Monday, March 27, 2017

Chicago - July 3, 2016

In attendance:
Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Erika, Eva, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff, Maricela, Marisol, Mimi, Nelson, Noemi, Ron, Sonia  

Briefly: Marisol read the prayer for the sick, and Carmen told the table about her relatives in Puerto Rico who were suffering (Vanessa, and her daughter Minga).  Minga was hospitalized and unable to walk.  She also had an issue with her blood.  Based on her symptoms, the mediums recommended that she be tested for Lyme disease.  Maricela asked about the upcoming trip for Juan and Juanita (they are returning from Mexico) and the mediums agreed that the trip will be fine.  Nelson wanted to caution Juanita not to stray too far from her spiritual work, as a fall could leave her bedridden. 
Nelson was shown that Marisol's husband was reluctant to return to school (even though he had already completed his course schedule without telling anyone).  His thoughtful spirit guide was present, and he showed Nelson a vision of Marisol's husband leaving the house, then changing his mind and returning.  The guide asked Marisol to strongly insist that her husband completed his studies - as he needs to move forward in his current life, and this was the only way.  He wants to accomplish a lot, but he will not reach his goals if he doesn't finish school.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  The spirit guide for Marisol's husband was very elevated, and he assured her that her husband's education attempt will not fail.  In at least three other lifetimes, her husband started down this path, but never finished.  Although his spirit guide was around him now, Marisol's husband ignored him, as he listened instead to other spirits and his family members.  Marisol shared that her husband did not want to leave Marisol and Andres alone.  "Andres has been dying for 32 years," the guide gently explained, "So do not use that excuse.  We cannot allow him to fail again, not this time."  Nelson saw the spirit guide with big brown/hazel eyes, and he was holding a courtroom gavel that he wanted to pass on to Marisol once her husband had completed his education.
Spirits 2 & 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson sensed a kind spirit for Noemi and Mimi, and Marisol noticed the same disheveled man.  Nelson said that Noemi always hoped that she would transition before her children, and he understood her concern that they were secure and that Mimi was cared for and protected.  Mimi's father died over 30 years ago, and it was his spirit that Nelson and Marisol envisioned.  His spirit was not in good condition, but he wanted to speak and ask for forgiveness.  The spirit was very emotional, and extremely difficult for Nelson to pass:
Spirit (tearfully): hurts a lot.  It hurts when life is cut short.  I thought I had more time, I was young.  I just wanted a hug, a kiss, a chance to say goodbye to both of you.  I have thought about all the things I wanted to say, and now the words won't come.  (looking at Mimi, the spirit began to cry)  I used to love it when her hair was long, like it is now.  Forgive me.  I tried to ask for forgiveness so many times.  I would pickup the phone, but something would happen.  A job, a girl, a money issue.  I need to celebrate all those birthdays I missed today.  That's the reason I came here today with him (the spirit guide).  My daughter!  I want to hug her, but they say I cannot.  What I wouldn't give for one more hug, one more kiss.  I'm sorry I didn't appreciate what I had.  How can I say goodbye after being away for so long?  When you think of me, don't call me.  Send me a message of hope, for me to continue on my path - because I cannot return for a while.  I am going to a hospital, and then a school to learn how to help others.
Noemi:  Follow that light...
Spirit: I'm leaving, I hope I can come back.
Marisol counseled the spirit, and when he departed with the guides, Nelson's guide stepped forward to speak directly to Mimi:
Caballito: For you, his daughter, this is the start of a new beginning.  Your dizziness will go away, and today is the first day that you will be yourself again.  A lot has happened to you, and it has been very hard.  From now on - a party.  It's your birthday, in a way.  In another summer, a year from now, you will return to Chicago.  We should have a cake with one candle to celebrate your first birthday.
Spirit 4 (via Carmen): Eva noticed a heavy sadness around Carmen, and Maricela felt the same thing. There was an obsessor spirit who occasionally overtook Carmen, and he was making her feel his pain.  When the spirit pushed on Carmen's heart, she panicked.  Nelson said: "Ignoring something doesn't make it go away.  You wake up and feel 100% fine, and then 15 minutes later you feel as if you are dying." 
Carmen explained that she was tired of everything.  She was afraid for the phone to ring with another intrusive request, and she was tired of being responsible for everyone and everything.  She wished that she could just disappear for two or three months and get away.  Nelson hoped to encourage the spirit to speak through Carmen:
Nelson: What have you done to that friend?
Carmen: I haven't done this existence...
(The spirit who was tormenting her decided to speak through Carmen)
Spirit: Be quiet already!  I am finishing my work here.  We are waiting for her to come with us!  Let's go!
Nelson: You are not going to finish anything.
Spirit: Every day that I see her, she is more beautiful.  I am jealous of others, even the shadows around her.  She is mine.  She needs to resolve something before she goes back in Puerto Rico.  That's why I was putting something into her heart to make it stop - like mine does, when I see her.
Nelson: Listen to those good friends around you.
Spirit: I do not want to hear them!  They are telling me that I need to leave her, even though my work is not finished.  I will take that from her heart.  It was causing her harm.  I need to go, I'm tired.  Now I am feeling sorry for myself...
As the spirit faded, Emiliano said that he was shown children playing in a cornfield.  A circle had been cleared in the cornfield, and the children were trying to fill it back in.  Nelson thought it related to both Mimi and Carmen.  The patterns created by the spirits kept both of them going in isolated circles, and now those circles were being erased and restored.
Additional Spirits (via Nelson):  Nelson was still tired from the spirit he passed, so he mentally told his guide that it would be difficult for him to pass any other spirits.  Caballito responded that the scheduled work needed to continue, so he would relay the spiritual messages to Nelson, and Nelson would then share them with the table. 
Marisol was asked about the health of her son, and she said that he was eating less and that he needed to be on morphine to help manage his pain.  Nelson was told that Andres was slowly shutting down, and Marisol understood:
Caballito:  The spirit has to purify itself.  It's not your way, or the way of the doctors - it has to happen this way to let him purify his own spirit. The end is coming, and the next few days will be even more painful.  Do not feel sorry for him, as he is doing what he asked for, and it is okay.  You will one day know what he did previously to endure this now.  He chose this himself.  He is not suffering, because his spirit his happy.  He is accomplishing what he needs to do.
Another group of spirits was present, and they were unhappy over Eva's visit to Chicago.  Nelson was told that Eva's daughter and her husband were hoping to have another child.  Eva confirmed the pregnancy attempt, and she explained that there was a bleeding issue for her daughter.  Nelson drew what he was shown - a potato shape with lines that looked similar to tiny hairs - and it was responsible for the bleeding.  The mediums recommended a test for fibrosis, as the issue was hormonal.  There was an imbalance due to the daughter's age (38).  Now that the ball of blood had been seem, the spirit side could silently work on it, but the daughter also needed to see a doctor to repair the material world impact.  She would be unable to get pregnant if the problem remained.  Nelson was shown the spirit of a very excited little boy.  He was jumping up and down, and very eager to be born.
We returned back to the niece (Minga) that Carmen referenced at the start of our session.  Carmen said that she was divorced and her life was crazy and very dysfunctional.  At age 24, she had two children, and she was sick in the hospital with an undiagnosed illness that left her unable to walk.  Her life was mimicking the one her mother (who was still alive) had lived.  The mother had three children, and several abortions, and now her daughter was suffering because of her mother's past behavior and her own choices.  In an act of vengeance, one of those aborted spirits was now bothering the daughter.  A spiritual pact had been made for the three children that the mother had to reincarnate together.  When the mother aborted the spirit who was now bothering the daughter, that pact was broken.  Prayers were advised.  The spirit who took the place of the female aborted child was a male child.  He is innocent, as he never belonged to that group of three.  Ironically, he may be the salvation for his mother, as he is a spiritist.  His mother has many deep secrets.
Nelson's guide needed to sit, as he wanted to cleanse Mimi and Marisol.  When he returned to his seat, he had some specific messages:
For Marisol:  Do not let your mind have so much garbage in it.  Be prepared for the visit of your friend (Carmencita) because she needs your hand.  And I need you in good condition to help her - and then once she is better, she can also help you.  Pray for those friends who will arrive with her.  Difficult times are ahead, but you will not be alone.  Do not worry about him (Andres), as he will be in good hands - with the best doctors to help him.  Pray to your spirit guides, and to his. 
For Gabe:  The happiness that you think Nelson and Jeff bring you - it can be yours all the time.  Not just when they are here.  It can be easier and better for you even if they are not at home.  Your happiness is determined from the inside to the outside, not the other way around.  I am not picking on you, but sometimes you forget that you were once my son.  And every father always wants what is best for his son.  It doesn't matter how many lives we have, the relationship and the love will always be there.  When things do not go the way you think, there is a reason why you cannot resolve it all.  You learn from your mistakes, so they must be made.  I cannot prevent you from learning and growing from them.
For Noemi:  It's the message same for you.  I need you to allow her (Mimi) to grow on her own.  She's not two years old anymore, so let her make her mistakes and learn to take care of herself. 
For Nelson:  He thought he was going to control things today, and not let me sit.  But I had to sit to complete the work.  We could not finish without doing what I did.  My work is a reminder of where I come from, and who I am.
Noemi's spirit guide arrived through her to thank and bless our table, and Marisol closed with a prayer.

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