Monday, March 6, 2017

Chicago - May 15, 2016

(Note:  These notes were authored by Gabe) 
Table: Maricela, Sonia, Marisol, Carmen, Denise, Gabe
Attendees: Frank, Xavier, Janet, Juan, Lisa, Isabel, Ron, Emiliano, Esperanza, Don Juan, Bernardo

Opening Prayer by Sonia, Prayers for sick by Marisol+petitions by all

-Marisol inquired Gabe about his grandma
-Marisol asked Carmen about Roberto's "rope joke"
-Carmen shared her horrible week (she was sick)
        -Shared this morning, an angel kissed her on the cheek and she immediately got better (nice feeling)
-Maricela felt like crying (& leaving)
-Marisol shared it was like a spirit that was seen, but doesn't want to come
-Carmen felt like it was with Janet (like scaring her)
-Janet shared to her husband that she has being tired lately and would be ok to check out
-she shared a dream were she was in a 'surgical' room and there was a young kid in it, only. Her surgery had some complications of just being kidney to stones to removing the gallbladder

Side comment: We all sensed, when coming in, that we should have gone upstairs

-Maricela shared she feels a pressure on her chest/ear (Janet confirms too)
-Marisol share this spirit wanted this to end, and was upset they found another center.
-Provoked him with fighting words

Spirit #1 via Carmen (for Janet)
-You want to fight? I'm here to fight for my woman. I'm going to defend what's mine. She feels me, she sees me, she needs me. He doesn't do anything. I want to take her away with me
-Marisol: But we can help you?
-Spirit: I need no help, she continues to be me mine. I'm more visible than him
-Marisol: Until today..
-Spirit: I was there in that room, waiting to take her. I was so close
-Maricela: You re living off memories..
-Spirit: So?
-Spirit: I came with the intentions of fighting for her, she needs me.
-Marisol: You know, you're causing her harm
-Spirit: I know, I've seen her suffer, this wouldn't have happened if she only listen to me
-Spirit: I'm feeling like her tired
-Janet: I need you to leave me so I can feel better.
-Spirit: Who am I going to leave with? Who is going to take care of you. 
-Spirit: I feel horrible now
-Marisol: You'll feel better if you leave, the energies are not compatible
-Maricela: You'll go to a hospital now, to feel better
-Spirit: I'm not going to no hospital, maybe with her
-Spirit: However, they're calling me, hopefully Ill feel better, take care Janet.

Spirit gone

Spirit #2 via Carmen to clean (guide)
-To Janet, While you live, keep moving forward. Doors will open and you will keep progressing. You guys have come far, don't stop. You'll start seeing them more, and we will be there to help.

Spirit gone

-Juan shared some of his shop stories
-Carmen shared Janet is surrounded by light spirits
-Juan shared the story of him, his brother and Cando (emotional)

-Marisol started yawning, related it to Xavier (since he was sleeping)
-The spirit was portrayed, by Carmen, as speaking gibberish
-Marisol saw the spirit of a smart ass, arrogant scholar. He shared "I know my stuff, I don't need school"-Xavier shared he feels the same way

Spirit #3 via Marisol (for Xavier)
-You don't need any of this stupid stuff, school is for dumb people .We don't need to do that.
-I already know everything I need to know
-Spirit: He's a self learner, school is not for us
-I'm with him, were scholars
-Were good together, we hang.
-Xavier: but you're not alive, however I agree to some point
-But, were the same
-Don't you like being with me
-He's part of our group, why you leave?
-Gabe: He reincarnated to learn more, you have to do the same and go study.
-Spirit: this all very confusing
-Gabe: Listen to the one who brought you
-Spirit: He's also confusing
-Gabe: How many scholars are there?
-Spirit: 32
-Were going to go learn, were in agreement. Were going to learn different things
-Maybe were not so diff from others (we got to stay humble)
-We felt superior
-Thank you for allowing us to speak

Spirit gone

Marisol asked Emiliano how was the situation at home?
Emiliano: Worse
-They talked but its still happening but in secret.
-Esperanza hasn't tried it either. Marisol advised Esperanza should try talking to him alone since there's less friction Mw him
-Emiliano is frustrated, has thought of talking to the girls mother. They're both 27 years old
-Carmen exploded "you have to kick him out"
          -Juan thought the same
          -mom and dad Romero both acknowledge they don't like her

Spirit #4 via Marisol (for Emiliano and Esperanza)
-Came in violently, smashing the table
-Why the hell am I here? Why so much insisting, I'm going to blow the situation up...
-They're not going to do nothing, in regards to the parents (Esperanza)
-I was calm, in the corner
-That one (Emiliano) loses patience and blows up
-Maricela: You re living off a memory...
-Spirit: No I'm not, she's a meddler (the GF), its either her or I
-Spirit: I don't like her, I'm going to cause her harm...
-Spirit: I just want this to end, I'm in charge (she needs to go)
-Maricela: Maybe you need to go
Spirit: He doesn't need to move out, just her
-Spirit: The family doesn't bother me, he's mine
-Carmen: you have to move on, you're dead
-Spirit: No, I'm not
-Spirit: No, I'm not leaving. You re interrupting my plan.
-Spirit: Why you trying to help me? Did I ask for help?
-Spirit: I'm so confused now, they already placed something in my corner
-Spirit: No one is taking me but they're telling I have to go
-Spirit: I really don't want to go, note this was a trap
-Spirit: I guess I have no power. I'm going to leave, unwillingly! going to a holding room

Spirit Gone

Spirit #5 via Marisol (guide) to clean her and stated while dancing, we have to turned the fire off... not on... ohh no, no, no, no

Sonia shared that she saw a back of someone sitting in front of her (table discussed those who had a back that was hurting and what was the meaning behind it)

Closing prayer by Gabe

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