Monday, February 27, 2017

Chicago - April 10, 2016

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Erika, Gabe, Jeff, Jose, Juan, Lisa, Maria, Maricela, Milagros, Nelson, Sonia and Xaver.   
Spirits 1 & 2 (via Nelson):  We had a very long line of spiritual friends at our session.  After the opening prayer, Nelson's guide wondered if Xaver had made a doctor's appointment that was suggested in a previous session.  Xaver said that he was scheduled to see a doctor on Tuesday:
Caballito: We have some friends here who do not like to see you here.  Go by yourself on Tuesday.  Before you leave, read a prayer for your spiritual guide - to assure that he is the only one going with you. (to Sonia)  What are you gaining from helping Xaver?
Sonia: I am helping my own spiritual development.  Sharing.
Caballito: You don't want him to get lost?
Sonia: True
Caballito: You think he has suffered enough (Sonia agreed).  We have someone (a spirit) who wants to go along with him.  He has placed heavy coats and blankets on Xaver to weigh him down.  He keeps taunting him, adding more weight, while continuously asking if he can handle more. 
Xaver: But why?
Caballito: He wants to put doubts in your mind.  Break you down.  He puts something similar on your mom, and she breaks down easily.  He's part of your medical issue. 
Xaver: I don't feel any heaviness.
Jeff (to the spirit): Xaver gets to determine his own destiny, not you.
(The spirit arrived through Nelson, replacing Caballito)
Spirit: You are going to help him?  You people are nuts.  (to Xaver)  Do you like to be there with these nuts?  (squirming in his seat)  Don't hold me back!  Don't!  I am not leaving him until I see him squashed into pieces!  Don't.  Hold.  Me.
Sonia: He is not going to accept that.
Spirit: I don't like you!  Putting your nose in.  He's my enemy!
Jeff: Can you forgive him for what he did?
Spirit: He doesn't even remember.  I remember it every day, every hour, every minute, every second.  We were friends and he betrayed me.  Best friends that shared everything until one day, he threw me away like garbage.  For someone who wasn't worth it.  She didn't love him!  She hurt us.  I used to love him like a brother. 
Jeff: Forgive him and move on.  Forget it, forget that girl.
Spirit: See if anyone ever finds her again.  I wanted to take him where she is now.  Who is this man talking so much to me (the spirit guide)?
Jeff: Listen to what he says.  Look at him (Xaver) now.  He's different, not the same person.
Spirit: I remember his eyes when he betrayed me.  He said he won.  I died alone, a very lonely man.
Jeff: That was your choice, not his. 
Spirit: I cannot forgive him.
Gabe: Just leave everything behind and start something new.
Spirit: I don't have to live under that bridge, pulling at his hair?  They are taking me to a different place.  There are four of us.  I don't know this man (spirit guide), but he says I have to go with him. 
Spirits 3 & 4 (via Carmen):  Carmen was studying two spirits who were around Maria.  One of them was very angry that Maria and her husband had found our group:
Spirit: I am so mad!  Furious!  I have put obstacles in her way so she could not find anything!  She was looking for something that she has never been able to find before, and now she has found it here! 
Nelson: Why did you put a wall between the two of them (Maria and her husband)?  Why?
Spirit: That wall has been there since they met.  They should not be together.  That wall is me, I am the wall.  They will never be happy while I am there.  Let me do my job!  I'm going to put her in a wheelchair.
Nelson: You want him for yourself, but you are in the spirit world, and they are in the material world. 
Spirit: If I leave now, I will lose everything I have gained.
Nelson: But you brought them all with you (other spirits) and two or three of them want to leave.  It's over.
Spirit: We will go.  All of us (18 spirits).  Forgive us for the obstacles we put in your path...forgive me...
(Carmen began to weep, and as she cried, Maria's grandmother replaced the previous spirit)
Spirit (to Maria):  Forgive me for interrupting.  I have always been by your side.  I protect you, and I will always protect you.  You feel the strength that I put into you.  When you need help, you can call on me.  I will always be here for you.  You have found a good man.  There are others (spirits) around you and still much work to do.  I'm glad you came here. 
Maria: I just want peace in my life.
Spirit (as she faded away): Keep going forward, and you will see more progression in your future. 
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Maria told the group that she was eight years old when she started attending sessions with Cando at his center.  Nelson saw the spirit of her father standing near her, and Maria said that he died 20 years ago.  Nelson told her, "In regards to spiritism, you believed, but you didn't believe.  You were always looking for the profound, that one secret that only one other person knew.  You were curious, but your interest was only on the surface, it never went very deep."  Nelson was reluctant to let Maria's father sit, but he was a strong, authoritative spirit - and he insisted:
Spirit (to Maria): Why have you changed so much?  You are not as strong.  You let yourself be used.  Where is your strength?  How can you accept things as they are?  It shouldn't be this way...
Maria: It's fear.
Spirit:  Fear? Facing life with fear is not facing life at all.  You need strength for life.  Where is that torch I gave you?  What happened to it?  With that torch (a symbol to light her path), you will know the right way.  The torch cannot leave your house, that house needs light!  I introduced you to your husband - he is the torch I gave to you.  (to the group)  He had to take care of her.  He could not be there unless he agreed to take care of her.  (to Jose)  I put you in her path.  I saw the future, and I had to protect her.  While you have that fire, protect her.  I couldn't leave her unless she was protected.  Keep doing the work you said you would do.  I have been by your side, and I have reminded you.  It's more than a promise.  You have to be there to protect her, and pull her ear sometimes.  I came here to thank you, but the work is just beginning.  And who protected him (Jose) while he protected her?  I have protected you both.  The time to transition is not yet, we are working on that, but I wanted to speak to you (Jose) and give you the strength and the fire to continue.  I came to relight that torch.  You will be okay because you have returned to the right path.  For me, this day has been marvelous, as I was able to come to this place.  So many questions he (Nelson) had for me before I was allowed!  I have looked for this opportunity, and today they knocked on my door and told me it was my day to speak.  We are fine over here, working and we have learned a lot.  I'm just starting the work.
Maria: Can I ask about my mother?
Spirit: She continues to do her work, and when we are allowed, we will work together.  There will come a time when you will talk to her.  There is no sadness in - how do you refer to it? - the 'spirit world'.  There is only love, compassion and the desire to work.  With my hands, I give you my blessing.  With my heart, I give you love.  Have faith, this is the first day of a new marriage.
Caballito asked Jeff to bring two glasses and a bottle of water.  The glasses were filled, and Maria and Jose were asked to drink the water while Caballito explained what they should do next.  Nelson turned his attention to Milagros, but Carmen was already preoccupied with a spirit for Maricela:
Spirits 6 & 7 (via Carmen): The spirit was for Maricela and he was an old boyfriend from a previous life:
Spirit: I was here last week, and I did not have the opportunity to be heard.  (to Maricela)  I want to live with you.  That boyfriend you had (in this life) was not for you.  He was not a real man.  I am, and you cannot continue to tease me.  I'm a man, and I am here to take her.
Nelson: That is not possible.
Spirit: I want to live with her!  In her memories, her body, her house.  Why do you treat me this way?  I don't want to harm her.  I ended that other relationship she had.
Nelson: You no longer have any relationship with her after today.
Maricela: I don't love you.
Spirit (puzzled): Look at all the others (spirits) coming for me. They tell me I must leave.  Let go of her finger (Maricela's thumb was heavily bandaged)  I have to take everything with me...
Nelson: Including what you left in the bed.
Spirit (sadly):  I cannot see her anymore.  Why can't I see her anymore?  (pause)  I am cold.  So cold.  Why are you doing this?  I just love her.  (softly)  I'm leaving...goodbye.
Carmen's guide arrived to cleanse her and our table.  Caballito showed Nelson the long line (with a group of spirits for Milagros, a group of military men and many others).  Nelson was exhausted, so Caballito stepped forward to speak through him and encourage him to pass one more spirit:
Spirit 8 (via Nelson):  The spirit was for Erika, but Caballito wanted to ask her some questions first:
Caballito: Are you working?  How is the job going?  What are you doing to find a better one?
Erika: I need to look for one, but I need to be better motivated.
Caballito: What do you need?  A little push?
Erika: I don't know.
Caballito: If I tell you that when you look for a job, you will find one - does that help?  To get the job you want, you must take each individual step of the ladder.  Go and look, and you will find a job.  If your brother can do it in another part of the world, you can do it, too.  Get motivated.  (to Gabe)  And what I am telling her also applies to you, Gabe.
Gabe: I know, thank you.
Caballito (to Erika): Your future is not what you think.  It's much better than anyone thinks.  But I need you to help me.  When you hear a little voice telling you 'no,' let it go.  Do not listen.  A spirit who has been with you for 200 years over many lifetimes - he will not go away in a minute.  (long pause)  There, I saw him.  he cannot hide, I got him.  He did not like what I said to you.  He thinks that the more you progress, the less you will like him...
(The spirit moved into Nelson and replaced Caballito)
Spirit: He thinks he will remove me?  It's not going to happen!  She is mine. 
Jeff: She is not yours, she is independent.
Spirit (about Nelson): I don't like it when he talks to her - when she comes here.  I didn't want her to come today.  They always want more.  She needs my help to stay away.  She only needs me. 
Jeff: Your influence is hurting her.
Spirit: Well, she's not going anywhere without me.  No one gets close to her, just me.  She is so pretty!
Jeff: She is pretty...
Spirit (angrily): Don't look at her!  Did I say you could look at her?  I am done talking to you!  I love her!
Jeff: We love you and we want to help.
Spirit: You love me?  I don't want you!  (to Carmen)  What about you, are you married?
Erika: I don't love you or know you.
Spirit (shocked): You don't know me?  Or love me?
Erika: No, not at all.
Spirit (stunned):  She doesn't love me?  I wanted her to stay home today!  Who will protect her if I go?
Emiliano: She has her father and mother.
Jeff: She's removing herself from you.
Spirit: She is all I know.  If she doesn't love me - I can't believe she said that - then I don't want to be me.  I am not going to cry, I will not cry. 
Jeff: You are giving love and not getting any.
Spirit (through his tears): I will not cry, I'm going.  I will not cry.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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