Friday, February 10, 2017

Chicago - March 20, 2016

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Frank, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff, Juan, Maricela, Marisol, Nelson, Ron, Sonia and Xaver. 
Nelson asked if anyone was hungry.  He sensed some spirits who were so hungry that they were digging in the dirt to look for something edible.  The spirits were starving.  "Maybe what they are hungry for is spiritual based," Sonia mused.  Emiliano said that he was at his cousin's house yesterday and felt hungry. 
Marisol was shown the spirits of women dressed entirely in white.  They were cleaning and preparing our space for something.  Marisol read the prayer for the afflicted and the prayer for the sick.  Nelson asked Isabel how things were at her house, and she replied that she has not felt anything lately - except that parts of her house were cold, and her legs were occasionally in pain.  Carmen said that the temperatures in her house also varied from cold to hot.  Several others had the same issue in their house. 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): Nelson explained that the hungry spirits were collected from the houses of everyone in our group.  These spirits were responsible for the temperature changes, and they also created intense itching for many people at our table.  It was an attempt to be noticed.  Nelson saw a tall leader of these spirits, dressed in a long, white robe.  The leader looked back at the assembled hungry spirits and said, "It's how the whole world feels now - everyone is missing something, but they cannot figure out what it is.  Nobody is comfortable in their own skins."  As members of the group began to scratch themselves, a spirit representing the hungry spirits sat through Nelson and spoke in Spanish:
Spirit: When are we going to find what we need?  If you help us, none of you would feel that way.  We hear your prayers - so many prayers - but after they end, nothing happens!  DO SOMETHING!  (the spirit bounced in his chair)  Another prayer, another prayer, another prayer...
Marisol: There's a purpose in those prayers.
Spirit: Bring me a bucket and give me some water, not more prayers.  We are tired, and we need a hand to scratch us.  (Carmen, Marisol and Maricela counseled the spirit)  Every day we are more.  First ten, then thirty, and now there are thousands.  If you itch, maybe you will hear us.  No more prayers, we need food.  We dig and dig and find nothing! 
Marisol (softly):  You do not have a mouth, or a body that needs food.
Spirit: And yet when we come close to you, you drink water but you are still thirsty.  (hugged himself tightly)  We want to be hugged. 
Gabe: Where are you from?
Spirit: Everywhere!  All of your houses.  They are saying it's my day for salvation?  Not more of the same, not more prayers?  (the spirit began to rapidly recite various prayers)  No more prayers!  I don't want to get cold or become itchy.  They are going to take me to a place where prayer is not important.  Where has this guy (the spirit guide) been?  Stop praying and tell people to go look for this guy!   There are 2,316 of us.  We don't fit here anymore.
Spirit 2 (via Carmen): Carmen had been dreaming of a deceased cousin last week.  The spirit followed Carmen to our center, because she wanted to speak:
Spirit (tearfully): I was her friend, and I still am.  I did not want to leave, but it was fast.  Everyone was surprised.  Carmen suffered a lot.  They all did.  Please tell her I am trying to find the path.  I am learning, and she does not need to suffer anymore.  I have been with her for a long time (6-7 years).  I needed to make sure that she understood I was leaving her now.  (The spirit continued to sob as she left).
Nelson cautioned that sometimes our thoughts about spirits caused them to show up - and we do not realize how long they might stay.  Carmen said that she and her cousin also worked together. Nelson saw a black cat near Carmen.
Spirit 3 (via Marisol): Marisol was studying a spirit who deliberately scared Juan in his sleep.  Maricela said that Juan has been afraid to fall asleep because of bad dreams.  Juan's back felt very hot when he was asleep, and Marisol explained that this was caused by the spirit coming close to him.  This spirit frightened him, made him hot, and then laughed at Juan's reactions.  The spirit decided to sit through Marisol to explain his side of the story:
Spirit (seething with rage):  I don't like what is being said about me - that I am an abuser!  Who would abuse this elderly gentleman?  You see him now?  Feeble?  Well, when he was young, he was the one biting and hiding!  I only want vengeance.  He doesn't want to hear about yesterday, but he was the leader.  I didn't like what he made me do.  He doesn't deserve forgiveness.  He wants to open the door and just walk away forever, and never come back.  That heat on his back?  It's from the whippings he gave to me and the others.  He was on a horse with that whip, and as we walked, he whipped us.  And now he can't sleep?  Devil!  (hits table)  Devil!  Look at these scars on my back! 
Nelson:  Have compassion.  Not for him, but for yourself.
Spirit: He ran everything.  Who gets water, who gets fresh air.
Nelson: Look, they are offering you water now.  And fresh air.  They are going to give you a new place, so you can forget the past. 
Spirit: I don't need to feel this anymore?  (the spirit guides showed him what his new life would be like)  There are many of us, 815. 
Nelson:  All of you can go where you want, and have freedom.
Spirit: That sounds nice.  Look, they are taking off the chains, the shackles.  I'm feeling better, letting the memories go...walking free.
Nelson explained that some of the spirits for Juan were from a former life, but some of them were also from this life.  When Juan finds himself remembering the bad things, those spiritual friends return to him.  Nelson advised that Juan should tell them that he is a different person now.  He should also stop thinking that scary spirits are a sign that he will die.  "Because you are not dying," Nelson said, speaking for his guide, "It's not your time yet, and when it does come, it will not be scary."
Spirits 4 & 5 & 6 (via Marisol, Nelson, & Sonia): Carmen sensed a spirit situated between herself and Sonia.  The spirit was deciding which person to sit through.  Marisol and Nelson (speaking for their guides) turned their attention to Denise:
Nelson: What was it about your niece that made you angry?
Denise: She had sex in her room.  From now on, no more boys are allowed.
Jeff: What's happening today when you are not there to enforce the rule?
Nelson (to Denise): Do you remember a few months ago when you were told not to get involved with her?  Did you listen?
Marisol: Once you give in, it's hard to take it back.
Nelson: On your next trip (reincarnation) do you want to take more baggage than you need?  Leave the bags behind.  Leave them behind!  They do not exist.  One day, it will be too heavy to carry.
(Sonia's Guide arrived to add to the conversation)
Sonia: You say you do not want to take the luggage, but you can't let it go.  You start to drown in the water, but still you will not let go of the luggage.  You have to strike them down.  Drastic measures are required, I think.  No pity on anyone.
Marisol noticed the spirit of a man staring at her and Nelson from the other room.  "He's curious," Sonia said.  Nelson's guide continued to speak through Nelson.  He focused his attention on Jeff:
Caballito: At what age do people change?  Those changes, do people think they are too young to think about them?  Is it okay to be young and want something different?  Even if might not be what should be done? 
(Note: Although Jeff answered the questions, they were intended for Gabe.  Nelson's guide was showing him a spirit, but Nelson was apprehensive to let him sit.  He knew the spirit had good energy, but he could not determine why the spirit was at our table.  Nelson's guide assured him that he would be safe passing this intellectual spirit, and after some additional questions, the spirit smoothly arrived...)
Spirit (to Gabe):  You want to change?
Gabe: Yes.  Places, people, events.  The answer I get is that I have to go through a process.
Spirit: Is it time for a big change?  Something new?
Gabe: I thought about it.  Another city maybe.
Marisol: We cannot think all the time.  Eventually we have to make a decision.
Spirit: In his case, he thinks a lot, but he doesn't do anything.  I have been around you all week.  I am often around you.  The things you want to change - don't do it to please others.  You can think whenever you want without changing who you are.  Do things, don't be so non-committal. Don't look to others for what you want.  It is okay to have what you want.  He likes flames,and candles.  I want to light a fire under his butt.  You have been thinking a lot about something lately, correct?
Gabe: My dad.
Spirit: It's not going to change.  You cannot change who they are.  If you want things to change, you have to change.  A lot more thinking is needed, because you are still trying to figure out who you are.  Your life is only your life to live - it's not to be lived to please anyone else.  Think.  And then act.  Often you think about when you can talk to your guide.  When you will meet him? Well, here I am.  It's not what you expected.  It's very quiet, and peaceful.  You can call me "The Thinker."  He (Nelson) did not want to let me sit, but I could not miss this opportunity to talk to you today.  I know you have thought about me.  You can call me the name you have for me if you want.  Call me, and we can talk and discuss.  But the final decision is up to you.  I can only guide you.  What a wonderful afternoon for me.  Thank you for allowing us to come here and express ourselves. 
Gabe: Thank you.
Spirit: I always keep a close eye on you.  I don't know when you will need me, but I will be there.  That's what guides do.  (to the group)  Keep the door open here.  Without it, none of us can come in.  There is someone like me for every single one of you....
The spirit faded, and Nelson's hand hurt from posing like Rodin's statue called "The Thinker":

 Nelson's Guide wanted Marisol to know that the male spirit she saw in the other room was invited to our center to observe.  He was from another center (where Nelson and Marisol thought he was a past director) ,and he wanted to see the difference between the centers.  He was observing Marisol, but he did not intend to startle her.  "Don't say that you cannot see spirits, because now you do," Nelson said, "And you will begin to see them more often." 
Marisol had a closing thought for Gabe:  "When people we love cannot change to give us what we need, change how you respond and act towards them.  Don't lie to yourself, and think that you will see something different from them.  Be honest with yourself.  When he (Gabe's father) says what he is going to say, prepare and protect yourself.  you know what he will say, so plan your response.  Understand it's what he does.
The spirit between Carmen and Sonia decided to return next week with a message for Sonia.  The spirit called Sonia "a good woman."  Nelson closed with a prayer.

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