Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Chicago - March 27, 2016

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Frank, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff, Lisa, Marisol, Nelson, Ron, and Sonia
Before the opening prayer, Nelson told the group that he was visited by the spirit of his aunt twice over the past week.  She told him, "I know that I am a spirit, but I have questions.  Why do people get sick when I come near them to talk?"  Nelson told her that spiritual energy was different from the energy of the people who were still on earth, and he invited her to our session to speak through a medium.  The questions continued with her second appearance:
Spirit: Why do I need a medium to speak?  Why can't I find some of the people I am looking for?
Nelson: Maybe they are not alive?
Spirit: Why can you see me, and your mother (her sister) cannot?  Is she ignoring me?
Nelson: I have an ability to see spirits - if the spirit world allows it.
After the opening prayer, Marisol read the prayer for those who have lost loved ones who are now in the spirit world.  Nelson believed that his aunt was looking for a purpose or a plan for her life now that she was a spirit.  He shared the warm memories he had with his aunt when she was alive.  Nelson also knew that his aunt was frustrated because she could not locate her deceased husband.   
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  The spirit of Nelson's aunt was present again at our table, and Nelson spoke to her verbally, hoping that she would sit:
Nelson: I know you have this question about your condo.  You wanted it to go tome, but your will was changed so that the government would get it.  Someone changed it, and it was not who you think.  A judge ruled that my mother should receive it, and I know you are angry with that decision.  You visited my mother to ask her about it recently.  (The visit from her sister put Nelson's mother into the hospital, as she feared she was dying)  She did not do it.  I want to thank that judge, because my parents are using that money now to support themselves.  (to the table)  Don't let anything be unresolved when we move to the spirit world...
(The spirit of the aunt sat through Nelson)
Spirit: Where is Riccardo?  (her husband)  I am proud of you, negrito (her nickname for Nelson), because look where you are sitting!  I used to call it (spiritism) hocus-pocus!  I want to thank you.  You  never forgot me.  You kept my memory alive.  All of those prayers that you did?  They worked!  I listened to them.  Not the ones from your mother.  It's different when the prayer comes from love.  I had to leave my drink (she always drank beer in a glass with ice) at the door.  But I have my earrings.  All the earrings he bought for me!  That's all you take when you go - the love.  The heart he had!  I knew I couldn't have kids, and everyone thought I was crazy.  Not him.  Ask him to tell you about the rain forest, when we almost crashed.  I know I am a spirit, but I still have questions.  Where should I go?
Marisol: Now there will be more learning for you.  You are looking for the man who was your partner in life?
Spirit: Yes.  But I cannot see him yet.  I shouldn't force it?
Marisol: You will see him again, but there is more learning first.  For you and for him.
Spirit (noticing Gabe):  You are...I don't believe it!  You are Lourdes' son!  What a nice surprise!  Your mother was not crazy about me.  Tell her that she doesn't know what she is missing.  Tell her Titi said it.  She knows me.  I just wanted to see my sister.
Marisol: But you scared her.
Spirit: We were sometimes good together, sometimes not so good.  At the end, she took care of me.
Marisol: That's love.  You know she's afraid to die...
Spirit: Tell her not to be.  It's nice over here!  At first, it's confusing, but once you figure it out, it's not bad. 
Marisol: That one you are looking for (her husband) needs your help.
Spirit: I know, this man (the spirit guide) tells me I have to work.  Tell Nelson that I didn't mean to scare him.  His sense of humor has not gone away, he's still laughing.  I love him, tell him that.  Because of his prayers, I'm here.  I'm going to work.  (to Marisol)  Can I tell you something?  I want to help you.  She has a negrito at home, too.  I like him.
Marisol: Love is a beautiful thing.
Spirit: It's all you take.  (to Jeff)  I never had the pleasure of meeting you, but I know how much you care for Nelson. You are so lucky, you got my negrito.  Thank you all for listening to me.
As the spirit faded, Carmen realized that the spirit who stood between her and Sonia last week was with us again.  It was about Sonia's sister in Puerto Rico.  The sister was despondent, asking for prayers and hoping that Sonia would visit her.  The sister did not want to transition to the spirit world without being able to see Sonia.
Spirit 2 (via Carmen):  The spirit was bothering Sonia's sister, and putting thoughts into her head:
Spirit (to Sonia): You haven't missed anything over here, why would you go?  She's well with me.  When you come, you stir everything up!  People say this house smells, and that makes me laugh!
Nelson: What is your issue with her coming?
Spirit: I am doing the same job she would do!  I just want to be alone with her, making smells and giving her headaches, so I can laugh.  You need to hear about my suffering, not hers.  I was rotting in that corner, she had no compassion for me.  None.
Nelson: Look at your bones.  From your body, in that corner.
Spirit: No, no, no!  I only see spider webs.  I keep her entertained with them.  Look at the illusion - spider webs!  I would like to see two bodies in that corner.  (pause)  I am cold now.  Those are my bones.  Spiders and worms ate my body.  (the spirit guides covered her for warmth)  Don't let them eat my bones. 
After some additional counseling from Nelson and Sonia, the spirit agreed to go.  Nelson wondered, "Why is so hard to love yourself?"  Another spirit was showing itself in the same corner.  Nelson asked Sonia if there was a hidden secret, or some issue within the house that had an impact on both the mother and the daughter.  Nelson knew it was something private, but he sensed a spirit who wanted to apologize for the role that he played.  Sonia explained that her niece was sexually abused while she was in a hospital years ago.  The incident had a profound effect on the niece.  The mother was also never fully recovered, as the charges were dismissed.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  The boy who committed the act was now deceased.  His spirit wanted to apologize to the girl and her mother, but his presence in the house had made the daughter sick and it caused her to relive the experience.  Nelson described the spirit as wearing glasses, and as he arrived, Marisol and Nelson sensed a very bad smell:
Spirit (violent coughing): She was asleep (cough).  She wanted it, and she got what she wanted. Something happened, from A to B, but I don't know what.  (tearfully)  You don't know who you are anymore.  You have to live with it for the rest of your life.  (crying)  When will this end?  I haven't had any peace, any love, any light since that day.  When?  When will it stop?  When?
(Sonia counseled the spirit in Spanish)
Spirit: When will I ever feel okay?  Can I ask for forgiveness?  To everyone, the mom, the kid.  (continued to sob)  I need to know they forgive me.  I keep reliving the same thing every day.  Day, night, tomorrow, another day.  (weeping with his head on the table)  It's the same thing every day! 
(Carmen helped counsel the spirit)
Spirit: I thought I would see her here.  I am trying to get that dirt off of me.
Carmen: It's cause and effect.  Forgive yourself.
Spirit: I am so sorry, from the bottom of my heart.  If I knew it would cost me my existence, I never would have done it.  I need a hospital.  It was a crime, I was a criminal.  I don't want to be there anymore in that corner.  I'll go.  Criminal!  Mala! 
The spirit departed in a very abrupt, violent manner.  Nelson explained that the boys in the hospital saw Sonia's niece as a problem patient (which was why the spirit said, "She asked for it")  They dared each other to approach her.  When the spirit spoke through Nelson, he kept scratching his thighs, because whenever the niece scratched herself, she would remember the incident.  The boy also died scratching himself from a STD.  The spirit was forced to sit today.  Now that he was removed, Nelson anticipated a change with the niece.  Nelson understood that the niece had often wondered what she did for this to happen to her, and it was important for her to know that she had not done anything wrong.
Spirits 4 & 5 (via Marisol): Marisol shared that her grandfather took his life 24 years ago.  Nelson was shown that he hanged himself, and Marisol confirmed it was how he died.  As she studied his spirit, Marisol saw her grandfather screaming in pain.  After some intense breaths, his spirit sat through Marisol:
Spirit (crying, with his head on the table):  Why, why, why?  Why did I do that?
Nelson: It happened in a moment of weakness.
Spirit:  I am trying to look, to find...I don't know.  I don't see anything but darkness.  I look, but I don't find.  I'm blind.  I was alone, I felt unloved.  I had children, but I didn't.  I was not good to my wife.  When she died, I was lost.  She was my everything.  She knew I was going to do this (suicide), but no one did anything.
Nelson: You thought it was a solution?
Spirit: She didn't love me...
Nelson: The past is done.  Look to the future - a new beginning is starting.
Spirit: No one remembers me.  I'm asking forgiveness - if there is forgiveness for me.  I don't want to be there anymore. 
Nelson: It was (the spirit of) your wife who came looking for you.  Look, she is bringing you a bouquet of flowers.  She's here to get you.
Spirit (relieved): Thank you.
It was not an easy task to persuade the spirit to move on, and both Carmen and Sonia helped to counsel him.  Once he left with his wife, Marisol's guide arrived to cleanse her.  As usual, her joyful dance and hand clapping was a positive experience for the entire table.  After she left, Marisol updated the group on the center in Puerto Rico.  The group was not really working the way they should, they were only passing spirit guides, and communicating good wishes.  Without any persuasion from Marisol, a relative described the sessions to her in a phone call as, "a complete waste of time."
Nelson turned his attention to Isabel, as he knew she was worried about something.  Her thighs were hurting, and she was worried about dying - and worried about her husband, Ron.  Isabel said she had a bad day yesterday, as she kept hearing noises and felt as if something was biting her legs.
Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  Nelson saw the spirit of a little dwarf in Isabel's house.  He could only reach as high as Isabel's legs and thighs (as he saw her as a giant), and he had the mannerisms of a tricky rat or mischievous squirrel.  He would wake up Ron just to laugh at Isabel's response.   He turned the hot water cold and vice versa (Isabel agreed).  Nelson told Isabel  that this life is not the first one in which she was short.  In a prior life, she were married to the spirit.  He made Ron cough in this life. The spirit moved into Nelson to speak when Jeff asked:
Jeff: But why does he want to hurt her?
Spirit: I want to be with her instead of him (Ron)!  He aggravates me.  Why did she marry someone so big, instead of my size?  She's mine.  Mine, mine, mine.  (giggled, and made sucking sounds with his mouth) I am not going anywhere!  She is mine.
(Marisol and Carmen counseled the spirit in Spanish, explaining that the spirit was bothering Isabel)
Spirit: A lot of people bother her, but I'm here to take care of her.  I don't bother her (more giggling).  Nobody can catch me - only her - she's mine!  I don't like the fat white man. 
Isabel:  You are a spirit.
Spirit: A spirit?  Who is a spirit?
Isabel: I don't love you anymore.
Spirit (to Carmen): If she doesn't want me, I will go with you!  (giggles and made kissing noises)  I really love her (Isabel) because we have always been together.  And now they tell me it was in another life?  I don't understand.  (to Isabel)  It's me, I have been looking for you! 
Marisol: Look who you are talking through..
Spirit (noticing Nelson): He's big!  Grande!  What happens now?  We are 18, some of us making noises, some of us biting.  (pause)  I will go, and take everything with me.  (to Isabel)  You can have him (Ron).  We were worried that he would step on us. 
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Nelson's guide had a message for Lisa, and he delivered it from his usual position standing behind Nelson:
Caballito: What's bothering you?
Lisa: Some things with my father.
Caballito: Do you like to be gothic, with everything black and dark?  (she did)  Do you realize what you attract when you do that?
Lisa: Negative things.
Caballito: You like them.  They make you feel powerful.  It's all about the power with you.  You get into trouble just to get into trouble.  There is a very tall, vampire type man around you.  You like him.  You call on him.  He's telling me that you would like to kill someone one day - just to know what it is like - but you know that is not you.  So don't give him that power.  Tell him to move aside.  Say, "That's not me, I'm Lisa.  Nobody else".  He has too much control over you.  "That's not me, I'm Lisa."  Can you do that for me?  One more favor.  This week, try not to wear black.  Not all black.  It will help this spirit realize that he is not who he thinks he is.  We are trying to take away his power.
Lisa: OK...
Caballito: There is not time for me to sit, as people are in a hurry.  There are plans, correct?
Gabe: Well, I do need to use the bathroom.
Jeff: We can delay our plans, if you want to sit.  I was only planning to eat a cookie.
Caballito: I am sure you will eat many cookies.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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