Monday, February 27, 2017

Chicago - April 17, 2016

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Erika, Frank, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff, Jose, Juan, Maria, Maricela, Milagros, Nelson, Ron, Sonia and Xaver. 
After the opening prayer, Marisol read the prayer for the sick.  Nelson was shown spirits who were drunk.  They were all around the room, completely filling the space in the section of the center where the chairs were arranged in a circle.  Some of them were passed out, but most of them were searching for another drink.
Spirits 1 & 2 (via Nelson):  One of the inebriated spirits stood behind Nelson to speak for the group.  He said he was thirsty, looking for that "white water" that wasn't really water.  As a reflection of his thirst, some of our group members began to cough with dryness.  The spirit stepped forward to speak:
Spirit: We go everywhere, to every house, job, city, all over the world.
Marisol: Happy drunks...
Spirit: Sometimes we are welcome, sometimes not.  It's easy. Everyone here likes to drink.  Hoooo, doesn't that taste good?  So what is the purpose of me being here?  They told us we were going to some place with more drinks, and some better drinks.
Marisol: They will bring you some water.
Jeff: Why do you want to drink?
Spirit: I told you, it makes me feel good.  It's who I am, it's all I like, and it's all I  want.  I need one, right now.  Life is difficult.  When you have no money, you have to steal to survive.  I lived under a bridge.
Marisol: Here you are in a better place, you are no longer under that bridge.
Spirit: A lot of the people I see here (humans), we have been to some of your homes!  A few of us from all of your homes.
Jeff: What happened that caused you to start drinking?
Spirit: It hides the real feelings.  I had a good house, and a job. Things didn't get better, they got worse, until I had no job, and no home.  I didn't have any place to go.  What happened to my wife, my kids?  I don't know.  One day I was okay, and then I was alone.  (long pause)  I jumped off that bridge.  I didn't want to know my life anymore.  You do not know how hard that was.  When you see a drunk, don't laugh.  You don't know their story.  Tell that lady (Carmen) with the depressed daughter, to watch out for the bottle.  When you want to hide who you are - and all your feelings - be careful with that bottle.
Jeff: How many friends do you have with you?
Spirit: Do you really want to know?  2,000.  Some from everyone here, from all of your homes.  I want a drink.  They (the spirit guides) are telling me to first be truthful to myself, and that is the truth.  If you see someone who wants a drink, give them a hug, or some kindness instead.  I don't know where my family is, but I want to know, and that's the truth.  I want to thank all of you, because here I can be honest with myself.  It's time to get out from under that bridge, they say, so we are going to go.
Nelson said that some spirits were removed from all of our houses, and Jeff called it a Spring cleaning.  Gabe asked how we attracted this type of spirit, and Nelson's guide quietly shifted into him to answer the question and cleanse Nelson:
Caballito (to Gabe):  How do they become attached?  What about a bottle that looks like a Coke, but it is kept in a brown paper bag?  (a reference to Gabe's father)  When you ask for a sip, you are told no.  It's easier to hide the truth, so he can say, 'You have never seen me drink.'  Is there that much shame that it has to be hidden?
Marisol had sensed the presence of her uncle (Cando) all week, and she wanted to read the prayer for loved ones who had passed away.  As she read, Nelson was shown a group of spirits that Cando had helped when he was still in the material world.  These spirits did not like what he did with them, and although he thought they had all moved on, they were still with him.  One of them said, "You are never going to be rid of us."  Cando was unwilling to listen to the advice of the good spirits.  He appeared to be in a haze, and he believed that his transition into the spirit world was only a dream.  If he was a spirit, Cando was now determined to appear in a material form and speak to his group again.  He was angry to see Marisol seated in what he thought was his chair, and he wanted her to move so he could reclaim his leadership position.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson understood that because of Cando's hazy condition, he could not see or hear clearly.  He wouldn't listen to any of the spirits around him:
Marisol: What they are saying is not what he wants to do.  He wants to be here, but he is not ready.
Sonia: He's blocked.  Stuck in that mind-set.
Marisol: That sounds like him.
Nelson: He thinks he will wake up from his dream and take charge again.  He doesn't feel needed.  He wants to reincarnate here to prove to everyone that spiritism is true.
Sonia: There's a process.  It takes time.
(Cando's spirit arrived through Nelson)
Spirit: I do not understand this process.  I thought the change would be easy for me, but it's harder than I thought.  I am supposed to work, I know that, but I just sit in a corner and do nothing.  It's difficult.  I don't want to go to a school, I want to do it my way.  Why can't things go my way?  I have already been to a school, and now there is another school?  The rules I believed no longer work?  So now I am here, doing what I told all those spirits to do - to move on.  It's difficult, really confusing for me.  I learned, I worked a lot (in the material world), so I thought it would be different for me.  I cannot leave my group (our table), who will give them a hand when they need it?  (he began to sob, as Maricela helped to counsel him)  There are a lot of things they ask me here, and I don't want to talk about them.  Why wasn't it different for me?  I should have different rules.  I am afraid that if I leave, I will never be able to come back.  (crying)  They call me, pray for me, but I am afraid.  Who would have thought that I would have this confusion? 
Marisol: You are in the spirit world, and that is where you will working now.
Spirit: How sad that my own spirit has backtracked.  (to the group)  You were my family.  I do not know when I will be back, but I will work to do it.  I will be back.  Friends are here, picking me up.  It's time to go. 
Nelson said that Cando's spirit was probably the most difficult one he had ever passed.  He asked his guide to return to cleanse and energize him.  Sonia said that as a group, we would all send energies to Nelson, and Caballito returned:  
Caballito (to the group):  Do you see how difficult the path can become?  Even with all of the knowledge that he had, Cando needed to speak today.  Now he will start his spiritual progress.  He thought the transition from earth to the spirit world was the same as being born.  It is not.  He thought it was easy.  Learn from that, as it is harder to die than be born.  When we are born into the material world, all the memories are left behind.  When we return home (spirit world), it is difficult to let go of those we love, and the things we had.  That is why you are never alone.  We are around to assure that you know what is happening.  That is why we need the education.  The process seems easy, but it is not. 
Jeff: We understand, thank you.
Caballito: Without him (Nelson), I could not say these words.  He calls me 'Caballito', but he is the caballito.  I had to help Cando.  Did you know that he and I are friends?  (to Jeff)  Don't be afraid, nothing will ever happen to him (Nelson).  He's never alone.  None of you are ever alone.  We are here,in this place, before you arrive, and we do not leave until al of you have gone.  Nelson has to leave soon to spend time with the spirit he now calls his mother.  He needs to be there to say goodbye.  He says it will be easy.  It will not.  He will fall apart.
Jeff: May I ask a question?  Is there something more that we could do to make your job easier?  Are we asking the right questions?  We gain so much from the sessions, and I wondered how we could help more.
Caballito: We ask only that you be here.  If prompted, you could tell everyone that you know how wonderful spiritism is.  Do not be afraid to express it.  If someone you know could be happier or more prosperous, why not help them?  I will move to the side now, until I am needed again...
Spirit 4 (via Carmen):  A spirit had arrived with the group of drunk spirits, and this spirit was responsible for putting Carmen and Bernardo's daughter into a depressed state of mind:
Spirit: I feed those thoughts.  When I am not around, nothing happens.  She listens to me, and right now, she wants to be in a bar.  I get her that way.  She's jealous of her mother.  I light that fire, too.  (to Carmen)  You love her - but I love her more.
Nelson: Why do you like to start fights?
Spirit: I'm thirsty.  I need a drink.
Nelson: What is that doll you always have with you?  She doesn't have any eyes.
Spirit: I use that doll to move things over there.  You might call it a baby.
Nelson: Look, now the eyes on the doll are open.
Spirit: What?  You made my doll disappear!  Now what will I do?  I have to leave?  I was happy there...
Spirit 5 (via Marisol):  As Marisol was channeling the next spirit, Nelson spoke with Milagros and encouraged her to see more doctors and continue her treatment.  The spirit began to speak through Marisol, and it became apparent that this was the spirit of Cando's mother (Marisol's grandmother).  She wanted to thank Nelson for allowing Cando to speak as she restored Marisol's energy:
Spirit: I am restoring her energy.  She says, 'I am good, I'm okay,' but she is tired.  Do you know that there are people who go to centers or temples who do not even like each other?  They are wasting time when they do not apply what they have learned.  She (Marisol) cannot concentrate spiritually or materially, as her job mentally occupies her mind.  Her husband is not helping.  She comes here where she is not alone.  This is a family.  She was my favorite granddaughter, and now you are the family.  Many thanks to you, the family.  She will need you.  God bless you all.
Nelson asked Jose and Maria about their dinner after the last session (it went well).  Some spirits were present for them, but they were reluctant to speak.  In situations where the participants do not share much, it is very difficult for a spirit to be persuaded to speak.  Nelson's guide continued to questions about Jose's past, hoping to gain enough insight for a spirit to sit:
Caballito: You both have started the spiritual work many times- and then you suddenly stop.  It's like a baseball game, but when you hit a home run, you only run to second base.  If you start now again, you cannot stop this time.  Even if it is painful, it's time to finish all the bases. 
Jose: I like the work, and I have known this since I was a child.
Caballito: But now your time is growing short, and you need to keep doing the work.  She (Maria, his wife) has been leading you, and now that will change.  You will change yourself because of yourself.  You need to clear your own path.  If she stops coming, you come alone.  The work is yours - not hers.  You must grab that torch and keep going if you want your life to change for the better.  She has helped you, now you must help her.  Your thinking must change, as there are many spirits around you.  They are not your enemies.
Caballito filled in the details that Jose would not share.  When Jose left Mexico City for the US, the spirits of deceased soldiers he had served with came along with him.  Jose dreamt of them at times.  He had promised them that he would send for them once he was settled in the US - but he never kept that promise, and they were still waiting.  Those spirits were not the only ones waiting for Jose to keep a promise.  In Mexico, Jose lived with a female doctor who died of leukemia.  Before she passed, she and Jose had a son together.  The son now lived in Canada and worked at a museum.  Jose promised that he would send for them once he was resettled, but he never did.  The spirit of this woman was present, and she was dressed in a wedding gown, ready for the wedding she was promised.  She wanted to speak to Jose, as she did not understand why he had abandoned her.  There were other promises that Jose had not kept, but his unwillingness to share more caused the spirit in the wedding dress, the soldiers, and the others who were with them to leave without sitting.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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