Friday, March 17, 2017

Florida - June 19, 2016

In attendance: Cookie, Frank, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, and Nelson
Nelson read a selection from Kardec's The Spirits Book about the "Intervention of Spirits" into our daily thoughts.  As he was reading a sentence about how easy it was for spirits to penetrate our thoughts, he was shown a large group of lost souls that had been collected together.  They were physically and mentally sick, and the only way to bring them to our table was as one huge group. 
(Note: The selection Nelson read was from Chapter 9 of The Spirits Book - Intervention of Spirits in the Material World.  The chapter deals with situations in which the spirits of the dead, intentionally or possibly unaware, have an influence on the events of the living world.)
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  A devious male spirit spoke from behind Nelson.  "We just like to harm," he said, "by stealing the energy from others to get stronger.  We are not lost.  Call me what I am, an energy stealer."  Nelson used Cookie's job as an example.  When she performed physical therapy on unresponsive patients who never seemed to improve, Cookie felt as if her efforts were wasted.  The spirit moved into Nelson to directly support his side of the story:
Spirit: We like to be around sick people who don't fight to improve.  If they give up, we get another soul.  Humans are weak.  They take my hand, and I collect those lost souls.  The more souls we have, the stronger we are.
Jeff: You are not a collector, you are a thief, a criminal stealing from others.
Gloria: And now you are here today with us.
Spirit: I am better than you.  I've stopped you. 
Jeff: But someone is controlling you, just like you are controlling them.  You do not have the freedom to think on your own.
Spirit:  So?  You know, I liked it that way.
Gloria: Inside, you didn't.  That's why you are here.
Spirit: My own free will brought me here.  Don't parents like to control their kids?  Do you know why I decided to stop?  I got tired of being sick.  When you collect enough, it makes you mentally sick.
Gloria: They scare you.
Spirit: And so many of them together, they began to control me!   The real reason I left was because they threw me out.  They got too strong - even for me.  It was time for me and my group to leave.  But let me tell you, the one taking my place is stronger.
Gloria: Take those friends with you.
Spirit: Do you know how many?  It's a big group, 6,000.  If you knew what we left behind, you would know why we left.
Gloria: Learn.  Change, and be somebody else.
Spirit: I am going to a better place.  Thank you for letting us come here today and move on.  There is a difference from where we came from and where we are going.
Gloria: You will see light for the first time.
Spirit: That would be different.  There is no light over there.  If I am allowed, I will come back again and tell you about the new place.  I reached out for that hand, and now I'm glad I did.  Be careful, what we left behind was not nice.
After the spirit left, Nelson asked Cookie if she had patients who could not walk (and she had many of them).  Some of the spirits from that group were responsible, and they came in today with her.  Whenever Cookie tried to lift the leg of a patient, the groups of spirits would hold it firmly in place.  Although it would frustrate her, it was not Cookie's fault.  The spirits were with those patients that she worked on. 
Spirits 2 & 3 (via Nelson & Gloria):  It became apparent that Nelson's guide was with us, and he moved forward to speak directly to Cookie:
Caballito (to Cookie): We need to thank you for coming here today - to bring those friends with you, so that we could remove and uplift them.  (to Frank)  Your shoulder pain, you caused it yourself.  When you are undergoing the kind of treatments you are receiving, you need to be more in a resting mode.  I know you feel well enough to think that you could do something (he was weeding in the yard), but it does not mean that should do it.  Your body is healing itself.  The energy is there, but don't try to 'fly' yet.  Relax.  Do not complicate the process, as that will result in more recovery work.  At this point, it's not the best for you.  You have some friends around you who don't want you get better....
(Gloria began to cackle and laugh, as a spirit related to what Caballito was saying jumped into her to speak)
Spirit (laughing hysterically):  I'm with him, and he will fly with me!  (to Frank)  Do what you want, you are strong!  (more laughter)  He's going with me.
Nelson:  His time to go is not yet.
Spirit:  He's going with ME!  I hold his hand, I took him outside and we worked together.  I'm his friend.
Jackie: You are causing him pain.
Nelson:  What kind of friend are you?
Spirit: We worked together - a long time ago.  Who is that man there?  By me?  Next to me?  (the good spirit guide)  I am not leaving with him, I am only going to leave with Frank.
Nelson: He is not in the same world that you are in.  Who are you talking through now?  Take a look.  Are you an old lady?
Spirit: I'm a man!  Look at me!  Ohhh.  They are showing me a rotten body.  Who is that?
Nelson: It's you.  Leave him alone.
Spirit (to Frank):  Don't forget me my friend!  I want to go, it stinks here.  I'm sick.  I need that hospital.
Nelson: Leave that lady you are speaking through alone.  In good condition.
Spirit:  Oh, she won't know.  I'll go with him, he's a nice man.  His light does bother my eyes, but I'll go.  I'm too sick.  (fading)  Thanks, thanks, thanks...
Briefly: The group advised Frank to rest more and do less.  Gloria saw the spirit of Edgar.  Jackie saw a little girl dressed in a frilly yellow dress.  She was impatiently asking Nelson, "Where is he?"  When Jeff asked who she meant, the girl replied that Nelson knew exactly who she was looking for.
Nelson saw himself standing in the middle of a sports field.  Two rival teams were with him, and one of them was happy to see Nelson and Jeff returning to Chicago, but the other team was not so thrilled.  There was a chain-link fence with barbed wire separating the teams.  The vision changed, and Nelson envisioned walking down the stairs into the Chicago center.  It had been converted into a basketball court, with Jeff and Nelson standing in the middle.  The two teams were there, on opposite sides.  One team was trying to persuade Jeff to convince Nelson not to go to Chicago.  There were cheerleaders chanting, "Tell him no, not to come, not to come!"  A female spirit on that team stepped forward, and she was the leader.  She said, "Make sure you tell him not to come; he has no idea what awaits."
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  Nelson saw himself picked up and removed from the vision, leaving Jeff alone.  The female spirit decided to speak directly through Nelson:
Spirit (to Jeff):  Now you have no power.  What are you going to do?  Control freak.  What will you control if you have nothing?  (The spirit pretended to squash Jeff like a bug on the table.)  We don't want you to watch over him and help.  These people have control.
Jeff:  I'm not going anywhere.  (Jeff shared that he had three separate dreams last night, and all of them involved him losing the same piece of luggage on different trips.)
Spirit (referring to Nelson): HE IS YOUR LUGGAGE!  Without him, you are nobody.  Do you think those people want you?  What we want to do to you is not pretty.  I want you to suffer.  We want to harm you.
Jeff: What have I done to you?
Spirit: You have removed some of my friends!  Say you are guilty, say it!  (silence)  If it wasn't for you, we could get things done.  I don't like you.  Do you hear me, I DON"T LIKE YOU!  I never will.  You will be OUT!  I don't like you.  Everything is in place.
Gloria: That was until today.  It's over.
Spirit: Why are you involved?  Once he is out, we will finish the job.  Don't get involved.  We will celebrate.
Jackie: There's no celebration, the room is empty.  Look around, you are all by yourself.
Spirit: Where did they all go?  Then I will finish it myself.  I can finish it.
Jackie: He is never alone, he is always protected.
Spirit:  I'm alone!  They all left me.  He was in for a surprise. 
Gloria: It's over.  You were surprised. 
Jackie: How about if you help yourself now.  You are not alone, there is somebody right there to help you.  They changed the plans, it's nothing to do with him, it's all about you. 
Spirit: I am going to go because I have no other option.  I cannot go back there.
Jackie: It's a brand new job.  You will like it.
Jeff: I wish you lots of success...
Spirit: I wish you none - no success!  I'm gonna go with him.  Any place except with him (Jeff)!
The spirit left silently, without a struggle.  Gloria was shown Nelson and Jeff, and both of them were cut in half.  One side of Nelson was joined with one side of Jeff to make a whole person.  Nelson asked about John (the husband of Gloria's daughter) and Gloria said he continued to get better.  Nelson advised that his wife should read the "Prayer for Hardened Spirits" for him, as there were some spirits who were not happy to see him improving.  Nelson was shown a wooden fence with a small knothole in it.  Some of those spirits were looking through the hole, waiting for that opening to get bigger.  Referring to the last spirit, the leader of the group said, "We are not like that other one, he was weak."
Nelson asked Cookie when her cruise was (Oct 24) and where she was going (Mexico).  The trip would be with her two sisters, a niece, and some friends.  Nelson was shown that the relationship between Cookie and one of her sisters was strained.  He used flowers as an example, describing the sister as a thorn in the bouquet.  Caballito returned to elaborate:
Caballito: What is the purpose of that thorn?  Why is it there?  From it, we learn how to cope with things that make us uncomfortable.  You sister wants to be that thorn, because she is afraid that the others will be okay without her.  She likes being the thorn.  She is going on this vacation with a purpose, but we are not going to let her be that thorn.  She will change for that week only, and it will be a surprise.  One week only. It will seem like she is in a bottle (bottled up) for that week.  Don't drink the water in Mexico.  Your sister has caused a lot of harm in your family (Cookie agreed), and we need to work on it.  It's deeply rooted, with deep emotions.  She categorizes everyone, saying that one is weak, and another can be controlled.  She thinks that things would be different if her father was still alive.  Your family is on the verge of collapsing.  The land (in Puerto Rico) that they are fighting over has previous (spiritual) owners.  The Indians owned it, and they were always fighting.  Whatever is planted there now, it never works out.  Fruit trees with rotten fruit.  It was once a plantation.  (Cookie shared that her sister was very dark and her brother who now lives on the disputed land was pale and white.)  And ugly things have already been said (Cookie agreed).  Many (of those spirits) will be removed today.  From the Indians, plantation owners, your parents and siblings - there is too much anger.  Your vacation will be better for it.  (looking at Jeff)  I am working on a number for you, I know you write it down:
22 from the plantation
33 from your angry mother
11 from your angry father
12 from your sister
And 14 from the brother who lives there
Caballito (to Cookie):  I want you to realize directly and indirectly how much you have brought to the table today.  (Note: A total of 6,078 spirits were helped)  Smile more often.  She thinks it hurts to smile.  It doesn't hurt.  She presents herself as a sad person.  Stop.  Present who you really are, because now you have found something (spiritism) that has made you happy.  Hop on!  Learn from this boy (Nelson).  He always has a smile.  All of you can learn from that.  Do you know why he smiles?  He always thinks how many people are out there, worse than he is, and he smiles.  Learn and be happy.  Is that difficult?  Use what I tell you and be happier.  At your age - not that you are old - you found something that teaches happiness. 
(Note: The next section deals with the loss in Orlando)
Caballito: That's what this brings.  It's not that 'magic' as you call it, or when I take that towel and everyone waits for some excitement - that is not the lesson.  It's happiness.  When you do not ask, when you only think about getting some help, it comes to you.  We bring happiness.  Look around you, and you think the happiness in your world is so little.  The message to take is that it's a beautiful world, and you should be glad to be a part of it.  Don't let the bad influence your heart.  Pray for those who have lost their lives in the most unexpected way.  It's hard to make them understand that they do not belong in that world anymore.  How do we tell someone who was out celebrating the world they lived in that they no longer belong?  I want to ask something simple.  Do a prayer for those friends to let them know they do not belong in that world anymore.  Will you do that for them?  I will ask for even more.  Read the prayer today for the recently deceased, so they understand it's a transition.  They would cause harm to those they love if they go to them now.  It's difficult.  We have been working with them.  (pause)  You ask why we allow these things to happen?  We try to stop these things, but sometimes it is the only way to get to a higher level.  Our hearts are also crying for them,  I know you think that we don't cry, but they are not alone.  A lot of us are with them.  It's an emergency.  There are more of these situations arising than you think.  Use your prayers to try to minimize them.  What is going to happen will happen.  None of us can stop it.  Be aware of your surroundings at all times.  If it's not the right place, reflect, think and go back.  Do not be in harm's way.  That's my message today.  Pray for those.  One of the worst things humans can do is one word - retaliation.  Don't do that, it's not what we need.  If you feel the need for retaliation, think of love instead. 
Sometimes we need a somber note, and we had to end this way today.  Those words were also for the friends we brought in today (to observe the session).  Love everyone, they are all a spirit, not just another human being.  It's another light, like me.  Do that, and you will never harm anyone.  I will take some of those friends with me, 115 of them.  And one who just died (in Orlando).  Outside, there are 12 parents, and all of them are fathers.  Because you are celebrating something today for them.  (we were meeting on Father's Day)  They were brought here to see what their sons and daughters were doing, so they could be content.  Keep doing the work.  Have a wonderful rest of the week.  Smile.  If you cannot, think of me, and I will bring you a smile.  All of you will be okay.  Don't let anyone stop you from this work.
Jackie read the requested prayer for the recently deceased and the closing prayer.

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