Saturday, February 4, 2017

Chicago - March 6. 2016

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Erika, Esperanza, Frank, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff, Juan Maricela, Marisol, Milagros, Nelson, Ron, Sonia and Xaver. 
Carmen smelled rotten blood as the session opened.  Nelson explained that the spirit of the young priest who was with our group in the other room had moved with us to the table.  The priest wished that he had discovered a group like ours before he became a priest.  He was pressured by his parents into the priesthood, and it never made him happy.
Marisol read the prayer for the sick, reminding the table, "Anyone you know who is need, you can mentally think of their name during the prayer."  Marisol also updated the group on the condition of her cousin in Puerto Rico.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): The spirit of the priest commented to Nelson, "I like your prayers.  The prayers I had to recite were four pages long, with the same thing, over and over."  The young priest decided to sit:
Spirit: Why don't you go to places and tell other people about this (spiritism)?  It's the message that should be given out.  I never had a chance to do anything.  Tell the parents to respect the wishes of their kids.  I was never free, I had to do whatever they said.  I did it because they told me I would be happy, and I never was (tearfully).  They took away my life, who I was.  What do I have to do now to get it back?  I'm so lonely.
Marisol: There is no reason to be lonely.  Walk towards that light and forget.
Gabe: Listen to the guides around you and forgive your parents.
Marisol: Today is a new day - a new beginning.
Gabe: A life without a script.
Spirit: I died very young.  He said I was in my 20's, but I was only 19.  I had an incurable disease, and I was isolated.  Nobody could see me.  I never got to "be a man," if you know what I mean.  I'm a boy.  They told me it was dirty.  Not allowed.  They would slap my hand for those thoughts.  I'm not alone now, there are a lot of us.  We are 17, and we are going with him (the spirit guide), and we are going to laugh. I don't know any of you, and you have all been so nice.  We are free to think all kinds of stuff now!  Can I say the word?  I'm going to be a dirty boy!  I can say it out loud and they cannot hit me.
After the spirit moved on, Nelson said that some of those 17 spirits were with Alex.  The spirits moved on because they were content, and Nelson understood that Alex was also content, happily fulfilling his dreams.  Nelson advised his parents, "Don't be sad because you cannot reach him, be happy that he is satisfied and happy."
Spirit 2 (via Carmen): There was a spirit who had been around Carmen all morning.  The spirit was looking for blood, and he was the cause of the stench that Carmen sensed earlier:
Spirit: I arrived this morning, and I wasn't allowed to stay.  I had a plan (for Carmen's granddaughter), but she (Carmen) called who she had to call (her guides).  I was on was on the wrong floor. 
Nelson: You left something over there that you need to remove.
Spirit: I am going to remove that blood that I took!  I wanted to give her some bad blood.  I got caught at this before.  I will not return there again.  They have brought me here instead.  So I will go and leave her in peace.  (pause)  I am going, and I will take everything with me.
As the spirit departed, Nelson advised that the granddaughter's blood should be tested and monitored.  She has too much hemoglobin in her blood, and it's a delicate balance to assure that she is not anemic. 
Spirit 3 (via Marisol): Nelson asked Marisol about the condition of her son.  It was suggested that if his father wanted to say goodbye to him, he should visit his son soon.  Marisol shared that her son had been sick, and she would relay the message to his father.  As she spoke, a spirit moved into Marisol with a message that was partially spiritual and part Marisol:
Spirit: Life is a transition.  This is not the real life, the true life is the one we live as a spirit.  We are here temporarily, to work on our issues.  When we leave this body, we go home. The real work is done in the spirit world.  It's endless work, continuous work.  The body is the impediment to that real work.  I was given this message because of my son, and I wanted to share it with you.
Spirits 4 & 5 (via Nelson and Carmen): Nelson turned his attention to Frank.  There was a spirit near him that Frank could feel, and the situation was delicate and difficult:
Marisol: Are you going there?
Nelson: I have to, she's here again...
Spirit (very materialized and wearing a mask to look calmer than she was): Why did you invite me here?  What do you want?  Why?  (the spirit began to sing a soft song in Spanish and spoke to Frank directly)  Are you going to ask for forgiveness?  He thinks everything will be okay if he asks.
(Note: Frank explained the background situation from when this spirit was his wife and he lived with her in her mother's house.  Her mother was involved with black magic.)
Spirit (with her mask of calmness removed): I didn't want to die at 57.  I hate him!  I want to pull his intestines out through his mouth!  Everything is his fault.  I want to assure that he never has one day of happiness.  And he won't, as long as I am around. I came alone today, without the baby - because the baby slows me down.  Today is a celebration, because either he dies or I will.  I want him on his knees, asking me for forgiveness!  Nobody knows what hate is, but I define it.  Look at my marionettes!  Dancing on strings!  I use them to do whatever I want.  Look closely at that one in the center - it's my mother!  She's the only one who controls me. (to Carmen)  Shh!  Shh!
(The spirit of the mother arrived to speak though Carmen)
Mother's Spirit (to Frank): If you thought I was bad before...
Daughter's Spirit: Now I can't talk, she talks for me.  Can I cut those strings and be happy?
Mother: You will never be happy all by yourself!   I am here to defend her and tell her what to do.  (to Frank)  She suffered a lot because of you, and I suffered with her.  I controlled her. 
Daughter: Let the hate go, I'm tired.  (to Frank)  Why did you say you loved me if it wasn't true? 
Frank: Forgive me.  You listened to your mother and your feelings changed for me.  I left like a dog.
Mother: I am going to leave.  I am going to leave, but I will still be around.  She can defend herself.  She's in good hands.
(The spirit of the mother faded away, but the daughter stayed behind)
Spirit: He asked for forgiveness, and I am feeling better now.  That marionette (her mother) did a lot of damage.  I don't need it.  I can't forgive him yet, but maybe one day.  I am going to cut all the stings of my marionettes.  If something happens to him, don't blame me.
Spirit #6 (via Nelson):  Nelson's guide (Caballito) arrived, with some questions for Frank:
Caballito: Have you ever had one day of happiness in your life?
Frank: No. Not one day.
Caballito: Do you this suffering will stop?
Frank: I am used to it.  It's a daily struggle.
Caballito: We need to change that way of thinking.  This will be the first day that you are happy.  Let it into your heart.  This is for everyone, Frank is only the example.  When you have a day that you think is bad, just smile and think of all Frank's bad days.  (to Frank)  I want to make sure that the changes in your life are gigantic.  I want you to come back next week and tell everyone that you had the best week of your life. 
(Caballito, Frank and Marisol all stood)
Caballito: What I am doing is very different.  This man has been in a prison his entire life.  We are going to open all those bars.  Close your eyes.  Think of where you want to be on the happiest day of your life.
Frank: On the beach where I grew up.
Caballito: Stand by that ocean and let goof the pain, the hate.  It is so hard for you to be happy.  Take that daughter there, walk into the ocean with her.  This is real life.  (arms waving in the air)  Look at me, I am the one who has a tear.  He doesn't even know how to do that.  He wants to have a tear, and he cannot.  Do you have a good memory of your mom?  (Frank did)  Would you be happy if I tell you that she is here?  She loves you.  Never doubt that love.  I got most of it out.  Your mom was given the opportunity to come here because she loved you.  Take that doubt out of your heart.  I am taking eight others with me.  There is more work, so I will step to the side...
Spirit #7 (via Marisol): Caballito was immediately replaced by a spirit that Marisol recognized.  It was her uncle, and as he stepped forward to speak, Marisol began to weep:
Spirit: I am here to pick up my friend (Marisol's son).  I'm glad she (Marisol) is not alone.  She was my favorite niece.  She prayed for me until the end.  Andres would smile anytime I came near him.  I told him I would come back when it was his turn.  When two spirits come together, they smile together - spirit to spirit.  I visited that house after I transitioned.  I want her to know that he will be okay.  I am making sure that he will be with the right people, because he has earned it.  Thank you to this family, the family she has with all of you.  (to Carmen)  Thank you for loving my friend, and thank you (to Nelson) for helping her.  May the peace of God be with all of you.
Once the spirit moved away, Marisol explained that this uncle was the brother of her uncle Cando - who ran a center when he was alive.  When he passed away (it occurred at Marisol's house), Andres had an unusual smile - as if he knew the goodbye from his uncle wasn't permanent. 
Spirit #8 (via Sonia):  Marisol stood up and asked Sonia, "Are you prepared?  Willing to receive?  Today?" This was in reference to Sonia's recent connection with her spirit guide.  Her guide now wanted to speak through her:
Marisol (speaking for the guide): I'm your friend, and I am here, ready to be your instrument.  Use me.  Give me permission.  (Sonia began to inhale deeply, and her guide softly arrived)
Spirit: Welcome, everyone!  I am happy to use this instrument, and I appreciate this group that she adores and has wanted.  She asked for this, and she is ready for it.  I will return on other occasions.  She (Sonia) is afraid that she might miscommunicate, but this will work - and I will help.  I wish happiness, love and I hope you keep progressing as a group.  No one will be left outside.  God bless you - blessings. 
Sonia (after her guide was gone): So simple! 
Nelson sensed that Juanita was missing our group.  Maricela said that Juanita's treatments were going well,and Nelson envisioned her in a fringed white shawl, thanking our table.  "I'm good where I am," Nelson heard her say, "but I am missing this."
Spirit #9 (via Nelson): Nelson wanted to focus on Milagros.  Caballito and Nelson were intertwined; and sometimes Nelson spoke, while other times it was Caballito with questions and suggestions:
Nelson: You have experienced a bad week?  Why is it hard for you to breathe?
Milagros: I have problems with my lungs.  It started with a bacteria, and I had it checked last year.  I am supposed to go to the doctor on Wednesday.  The inhaler works sometimes.
Nelson: Part of that is a spirit.  When he comes around, he stands directly in front of you and tells you that you are getting old and ugly - as if he is blocking your way.
Milargros:  I have lost three previous doctor visits when I could not go.
Nelson: This spirit stopped you, and he is trying to stop you from going on Wednesday.  He is hugging you tightly, trying to stop your breathing, but it's like a bear hugging an ant.  He is huge.
Milagros: My husband looked like that and breathed like that before he died of AIDS.  He told me that when he died, he was going to bother me.
Caballito: He is not in any condition to sit today.  We are attempting to trap him, so he will not interfere with your Wednesday appointment.  He is angry because he was unable to say goodbye to his daughter.  When you remember him, do it with love and not resentment.  Without conditions.  If the doctor recommends that you stay in the hospital, you should.  Try not to go alone to the doctor, find someone to go with you.  (long pause)  He has been trapped.  He is very sick, and it would be difficult for him to speak.  I hope your visit on Wednesday will be victorious.  Humans have very little faith.
Caballito continued to speak:In this place, you have not seen anything yet.  These are not miracles, although you call them that, and they will arrive when you least expect it.  Have faith and love.  You have not seen anything at all.  Any questions for me?
Sonia: I was contacted by my sister in Puerto Rico...
Caballito: Give her a call.  She misses you, and she wants you to take a trip to see her.
Jeff: Maybe she can come here and visit you?
Caballito (in a very exaggerated tone): That's a wonderful idea!  But, put it down, I did not say for her to do that!  Put it down!  (pause)  Jeff, do you have a question?
Jeff: I don't think so...
Caballito: He forgot.  You have wondered what is wrong with you mom.  In many ways, she does not want you to see her in the condition that she is in. Sometimes, we have to take that first step.  Would you do it?  (Jeff agreed)  As for you Marisol, you are not alone.  You are on the right path, doing the right thing.  You like to help others.  She has a big heart.  If you ever need anything, she is the one to call - more than the one  I am speaking through (Nelson).  When all of you come to this side, you will be working to progress.  So keep the work going here, and this group together.  This is the family that will be there when you need it the most.
Nelson expressed his gratitude for Caballito, and then he closed with a prayer.

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"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...