Thursday, April 27, 2017

Chicago - Sept. 4, 2016

In attendance:
Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Erika, Esperanza, Isabel, Isaac, Janet, Jeff, Jose, Maricela, Nelson, Ron, Sonia, and Xaver
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  After the opening prayer, Nelson wanted to read the Prayer for the Recently Departed for Marisol's son, Andres.  Once the prayer was finished and Nelson had put the book down, the prayer continued - in the exact same voice and pace as if Nelson was still reading it.  Caballito had silently taken over to continue the prayer in Spanish.  He mentioned Andres by name several times, and when he finished, Nelson awoke feeling dazed by what had happened (we were all a little stunned, once we realized what had actually occurred).
Spirit 2 (via Carmen):  During the extended prayer, Sonia felt as if Andres wanted to thank everyone for all of the supportive prayers he received.  She sensed that he was at peace, and the table discussed the situation. Carmen began to cry softly, with sharp gasps for air.  The spirit of Marisol's mother had arrived, and she wanted to speak:
Spirit:  Do not worry for my tears.  I cry in happiness because my daughter will now be happy.  My grandson is at peace, please tell my daughter.  He saw everything, but he could never say a word.  I saw him (in the material world) for the last time.   When he returns, and he knows that he will return there again, he will be happy.  Tell my daughter to take care of herself and to be calm, as I am at her side.  I will return to her, even though I can do very little.  She will feel guilty, and I will be there to give her a hug.  I already gave her one. 
Caballito reappeared to clarify that Andres would have all the spiritual assistance he needed once he was aware of his transition, and also when he was ready to plan his next reincarnation.  Caballito  added, "If we do not plan, we do not progress."  he also shared that Andres will reconcile with the angry spirit who visited our table last Sunday, and they will both reincarnate together in the future.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  There was a male spirit present, and he was not happy that Nelson's niece (Leilani) had spent an enjoyable night with Nelson and Jeff.  He was her husband in a previous life, and he wanted her to remain shy and quiet in this life:
Spirit (angrily):  Who the hell does he think he is to take her from me?  I had her the way I wanted her. 
Jeff: Who told you that you could be around her?
Spirit (laughing):  I sent the other one out, on a trip.
Jeff: Why do you want to keep people away from her?
Spirit: She's mine!  She belongs only to me!
Sonia: Not any more.
Spirit (to Nelson):  Why did you look at her, and make her laugh?  She's mine!  My princess, my wife.  I'm here to take her with me.
Sonia:  Didn't you see her reactions?  How happy she was?
Spirit: They had her talking!  NO ONE talks to her, because she is MINE!  Me, me, me!  She's mine.  (looked at Jeff)  I don't like you!  I remember you - making her laugh.
Jeff: We need to change your thinking.  She is in one world, and you are in another.  The two of you are in two separate worlds.
Spirit:  Not true! 
Sonia: It is true.  We are always truthful here.
Spirit:  If I leave my princess, what will happen to me?
Denise:  You will be able to concentrate on yourself, and have your own happiness.
Spirit:  We talk, she and I.  She only listens to me!  And now there will other boys around.  He (the spirit guide) is telling me I must take the crown back that I put on her head.
Sonia: Yes.  Listen to them and move on.
Spirit (defiant): I am taking my crown - and the three servants with me.  Who will serve her now?
Jeff: We will.  Take everything around her with you.
Spirit: I am taking her crown and putting it on myself.  (began to cry)  They told me that one day I can come back and see her?
Jeff: One day she will be at this table - and you are welcome to return and see her.
Spirit: (shuddered and shook his head as he left): I am taking my crown and I am going!  I'm goinggg...!
Spirit 4 (via Carmen):  Carmen had been dealing with a spirit around Bernardo, and the spirit presented itself as a dark black crow - with a very long beak:
Spirit (arriving softly, but sounding desperate): Why did you bring me here?  I did not want to come. 
(The spirit explained that the car accident that delayed Carmen and Bernardo was intended to stop them from attending.  Nelson counseled the spirit.)
Spirit (about Bernardo):  He doesn't want confrontations of any kind (spiritual or material), because he would like her to do all the work.  I only bothered them (picking at them with his beak) to chip away at their marriage, so he will be all alone.  He (Bernardo) makes trouble and then tells everyone it wasn't him.  When I hear her (Carmen) voice, I hide and run away from her.  So it wasn't me, and I do not want to leave.
Nelson:  But if you want to progress, you need to leave.  A bird that flies and pecks is something that they do not need.  Let them do their own work.
Bernardo:  I want you to leave.
Spirit:  Fine.  I am leaving in a beautiful white carriage, and I am taking all the other birds along with me.
Caballito briefly returned to sum things up:  "Bernardo likes things his own way, and he would like to control Carmen - but she is too strong.  When he sees the spirits he has summoned, he becomes afraid."  The table discussed the issue, with Carmen and Bernardo providing examples.  Nelson advised everyone not to call the dead, as their energy is too intense for us to handle, and many spirits still have all of the pain and suffering from when they had a body - and our bodies will suffer from it.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Nelson was sensing something with Janet, and after some questioning, it was determined that it was a spirit around her oldest daughter.  The daughter was very frustrated, because although she tried and tried, nothing ever went well for her.  Other people seemed to have a better life.  This made the daughter extremely angry at the world  - and Janet (she and her daughter no longer speak):
Nelson: Her anger comes from her interactions with other people.
Janet: Because she doesn't listen.
Nelson:  This spirit knows what to do to get her fuming.
Janet: That's her mood, all the time.  She wants things, but she doesn't have them, because they are not within her means.
Nelson:  The spirit is saying that she will never ever have anything.
Janet:  She lives in my house, and he (the spirit) has been seen. 
Nelson:  He controls her like a puppet.  He is telling me, 'You need an army to get rid of me.  They have all tried, and I just laugh.'  She took everything from that spirit and she left him with nothing.  So now he has made sure that she has nothing.
Ron: Would you consider that a fair payback?
(The spirit arrived instantly upon hearing Ron's question)
Spirit: It is not enough (of a payback)!  Why are you people helping her?
Janet: She is my daughter.
Jeff (to spirit):  So she used you?  Hurt you?
Spirit:  I only talk to people I can take things from.  Do you have anything of value?  She took everything I had (tearfully) and left me living under a bridge!  An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!  I will not be happy until she is in the same place.  I am having the best time of my life, and it's still not enough to pay me back. Do not get involved, because things are only going to get worse.
Jeff: So let's forget about her and concentrate on you.  Things have been difficult for you, and you must be tired of living that way - and tired of being around her...
Spirit: I told her I loved her and she left me with nothing!  I no longer care about myself.  I kept a ledger (demonstrated), a book lisitng what she owes me.  I am still collecting all of those fees. (to Janet)  Don't suffer anymore with her - let her cry and let her lie.
Jeff: Can you forgive her?  Forgive the rest of those debts?
Spirit: I am going to make a deal.  Are you a gambler?  I am a gambler, and I gambled with her.  That's how I got here today, I did a deal.  So I am going to give her a loan for what she still owes me - and I will check on her to see if she has changed.  If she has, I will forgive her and what she owes, and if not - the loan doubles.  She will owe me double the amount.  That's how they got me here, with double or nothing.  How could i refuse?  It's hot in here!  They are taking me someplace for refreshments.
Jeff: For some nice cool water...
Spirit: I hope there is something else in it!  I'm too hot.  (to Janet)  Ask her about the significance of seven.  I am leaving and taking six friends with me, for a total of seven.  Ask her about it.  About seven.
Janet: We are not speaking.  (began to cry)  We were so close, and now we are so far...
The spirit and his friends left quietly.  Caballito returned again, and he explained that today we opened a small portal with the relationship between Janet and her daughter.  The lid had been pried off a can that was filled with many other things, and Janet might want to take advantage of that opening.  "Sometimes we punish ourselves," Caballito reassured, "and we put aside opportunities that can help us.  It's time to let go of those thoughts.  You daughter never wanted to leave, but the spirits were stronger than she was." 
Next, Caballito turned his attention to Erika:
Caballito:  How is Alex?  (Erika said that he was good)  You miss him.  One part of you wishes he would come back, and the other half wants him to stay.  What about if you visit him?  Let's plan a trip.  It would be okay for you to go and see him.  If you put the effort into it, it will happen.  Let's plan a trip.  Experience it, and be a part of his life.  You two are the closest.  Let's ask the parents.  (they seemed surprised, but they agreed)  So let's plan a trip!  It's coming soon, and you need it - and it will be a good experience for both.  You think that if he stays over there, the bond you share with him will go away - and that will never happen.  You will remember this trip not just in this life, but for all of your lives.  Start planning it now.  His vacation is coming soon, and that time would be perfect.  Let's plan a trip - and I will go along with you!  The two of you are roots of the same tree, and those roots will always be there.  The encounter between the two of you - that first hug! - will be beautiful.  So let's plan a trip.  Your parents have already agreed to it...
Erika (laughing): In front of many witnesses!
Sonia said that before Caballito spoke to Erika, she was shown Erika holding a white sign with letters that slowly began to appear, one letter at a time.  The letters spelled "help," and Sonia understood that Erika wanted to ask about the trip, but she was uncertain over how to approach it.  Now that her question had been answered, the white sign had completely disappeared. 
Caballito (to Isabel):  Your legs are much better...
Isabel: Oh yes!  I listened to the message I was given, and I spoke to my daughter that same night.  She understood, and so did my grandson.  Today he was going to jump on me to give me a hug, and I reminded him again - and he apologized for the attempt! 
Caballito (to Isaac):  And let me ask how things are with the birthday boy? 
Sonia:  Things have been positive.
Caballito:  Keep doing the right things and good things will come to you.  It is up to us to make our lives what we want them to be. 
Maricela said she saw a white butterfly flying around.  Maricela began to cry (with happiness) as she realized that the white butterfly represented Andres wanting to say, "thank you, mama" to Marisol.  The butterfly turned around and flew away, and Nelson closed with a prayer.

Chicago - August 7, 2016

(sorry, I forgot to include these notes earlier, so we are slightly out of sequence...)

In attendance:
Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Erika, Esperanza, Eva, Frank, Gabe, Isabel, Isaac, Janet, Jeff, Jose, Juan, Maricela, Milagros, Nelson, Ron, Sonia, and Xaver
After the opening prayer, Carmen mentioned that she had felt the presence of spirits in her house all week, so she read the prayer for hardened spirits.  During the opening prayer, Nelson visualized the group of spirits who were in Carmen's house.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  These spirits did not like the way Carmen was working now.  They wanted her to return to the way she worked in the past.  A spirit decided to speak, but his words were interrupted continuously with persistent coughing and gloating laughter:
Spirit (to Carmen):  You used to help us, and now you do not!  I'm so angry!  I know the secrets you keep hidden.  Shh!  Shh!  (laughter)  And now you are scared?  In the past, you and he (Bernardo) would do things.  I speak the truth!  Although I was forced to come here.  It's similar to the way we used to work, but different. And we don't like the way you do your job now.
Carmen: This is a different group.
Spirit:  We worked behind the scenes, so nobody would know our secrets.  They ripped me from my group, and my project!  (more coughing)  I don't understand why I feel so bad.  (laughter)  We have a dumb one here who just laughs.  This guy (the spirit guide) tells me that I cannot say too much, but I want to tell everything I know, every secret - because there are so many!  Why am I sick?  (coughing)  Everything hurts, can you tell me why?  Shh!  Shh!  Don't tell those secrets!  You (Carmen) didn't want to come here today (to the center) and give away those secrets.  But I know how to be quiet, just like all of you.  I am going to take all of my secrets and go.  Hopefully, I will feel better - wherever I am going.  I have so many secrets, I feel crazy.  I like secrets, they give me power over you.  But I will go, and take my secrets and 119 others away with me.
Nelson coughed and shook violently until the spirit was gone.  Once he recovered, Nelson said, "We can't play with this, we need to be careful.  Once we open the door, we never know who will show up.  Everything we do here is by the book - with no money and no favors."  It was apparent to Nelson and Carmen that this group wanted to stop the work that we were doing - and that they were not the only ones.  Another group was emerging, and they were connected to Marisol.
Spirit 2 (via Carmen):  Nelson heard a spirit say, "You think you will get in our way?  You will be out before you can count 1-2-3.  We pinched that other one (Marisol) and we got her to lay down without a fight.  Tomorrow we would have put her in a hospital - it's our assignment, to knock her down."  The forceful, very strong spirit moved into Carmen to speak through her:
Spirit: Don't meddle!  I destroy what I want, and I was assigned to her.  She thinks about a lot of things, and she is going into a nuthouse. It's a dark, cold place where she will learn what I want to teach her.  (laughed)  When she reads a paper at work, she is unable to comprehend it - her mind is empty air!
Nelson:  Your way of teaching is not correct.  You need to study, and to learn another light.  She needs to do her material work.
Spirit: She says she is too tired to do anything.  She wonders, 'What will I tell my husband?'  I can hear her whenever I want, and she cannot even hear herself!  (laughter)  I can win even more if I pass this test with her, and I do not want that test you are showing me.  (pause)  Alright, I am signing it!  But I cannot read the terms.  I will sign it in blood, so it's a pact.  (pause)  Now I see myself differently.  I will be able to create, instead of destroy.  So I'm signing it because the rewards will be better, and my group (of 69) is telling me to sign it.  So we will go.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  There was a spirit for Gabe, and Nelson was reluctant to pass it.  Gabe had just returned from spending time with his girlfriend and her family at their lake house, and Nelson asked if Gabe felt welcomed into that family:
Gabe: Now I do.
Spirit:  He thinks he is welcomed with open arms (demonstrated), and they are LYING.  That family?  You don't belong there.  You don't!  He doesn't belong there.
Jeff: Why do you think that?
Spirit: The only place he is welcome is where you are!  I recognize your face, I've seen you with him.
Gabe: Did I do something to you?
Spirit: I don't like him!  I'm closing all the doors to him, all in a row, just like dominos!  Only then, I'll be happy.  They (the family) tell me the truth - I am there, and I hear them  And I have a plan.  I want him to end up alone, like he did to me.  He took everything from me.  He pretended to be my friend, but he took my money, wife, kids, job, home!  I will not be happy until he has nothing.  I want to plant him under a bridge (laughter) and he can wonder how he got there.  In the same way that he left me. 
Jeff:  that was in another lifetime, and he is different now.  Look at him.  He has apologized to you, can you forgive him and move on? 
Spirit: I hate him, so I punish him.  I can't say I like him, but they tell me I am too obsessed.  I don't want to be obsessed, I need to progress.
Sonia: You will be taken to a place to learn, you will be taught.
Jeff:  Who needs him?  Move on and forget him.
Spirit: The only thing before I leave - not every welcome is truly meant.  We are a group of four.  He's saying that I am lying, it's five including me.  That's the first lesson, not to lie.
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked Sonia if she was feeling tired lately.  He sensed that something was pulling at her, and Nelson wondered what it was:
Sonia: I have felt energies that I could not identify.  I wondered what they wanted me to do.
Nelson: It's related to the group.  You are asking what else you can do to bring others to our table.  This sounds crazy, but you think that your mother would be proud of you if you could convince all of your family members to follow this (spiritism).  You think, "How can it be that the young ones are here, when the old ones know better?  Why does it take them so long when they have so much knowledge?"
Sonia agreed, and Nelson drew a picture of an umbrella with several strings hanging from it.  He explained that Sonia was holding tightly to the center of the umbrella.  She was trying to balance so many umbrella strings at the same time (representing her family, friends, and the center), that she never had any time for herself.  As the demands on her intensified, Sonia held the umbrella tighter.  She was afraid that it would fly away if she let it go.  The longest string on the umbrella represented Sonia's life.  She observed the string and thought, "What's next?  What does all of this mean?  I can let the umbrella go - but not this one string."
(A gentle spirit arrived to speak through Nelson)
Spirit (to Sonia):  Take control of just you.  You have done enough for others.  Tell them not to call on you, and to let you go.  You need time to do the things you need to accomplish, and you cannot be responsible for everything and everyone.
Sonia: Thank you for acknowledging that...
Spirit: Do you know who I am?  I'm a friend.  I am your friend.  You have called on me, and I am finally here.  (it was Sonia's spirit guide)  Letting go doesn't mean that you no longer care.  You have wondered when you will finally develop what everyone says you already have.  You can do it, but you have to let go of so many things for you and I to take each other.  We are on two different sides of the rope, until we can pull together and meet in the middle.  I've been around you.
Sonia: I have sensed it.
Spirit: I am here to guide you, so we can move forward together to the next level - because we must do our job.  We are very close to it, so do not be afraid of me.  We are ready to move on, and I will help and guide you.  Call me whatever you want.  Call me friend, if you want.  You can also call me by my name, if you want.  It will surprise you.  There is no gender in the spirit world, but in my last time, I was female - and my name is Ana.  Think of it as Angel, Neutral Angel.  When you want to speak to me, call me.  I will answer.  I will come around anytime that I can.  Until next time, this neutral angel says goodbye...
The spirit left as quietly as she arrived.  Nelson described her energy as very peaceful, very soft energy.  She presented herself in a formal, ladylike manner, with an inner calmness.  As if to demonstrate to Sonia what she was capable of, Sonia immediately felt spiritual energies that were related to Denise.
Spirit 5 (via Sonia):  Sonia was experiencing heat all over, and Denise was also uncomfortable.
Spirit (to Denise):  Change.  It doesn't have to be all at once.  But you need to change.
Nelson:  She has to show that she wants to change.  There has to be some effort from you.
Spirit: It's not family oriented.  Tweak some things that you are doing to your body.  Your medication and the food you eat are not collaborating.  (Denise agreed)  Something is making a thunderstorm.  We have to listen now, with no excuses!  None.  Bring in a dietician.  You should have seen one a long time ago...
Spirit 6 (via Carmen):  A spirit related to Isabel wanted to speak:
Spirit (quiet, with underlying anger): I want your attention.  All of it!  This is not about me, it's for you.  You are destroying yourself taking care of him (Ron, her husband).  You don't sleep!  Take care of yourself first, because when he overreacts, the damage is already done.  So calm yourself.  If he passes first, you will be right behind him, because you are not taking care of yourself!
Isabel said she fell out of bed (there was a visible bruise on her arm) because she has not been monitoring her blood sugar.  Several people explained the importance of monitoring it every day.  Carmen advised her to have it checked, as something was not right.  Eva reminded Isabel that this was the second spiritual warning for Isabel on the same subject.
Briefly (via Nelson):  There were some specific messages that were delivered in regards to concerns that were brought up at the start of the session:
(for Erika):  She should not get into the water during her upcoming trip to Ohio.  She can walk by the shore, but she should not immerse herself.  There are six girls traveling together, and one of them pretends to be Erika's friend, but she is not. Nelson was shown that this girl wants to put Erika into a drugged state, as if she was underwater.
Erika: I already know who it is.
Nelson: Be very careful.  Do not go anywhere alone with this person.  For a walk, or anything else, just tell her no.  Stay with the group or bring another person along with you, but do not be alone withher.
(for Emiliano and Esperanza):  Who is going with your oldest son to the Dominican Republic?  He is an adult, and he should know good from bad.  Does he?  Tell him not to drink any water unless it is bottled, and to avoid anything with ice - as it is made from tap water.  His group should not wear watches, jewelry, or have cameras if they leave the resort.
(For Frank):  Frank was on vacation from his job (as an elementary school music teacher in Waukegan).  When he returns to work, there will be new changes that Frank will not like.  He should not comment on the changes, as it would have a negative effect for him.  "Nobody can hear what you don't say," Nelson advised, "So just keep quiet."
(For Maricela):  You think, "I don't want to change people, but if I did, they would all be better."  People will not change because you tell them to do it.  Your family members do not want to hear your suggestions, and by telling them, you are causing your own suffering.  If they have not asked you a direct question, why are giving them answers they do not want?  You get anxious and suffer for nothing.  You will put yourself into a hospital ward trying to change people. 
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Nelson was tired and ready to close, but he was told that we had one more difficult and lengthy item that needed attention.  It was related to one of Eva's sisters.  Nelson was shown Eva at about 14 years old, in this lifetime.  She was looking at beautiful roses, all of them growing in a row.  There were many colors, and Eva admired a black rose.  It was beautiful, but she wanted to change it.  She returned a week later, and the black rose had changed - it grew a thorn.  "I will grow them so you will not touch me," the black rose said.  Eva touched all the other roses and avoided the black one.  The black rose represented the sister that Eva was avoiding.  The rose was no longer black, but it still spoke to Eva:  "I convinced you, and now you like me.  Like the other ones, I tried to change, but I couldn't.  Who are those that you wanted to change?  It's the ones I live with (the family of Eva's sister).  How difficult it is to change, because when they do, then they don't like you, and those beliefs.  Now you want to cut the black rose, to remove it.  You can convince the rose to change for the better, so why not convince me?  There is resentment, and blame.  You persuaded one rose to convert, and you can do it with the others.  Don't give up, as there is an urgent need.  There is a moment coming soon, and it will make you scream.  Your life has flourished, but all flowers have thorns, as you will know.  Take that black rose, it's desperate to be noticed.  Not all the doors have closed, the problem still has a solution."
The black rose situation referred to a child of Eva's sister.  This person was considering suicide.  Eva understood, and she said that she would contact her sister. 
Spirit 8 (via Nelson): The flower analogy was long and hazy, so a new spirit arrived to offer more insight:
Spirit (to the table):  We never let you down, even when you are not the one who needs help.  (to Eva)  It is not a random coincidence that you are here.  I am not Caballito, but I am a friend of his - and hers (Eva).  You found a place that makes you happy, so take that message and see if she wakes up.  She is not alone, we are still trying.  She is tied down now, but let's see if we can break those restraints.  I'm taking some of them out of there, from that center where you used to attend.  Jeff, do you remember me?
Jeff: Are you maybe - Don Polo?
Spirit (laughed):  Yes!  I know you have been wondering where I have been.  (to Eva)  Let's see if we can turn that heart on again.  It's difficult work (as her mediumship needed to be reopened).  Let's not wait for the door to close.  I know it's hard to understand, but with just a little bit of faith...  When you return next Sunday, tell us how that door was reopened. She has her place in Puerto Rico, and so do you.  Thank you for allowing me to visit.  Jeff, do you have a question?
Jeff:  Well, it's kind of crazy.  I just wondered, are there houses in the spirit world?  Are you in your house and Caballito is in his?
Spirit: It's not so crazy.  Yes, we stay in houses, with those who have similar energies.  Like attracts like.  And like you, sometimes we have visitors.  If I work on something with him (Caballito), I stay in his house.  We need some time together to plan and prepare.  Those with the same level of energy will stay together in one house, they live together.  The only difference between our houses and yours, is that you get to choose who comes into your home.  Thank you, and blessings to all...
Both Nelson and Eva knew Don Polo when he was alive in this lifetime.  Don Polo was a mentor and teacher during his most recent existence, and he now continued with similar work - as a spiritual professor. 
Nelson closed with a prayer. 

Friday, April 21, 2017

Chicago - August 28, 2016

In attendance:
Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Eva, Frank, Gabe, Isabel, Isaac, Jeff, Marisol, Milagros, Nelson, Otillia, Ron, Sonia, and Xaver
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Prior to opening the session, Nelson's guide had a message for the group:
Caballito:  Sometimes we need the (spiritual) help, but if we are not ready to receive it, the help arrives at the wrong time.  Not everyone who asks for help is always ready to receive it.
After the opening prayer, Marisol read the Prayer for the Sick.  
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  During her reading, Nelson heard a spirit ask if revenge was a sickness.  This spirit and his group resented the Prayer for the Sick, as they insisted that they were not sick, as all they wanted was revenge.  The spirit told Marisol to "pray for yourself, because you are the sick one.  Be careful what you pray for; the one you are praying for does not like it.  When he sees me, he prefers to stay here."  It became apparent that this spirit was taking about Marisol's son.  Over the past week, Andres had been experiencing episodes in which he stopped breathing, and Nelson was feeling that pressure now in his chest.  Nelson was being shown two criminals (Marisol and her son in another life), and together they committed many crimes.  The spirit explained that Marisol was suffering more in her current existence with her son (by watching and monitoring him), because she was the worst criminal from that past life.
Spirit (in anguish):  I can't forgive the one who did what you did to me!  No, no, no!  I'm not going to forgive the criminals - the two of you!  (the spirit began to weep)  Do you know how much you did to me and the one I love?  AND YOU MADE ME WATCH!  I want you to learn.
Marisol: I am sorry that I caused you so much pain.
Spirit:  I said I wasn't going to cry.  I'm not forgiving you or him - my hate is too much.
Marisol: Look how you feel, when you could be happy.
Spirit: Happy?  I don't even know what that is.  All I know, all I want, is revenge.  It's all I have, and it's all I want.  You made me watch what you did to my family, and now I get the chance to watch you watching him die every second!  I came in today because they told me I could finally take my family with me.  I am not here to forgive you.  I came only to take my family away from suffering - they will not suffer anymore.  I will leave him alone, he doesn't need to see me anymore.  I need the energy I have left to take my family - all five of us - with me.  They will take us someplace where we will not hurt, a place with no pain.  (to Marisol)  You know what you did, and you will see me one day.  We will have a conversation, and we will forgive each other.  I have done many things, and I am not proud of them.  Revenge can blind you, and I have been blind for many years.  (pause)  They are all here now (his family).  I can see them.  We are going to hold hands and leave together.  Thank you for making my wish come true - I am leaving with my family. 
Nelson said that when Marisol arrived, he hugged her and felt the spirit leap into him.  Marisol shared that she and her husband were leaving for Florida, and her son would relocate to a hospice center.  Nelson advised her to "stand in front of the ocean and celebrate life," and to say goodbye to her son before she left.  Marisol replied, "I always do."
Spirit 3 (via Carmen):  There was an angry spirit around Otillia, and this spirit wanted her removed:
Spirit (very irate):  I want to take her by the tongue and throw her out!  This might be a good path for her, but not for me.  Why was she brought here?  I present myself with different faces, I wear many masks.  I was her spouse and she betrayed me.
Nelson:  Look at her now, she is not the same.
Spirit:  She was blonde before...
The spirit explained that in their previous married life together, the spirit became blind.  Otillia was the only one he trusted, but Otillia wanted to be free herself from him.  She intentionally gave him an overdose of medication that resulted in his death.  To cover up what she did, she told everyone his death was a suicide.  Now the spirit of the spouse she killed wanted Otillia to suffer the same fate (Otillia said she was currently taking four pills every day).  After some additional counseling, the spirit was persuaded to go to a spiritual hospital to have his stomach pumped.  He left quietly.
Spirit 3 (via Marisol):  Marisol's right arm felt cold and numb.  She thought the sensation might be related to Emiliano, and it was.  On Monday, Emiliano felt dizzy, so he missed work to go to the hospital.  The spirit said his mission was to stop Emiliano from ever going back to work, because he was a devil...
Spirit (gleefully): Why can't I laugh at him?  He is a devil!  (laughter
Nelson:  Those are bad thoughts.  What did you do to him?
Spirit (more laughter):  I only slapped his arm, so he couldn't go to work! 
Emiliano:  I am better now. 
Spirit (sneering):  When your hand hurts, or your back hurts, or when anything hurts - you always think that you are going to die (laughter).  Fill out the papers, he is not going back to work!  I did not like being brought here.  (the spirit began to slap his own arm)  He is going to pay for everything he did to me.  He took what I had, and I couldn't support my family anymore.  He looks so smug and content, but when he gets an itch, watch out for what he says!
(Emiliano asked for forgiveness, and the spirit admitted that he was tired of him.  As the spirit continued to slap his arm, Nelson told him that he no longer had a body.  The spirit asked Carmen if it was true, and she told him it was.  The spirit said he was not alone, as there was a pack of spirit dogs around Emiliano.)
Nelson:  I see the dogs, and they have fangs.  (to the spirit)  You look hungry and skinny - like them.
Spirit: Don't try to be funny.  I am not responsible for him (Emiliano) anymore.  I am going to go with my people and get something to eat. 
The spirit slowly departed, and Nelson advised Emiliano that the spiritual dogs were still hungrily eyeing his injured arm.  The dogs had a very distinct color.  Emiliano should not react to them in an animalistic manner; he needed to tell them that they were spirits - and not animals.  Emiliano should also explain to them that they no longer had a body. 
Marisol inquired about Lisa, Denise's troubled niece.  Denise said she visited Florida and did not have a good time, and now she was on medication and scheduled to see a psychiatrist. Marisol advised that Lisa should continue her medication, because if she stopped taking it, she had the potential for suicide. Nelson shared Marisol's vision of seeing Lisa surrounded by black bats and vampires.  These spirits were very dark and intense, and Marisol decided to address them at another time.  Marisol also had a question for Denise:    
Marisol:  How are you feeling, spiritually speaking?
Denise:  Blocked.  I receive things, but I don't understand it.
Nelson:  She doesn't understand why everyone moves forward and she doesn't.
Marisol:  It's important to say what you see.
Nelson:  Every medium is a different entity, and you will develop in your own way.
Marisol: As I am talking to you about your development, there is a spirit here who is not happy with me.  I will also put that one on hold.
Nelson:  Find a day and a time to think - so your guide can develop a relationship with you.  Decide on a certain day and time, and make is consistent.
Sonia:  I see a window, but the glass is frosted, so it is not opening.
Nelson: Because she wants it frosted - as an excuse.
Spirit 4 (via Carmen):  The advice for Denise to be more receptive and open to the spirits led to Nelson cautioning Carmen to be more selective over the spirits she continued to attract.  Carmen's guide spoke briefly to reinforce the message that Carmen needed to keep a protective cover over herself whenever she ventured out to other places.  She was attracting spirits from her family members and the places she goes, and once they were all assembled, it became too much for Carmen to handle.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  A hesitant group of spirits were approaching the table.  They were shy sad children, ranging from about 8-12 years old.  They were the spirits of children who had been kept as sex slaves when they were in the material world.  In the background, there were other children who "aged out" of the sex trade, as they were older and less desirable.  A ten year old girl (with finger curls in her blonde hair) softly stepped forward to speak for the group:
Spirit:  Why didn't anyone do anything for us?  We hear you say how blessed you are, so how can you let this happen?  To let us suffer? 
Sonia:  You were hidden.  Taken from your parents - who are looking for you.
Marisol:  We are so sorry for that pain.
Spirit:  There are so many of us.  So many.  Parents say they are blessed when a baby is coming.  So lucky!  And then they discard us like a rotten apple.
Sonia: You found us today, and we are going to help you.
Spirit:  We didn't know if we should come here.  Can we trust them?  Will they harm us more?  We didn't know where else we could go...
Marisol:  You will be guided today.
Spirit: We looked out for each other.  Why would people say they wanted children and then not want us?
Marisol:  They were not good people.
Spirit (astonished):  They are curing us, giving us medication.  Don't cut my hair!  I know it's dirty, but don't cut it.  They are feeding us.  I don't know who you people are, but keep doing it.  You people, you are the ones who can say you are blessed.  Thank you for allowing us in.  All colors, all differences, all styles.  They are washing my hair - and putting something in it that smalls good.  I feel pretty again (began to cry).  Don't forget about us, there are a lot more out there...
Spirit 6 (via Marisol): Marisol was ready to return to Denise and Lisa.  She asked Denise if she felt responsible for Lisa (and she did), and Marisol explained that in a prior reincarnation, Denise was Lisa's mother.  In that lifetime, the two of them did things that were not good.  There was a spirit present (he was one of the bats around Lisa) who was angry with both of them.  Nelson understood that Lisa wanted to hit Denise, and Denise had sensed the same thing.  Lisa welcomed these negative spirits, without realizing how powerful they were.  The spirit moved into Marisol to speak: 
Spirit (pounding on the table): Don't you ever shut up?  Both of you - SHUT UP! 
Nelson: Why are you so angry?
Spirit: I want to destroy both of them!  I just want to hit, to break something.  (taunting Denise)  She is never going to love you or listen to you!
Denise:  That's fine. 
Spirit: (making noises and hitting the table):  I told you, shut her up!  I will not talk to her.  She's got to be in hell - like I am.  She locked me in a dark room, and I want her to see nothing but darkness.
Nelson:  How can we make peace?
Spirit (continuously banging her two fists together):  It's dark!  Do you see the hole I am in?  (pause)  Do you know what she did to me?  What she fed me?
Nelson:  Garbage.  She treated you like that and fed you garbage.
Spirit (tearfully):  Get me out of here, take me out.  They did terrible things to me, they beat me, and it hurt. 
Nelson:  That's over now, look up - at the sky.
Spirit: They beat me all the time, whenever I displeased them.  And if I go with him (the spirit guide) it could be the same - or worse.
Nelson:  Not with him, not with Caballito.  Take his hand, and move with him out of that dungeon.  (pause)  He is covering you with a blanket, don't be scared...
Spirit (crying): They are going to take me to a better place.  I'm going...
The spirit was part of a group of six, and Nelson explained that in her current existence, Lisa wants to be sexually tortured (she views sex as a punishment), because she inflicted similar pains on others in that previous life. 
Spirit 7 (via Marisol): One of the spirit Guardians of the Temple quietly replaced the previous spirit and spoke through Marisol:
Spirit:  May the peace of the Lord be with you all.  I am one of the ones from here.  I'm a different source of energy that she (Marisol) doesn't like to endure, but we need to sit.  Thank you sister Sonia!  It's important to continue the work, as there are many souls like this one, doing very bad work.  Evil needs to be stopped.  Sister Sonia, be watchful, as evil wants to come in and destroy the work.  Sister Denise, you must open your own door.  No one else will open it for you, only you are in charge.  Do you understand?  May the peace of God be with you all.
Caballito returned to speak through Nelson:
Caballito:  Sonia, did you speak with your son?  (she did)  Did he understand?  (yes)  Both Isaac and Xavier need to feel secure that they can tell their father (Sonia's son) anything.  Isaac, the next couple of years of your life will be the hardest that you will be presented with.  There will be many things, and you will need to know if you should say yes or no to them.  A lot of people will pretend to be your best friend.  Observe them, and then you decide who should be your friend.  Xavier, as his older brother, you need to keep an eye on him  Tell him when he is doing something that is not right.  School should be his main focus now.
Denise had envisioned a spiritual dwarf in the room earlier, and Marisol confirmed that there was a dwarf present, along with the many other spirits in the room.  The dwarf had clown make-up on, and he was showing himself to Denise again.  Caballito explained that the dwarf spirit was with Isabel.  The issue was Isabel's daughter.  She lived in the basement of Isabel and Ron's house, and she relied on Isabel to take care of her daughter, and to frequently cook and clean for her.  Isabel was carrying too much responsibility, and it was overwhelming her. 
Caballito:  It is not a bad thing to sometimes say no.  There are some sacrifices that you are not able to do for your children.  You need to learn to tell them no.  By not saying no to them now, you end up hurting everyone later.  You can no longer carry your children around with you, as they are adults.
Eva: You cannot help them if you are confined to a bed, and if you die, you cannot help anyone. 
Nelson closed with a prayer. 

Just A Thought

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Chicago - August 21, 2016

In attendance:
Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Erika, Eva, Frank, Gabe, Isabel, Isaac, Janet, Jeff, Jose, Maricela, Marisol, Milagros, Nelson, Otillia, Ron, Rossana, Sebastian, Sonia, and Xaver
Marisol read the Prayer for the Sick and the Prayer for the Soul. Nelson said that he had felt the spiritual presence of a former friend (Ivan) in his house for the last couple of days. 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Ivan told Nelson that he was sorry to bother him, but he needed to move forward in the spirit world, and he was finding it difficult to ignore the cries for help from the people he had left behind:
Spirit: You have no idea how difficult it is - the love you had for them takes over.  How difficult.  I have tried.  Even if we don't want to hear them calling out to us, we hear it!  How can I ignore it?  (looked at Jeff)  That should have been me in that chair, at this table.  What was it that made you believe in this when I couldn't?  Only now do I understand how complicated it is to leave the material world behind.  Especially when it was unexpected. (Ivan had lung cancer, and after being diagnosed, he rapidly transitioned back to the spirit world on September 11, 2011).  I heard from a friend that he (Ivan's partner in the material world) is not doing well.  Help him, don't leave him alone.  He was so kind to me.  The last time I visited you (at a session in Florida), I explained that I wanted to learn everything so quickly, but it takes time.
Jeff:  Have they given you a specific job yet?
Spirit:  No.  I am learning to listen, and still learning how I can help.  Prepare yourselves and continue to progress on this side.  I was allowed to come here and speak through someone (Nelson) that I admired in my life.  (to Marisol)  Thank you for opening the doors to me in the past (at Cando's center).  Nelson pulled me aside many times.  I rejected what he said, but I am extremely thankful.  Don't let that happen to any of you.  Hopefully you can learn how hard it can be to transition.  Anytime I am allowed, I will come here to speak.  (to Jeff)  By the way, congratulations.  You never imagined it would last this long (referring to Jeff and Nelson's 33 years together next week).  My time is up.
Ivan's spirit drifted away, and Jeff shared some details of the friendship with the group.  Marisol said she was experiencing severe pain in her tailbone, and she sensed it that it was related to Nelson's nephew (Diego).  Ironically, Nelson had also been suffering from back pains (as Ivan's lung cancer was diagnosed after he complained of back pains for many years). Marisol envisioned that it was too painful for Diego to sit for long periods at school, and she demonstrated how he would position himself against a wall. 
Spirit 2 (via Marisol):  Marisol was being shown a vision similar to the one from last week, with Diego in a wheelchair, and he was unable to move from the waist down.  A spirit moved into Marisol to explain further:
Spirit: I want him in a wheelchair!  He put me in one, and I am going to put him in one.  (pounded the table)  I will put him where I want to put him!  (the spirit bounced in his seat, as if it was a wheelchair and he was rapidly moving the wheels)  There was an accident, and he was the culprit!  I don't care how old he is, he can go to school in a wheelchair like mine.  I do not want him to progress. 
Sonia:  It was an accident.
Spirit (covering both eyes): He was with me!  We were friends, and it was a car accident.  Nothing happened to him, but after the accident, my life changed completely.  He abandoned me!  (hands moving rapidly, trying to spin the wheels on his chair faster)  He continued living and I was forgotten!  (sadly)  All my plans.
Nelson:  The accident happened when you were young?
Spirit:  Yes.  And if I couldn't go to school, neither will he!  I died all alone.
Nelson:  So you don't need that chair anymore, because you no longer have a body.
Spirit:  That's what he (the spirit guide) is telling me - that I don't need this wheelchair.  I can move my legs? (moved his legs up and down in amazement)  Look at that (laughed).  So what do I do now?
Nelson:  You will be taken somewhere else to learn.  Maybe you will see him (Diego) again.  You might reincarnate as his son.   
Spirit (excited):  I am going to run now - to wherever I am going.  I can run!   Forgive me for not wanting to talk to you, I was ignorant. Goodbye...goodbye!
Nelson asked Erika about her vacation to Ohio, and she said it went very well, and that it was a relaxing (and it showed physically, as Erika looked amazing).  There were no issues with the friend that she was warned about.  From the minute they were together in the car, the friend was nicer than she had ever been before.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson's spirit guide (Caballito) had arrived, and he had a question for Rossana.  He asked her, "Are you ready to have another baby?"  Rossana replied, "Sort of.  We are working on it, and getting ready."  Caballito swerved in and out of Nelson to offer some recommendations:
Caballito: Physically ready?  Make sure that you are 100% ready.  There are some friends who do not want him to come, so it will not be easy, but his work will be beautiful.  They are trying to convince him (the spirit of the new baby) not to come.  Do not let them change his mind.  Give him all the chances to arrive perfect.  His spirit is already around your first son, and that baby is trying to persuade your new son to join him.  You are uncertain if you want to bring him, but you have not yet told anyone. 
Rossana:  It was not an easy birth the first time, and my husband and I were talking about adoption.
Caballito:  The spirit who wants to come is not already in a body, waiting for adoption.  (laughed)  That's a great idea for your third child.  The one that is coming will have a very strong bond with you.  He is asking that you not to leave him behind.  He knows you have your choices, and you can say no to him.  But he is looking forward to the new challenge.
Rossana: I am getting ready to bring him.
Caballito (laughing):  He wants to have the skin tone of his father...
Spirit 4 (via Sonia):  There was a brief message for Maricela.  "You need to take care of yourself, and you are not," Sonia told her.  Maricela had mentioned earlier that she felt as if there was a small hole in her head, and it was making her head very cold.  She was uncertain over why she might be experiencing this pain.  As Sonia explained more in Spanish, Maricela said that the sensation of the nail-sized hole in her head was abating.
Nelson asked Milagros about her health (there was continued improvement) and he advised her to keep praying.  Eva sensed that with training, Milagros could become a working medium.  Nelson reminded Milagros not to forget about our group.  Milagros explained that her friend from last week could not attend, as he needed a day to recover after he attended to his leg pain issues.  Caballito briefly returned to say that if someone knew they needed a day to recover, the leg issues could be addressed on another day - not the day prior to a session.
Marisol had a question for Sonia.  She wondered if her son treated his three boys equally.  All three sons were at our session, so Nelson asked for their opinion.  Isaac said it wasn't always equal, and Marisol understood that whatever the issue was that the spirits wanted to communicate, it should be handled at a later date.  The spirits needed to be softened up. 
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked Gabe about the upcoming visit of his sister.  Did he feel used?  (he did)  Nelson saw Gabe's sister in a mental institution.  She was seated in a chair, staring at a wall and not speaking.  Nelson heard her idly thinking, "I am just going to let the world go by..."
Jeff:  The world goes by, and she is not in it. 
Marisol:  We already know she struggles with depression.  Your mom (Nelson's sister) completely disregards her life.  She treats her like a marionette, a puppet.
Gabe: She closes down immediately.
Jeff: Nelson previously saw spiritual nuns...
Spirit (arriving):  Shhh!  Shhh!  You cannot talk, we only whisper. 
Sonia: It's okay here.  You can speak.
Spirit:  Shhh!  She belongs to us.  We keep the secrets that nobody knows.  She talks to us, but we only whisper.  Keep it all to yourself.  Shhh!  Whisper!
Jeff:  Are you a silent order of nuns?
Spirit: I told you to be quiet!  We are here, with you now, in the basement of this convent.  Shhh.  We pray, but we do not speak. She doesn't know anything else.  No thinking.
Jeff: Because you won't allow it.
Marisol:  She is no longer a part of your group, she was born again.  And you are a spirit.
Spirit (loudly):  Spirit!?  Who said that?  Like the Virgin Mary?  Who made these rules?
Marisol:  There are no rules because there is no convent.  Those old rules do not apply.
Spirit:  No rules?  Virgin Mary, come down and help me!  So I can say anything I want?  (looked at Jeff)  Go to hell!  I can tell him to go to hell?  You have opened a new world.  1824 was the last time I was allowed to speak.  My parents sent me there, to that convent.  I wanted to belong to something, to fit in.
Marisol:  Do you see that guy next to you?
Spirit: The quiet one?  He is telling us that we do not need to go back.
Jeff: You are free.
Spirit:  The padre told us no, that we needed to continue the rosary all day.  He was in charge.  (Note: The priest in charge of the convent is now the dad of Gabe and his sister in this life)  Thank you for liberating us!  I don't have to wear this (nun's habit) anymore?  I am taking it off (demonstrated).  I don't need to keep my hair short?  I want it long and flowing.  I am going to go.  We are 224 and one priest.  I did not like him.  I'm a free woman!  I hope I don't get into trouble.  Some of us will go to one place, and some to another place.  But all of us are going.  Thank you, I can talk!
As we were preparing to close the session, Otillia said she was experiencing some shoulder pain.  Caballito briefly returned to address her issue:
Caballito:  Why do you enjoy hearing bad news about others?  You take on everything, all the issues of those others when that happens.  Learn to carry only your luggage.  Not everyone who embraces you wants the best for you.
Eva was concerned about returning to Puerto Rico and working with her sister to stop the suicidal thoughts of her sister's son.  She asked for strength, and Caballito moved over to her to give her passes of energy to help prepare her for the task.  Nelson closed with a prayer.

Chicago - August 17, 2016

In attendance: Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff, Nelson, and Sonia
As we finished our educational discussion on reincarnation and why we suffer when we return, Caballito wanted to speak directly to the group.  He told Nelson that he wanted his message, "to be in my words"... 
Caballito (via Nelson):  The gifts that we receive are only those that we have obtained from our work, for the things that we have completed and finished.  We can only receive what we have gained.  Anything else that does not belong to you, give it to us (the spirit guides) and we will take care of it.  Only carry what you can.  Do not carry a sack of lemons, thinking that it is a sack of potatoes. Ask for help for those who need it more. Sometimes we have so much, we do not realize what we have.  We receive back what we have given others, and we are given what we have worked for (or earned).  Let the world run in the manner it does, as it helps us work the way we know best.  No one is important enough to eliminate another.
(for Juanita): She is being given energy to accept the responsibilities that this time requires.  No more, no less.  At this moment, she will understand many things.  Tell her to lose everything - except her faith.  If she loses that, the sack of potatoes disappears, because she loves the fruit (the lemons).  Advise her not to forget to call her guide.  Sometimes, the work is done in silence, as there are things we are not prepared to understand - when we come from a suffering past.  We all say that we are ready at this table, but only a few really are.  Come together and ask not for her, but for her enemies - so they will understand their mistakes.  There are things we do not understand now, because we close our eyes.  But we will understand.  Keep working, so you can gain, and know where to go and what to ask.  Thank you for letting me speak to you and to them (the spirits around Juanita).  They are not ready to understand, but in silence, we work.
Nelson advised that the prayers for enemies and for the hardened spirits be read.  He was shown a former life for Juanita, and it was not pleasant.  It was on the top of a mountain in Mexico, where indigenous people practiced rites and ceremonies that seemed to be taken from a cartoon or an old movie. Emiliano explained that the mountain was still there.  In this previous reincarnation, Juanita was the leader of the tribe, and she was a very tall, very strong and mean man.  She was not married.  Juanita "cleaned" away those that she did not like by burning them alive in a pot of boiling water over a fire.  Those spiritual friends she previously destroyed have now found Juanita.  People who marched up the mountain were also sacrificed. Juanita was born back into the same family in this reincarnation. She had two helpers to assist her in cooking people in the big pot, and those helpers were her mother and father in her current life.  Nelson saw that the other mountain tribe natives all had the same skin color and facial structure as Emiliano.  The entire Romero family was once part of this group, and the sacrificed spirits were finding them now, one by one.  Emiliano said there was always a legend about the mountain being filled with energy and witchcraft.  As he spoke, some spirits arrived to put a mask over his face to hide his appearance. 

Chicago - August 10, 2016

In attendance:
Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Eva, Gabe, Isaac, Isabel, Jeff, Jovanni, Juan, Nelson, Sonia and Xaver
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  While we were discussing the perispirit during our class, we were joined by some spiritual friends who were around Juanita in the hospital.
Nelson (to Juan):  You don’t want to bury another daughter, do you?
Juan: No.
Nelson:  There are some spiritual friends with your daughter (Juanita) and they are asking why she has not been treated well.  Why there is no affection for her.  These spirits are angry with you.
Sonia: You are treating her the same way you did in the last life…and you were given the opportunity to be with her again to improve.
Emiliano:  He is not a very affectionate man. 
Nelson:  She doesn’t want to die until she gets a little bit of love - and tonight she thought she was dying.  We need to change that.  She’s very tired of being mistreated by everyone in her family.  She thinks that if she dies, it might make everyone respect her more…the spirits are listening, and they are asking why she is being treated this way…
(A forceful spirit arrived to sit through Nelson)
Spirit:  Why have you brought me here?  They never change!  I keep listening, and it’s always the same.  I have made that hospital a living hell, because I am a good worker.  (laughed and looked at Jeff)  Even the gringo didn’t want to go there!  And I’m going back.  No one has suffered as much as I have.  We have been researching her, and now I am not leaving her until I am done.  She is not afraid of dying.  She fears only the living - her family.  When everyone is afraid of losing her, I gain a lot.  I cannot leave her now, and I will tell you why.  I lent her to that family to be treated better.  SHE IS NOT A SERVANT!  I am taking her to stop her suffering, to stop the cooking and cleaning.  (to Juan)  When is she getting a kiss from you?  When is the last time you told your daughter you loved her? 
(Carmen and Sonia continued to coach the spirit)
Spirit: You know I did not want to come - so why am I here?  (coughing)  The medicine you give her hurts me.  I wanted to bring her back, to be with me.  This guy (spirit guide) says I have to go.  I made a pact with him - If I don’t see any change from them towards her, I’m coming back - to stay.  (sobbing)  If I come back, I will never leave her!  She doesn’t stop crying, and neither do I.  (sadly, with deep emotion)  Treat my princess well.  Treat her well…
The spirit was part of a group of 16, and as they left, Nelson was shown that a group of good spirits were being sent to the hospital to cleanse what they left behind.  Nelson also saw that there was still a dark shadow around Juanita, and it was creating more friction. 
Spirits 2 & 3 (via Carmen): The shadow was another group of spirits, and they were related to Emiliano:
Spirit (to Emiliano):  You are causing harm.  I do not want you around her.  You are not going back, and she is going to die.
Emiliano:  Why are you so angry with me?
Spirit:  You took her away from me!
Sonia:  Under horrible conditions, I can see it.
Spirit: Yes!  He took my sight so I couldn’t find her!  I don’t want him near her.  I will be there with her, before he gets another opportunity.  My eyes were sewn shut.  He was a criminal - a murderer!  He took her from me and mistreated her, and now it’s the same.  He is still the same - the same one!  (pause)  They are removing that thread, that sewing from my eyes.  I am seeing shadows.  (pause)  I am seeing him.  Forgive me, I have the wrong person.  I need to learn how to be respectful.  There are 32 of us, and we all need to be more respectful.  She was shielded from seeing me, I understand that now.  I feel lighter, and free.  (to Emiliano)  Give her love.  It’s all I wanted to give her.
Carmen’s guide arrived to cleanse her and bless our table once the group of spirits departed.  And we resumed the class.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Chicago - August 14, 2016

In attendance:
Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Eva, Gabe, Isabel, Isaac, Janet, Jeff, Jose, Maricela, Marisol, Milagros (and her guests, Jose and his wife), Nelson, Ron, Sonia, and Xaver
Marisol read the Prayer for the Sick, and Maricela updated the group on Juanita's condition.  Nelson mentioned his nephew in Puerto Rico who was suffering from recurring back pain.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson was focused on Jose, the guest of Milagros.  He was suffering with four ulcers, issues with his circulation, diabetes, and now his legs felt as if they were on fire.  Spiritually, Nelson was made aware that Jose had a low tolerance for black people (or others darker than he was), and part of that issue was from a previous reincarnation, but those feelings also continued in this lifetime.  He was once a plantation owner who made his black slaves walk on hot coals - to see if burning their legs and feet would alter their skin color.  Jose had been to several doctors, but nothing helped his burning legs.  Nelson heard a spirit say, "He can put ice on it, but nothing will cool him."  The male spirit spoke in a savage sing-song voice, with a high pitch that sounded like a madame or practitioner of voodoo:
Spirit (hunched and bent over): Carumba!  Don't tell me things that are not true - I know the truth!  The only medicine to fix his pain - we have that potion, and we are not giving it up.  Carumba!  Where was our pity?
Marisol:  Do you feel well?
Spirit:  No.  Of course not! 
Jose:  I ask for forgiveness.
Spirit:  We went through so much because of you!  We can never forget - or forgive.  I would like to ask for a cold glass of water.  Not for me, for my family.  I am made of fire, and water would harm me.  Do you know how difficult it is to see your son suffer and not be able to help?  (The spirit guides supplied his son with a cold glass of water)  Thank you.  (to Jose)  Everything you do in secret is known.  I wanted to say more, but it really doesn't matter any more.  We will go.  There are 45 of us, and my family is eight - my wife and I, and six children.  Carumba!  We will go. 
The spirit hunched over and left in the same way he arrived.  Nelson recommended that Jose read the Prayer for the Hardened Spirits for 30 days.  Marisol wanted to return to Juanita's health.  She sensed that Juanita was tired of being sick and seeing herself in the same condition every day (and Maricela agreed). 
Spirits 2 & 3 (via Marisol):  Marisol was being shown a dark shadow that overwhelmed Juanita.  It completely covered her hospital room, and Juanita's thoughts fed the shadowy spirits.  "She has lost her will to live," Maricela said tearfully.  A female spirit emerged to sit through Marisol:
Spirit (sadly): And she cries more than she smiles.  It shatters my heart, it's all too much suffering.
Nelson:  What we need to do is get your heart and hers beating again.
Spirit:  I can't die, they need me!  I am trying to take care of her, but whenever I come near her, she gets sicker.  She doesn't want to die, but everything hurts! 
Nelson:  Why do you have this obsession with her? 
Spirit:  She took care of me when I was sick - she was my caregiver.  I am her mother.  My husband was not good, and I will not accept that I am dead.  (Note: This was the second appearance at our table for this spirit.  She was summoned to Juanita's hospital room by family members who believed that she was a "good" spirit who could help. When we transition back into the spirit world, we progress at our own individual rate.  Contacting a former relative to ask for help interrupts this progression, and it hurts everyone.)
Referring to her family, the spirit asked, "How can I leave when they still cry for me?"  Nelson began to rhythmically snap his fingers on one hand, similar to the tick-tock of a clock.  It helped the spirit to focus.  "Now I feel sorrow, because I couldn't help," the spirit sobbed, "I accept the blame, but it was not my intention to come.  I'm ready to go."  Nelson told her, "You suffered, and so did everyone else."  The spirit put her head on the table and wept.  Marisol's spirit guide softly replaced the spirit.  She stood up, with cheerful hand clapping, some dancing, and her exuberant praise:  "It was about time for that spirit to go!  Stop mourning and celebrate her progression!  This was great work.  Tell Juanita to come dance with me!"
Nelson began to snap his fingers again, as he walked over to Emiliano.  Esperanza joined them, and Emiliano began to cry.  Nelson said, "He bottles everything up inside and doesn't cry or show any emotion."  Emiliano said that his family was diminishing (one son was in Korea, while his other son and his daughter were both on vacation).  Nelson reminded him that he still had his wife, and they loved each other.
Spirit 4 (via Carmen):  Emiliano's grandmother was with us, and she wanted Emiliano to know that he was not alone.  She sat through Carmen to explain:
Spirit:  Do not allow another tragedy.  Stay strong, and realize that there are some things you cannot control.  Take care of yourself.  Do not allow the obscurities of life stray you from your path.  And pray for those loved ones, to encourage them to continue on the paths they have chosen. 
Eva (to the Romero family and the group):  Remember that when someone passes, don't ask for them to return.  We never know what they are doing on the other side, or how they are progressing.  Instead, call on your spirit guide to help.
Carmen immediately began to sense another spirit, and it was a message for the wife of Jose (Milagros other guest).  She was reluctant to let the spirit sit, as it was difficult work, and the spirit side had already informed Carmen that the message would not be believed.  Nelson said, "We do the work for the spirits - it's our job.  If someone doesn't like the message, we shouldn't care.  We are here to work, not to make new friends.
Spirits 5 & 6 & 7 (via Nelson):  Nelson was studying a spirit related to Xavier and Isaac.  He sensed that both of them were wishing that their father was home more often, so he could spend more time with them.  All their conversations with him were mundane and routine.  Nelson sensed that the boys often felt abandoned.  Nelson's guide arrived to explain further:
Caballito (to Xavier and Isaac):  Why haven't you told him that?  Just say what comes from your heart, and ask him to spend more time with you.  Sonia, does your son realize that his kids need him now?  (Yes)  So what will he say when something happens to one of these boys?  I was too busy at work?  He doesn't think that he needs to worry about them, but how does he know, when he is never there?  Sebastian (the youngest son) needs him more than the other two, but HE IS NEVER THERE.  He failed with his older children, and now he will fail with them... 
(Caballito ushered in a spirit who took his place)
Spirit (snarling):  Who the hell do you think you are?  I was doing my job where I was.  They will never be happy.  I want to make sure that they hate each other.  I never got anything, and isn't everyone supposed to be treated equally?  I was abandoned, and it's hard to grow up alone, all by yourself.  I don't care about his kids, this is about him
Sonia: You need a family...
Spirit (laughing):  What's that?  What is a family?
Jeff: People who care about each other.
Spirit: I never had that!
Marisol: You had a grandmother who loved you.
Spirit: She was the only one ever there!  I went through so many things that I didn't understand, because he was never there.  He used to say, 'Not now, not now!'  It was always, 'Not now.'  (pause, and crying)  Do you know how hard that is?  When you need him the most, you get 'Not now.'  If not now, then when?  He (the spirit guide) is trying to tell me that I will find love, but I don't even know what that is.  I'm tired of not knowing when.  Don't they say, V is for Victory?  Ha!  He (Victor, the father) has failed all of them.  No victory until he ends up like me.  One day he will ask his boys for something, and I hope he won't get what I got, 'Not now.'  I just want peace, for them not to feel what I felt.  (pause)  To be free of him.  You know what I just heard instead of 'not now?'  I heard, 'now.'  So I will go - and try to find some happiness.
The spirit departed, and Nelson wondered why it was so difficult for parents to tell their children that they loved them.  A familiar spirit professor arrived to answer that question:
Spirit:  Put the excuses aside, all of you.  When you tell someone you love them, you get love in return.  Haven't we come here to learn how to love?  There will be mistakes, but my message is firm.  That's why Jeff has been wondering who I was (it was Don Polo). I had to use a sterner tone to deliver my message.  Sonia, you can still teach your son.  Eva, have no fear when you return home (to Puerto Rico).  Sometimes, being received is welcome enough.  That friend of yours is experiencing a rough stretch, and you can help.  If you see something wrong, speak up.  Jeff, open your arms to that one (his mother) with a lot of love - even if she rejects it, it is your responsibility to offer.  Later, she will appreciate it.  She likes to blame the one who was not there, but if you were there with her, she would still blame you.
Spirit 8 (via Marisol):  Polo stepped to the side so the work could continue.  Nelson noticed a spirit with Marisol when she arrived today, and now the spirit told him, "You have no business meddling in her life.  Or her husband's life. No damn business!"  The irate spirit sat through Marisol: 
Spirit (to Nelson):  I saw you when I came in.  He (Marisol's husband) cannot leave her.  I am stopping him from nothing (laughter).  But he cannot leave.
Nelson:  Because you are in the middle, stopping him.
Spirit: It's hot.  Isn't it hot?
Nelson:  You are hot because you are doing weird things to stop him from going back to school.  Things you should not be doing, with little dolls, water, and a black candle.  What is the purpose of that candle?  Why don't you want him to make it?
Spirit: His life is paralyzed.  No school, no job, nothing.
Nelson: How can I convince you to leave him alone?
Spirit: I'm getting revenge!  He did the same to me.  I didn't have a chance.  (irritated)  Why did he (the husband) have to find this one (Marisol)? Things were taken out of my control.  I was fine before she arrived.
Nelson: You have to change.  You have closed every door for him.  Learn, and go to the reincarnation center.  You can still do it, you can make it.
Spirit:  He has dreams, but they are getting further away for him.  I don't think I can make it either.
Nelson:  But today you will go back to school, and so will he.  The spirit world loves you, and you can accomplish everything you want to do.  You can come back and tell us all about it - that person you always wanted to be...
Spirit:  They are telling me I was wrong.  Life is interesting, isn't it?  Things happen that we can't understand.  I'm going to go.  I feel better because you said I will have another chance.  And he was meant to be more.
Nelson:  Life always gives you a second chance...
Spirit 9 (via Carmen):  As the spirit left Marisol, a new spirit arrived to sit briefly through Carmen.  As with the previous weeks, the spirit and her group were causing Carmen to suffer, even though the spirits were summoned by Bernardo:
Spirit:  I came here to remove her from here!  (to Nelson)  Also, you talk too much. 
Nelson: That's your fault, stop interfering with her life.
Spirit:  I want her to go crazy.  We pay for everything we do, in the end.  But I will go (Note: 36 spirits were removed)
Spirit 10 (via Sonia & Nelson):  When Nelson mentioned this nephew (Diego) at the start of our session, Sonia felt the pain that he was experiencing.  It started in her neck, and it grew more painful as it moved down the spine.  Nelson said that when he spoke to Diego earlier over the phone, the spirits presented an image of him in a wheelchair, paralyzed from the waist down.  Nelson knew that there was a material cause, and he wondered if there was also a spiritual side.  Nelson was shown that Diego's parents were pulling him in two different directions, as if it was a tug of war, and Diego was the rope.  Sonia heard a spirit ask, "What has he ever suffered from it?" Diego's father wanted him to visit his center, and Diego's mother wanted him to contact Nelson.  Diego just wanted to be left alone.  Everyone was looking for a miracle, and Diego thought that if he could just leave his family, it would be much easier to deal with them.  Nelson sensed him thinking, "It will go away, if I can get away."  He also heard him tell his father, "You want me to understand you, but you don't understand me."  Diego's father responded,  "Do what I say, not what I do.  I don't have to explain it to you, just do what I say."  Nelson drew the following image:

The issue was Diego's tail bone, near the last vertebrae.  Marisol recommended a full CAT scan or MRI to address the material world issue.  Spiritually, the tug of war with his parents was stressing Diego's body and causing him to physically react to the stress.  The parents pulled so much on the oval shaped vertebrae, it had became unclasped - like an opened bracelet.  Nelson said he would contact Diego and let him know.
Nelson wanted to give the female guest of Milagros  a preview of what to expect from the spirit that Carmen was reluctant to pass.  It pertained to something that happened 10 years ago.  At first, nothing came to her mind, but then she realized that her father died 10 years ago.  

Nelson closed with a prayer.

Just A Thought

"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...