Friday, March 3, 2017

Florida - June 12, 2016

In attendance: Astrid, Cookie, Frank, Gloria, Jeff, Nelson, Rafael and Santiago
(Note:  This session occurred right after the worst US gun massacre in Orlando)  Nelson read a selection from Kardec's The Spirits Book on the major obstacles for our progression - pride and ego.  The group discussed the topic.  Our society may be growing materially and intellectually, but not morally.
Nelson asked Gloria about her asthma and she said it was getting worse - despite her tests and X-rays.  Nelson advised her to ask for another X-ray during her July 6th appointment.  There was a black dot on her lower right lung, and it was not normal.  "It shouldn't be there," Nelson said, "And the X-ray needs to be done at the right time for it to be seen."  The conversation changed to Spanish, with Nelson describing some symptoms he thought Gloria may have been experiencing (high fever, heat flashes, and very hot temperatures).  Nelson's skin was burning.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  A male spirit was present, and Nelson described him as a bohemian type.  Gloria and Nelson realized it was Gloria's deceased friend (Andy), and he was in no condition to sit.  Gloria explained that he had been a devout Catholic, although she had spoken to him about spiritism.  Nelson began to cry with pain - as the spirit stepping forward was very difficult - and he was coming from a very bad place.  The spirit did not understand why he was suffering:
Spirit:  Why are we in this condition?  Why are we not in heaven with God?  We were told!  I am not heaven, and we were told!  Where I am - I'll give it to you, this place where I am - It's a lie.  A lie!
Astrid: Now we know that, and you have the power to get out of there.
(Gloria quickly understood that the spirit was not her friend Andy - and she was correct)
Spirit: It's not just one lie, it's a lie on top of a lie on another lie.
Astrid: We can help you.
Jeff: What do you remember?
Spirit: The last thing I remember, there was this man standing over there, telling us to tell him everything we did, and we would be forgiven.  A lie!  So now what is going to happen to us?
Astrid: You will go someplace to feel better.
Spirit: This place we come from, you do not want to know about it.  We were burning.  Suffocating.  Can't breathe.  Coughing all the time.  We did it, we came here, because Andy loved Gloria.  I didn't want to do it.
Jeff: You did something nice for someone, and now you will also get some help.
Spirit (drumming his fingers on the table softly): There are a lot of us rescued.  103 of us.  (to Gloria)  You are very lucky lady.  I didn't want to stop it, I wanted her to be with us - down there in the heat.  She was lucky he (the spirit guide) took us.  We had to leave him (Andy) behind.  He doesn't want to leave yet.  They are trying to convince him.  He'll stay behind, but I am taking all of mine with me.  We will take away that burning - that was me, it belongs to me.  Taking it away is the only way I can obtain what I deserve.  Tell everyone not to fall for it, like we did.  They don't forgive you like they tell you.  It's a lie.  No one told me not to be so evil...
There were several spiritual guides with the group of spirits (all of the mediums noticed them as we opened the session), and these guides were now quietly ushering out the large group. 
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson's guide had arrived to cleanse him, and as he worked, Nelson explained the situation.  The spirits were with Andy, and they were working very quietly with Gloria.  They knew the lungs were fragile, and once they were damaged to a certain point, they would not recover.  Earlier in the living room, Gloria embraced Nelson and both of them jumped.  Caballito explained that he caused it to happen, so the spirits bothering Gloria would jump into Nelson. 
To rescue the spirits, Nelson's guide took him to a Catholic church with a very deep basement.  The basement was concealed under several other basements, hidden away under the church.  The spirits came from that packed basement. It had an unmarked wall, and unless someone knew exactly where to push the wall, the door to the basement would not open.  Nelson's guide knew how to open that door.  He lifted the spirits from there, and the one who spoke was the only one who was able to talk - as the others were too close to a human existence. 
Caballito: Without Andy, we could not rescue them.  He took us there, but Andy was not ready.  He's still figuring things out.  (to Gloria)  Pray for him, and to read the Prayer for the Hardened Spirits to help soften Andy a little.  It's time for him to pack it up and go.
Gloria thought that Andy was still concerned over his will.  She shared a story in which Andy's wife moved him back up north, and Andy asked Gloria to send him a box with of all his papers.  As she was looking for the papers in his house, a box of dishes fell and crashed to the floor - and Gloria knew that Andy had died at that same time.  His will was never recovered, and the mediums believed that the wife did whatever she wanted with his financial affairs.  The wife was deceased (and with Andy on the spirit side), but she still had a daughter from a previous marriage.  Andy was waiting for the daughter, as it seemed likely that she inherited his money - and that was not at all what he wanted.  As our table finished the discussion, Caballito moved forward again, to speak directly to Gloria:
Caballito (after locating the dish towel):  This (the black dot in her lungs) doesn't belong to you.  We need to remove it.  (Jeff and Astrid stood near Gloria while Caballito moved the towel near her lower back.  Everyone returned to their seats once he finished.)  I already put a bandage on you.  We had to take care of whatever they did.  You will start breathing a lot better.  I put a bandage.  I had to make you touch him (Nelson in the living room).  It was the only way.  I know he doesn't always like it.  He's worried that no one will believe him.  I don't care if you believe me or not.  But I wanted you to see what happens when work is done with love and faith.  I will move to the side, as we have more to do.  (to Gloria)  You keep going, and do the work you need to do...
Jackie was not at the session, and Nelson commented that she never changes.  She continued to be involved in things that she should not be.  Caballito advised, "When someone doesn't welcome you, do not get involved."  Nelson was shown that her house was polluted; filled with an invisible thick mass of air.  It was caused by noise.  Her house was infused with non-stop conversations about nothing.  Nelson saw it as an insane asylum, with thousands of people all talking at once, saying random things that never became a conversation.  And Jackie was waiting for more of it.  Nelson said that no one could live this way.  He shared bits of conversation about an oven light bulb, Jackie wetting a cloth for her forehead and heating it in the microwave to get more information, her indecision over coloring her hair to help her diabetes, if Astrid's lemon tree would now produce oranges after it was trimmed (which Astrid had recently thought about), and if people knew that a spider bite was called a quack.  (Note: I could not find any evidence online connecting spider bites with quacks, but the word "quack" is an old Dutch word that described somebody who boasted about the effectiveness of their own remedies - or a person who claimed to have miraculous cures.)
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  A very lively spirit arrived, and he confessed to confusing Jackie:
Spirit (laughing continuously):  She doesn't want to lose her mind!  (ha,ha,ha)  She asks for information, so we give it to her - and then (ha,ha,ha) she forgets what to do with it!  Do you know what I did?  She was making some of her candy (peanut brittle) and when she took it out the oven, all the peanuts were gone!  (ha,ha,ha)  She was wondering who ate them, and they were still in the measuring cup she had put away in the cupboard!  (ha,ha,ha)  She was going to wash something, and she put bleach in instead of detergent!  Everything came out white!  (to Gloria)  She waned to talk to you and she dialed Frank instead!  (ha,ha,ha)
Gloria: It's time for you to get out of there.
Spirit: There's so many of us!
Jeff: Take all of them with you. 
Spirit: She wants to know everything.  She calls us!  We like it there, everyone talking at once.
Gloria:  You are trying to make her crazy, and you are making yourself that way.
Spirit: She's the only one there who is not laughing (ha,ha,ha
Jeff: Your good time is causing her harm.
Spirit: I want to get out of there anyway.  It's too crowded.  So many people!  (to Frank)  Don't go there anymore, I've seen you there!  It's crazy, and hard to breathe.
Gloria: Some of those with her are good, and they are taking care of her.
Spirit: What now?  What will they do with all of us?
Astrid: They will take you to a place to learn.  A place that is less crowded.
Spirit: I am taking just mine - not those bad ones!
Jeff: How many will you take with you?
Spirit: 49 crazies.  Fifty of us, you got it?  Tell that lady to close that door.  She always leaves it open.  We didn't mean any harm, we were just crazy.
As Nelson prepared to close the session, Rafael had a question.  He was curious if the difficulties between Andy and his wife (when they were alive) were from another existence.  Caballito jumped back into Nelson:
Caballito:  No!  There were from this life!  You could have asked me your question directly, the one you are really thinking.  Your issues with your ex-wife are from this existence, this lifetime!  Your problems with your current wife are from this lifetime!  About 80% of your existence is this lifetime, now.  Do not blame it on a past existence.  Do you understand?  Is it clear?  Do you understand?  (Rafael said he did.)
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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