the saint that Bernardo was praying to) is coming along with us!
Nelson's guide ushered the group of spirits out.  Caballito offered advice to Bernardo and answered a couple of questions, and Nelson closed with a prayer.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Avoiding Negative Energy

(From the Wednesdays in Chicago Spiritism Classes - June 28, 2017)

In many of our sessions, we are often advised (especially the mediums) to "protect ourselves" from negative spirit energy. What does this mean, and how can we do it? 

What are negative energies?
They are unpleasant energies that can build up over a period of time, sometimes for hundreds of years or longer. The main cause for negative energy is undesirable human emotions and actions (such as anger, jealousy, violence, etc.). Our mood may become worse around certain people and/or in certain places, and we may find that we lose a lot of energy (feeling drained or tired) in these circumstances. We may also have a problems such as insomnia, poor sleep, nightmares or low energy levels due to negative energies. If the negative energy issue is not addressed, it may lead to chronic fatigue, frequent colds, illnesses or other physical/mental problems. 

Where do these negative energies come from?
Although human thoughts and emotions are the most frequent, there are many sources for negative energy. The negative energy may be intentional or unintentional:
Human: Any form of self-defeating emotion or thoughts such as pessimism, anger, or jealousy, can build up in the atmosphere. If we (or someone else) has those types of thoughts, negative energy is automatically projected in our direction. Because negative spirits are attracted to negative energy, those thoughts can draw negative spirits to us.
Spirit/Entities: As with human thoughts, any emotion that is not positive from a spirit can linger and build up in the atmosphere of a room or house. Or like the spirits, the energy can travel with us, in our minds.
Natural Energies: They are found all around us in the environment. When high levels of unnatural energies are present, they can cause people to become depressed and anxious. 
Technology: Many of our modern gadgets (such as cell phones, microwaves and computers, among others) can create negative energy.
Objects: Antiques or second-hand objects can hold the energies of the people who once owned them. This may happen with handmade objects such as works of art or homemade crafts. We may be initially attracted to these objects because they resonate within our perispirit. But if the creators or the previous owners had emotional or mental health problems, those negative energies might also be attached to the objects. 

Why would spirits send us negative energy?
Negative energy that is paranormal doesn't have to be an actual spirit. There could be residual energy from events that happened many years before, leaving a stain on the environment of a room or an entire house. When there is a spirit presence, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is an evil spirit. We may encounter confused, trapped earthbound spirits who are depressed or scared, and those negative emotions will affect us. When we come into contact with this low energy from a spirit, it may cause adverse affects (such as feeling tired, low in mood, or having headaches). 

How can we recognize negative energy?
With negative spirit presences, there are signs that can be picked up by our physical senses, and with certain feelings that can affect us mentally:
- Bad odors of unknown origin that manifest spontaneously and disappear quickly
- Strong feelings of oppression and of being constantly watched
- Experiencing powerful negative emotions and images that we normally do not suffer
- Disturbed sleep due to noises, movement of objects, smells, or bad dreams
- A room or an entire house may feel very heavy and uncomfortable to be in 
- Nausea, headaches, or other ailments that disappear or ease up after leaving a location 

How do we repel the negative spirit energies?
Regardless of where the negative energy comes from, the same basic techniques can be used to cleanse the atmosphere and make it a healthier and a more refreshing area to live in. Positive energies will dissolve the negative ones, but we need to arrange for the positive spirits to help protect us against the negative ones. Negative thoughts can be canceled or extinguished by directing a positive thought of the same, or greater strength at it. When they meet, the negative thought will dissolve. 
- Tell the spirit to leave. Be firm, control your fear, and let the energy know it is not welcome
- Ask for help and understanding at a Spiritist Center
- Use a spiritist cleansing technique (such as burning sage)
- Change your behavior to discourage additional, similar spirit energies 

Where does the negative energy go? 
When the positive spirits predominate, many of the negative entities can be permanently removed to other spirit worlds. In other words, the negative energy now feels uncomfortable (because the positive energy is stronger) so it is removed or relocated. 

How can we generate positive thoughts to protect ourselves? 
This can be achieved with prayer or visualization. A common example of visualization is to imagine yourself surrounded by a protective bubble of light. We might also imagine ourselves as a hot ball of light - like the sun - radiating a hot, bright, light outward to remove the dark. Our protection needs to be stronger than the negative energy, and in some cases, that might mean that we need to remove ourselves from the source of the negative energy. We are told to apply sun screen to protect ourselves from the rays of the sun, but the only way to be truly protected would be to remove ourselves from the sun. 

The best way to receive help from positive spirits is by requesting it with prayer. How would we structure such a protection prayer? Ask for:
- Protection against all that is not of or from the light (for entities alive and dead)
- Healing help on all levels (for the person sending the negative thoughts and for yourself). Love, light and healing energies are not just something that we need, they are also useful for those who are working against our spiritual progression. 
- Guidance with our life. Maybe we did something to someone (dead or alive, and in the past or the present) and now we need to assure that our intentions were understood. Mention a specific thing you may have said or done, or ask for general spiritual help with becoming a better channel for love, light, healing, guidance and inspiration. 

Remember that our own negative thinking and emotions can weaken or reduce our protection. And keep in mind that things may take time. Some people may think that praying for one night and imagining white light around them for five minutes will solve all of their problems. This is unlikely. Suppose that negative energy had built up around you and your home for ten years. Do you think it would be reasonable to expect it to go away in five minutes? Think of it this way: If you had a cigarette lighter, could you melt an iceberg? Of course, but it would take you much longer than five minutes. Be patient and persistent. 

Friday, June 23, 2017

Chicago - December 18, 2016

(Note: These notes were authored by Gabe)

Table: Denise, Carmen, Sonia, Gabe
Attendees: Bernardo, Jose, Janet, Isaac, X, Frank

Opening Prayer
·      Carmen sensed that Janet was breaking down, again.
·      She was advised not to stress out so much about things that cannot be controlled.
·      She was worried about Tony (her brother who had an attack of some sort)
·      Sonia believed that she needed to have more love for herself.
Spirit #1 via Carmen (w Janet)
·      I have constantly told you, live for yourself. Love yourself.
·      The other ones won't stop living for you.
·      We ask so little, it's all for your benefit. You need to shake it all off and see all the blessings you have.
·      Do things for you, leave those negative things behind,
·      Love yourself, sleep without any worries.
·      You have been difficult.
·      Janet asked, "Where do I start?"
·      Reply: With you!  Inside.  We come by so often, value it.
·      Janet: But why is there so much death/suffering?
·    Reply: There are many that like living negatively.  Sometimes we (the spirits) suffer more than you. You are rich in the material, but you are lacking spiritually.  If you have one good day in a week, that’s a lot.  We can work with you, but you must let us in with positive thinking.   It's too late to help them (other family members), they are in too deep.  Protect yourself.  Things are going to happen, regardless if you stress out about it or not.  You cant prevent what’s going to happen, we cannot.  When you surround yourself with a bad environment, you attract even more of the negative with your bad thoughts.  No problem kills, only if you accelerate it, and your sorrow is becoming too large.  We are still helping, but you need to help yourself to see the change that you are looking for..
·      Janet: What should I do?
·      Make good.  It doesn't matter to whom, BUT do it in a way that it doesn't harm yourself.  Create peace in your mind.  My time is over, this was the message. We leave you strength. Goodbye.

Sonia advised Janet that sometimes prayer works better than action/getting involved.
Sonia advised Frank that his situation at work was a spirit to spirit dislike.  Positive thinking/influences would have an effect on reducing the stress/tension.
Spirit #2 via Sonia (w Frank)
·      You think you know all, don't you?  I will break what you are, what you do.  (Frank is a music teacher) You will be out in no time.  I have more power.
·      Carmen: Who gave you that power?
·      She did (Frank's female boss).  I have all the power in this school.  It's all been good for us, we don't care if we caused him stress.
·      Frank: There were two bosses.  She kicked the director out, so now she’s the queen.
·      Spirit: I don't really want to do bad things.  And  I don't want to suffer anymore. Were both going (two spirits).  I was forced.  So now I will leave, and I'll learn to do better.
Updates on X’s and Isaac’s mom (she was undergoing therapy), followed by some supportive comments about the year, and general updates on everyone.  (Next session will be 1/1/2017)
Closing prayer

(Note: The Chicago group and Florida group were both skipping sessions because of the holidays, and the group in Argentina would not be meeting until March - as the summer temperatures were too intense.  Nelson's spirit guide came to him in Florida and asked if just Nelson and Jeff could meet.  Caballito explained, "I knocked on all the doors, and no one answered."  We often get so caught up in our material world circumstances that we forget all about the spirit side, where the work continues without any breaks.  Ironically, Mary in Argentina received the same message from her guide, and she reopened her center.  The Florida group was off from Dec 11 until Jan 18.)

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Why Do We Get Sick?

(From the Wednesdays in Chicago Spiritism Classes June 21, 2017)

Why do we get sick? 
Sickness is a state that creates discomfort, pain, imbalance and unpleasant sensations. We need to change, in order to cure ourselves - physically, morally and spiritually. It is a difficult step, but an essential one for all that believe the world needs to evolve. 
(from: Gilberto Schoereder, Spiritism and Science Magazine, No. 78) 

Why do we have so many diseases on our planet? 
Kardec defined our planet as something he called a Trial and Expiation World 
Trial = Made or done as an experiment 
Expiation = The act of making atonement 
"Where evil predominates, with more evil than good, this is where the spirits have the opportunity of repaying the mistakes of past lives and improving themselves. It is a world of tests and atonements, not a place of happiness, and the planet Earth fits into this category." (from the Gospel According to Spiritism) 

Where do diseases come from? 
"Being that the soul is responsible for the thoughts and the free will of our actions, it is natural that the spirit can influence not only our behavior, but the cells of our organism - leading to states of health or sickness. Good thoughts create around the person transmitting them, a powerful fluid field of forces that produce wellness and cancel evil vibrations that were directed to that person. On the other hand, a person who stays in a neutral or negative state will have open doors to receive evil or bad vibrations, and will therefore suffer the consequences." (from Diseases of the Soul, by Dr Roberto Brolio) 

"We can say that good thoughts create around the person who transmits them, a powerful fluidic field of forces that produces wellness and neutralizes or cancels evil vibrations directed to a person. On the other hand, the person who stays in a neutral or negative state opens doors to receive evil or bad vibrations, and will therefore suffer the consequences." (from: Diseases of the Soul, Dr. Roberto Brolio, p.33) 

Can we cure our own diseases? 
We need to balance and harmonize ourselves: 
- Body (with food, exercise) 
- Emotions (with mental stimulation, self help books or discussions) 
- Psychology (self awareness and knowledge) 
- Spiritism (by knowing ourselves and understanding others) 
"Do what I myself used to do during my life upon the earth. At the close of each day, I examined my conscious, reviewed all that I had done, and asked myself whether I had not failed in some duty, whether someone might have a reason to complain of me. It was in this way that I succeeded in obtaining a knowledge of myself, and in ascertaining what there was in me that needed reforming."  (from: The Spirits' Book, Allan Kardec) 

Can diseases be prevented? 
"Positive thoughts, faith, determination, intelligence and our will, give us the possibilities to achieve our full development in all situations of our life." 
(from: Diseases of the Soul, Dr. Roberto Brolio, p.168) 

Some of the Pharisees and teachers of the law came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked, "Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders by not washing their hands before they eat?" And Jesus called the multitude and said unto them, "Hear and understand. What goes into someone's mouth does not defile (degrade or dishonor) them...the things that come out of a person's mouth come from the heart, and those defile them. 
(from Matthew 15-18, Gospel According to Spiritism, Chapter 8)

Monday, June 19, 2017

Just A Thought

Chicago - November 27, 2016

(Note: These notes were authored by Gabe)

Table: Denise, Sonia, Maricela, Marisol, Gabe
Attendees: Emiliano, Don Juan, Esperanza, X, Isabel, Ron, Milagros, Emiliano, Nazario

Opening prayer

-We received news that Jose survived 2 bullets (wounded) on his trip to the bank.
-Marisol is feeling another tribe is around the Romero family again (laughing, making a racket, angering the family)
-Marisol feels a burning sensation, which is what the Romero's feel in their home.

Spirit #1 via Marisol (w the Romero Family)
-Meddling people!  One way or another, I will finish you all: Devils, demos, criminals
-They're not letting me say what I want to
-We remember everything
-We hate all of you, We'll find a way..
-We're knocking down the strong one (Maricela), look what we did to the other one (Juanita)
-We are stirring a pot- this is what you did to us. Now its time for them to fall in.  It was a bloody past...
Sonia: But now they have progressed.
-Yeah, they don't eat each other any more
Maricela: You're living off of a memory...
-(spirit pointing to his group) Are you hearing this story they're telling us?

-We were tired of this darkness, and we didn't want to come...
Nazario: You actually taught us something...
-(spirit cuts him off)  I a only going to listen to these people (the spirit guides) and not you!
-They tell us, to experience this light we have to forgive...I don't want to think of any of you anymore.
-They tell us you're different, and now you pray, but we don't know what any of that is...OK, we are leaving...

The mediums received more information from the spirits regarding Jose. His grandma and his Indian spirit guide protected him (it should have been worse). This attack was also meant for Janet
- Doing the right thing and praying can save you from having a bad moment...

Marisol inquired about Ron, and Isabel said he was doing OK. Isabel also shared that there have been some issues with her daughter... she has been more defiant.  Marisol heard the thoughts of the daughter, as she was thinking, "they should leave, they should go to a retirement home...why don't they leave, and give me the house." (the daughter lives in the basement of their house)

There was a spirit present, and it was connected their daughter. Isabel believes the husband changed her.  The spirit was very witty, and he was a prior husband from a past life.  The spirit blamed Ron for taking everything from him in that previous existence:

Spirit #2 via Marisol (w Ron and Isabel)
-(to Ron) You ,you get out of here...We are the bosses here, and it's me and her (Isabel)
-You know, both of you can go (Ron and his daughter), and so can her husband
-We get away with everything, right Ron?
-They're telling me she (Isabel) is not they're wrong, she's mine.
Denise: You are living off the past life.
-Past life? I'm living nicely. I'm happy, while he (Ron) is the tired one...
Sonia: You are creating confusion.
-That works for me...she does everything I say.
-And I remember that past very well...she and I had everything, and he took it!  There wasn't any justice then, well now I'm creating it for know eye for an eye.
Sonia: You have got to move on.
-I don't understand what you're saying.  She's not mine, and I do not have a body? Move on to what?  Move on with her?  He (Ron) does look different.  You know he kicked us all out.  My family, we were homeless...but now they tell me my family is no longer roaming.  You don't know what that is like, to see your family in the streets.
-I'm leaving, because I will find them today...I've taken enough of everything.

Once the spirit had departed, Marisol explained that this spirit was brought in because of Isabel's prayers.

There were prayers for Eva, and a conversation on dreams in regards to Emiliano and Milagros, as well as a tamacon (note: not sure what that is) update.

Closing prayer

Friday, June 16, 2017

Chicago - June 14, 2017

(After our Wednesday classes, we often have a short session.  These are the notes)

In attendance: Denise, Gabe, Jeff, Nelson and Sonia 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  As we finished our class on Selfishness, Nelson began to sense a large group of spirits yawning.  He noticed them near the back of the room during the class.  One of them stepped into Nelson to speak:
Spirit: I'm so glad we are not here today, it's boring.  We are just a reflection of what everyone else is thinking (laughed).  'Don't waste my time, I only want to go when they take away what's wrong with me!'  Or they think, 'It's too dark and cloudy, I'll stay home.'  None of them want to be invited unless there is a cure for them!  (laughed)  'Don't change me!'
Sonia: We do things differently here.
Spirit: Who are you people to call me selfish?  I heard what you were talking about.
Sonia: You are not thinking of others, only yourself.
Spirit (pointing directly at Jeff): YOU!  Yes you.  Printing all this for nothing - how many did you print?
Jeff: Ten.
Spirit: And you only had FIVE show up!
The spirit continued to have a conversation with everyone at the table.  He eventually explained that his group of spirits were similar to a thousand bees - buzzing around people until they could create doubt.  The spirit said they were able to influence two of our members into not attending.  It took them only one second, and in that instant, one person thought the storm was too inconvenient, and another member decided to stay home and eat.  The spirit acknowledged that he was smart enough to know that if he sat, he would have to go, and he eventually left (reluctantly) with his group of a thousand.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Before our class, Nelson wanted to mention the names of two people at the table. Caballito had spiritually taken Nelson to the Florida house of one of his cousins, and this cousin was realizing that the cancer he had at age 19 was now returning at age 55.  The cousin was despondent.  We discussed the issue and some possible solutions.  The other person was Antonio - Mary's longtime partner in Buenos Aires. Antonio was a medium, and he had been suffering from headaches and blackouts.  Was it spiritual?  Was there a material world issue?  Ironically, when he visited his doctor, the doctor recommended that he see a spiritist.  Caballito sat though Nelson to explain more:
Caballito: Tell Mary that there is something physically wrong with Antonio.  We will work on the spiritual side, but there is something material that needs to be done.  He needs an evaluation of the nervous system.  There is a pinched nerve in the back of his neck (in the center) and when he finds out where it is, his issue will be alleviated.  We will remove four spirits from him that are contributing to the situation.  They are dressed all in black, with a black mask over their eyes (similar to Zorro) and they are all wearing a black cape.
Jeff: Were the spirits sent to him from someone else?
Caballito: His issue has nothing to do with anyone except himself.  That is his problem, his own demons.  If he has doubts, this element will come in.  Tell him to stop the doubt.  We will also remove two ladies, female spirits who are dressed in black masks.  His headaches will go away once they release the nerve.  His left side is the most painful.  The doctors can finish what we have started.  Tell him to stop thinking, "When Caballito comes back, he will take care of me."  If he puts all his thinking into a magic person, he's not doing what he needs to do.  (Update: Mary later verified that everything Caballito said was true)
Caballito (to Denise): Did your mother have a heart attack?  (yes)  There is damage to her brain, and that is what started it.  The brain damage led to the heart attack.  We will remove what we are allowed to remove, only that, and you will see an improvement.  What a busy hospital she is in.  The sad part is that they are not taking care of the problems, only treating the symptoms.  Until they work on the spiritual side, they only treat the symptoms.  So sad to see a friend in that situation. 
Denise: It's unnecessary. 
Caballito (to the group): Everything is spent on selfishness.  Be less selfish, and life will improve drastically.  It's easy.  Stop acting that way, and it (the selfishness) will go away by itself.  What is attached will not be there any longer.  Just start, and it will follow through. 
Caballito (to Sonia): Let every member of your family be who they are, and they will not contact (bother) you anymore.  Isn't that nice?  It resolves all of the problems and issues because you accept them as they are.  (to Jeff) Will you write that on a slip of paper and give it to everyone in the group?  Tell them, 'This is a summary of what happened in the Wednesday class on selfishness.'  (to Gabe)  Will you pass that message on to your family members? (yes)  Tell them to stop trying to change everyone around you.
Sonia had set a reminder alarm on her phone, and it began to chime.  "That reminder is for me," Caballito said, "What time is it?"  It was 8pm, so Caballito said goodbye, and Nelson closed with a prayer.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Kardec on Selfishness

(From the Wednesdays in Chicago Spiritism Classes - June 14, 2017)

Chapter VII of Allan Kardec’s The Spirits Book (Moral Law) is a chapter about moral perfection. Our attempts to achieve an honest excellence in this (our current) lifetime is often blocked by one simple word - selfishness. It's only one word, but it covers a lot - starting with not wanting to give, to not wanting others to succeed, all the way to corruption and crime in our desire for more. The topic of selfishness begins at question 913: 

913. Which, among the vices, may be regarded as the root of the others?
“Selfishness, as we have repeatedly told you; for it is from selfishness that everything evil proceeds. Study all the vices, and you will see that selfishness is at the bottom of them all. Combat them as you will, you will never succeed in removing them until, attacking the evil in its root, you have destroyed the selfishness which is their cause. Let all your efforts tend to this end; for selfishness is the highest social poison. Whoever would make, even in his earthly life, some approach towards moral excellence, must root out every selfish feeling from his heart, for selfishness is incompatible with justice, love, and charity; it neutralizes every good quality.” 

Kardec suggested that we not only let go of our own selfish behavior, but that we also actively discover and remove those feelings and thoughts that dominant our daily thoughts and lead us to selfishness. How do we go about it? A clue is given in the next question: 

914. Selfishness having its root in the sentiment of personal interest, it would seem that, to remove it entirely from the human heart, it must be a very difficult matter. Is it possible to do so?
“In proportion, as men become enlightened in regard to spiritual things, they attach less value to material things; and as they emancipate themselves from matter, they reform the human institutions in which selfishness is fostered and exalted. 

(What are some examples of material world matters that we use to define who we are as a human?) 

Change "selfishness" into personal interest and it's easier to understand. We all realize that we need to have some personal interest in our own life. In order to survive, we must work to earn a salary so we may live and eat. We must save for difficult periods or for retirement. Personal interest only means that we are not a burden on others, as we are able to support ourselves. Beyond that interest in survival, to avoid being selfish, we need to examine our motives when we act. The word "moral" comes from the Latin word "mores" - which means "the customs, conducts, behaviors, or a way of acting that fits the rules of a culture." 

(What are some examples of behaviors that we may have previously adjusted to fit better into another culture or situation? In other words, do we act the same at our first day of work as we do at a family picnic?) 

Allan Kardec knew how difficult it would be to erase selfishness, so he asked: 

915. Selfishness being inherent in the human race, will it not always constitute an obstacle to the reign of perfect goodness upon the earth?
“It is certain that selfishness is your greatest evil; but it belongs to the lower ranks of the spirits incarnated upon the earth, and not to the human race as such. Those spirits, in purifying themselves by successive incarnations, get rid of their selfishness as they do of their other impurities. Have you, upon the earth, none who have divested themselves of selfishness, and who practice charity? There are more than you think, but they are little known, for virtue does not seek to display itself in the glare of popularity. If there is one such person among you, why should there not be ten? If there are ten, why should there not be a thousand? and so on.” 

Next, Allan Kardec hoped to understand how selfishness could be conquered: 

917. By what means can selfishness be destroyed?
“Of all human imperfections, the most difficult to root out is selfishness, because it is connected with the influence of matter, from which man, still too near his origin, has not yet been able to free himself. His laws, his social organization, his education, all tend to maintain and enhance selfishness. It will be only be gradually weakened as your moral life obtains predominance over your material life. Spiritism gives you of the reality of your future state, stripped of allegoric fables. Spiritism, when it is rightly understood, and identified with the beliefs and habits of the human race, will transform all your customs, usages, and social relations. Selfishness is based on the importance you attribute to your own personality. Spiritism, on the contrary, when rightly understood, causes you to look at everything from a point of view so elevated that the perception of personality is lost, as our contemplation of immensity intensifies. In destroying that sentiment of self-importance, Spiritism combats selfishness.” 

Only when we elevate ourselves, to look at our need for material and emotional pleasures from a higher vantage point, can we acknowledge the trivial nature that a fleeting moment of desire is when compared to everything else. To achieve that goal for the world at large, we must understand that the path of our life is mostly predetermined - and we may have had played a role in mapping out our own road. We are here on this earth by the grace of the spirit world to learn and to improve, and selfishness does not help us accomplish that task. 

It sounds so easy - elevate ourselves! But Kardec wondered how we could start to steer ourselves towards elevation instead of falling into the material world routines:
 (from the Gospel According to Spiritism, Chapter 10, Item 10) 
"One of the problems of humanity consists in seeing wrong-doing and evil in others before seeing it in ourselves. In order to be able to judge ourselves, it is first necessary that we see ourselves intimately reflected - as in a mirror. To be permitted to look at oneself from the outside; as if we were someone else, we can ask ourselves what we would think if we saw someone doing what we do. Pride is what causes us to hide all of our faults, both moral and physical, even from ourselves." 

(Can you think of any examples of selfish behavior and how it could be adjusted as one moves forward?)

Monday, June 12, 2017

Chicago - November 20, 2016

(Note: These notes were authored by Gabe)

Table: Denise, Sonia, Carmen, Gabe
Attendees: Bernardo, Esperanza, Emiliano, Isabel, Don Juan, Milagros

Opening Prayer

-Wanda (Xavier's mom) returned home..
-Sonia reiterated the message Gabe shared from the PR session that his mother attended (tough times coming ahead). Sonia foresaw the same.
-Sonia to Denise: Don't let those others interfere with your life.  There's something you cant resolve, don't put that on yourself.

Spirit #1 via Sonia (w Denise)
-What's important to you?
Denise: My progress
-Tell me, when is it going to happen?  There has to be a step forward, not two or one forward, with two back.
-If this is not for you, leave and do what you have to do.  Here we work.  I can only help you, if you help yourself...Think!
-I'm here to counsel her, but her errors must stop.
-We have got to do better, you cant depend on us entirely.
-By listening our advice, you can progress...but that's up to you. Think.

-Sonia sees Maricela throwing in the towel, as she was tired and defeated.  (Maricela was taking care of Juanita, her sister who was sick, and her father at the same time)  Carmen stated it was the sick taking care of the sick...

Spirit #2 via Carmen (w Emiliano, the brother of Maricela and Juanita)
-Do you guys have nothing else to do?  (in reference to Juanita, who was hospitalized)
-Leave her there, she doesn't want leave. I give her all she needs. What do you want with her?
Emiliano:  We want to be positive again.
-You stir things up...Stay away, its not the first time I have been here!  She's happy over there.  We do want to help you, which is why I'm here to tell you, she isn't coming back. We're just trying to help everybody.
Emiliano: So am I
-But her health is deteriorating
-I present myself to her as a man, and to you (Emiliano) I present myself as an animal.  Also, don't invite me to places where you don't belong either...
-They are presenting me with what happened, and with my body...(to the spirit guides) But I'm just trying to help her!  I'm looking at myself. (pause)  I look sick, like she is.
-I felt jealous/angry when you arrived, Emiliano..
-I cannot believe she's not mine. I don't own anything, not even a body!  OK, my group will leave her. There are many of us.  They're telling me, I can help later.
-My time has come, tell her everything will be OK. To take care of herself. Juanita will be OK.  Thank you for explaining it. you are kind people. Goodbye.

Spirit #3 via Carmen (guide arrived to cleanse her)

-Sonia saw nurses around Bernardo, giving him strength
-Update on Lisa from Denise

Closing Prayer

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Chicago - October 30, 2016

(Note: These notes were authored by Denise)
Attendees:  Carmen, Marisol, Denise
  Bernardo, Esperanza, Emiliano, Isabel, Ron, Xavier
Present in spirit: Nelson, Jeff
Opening Prayer
It seemed that Marisol and Carmen were experiencing a strange sense of discomfort from two separate spirits.  Marisol sensed that there was someone knocking on the door of the temple (Xavier’s mom) asking for help. There was a spirit with Bernardo, and he had only one arm (it was his grandfather).  The spirit told Bernardo not to be scared, be fearless like me; had an accident (arm cut off) – ask your guide for help; everything is going to be fine.  (Bernardo had been contemplating a surgery)  Carmen smelled a bad odor.

Wanda (Xavier’s mom) has been staying with her aunt but she had left and has not yet returned.  Marisol was talking to a group of spirits that were with Wanda and those spirits were not willing to be merciful or forgive; so Wanda was not at peace.

Before the session began, Bernardo shared a video he took on his phone of the empty apartment – whispering, laughing is heard as well as breathing as well as other noises and water running/flushing
The video is being saved so that Nelson can view it when he returns.
Spirit #1 (through Marisol) with Wanda:
A group of spirits arrived, and they came from a past life in which Wanda gave them food that made them feel sick.  They  had no pity. They were finally convinced to move on with the good spirits that brought them.
Wanda's past life may have included an asylum with possible medical experimentation that was not ethical.
Carmen to Marisol:
- Asked if she was ready for her upcoming trip
- Spirit doesn't want her to go – and her boss didn't want to give her the time off
- Spirit is attacking everyone all around her, knowing that if something happens to a family member she would cancel her trip (mother-in-law has a cold and Marisol is not well either – she fell and hurt her foot; and she was not sleeping well).

Spirit #2 (through Carmen):
- Why do you have to go? I don't want you to go.  I would feel better if you would go alone.  I don't want them to touch Andres ashes.
- Spirit was being counseled by Marisol and was convinced to move on
- Expressed regret for all the harmful acts that he had committed
(Note: When Marisol arrived at the temple, she had discovered that Andres' ashes had been disturbed during the recent break-in.  The bag had been ripped, and the box was broken, but the inner box with the ashes was not disturbed.)
Spirit #3 through Carmen: Marisol’s mom
- Spirit was crying tears of joy
- Thanked Marisol for being a good mom
- Blessed that she was able to raise such a good mom

Marisol spoke about Denise's grandmother.  She sensed that she may die in her sleep.  She was a good woman who helped bring babies into the world when she was younger.  Now she was being protected by spirits, and those spirits were keeping her alive and mind active.

Marisol asked Esperanza if she dreamt Do you dreamt about her mother, and she replied, "Not for awhile."  Her last dream was her going to the house and her mom was dividing up some land.  Esperanza added that she had a distinctive relationship with her mom (they were close and spoke often).
Closing Prayer

Chicago - October 23, 2016

(Note: These notes were authored by Gabe.  Our center was vandalized by what appeared to be gang members - or made to look like a gang, and there was a lot of clean up involved

Table: Denise, Carmen, Sonia, Marisol, Gabe
Attending: Janet, Jose, Bernardo, Isaac, X, Isabel, Ron, Don Juan, Emiliano, Esperanza, Milagros

Opening prayer and prayers for the enemies of spiritism

-Carmen to Sonia:  Don't get so worked up about material things.
-Good spirits did not allow/give them permission to do anything (saddened) about this incident. 
-This was done to close it.
-Sonia took this personally (felt a pass during prayer)

-Carmen/Emiliano dreamt of it...
-There is someone (a female) who is working with the children of the board members
-Battle for church/temple (power/money)
-One looking for peace, one is looking for power.

-Carmen saw two spirit groups (one good, one bad, and the bad one did not want to talk)
-That one that uses "her," the woman trying to remove our group from the space

Spirit #1 via Carmen
-Untie me, untie me...
-I wanna knock you down (to Sonia)...
-Let me go...
-She has to let go of that key...
-Why don't you wanna let it go??
-We hitting her from all angles, were gonna hit again...
-Everything you are told, you interpret it differently.
Marisol: But what do you get from this?
-I win respect, I tried doing good, but I was offered better things on the other side (as a hitman)
Marisol: Nothing else is going to happen here.
-I came in, when you were not careful. I hear other conversations and they offer me things.
-Why don't you give up?
-If they would let me go, release me, you wouldn't last 30 minutes!
-My head is exploding (I'm dizzy)
-This group (his bad group) keeps insisting that I do my work.
-Their offer was too good..
Marisol: Yes, but we offered you love and peace.
-What's that?  I'm so tired, all this pulling and twisting
-They're opening their arms to me?
-They're untying me and giving me a hug. They're taking me somewhere else..
-I can no longer do harm to people, that didn't do anything..
-I'm sorry, listen to the advice...I'm gonna remove my energy off of this place
-I'm gonna prepare myself to work differently.  I was about being negative, and ruining everyone's week.
-How blind was I?  I'm gonna learn to help you, because this is wonderful/different...Goodbye

Spirit #2 via Carmen (her guide)
-Cleaning the whole place, keep doing the good work
-Don't be frightened, we are here...

Spirit #3 via Sonia (her guide)
-You are never alone, that protection will always be here.
-Peace to everybody, we will never abandon you
-We work correctly, and with love...and we expect the same.
-Come together, to be stronger...appreciate being here once again...I wish you love and peace.

Marisol/Carmen sensed something for Jose (his grandma - who he basically grew up with)
-It turns out Jose that sees a lot (even though he stated he's not afraid)
-You consider yourself a good man, well that's shown with actions
-I came here to give a message.  You don't decide if I can give it or not, as the message is not just for you
-If you want to be good, give the message and help them. If you don't, you will confuse yourself and do harm to you and to them.

Marisol sensed a female spirit with OCD  (Note: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a common, chronic and long-lasting disorder in which a peron has uncontrollable, or recurring thoughts [obsessions] and behaviors [compulsions] that he or she feels the urge to repeat over and over. These symptoms can interfere with all aspects of life, such as work, school, or personal relationships.)  The person Marisol was envisioning was someone who never finished anything.

Spirit #4 via Marisol (with Denise, for her niece Lisa)
-Where do I start?
-Nothing I do is right.
-Maybe I shouldn't do anything?  She (pointed to Denise) doesn't like what I do.
-When she tells me do things, I just go to my room. It's scary in the world.
Sonia: Think positive.
-I'm positive that I'm staying in my room.
-They (the spirit guides) are telling me I will be able to complete some things. But what about her (Lisa)?
Denise: She's not alone.
-Tell her not to be so scared.  OK, I'm going. After the attempt, she's been afraid of everything (taking the bus, etc.)  Goodbye.

Carmen saw a black spot in an arm (linked to Isabel's daughter). Isabel will tell her daughter to get a mammogram (Isabel's mom died of breast cancer)

Marisol to Gabe: Advise your sister on how you handled the situations with your mom throughout college, or how it should best be handled.

Closing prayer

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Just A Thought

(Thanks to Gabe for the submission!)

Florida - October 21, 2016

In attendance: Astrid, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago 
Before opening prayer, Jackie read a poem she found while sorting some of Frank's papers. (see the poem here:  Astrid read a selection in Spanish that she described as, "a prayer for the ones who are gone."  After the opening prayer, Nelson read "The prayer for the recently departed."  (Note: Read the prayer and more on death here
Spirit 1 (via Gloria):  Immediately after the readings, Gloria began to channel a spirit for Frank (or perhaps it was just a reflection of her thoughts for Frank):
Spirit: My dear friend, now you can see clearly our feelings.  We will never forget you.  You will be a part of our table, and you are always welcome.  You were a good man.  Thank you for being my friend for so long.  I love you, and take care.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson): Nelson's spirit guide (Caballito) was urging Nelson to ask Jackie if she wanted to say anything.  Jackie had nothing specific to say, so Caballito decided to speak directly to Frank and our table:
Caballito:  It is difficult to say goodbye, but for all of us with spiritism in our hearts, we don't say goodbye - we say that we will see you soon.  (the glow of the candle on the table brightened as Caballito spoke to Frank's spirit)  Just go, and prepare yourself to visit us.  Forget about what is left behind.  Look forward.  See the work you have to do now.  Prepare yourself, open your heart, and do not let anyone interrupt your travel.  Go forward, as you know where to go and what needs to be done.  We want you to progress.  Continue on that path you already started.  Go with God, and he will guide you.
Caballito stepped back, and Astrid shared that she was recently shown a vision of Frank.  He was resting, very comfortably, and he was content.  Astrid understood that Frank would be resting for a while.  He was asleep when she first saw him, but now his eyes were open in wonder at his surroundings.  He knew that he had three spiritual friends with him, but his mother was not one of them. He was aware of where he was.
Spirit 3 (via Jackie):  Jackie's mother whispered to her that Frank was "well cared for," and she wanted the table to know that the spirit of Frank's mother was with him in his room when he passed, but "she was a means to the end, and she is not there now."  Jackie's mom continued her message:
Spirit (to the group):  You had no idea how spiritual he was.  Even at the end, there are spirits who wish ill will, and they come to try and shake your faith.  His could not be shaken.  (tearfully)  The prayers for his suffering to end were heard.  They were so numerous, it was almost like a chant.  He went as he wanted, in peace.  Cookie will never know the enormity of that one act (being with Frank as he transitioned), and how it helped to erase things from her past.
The group discussed the situation.  There was a lengthy silence, and Astrid noticed spirit guides around our table.  They brought peace and harmony with them.  Jackie heard Edgar say he "wished he could have gone that peacefully," as he was not at peace when he passed.
Spirits 4 & 5 (via Astrid & Jackie):  A soft spirit quietly moved into Astrid to add to our conversation:
Spirit: Most of us do not cut the strings.  Everyone is afraid, so they hold on to this (material) side.  Frank knew what he wanted and needed.  Contentment is not a word, those feelings come from your spirit - not your material body.  When you live here (in the material world), and you are honoring your spirit, then you can go in peace when the time comes.  You don't know who I am, but I have been here, and I enjoy your conversations.  When I left, I had a bundle of things, and it has taken me a long time to throw it all into the garbage.  Thank you for letting me speak today...
Astrid had previously envisioned this male spirit, and she explained that whenever he showed himself to her, he was always dressed in gray pants.  Jackie sensed the spirit of someone named Jeanette Fisher behind her.  The spirit told Jackie, "The way he returned, Frank comprehended what was said.  He was a silent man with a lot of faith."  Caballito stepped back into Nelson, and he extended his hand behind Jackie's head:
Caballito (to Jackie): Keep your eyes closed for me.  I want to take something away.  You are pretending to be okay, but you are not.  The crying is not doing it for you.  I know you feel as if you didn't fulfill the whole thing, but do not feel abandoned.  That is the pain I have to take away.  I went to see you in you house.  Did you know it was me?  (Jackie said she did)  Do you know what this is doing to you?  It's hurting your body.
Jackie was asked to stand with Jeff facing her.  Caballito worked silently behind her, explaining that Frank's issues were not Jackie's issues now.  Caballito said that Jackie's stomach was in knots, and he moved around her to untie the tension.  He asked Astrid for a small glass of water, which he magnetized and gave to Jackie to drink.  Caballito said that Frank had left some spiritual friends behind in his home, and those spirits had attached themselves to Jackie.
Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  As everyone returned to their seats, Caballito ushered in a member from the group of spirits who were with Jackie now:
Spirit: Who is going to take care of us?  Everybody is busy, taking care of everyone else.  I knocked that door (at Frank's house), but nobody answered.  We looked in the window, and at first we couldn't see anything - and then we saw you (Jackie).  And you saw us!  You invited us, so we came with you. Can you guide us where we need to go?  We are abandoned, with no one.  We are lost.  (sadly)  Very lost.  That door was always opened - but no one answered.
Jackie: You need to move on now.  That's why you are here with us - this door is opened.
Spirit: There is nothing left for us there?
Astrid: You have a new job now.
Spirit: So we have been replaced?  We need to move on, but not with him - or with you?
Jackie: Yes.  It's time to move on, away from him and me.
Spirit: We didn't harm.  We were observing, and suddenly it was empty, so we thought we would choose you as the next one.  But they tell us it is not you.  We are called at the end (of a material life) to take care of things, but you do not need us yet.  We were not serving you, we were harming you.  We apologize. 
Jackie: I understand, you were just doing your job.  There is a new job for you, and it's better.
Spirit (with sorrow): We work, we comfort, and at the end we are abandoned (as the material body is removed and the spirit transitions back).  We didn't mean to harm you.  They are taking us, to a place where we can develop ourselves.  (astonished)  There are a lot of people here to take us.   
Jackie: It will be interesting.
Once the group had departed, Astrid shared something she saw previously, when Jackie, Jeff and Caballito were all standing.  There were three spirits with them  They were all dressed alike, in an intense white color, similar to a large petal of a magnolia flower.  The spirits were Astrid's aunt, Lula, and Angelica.  Lula was a spirit who worked with nature and plants to create remedies for the problems of the material world, and she was responsible for the water that Jackie drank.  Caballito had returned to speak to Jackie again:
Caballito: When you are home alone, you do not feel good.  Remember that you are not really alone.  She knows that, but she does not really believe it.  Call on me, or call on Lula.  What we did today (with the magnetized water), you can do at home - IF you have that faith.  Just drink a little cup of water, and let us do the work.  Your work here is not done.  Don't hurt yourself.  (pause)  I don't want you to go back to your house the way it is now.  Let's keep that condition between you and me.  (Jackie understood)  Some friends of mine will help organize that home again - as it has never been that disorganized.  I am not worried about the material side, but the spirit side is out of love.  You cannot throw it (love) away.  I had to get it out of the garbage.  Why did you put the love there?
Jackie: Habit.
Caballito:  Grab my hand, you can touch me.  I want to give the love back to you.  Come back, and be alive. (grabbed both of Jackie's hands)  Promise me that you will take care of yourself.  You are my patient now.  Sometimes, without knowing, we harm ourselves so much.
(Note: While Caballito was speaking with Jackie, another conversation was occurring between Astrid and Gloria.  The conversation was in Spanish, and it referenced Gloria's daughter.  No notes.  Caballito politely interrupted the conversation to ask Gloria for a favor.)
Caballito (to Gloria):  Don't leave Jackie alone.  The friends she invites over, they are not friends.  (pause)  The ones she attracts, they are very difficult to remove.  (pause)  They are still not convinced to go.  THEY ARE SUICIDES!  I have increased my voice level to get them in line so I can take them.  Their minds are only on one subject - the ending of a life.  But I got them.  There are 14 of them.  Thank you for letting me do my work.  I'm not far.  Call me.  Nelson does not need to be here for me to be here.  Take good care of yourselves, and love each other.
After a prolonged discussion of the session, Jackie closed with a prayer.

Just A Thought

"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...