Friday, March 24, 2017

Chicago - June 26, 2016

In attendance:
Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Erika, Gabe, Isabel, Janet, Jeff, Jose, Maricela, Nelson, Ron, Sonia and Xaver
Nelson was immediately drawn to Emiliano’s hand injury, and he knew that his injury was not an accident.  Emiliano explained that he had worked for the company for 15 years, and the person who caused the accident was employed for two years.  Nelson said, “Sometimes at work, we attract those who are jealous and feel that the older ones should retire, and make room for the younger.  The spirits did not allow what was really wanted - to remove the entire arm.”  It became apparent that a spirit was present who was very irritated because what he wanted to happen did not occur. 
Spirits 1 & 2 (via Carmen):  The spirit said he was sent by “a friend” to do harm, and he told Emiliano to stop complaining over a finger, when it was going to be his entire arm that was taken:
Spirit: I'm angry, I hate you!  I want to finish the job.  This hasn't been finished!
Nelson: No, it’s over.
Spirit: (to Nelson): I will take out your tongue!  It’s not complete, nothing was accomplished.  I'm not done!
Nelson: Stop meddling.
Spirit: I am not alone!  I am a good worker, and I enjoy my job.  But I want blood - a lot of blood.  I thirst for it.
Nelson: You allowed yourself to be used, as you were ignorant and did not realize what was happening.  There is someone here with you, and he is the mastermind.
Spirit: Yes, he’s my friend!  I have to fix this, or he will be mad at me.
Nelson: The blood is on his hands, not yours.  Listening to another, you dirtied your hands unnecessarily. 
Spirit: He promised me that he would take me out of the darkness.  Now I see that I was lied to, and I cannot return there.
Nelson: We are going to wash your hands for you…
Spirit: It’s hard to believe that those ones in white (the good spirit guides) are showing me a new path.  They are telling me I need to find other ways to progress without hurting others.  It’s difficult to trust.  We wanted his hand because he owed us, he didn't pay a debt.  If you knew where I was, you would have taken the same deal.  Now I understand that his debt was paid, and these are my new friends.  Forgive me for doing something that I should not have done.
The spirit departed, and he was immediately replaced by Carmen’s guide, who thanked Nelson for returning to the group.  She advised him to be careful, as there was a group who wanted to take away the path he was on.  Nelson understood, as he realized that the “mastermind” spirit behind the accident was still present. 
Spirits 3 & 4 (via Nelson):  Nelson told Emiliano that the accident could have been avoided.  Two things in the material world made it easier for the spirit to allow the accident to happen.  One was the jealousy of the younger coworker, and the other was that Emiliano was asked to do something at home that had not yet been done.  As he spoke, a spirit moved forward to address Emiliano in Spanish:
Spirit (to Emiliano):  You haven't done it yet, do you need to learn everything the hard way?  I am not easy!  How many times do I need to repeat the same thing?  Who are you afraid of?  I will find you, wherever you hide.  You can hide under a rock in Mexico, and I will find you.  I'm angry!  I did not finish my job.  Why do you need those hands if you are not going to use them to hit some sense into someone?  You prefer hating in silence.  Nothing is going to change.
Emiliano: What did I do to you to make you angry?
Spirit (enraged): Criminal!  You should remember!  A hand for a hand.  I was in a corner, and you made fun of me.  I asked for food whenever you passed, and you would tell me to leave - that I wasn't wanted.  You laughed at me.  I want everyone to look at you now, with the same pity!  (very emotional)  When I asked for a meal, you told me get out.  I am going to make you feel the same way!  You know that look of pity, when someone thinks they are better than you?  That’s the look you gave me.  And that other person in your life now?  That son?  He was worse than you.  Not the one that moved away, the one still in your house.  He did the same thing to me, and that is why the two of you are together now.  (sobbing)  Do you know why I cannot move my arms?  Because I don't have them!  It hurts when others make fun of me.  I cannot forgive him.  (long pause)  Ohh.  Look.  Look at that!  They are giving me back my arms.  Thank you for restoring my arms!   We can both have our hands now, and I am leaving happy.   I am taking what is mine (eight other spirits) but before I leave, I want to caution you about your son, the one in your house.
The spirit clapped his restored hands (as if testing them to assure they worked) and left.  Nelson’s guide stepped forward to speak:
Caballito:  He (Nelson) did not want to work with that strong spirit.  He was fighting me, he needed to be convinced.  (Caballito asked Jeff for a towel, and he asked Emiliano to stand, as he spoke directly to him.)  You have a job to do, it’s big and beautiful.  I need you to be ready to do the work.  I want that discord in your home and work to end. 
Caballito displayed the towel to the group to prove there was nothing inside, and no magic ingredient.  He carefully wrapped the towel around Emiliano’s hand, leaving it in place for a few minutes.  When he unwrapped it, he asked Jeff to dispose of it.  Erika was then asked to stand next to her father:
Caballito: She has a right to be happy.  There are things that she does not like, and those should have been over a long time ago.  (to Erika)  You continue to be better, but you are missing a little bit of happiness.  There is a bright future in front of you.  It was not a pretty past, and you were not very kind.  That’s why there are stop signs in your path now.  We are going to remove some of those stop signs. You have improved so much, and you know it.  And you are ready to fly!  Your brother moved out, and you want to be next.
(Esperanza was asked to stand with the others.) 
Caballito (to Esperanza):  If you have to say something to him (Emiliano), say it - even he doesn't like it.  If you think he will become angry, take a glass of water to him.  Remind him that Caballito said to drink the water together and laugh - and then you can say what needs to be said.  (to the group)  I am taking 15 friends with me, from the home of that (Romero) family.  There is more work to be done, but if I have a chance, I will come back and say hello.  It’s nice to see everyone again.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked Carmen how she was feeling.  She, said that she had not been well, but she was uncertain over what it was.  Nelson said the other spirit side (the darker opposite of the spirits who assisted our group) did not want her to attend the center.  As he spoke, a new spirit arrived:
Spirit (very animated): You want to fix something?  We have something to fix!  We are having a party!  Tell this one (Nelson) not to call me ‘friend', or I will bring him to the party and hit him.  The party has to be done my way!  I want her (Carmen) to go crazy.  We only want to talk to her and him (Bernardo) on our terms - at night, not here!   Hey everyone, come with us to the party at their house!  It’s full!
The spirit explained that Carmen wanted to get rid of him and his group, but Bernardo kept attracting them.  Many other spirits continuously moved in and out of the house, assuring that the party would never end.
Spirit (about Bernardo):  His wallet is broken, so we have sewn it closed.  We have everything at the party, food, fireworks.  Ayeee!  Ayeee!  We want alarms to go off and have the cops arrive!  Take her away!  What a party!   I know that I am in trouble now, because he (Nelson) saw me!  Devil!  I want to invite him over, and we can take everyone to the nut house together.  If she is gone, that place is mine! 
Gabe: We have a better place for you.
Spirit:  Another party?  I hope it’s not with him (Jeff).  Look at his face, what a party pooper.  (pause)  Look at that, a lot of cars are coming here.  Limousines!  We are not going back to her (Carmen’s) house, so where are we going in those cars?  A limo!  Before I leave, I should tie him (Bernardo) up and pick his pockets.  That limo has a couple of bottles in it.  Is that water?  Hmmm.  I need to find out.  We were 105, but we are going now.  Bye!
Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  Nelson advised Carmen not to stray too far for too long from the center, as she could not afford it spiritually.  Nelson wondered why Sonia was feeling frustrated.  Sonia wasn't sure, but she had been questioning it:
Sonia:  I wonder where I am going?  What am I doing?
Nelson:  You are getting frustrated with everyone here.  You are sick of asking for help and support, and it never comes.  Listen.  This group needs you.  We know you are 100% committed to the group and this center. 
Sonia:  It’s frustrating.  I feel like my hands are tied.
Nelson: Let’s untie them…
(A very elevated spirit wanted to speak.  Nelson said his energy was very intelligent, but it was apparent that he was from the darker side of spiritism)
Sonia: I feel as if I am alone.  I need back up.  We are a family here, let’s get together.
Spirit: I am here to request the keys to that door.  This is only being used when they want, because they have a pain and want it fixed.  That’s my job, to test all of you.  You failed.  (laughing)  And they wanted to go upstairs?  There is no effort to improve here, so we will close this place.  Do not doubt who we are.  We fight him (Caballito) and he fights us.  The solution is to give me those keys.
Denise: The keys are not yours.
Spirit: The keys are MINE!  Do not doubt our power.
Gabe: Do you know where you are going?
Spirit (laughing):  Do you?  Oh, I know.  Humans can only discuss what they can see.  We are able to cause doubt, and let me tell you how it works.  (to Jeff)  Write it down!  You like to write things.  When you let just one of us in, that one becomes five, then twenty, and soon it’s forty.  Do not let one of us in, because there will be more.  I'm going to tell this young guy (Gabe) something else.  We like our work.  We like to control those who allow us to control them.  Their minds belong to us!  And I knew this was my last day of doing this.  I know I am a spirit and I am very intelligent.  Now I have to learn how to control myself, instead of the minds of others.  I want to thank all of you for letting us in - and YOU wanted this, that’s how it happened.  Oh yes, I know where I am going, to a place where my thinking will be modified.  The one I report to…he is very mean.  You do not want him here, he is much more powerful than me. We are 452 powerful, controlling destroyers.  Do not let the others who are the same inside.  That’s all I have to say.
Caballito returned, to cleanse Nelson and share some individual messages.  He asked when Jose had last visited a doctor, and Jose said it had been about five months.  He does not have a specific doctor, as he kept changing them around.  When he is agitated, Jose becomes dizzy - and that happened today, as he was walking down the stairs to the center.  Caballito advised him to book an appointment soon.
For Maricela, Caballito asked her to have her sugar level checked.  It would be a simple, but necessary test.  Caballito asked Ron how he was feeling (good), and he said that Ron was doing amazing.  He was happy, and Caballito was pleased to see him that way.  Caballito asked Isabel not to be so worried over Ron.  She always thinks that if something happened to him (and nothing will happen anytime soon), she will be alone.
Caballito:  And we have one left (Gabe).  The world is not going to end tomorrow, so why are you in such a hurry?  You have many more days left.  Don't try do everything all at once, because when you do, nothing gets done.  You want to accomplish so much, but nothing is ever done.  Stop giving value to things that do not have any value.  You know better.  The material things do not have much value.  If you miss a party, you have not missed much.  Sometimes you think, ‘Why did I do that?  I wasted my time.’  Do not allow the  voices of others to change your mind.  It is okay to just sit, and how do you call it?  Shoot the breeze?  It all noise, all around you.  You try to stay busy, but why do you wait until they (Nelson and Jeff) come back to get anything done?  It is okay to say no.  You love to say no to your mother, so why not to others?  Why is it so hard?  It should be easier.  I wanted this message to be from me, not Nelson.  Are you getting it?
Gabe: Half of it.
Caballito:  What do you not understand?
Gabe: Well, I understand…
Caballito (cutting him off): Did I ask what you understood, or what you misunderstood?  You are running, running, running - but you are still in the same place.  You think you have done ten things, and then you realize that you have done anything.  When you were young, you thought really fast.  Now you can take time to think - and double think.  Do not just act impulsively.  A week goes by, and you realize that nothing was accomplished, but you thought you did so much.  There is no reason to live that way.  This applies to everyone.  Stop running, and think why you are doing what you are doing.  You will realize that you do not need to rush.
I wanted to say thank you after that friend of mine (the previous spirit) said those things he did.  We wanted you to know that there is another side.  Watch carefully, as they are very powerful.  We have more, because we work for the good.  But they also have power.  We needed to wake up those of you who were asleep.  Does anyone have a question for me? 
Denise:  I wanted to share an experience…
Caballito (laughing):  I knew that, but you may not like my answer.
Denise: When I came in to open the center, something drew me upstairs…
Caballito:  When you came in to open the center, did you do it with a prayer?  Or were you more concerned with that Coke in your hand?
Denise:  The Coke.
Caballito:  I knew that, because I was here with you - with my friends who help me.  If I did not bring those friends with me today, it would have been chaos.
Denise: I said a prayer for the spirit guides once I was upstairs…
Caballito:  And you asked for the lady who used to run this place?
Denise: Yes.  It was so beautiful (crying).  It left me with a lot of peace and gratitude.
Caballito: Why are you crying?
Jeff: Those are tears of joy over the experience.
Caballito:  You humans cry over everything.  I want all of you to know something.  Do not be in such a hurry to go upstairs.  When that time comes, a friend - when she is ready -  will invite you upstairs.  Do not invite yourselves.  When you leave here today, and get into your cars, think:  ‘Thank you God, for providing me with the opportunity to be in a wonderful place - I hope it will be with me all week.’  And I will be back next week to ask you about it.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...