Friday, March 3, 2017

Florida - May 11, 2016

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
Nelson read Question 785 from Chapter 7 of Kardec's The Spirits' Book which asked, "What are the biggest obstacles to progress?"  The answers were our ego and our pride.  The group discussed the significance, and reached a consensus that our behavior was the dominant factor with any lack of progress.
Spirits 1 & 2 (via Nelson):  Caballito wanted Nelson to ask how everyone was doing, and Jackie shared that a work project in taking place in front of her home was irritating her:
Caballito: Happiness is relative to what we think makes us happy.  Do not let something you cannot control irritate you.  You have transportation and the means leave the situation to be in another place, correct?  But there is something else.  Unseen.  Why are you frustrated with your life?
Jackie: I feel like I'm going in circles, not getting anywhere.
Caballito: You feel as if your life has no purpose?  Are you looking for something?
Jackie: But I don't know what.
Caballito:  You are like a mosquito that goes from person to person, sucking a little blood from each one to see which one tastes the best.  Would you mind being given an assignment? 
Jackie: Sure.
Caballito: When we get into the place that you find yourself in, situations occur that should not occur - because our mind is not where it should be.  You think how nice it would be for someone to give you a password to accelerate your life.  That key is already in your hand.  You have it (her mediumship).  You are in a car driving and you say, 'I think they need me over there.' So you get out, and look around.  'No, that's not it,' you say, and the pattern repeats over and over until you reach the end of the road.  You get out and look around, realizing that going forward puts you over a cliff and going back puts you where you have already been.  You think that you should have been given something to keep you busy - and you already have it, with your spiritual work.  You have not done anything with it.  This is not the only group to attend, you have transportation, and a mind.
(Caballito was replaced with a very angry spirit.  Gloria observed this spirit when Jackie first arrived, and when the spirit knew he had been seen, he was so enraged that he wanted to throw Gloria down to the floor. After a few minutes, Gloria realized that this spirit came from Jackie's friend, Mary)
Spirit (taunting Jackie):  You don't have what it takes!  I get into your skin, your mind, and you become me.
Gloria: Angry, negative...
Astrid: ...and discontented.
Spirit (laughing): She feels that she has no meaning, no flavor.  She wonders, 'What am I here for?'  She wants to doubt who she is...
Jackie: Why are you angry with me?
Spirit: Because you always put your nose where it does not belong! 
Jeff: Why do you care?  Don't you want to see her happy?
Spirit: No.  She doesn't get involved - anymore!  She doesn't belong there.  She (Mary) has no friends.
Jackie: She means well, and I am trying to help her.
Spirit: What she 'means' is not what she does.  She tells you she wants you out in the sun, and she doesn't mean it.  No one is going back there!
Gloria: You are the one who is not going back there.
Spirit: Oh, yes I am.  I just came here to tell you that.  Ka-boom!  She is going down.
(Mary lives on top of a mountain in another state)
Jeff: Why do you want to hurt her?
Spirit: Look down there, see who you find.  (It's him, the spirit, pushed from that montain)  She put me there.  I am there.  She cannot escape.
Jackie: How can you be down there and over here at the same time?  That is only your body down there.  Look at yourself, you do not have a body here.
Spirit: I am thinking, I am here talking to you, so I cannot be dead.  And if it is true, I don't need that body.  She killed me and you (Jackie) helped her!
Jackie: That was a different time and place.
Spirit: Don't uncover my eyes, I do not want to see.  I don't want to see the truth.  All I have is what she did.
Jeff: Whatever she did, let it go.  It's not important now.
Spirit: I will let it go if I don't have to go back down there.  Remove me from there!  I don't want to be there.
Gloria: There are good people next to you.  Go with them and don't look back.
Spirit: I am going to go.  And hopefully I will see the sun again.
After the spirit departed, our table discussed the spirit.  Jackie's friend was a lesbian, but at one point, she had a man in her life.  When she decided he was not what she wanted, she turned him away.  He died, and his spirit was the one we passed:
Gloria: She tried him as a test, and he never forgave her.
Caballito: He offered her a ring - and she took it.  Since then, she has never been happy or able to find anyone (Jackie agreed).  We had to remove this spirit because she was about to commit suicide.  To hang herself.  So Jackie, you do have a purpose - you just saved someone.  You have to go and look for it (the mediumship work), so do not close yourself.  Leave it open.
Jackie had a question regarding a friend of hers with a mother in the hospital.  Nursing homes would not keep her, and if she passed away at home or the hospital, it might be easier for everyone.  Nelson advised that she will not transition anytime soon, and the spirits she visualized now are not good.  Astrid saw that the mother wanted the negative spirits around her.  Nelson advised that the daughter to walk away and do nothing, and the others at the table agreed.  Astrid cautioned that the mother could even harm her husband.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): Nelson saw a group of very young spirits - children - and all of them had passed away when they were young.  They did not understand what had happened, and they were seated as if they were in a classroom, politely raising their hands to ask questions.  One of them said he was the "loud one," and the rest of the group was whispering among themselves, hoping he would speak.  He described himself as seven years old, and very similar to Nelson as a child:
Spirit (speaking as a child):  I don't understand.  They took me from where I was, then to someplace else, now I'm back here - I'm lost.
Jeff: It's like a field trip.
Spirit: The field trip was too short!  And so many schools!
Astrid: What did you learn in those schools?  You must have had a mom and dad who loved you.
Spirit: I had a mom, a dad and a sister.  I visit them, but all they do is cry.  I had so many plans!  Sorry, this is dumb, all of this.  I was all excited and then boom!  Start over.
Gloria: What happened to you?  (seeing water)  Did you drown?
Spirit: I know how to swim, and I'm only seven.  I was in the hospital, getting shots.  I needed some kind of white something in my blood.  (The spirit died from leukemia)
Astrid (quietly): Sometimes we come to teach a lesson to those we left behind.
Spirit: They are still crying!  And they don't hear or see me.  I need to tell my classmates.  (the spirit turned to face the others)  We have to go back, to start the process again.  But we don't have to be sick again.  This instructor (the spirit guide) is very patient.  He is telling all of us that the lessons were not for us, they were those who were with us.  Like that lady said.  I was sad in that home, with all of them crying.  This guy showed up and brought me here.  I like this guy, the instructor.
Jeff: How many are in your class?
Spirit: Fourteen in my class.  With different situations, not like mine.  Someone did drown, and one was in an accident.  I'm only seven.  I am ready to go there, to that school on Monday, and I want to be done by Friday.  Can they speed me up?  I have already done this.  I have waited to talk for so long.  I couldn't say goodbye to my parents, but now I can.  The school was good, but it's better if it's speedy like me.  And I have a desire to learn.  My mom used to tell me, "What am I going to do with you?"  I don't mind it now, going back to that school again.
The spirit and his classmates envisioned a school bus arriving to take them all to class.  Jackie thought of the typical yellow bus, and the spirit told her that the bus was a beautiful shade of blue.  Nelson shared that he had been asking his guide for something new - something more positive than the heavy spirits he usually passed - and the spirits of the refreshing and hopeful children were just what he needed.
Spirit 4 (via Gloria):  Nelson sensed spirits around Gloria, and Jackie saw two of them standing behind her from the time she sat down.  Gloria was being shown a pond:
Nelson: They took you there for a reason.  Look deeper.  It's beautiful.
Gloria: There are people dressed in Hawaiian clothing.  They are celebrating.
(The spirit arrived to speak through Gloria)
Spirit:  Everything is not bad (in the spirit world), we talk, we learn.  We have celebrations here.  Look at those bright lights around the pool.  It's not always dark.  We celebrate, and we dance and sing.
Nelson: Do you have a name for that place?
Spirit: The place of light and learning.  Like those children.  We teach them.
Nelson: I see a beautiful name, Circle of Love.
Spirit: Yes. Love and learning.
Spirit 5 (via Astrid):  Similar to the spirit that Gloria passed, a spirit moved into Astrid and spoke in Spanish.  Nelson explained later that it was a good spirit who encouraged our group to continue the work. 
Spirit 6 (via Jackie):  Mrs. Perez, the former director of her own spiritist center in New York, arrived next to speak through Jackie:
Spirit: I hesitated to come in, as I am not familiar with this group.  In the spirit world, people think we have access to everything to answer any question - and we don't.  There are places that I have not gone.  If it is not time for us to learn what we are seeking, we become impatient - just like you.  Jackie's mother wanted to ready every book in the library when she arrived, but she was not ready.  We will never give you anything that you are not ready to handle.  He (Nelson) said he needed something different, and that's what he got.  It's not when you think you are ready, it's when we say you are ready.  Each energy is different.  All of you came here with a mission.  This group was planned 300 years ago.  That is how long it took us.  Accomplishing your mission is important for your progression.  Being of service, and being pure of heart.  If you need me to be of service to you, call me.  We know it's hard to balance the material and spiritual world, as we were once material.  I bring you God's blessings.
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  An enlightened spirit was present, and Nelson had seen her before.  She never sat through him, only others.  It was the spirit of a madame, and she was with Nelson's mother.  It was her main spirit guide:
Spirit: Tell him that she (Nelson's mother) is as strong as ever.  She will be ready to go only when she says that she is ready - nobody else.  She says, 'They have tried to kill me for many years, but I am still here.  I still have my mind, and I will be here.  These people do not know how lucky they are that I have mellowed.'  She might be more quiet, but she is thinking, 'I am waiting for that one (Nelson) to come in.  I need to talk to him, as he can tell me things that the others don't know.  I have many questions.'  I am putting her thoughts into words for you.  She wants to go, but she does not want to bother anyone: 'Take me when I am asleep.  I know I have to go.  I understand more than people think I do.  I would like to have more time, but I know I don't have much time left.  I'd like 20 more years.  I haven't done a lot of things.  When he (Nelson) comes, he brings me new energy.  I want him to sit right next to me - and then I know I am not going anywhere.'
(The spirit guide shifted her focus, to explain her relationship with Nelson's mother over the years
Spirit: She is my friend.  Together we have done a lot of work.  She is a very good medium.  Her son didn't want me, I fought with him (to sit).  I can use him, if she cannot do the work.  I have brought some friends with me today.  I didn't need them to be there when he gets here.  He thinks that when he gets here, it will be the last time he will have his mother - tell him to stop those thoughts.  It's not when he decides.  The friends I brought in were putting that idea into the minds of everyone.  Tell him to go there and to enjoy her.  Tell him sometimes we think we know so much - and we know nothing.  (to Jeff)  Write that down!  Tell him to go and enjoy life.  I will continue my work, and if I don't have her in the future, I will have him.  He thinks he only has that one (Caballito) and it's not what he thinks.  Write that down!  He will read it and only think he understands.  Everything will be okay.  Everything is clean for the work.  I am taking nine with me, from her home.  Normally I would speak in Spanish, with my accent, but I wanted all of you to hear me.  She's happy I am there with her.  I am going to go now, and continue my work.  Thank you.
Jackie closed a prayer.  

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"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...