Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Chicago - April 3, 2016

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Erika, Frank, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff, Juan, Lisa, Maricela, Marisol, Nelson, Ron, Sonia and Xaver. 
Prior to opening the session, Marisol shared the details of her challenging commute to the center.  She felt as if she was in a long tunnel that was being continuously extended as she drove.  Nelson asked Gabe to check the door of the building, as he thought there was someone outside.  Gabe had a sensation that someone was crouched between two cars.  Nelson went to the door, and he noticed the spirit of a tall, very thin man who was gravely ill.  Nelson invited him to enter, and returned to the table with severe coughing and wheezing.  Marisol smelled cigarette smoke.  Nelson's coughing increased to a level where he could not read the opening prayer, and the smell of stale smoke became evident to all of the mediums. 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  The tall spirit had arrived with Marisol.  It was interesting that this spirit wanted to speak at our table, yet he remained outside when Marisol came in for the session.  It became apparent that this spirit felt completely unloved and totally worthless.  He was apprehensive to sit through Nelson, so he communicated his thoughts from a position behind Nelson.  He was a cousin of Marisol's who died of AIDS.  He died all alone in the hallway of a hospital in Puerto Rico.  Marisol explained that the mother of this spirit rejected him when he was young, and he was given to a relative to be raised.  Nelson began to feel several depressing emotions all at once - and it was overwhelming.  Marisol said he was a smoker, and he passed years ago, which encouraged the spirit to sit through Nelson to clarify his situation:
Spirit: It was over 30 years ago.  I died alone, and I have been alone all of that time.  I know nothing else.  Do you know what it is like to live your entire life and never know love?  Am I ugly?  A horrible person?  Trash?  Whenever I asked for anything, the doors were closed to me.  Even today.  I cannot find water.  A little.  (crying in pain)  What is this feeling?  I want to get rid of this.  What do I need to do?  I am just trying to find a little sip of water. 
(Marisol and Sonia counseled the spirit, advising him to let go of his suffering)
Spirit: Where is that person (the mother who abandoned him)?  I have been trying to find her.  I'm searching.  It's sad.  I only want to ask her, 'Why?'  Why was there love for everyone else and none for me?  I was abandoned. 
(Carmen began to help the others counsel the spirit, and Marisol suggested that the spirit should go with the guide who was with him to a hospital)
Spirit:  I don't know that guy.  How hard it is to walk in a lost world.  I don't even know who I am.  (long pause)  I am going to take his hand, maybe he will love me.  (pause)  He (the spirit guide) is giving me love.  How beautiful.  How wonderful it is to be wanted.   
The spirit left Nelson gasping for air.  Nelson said that this spirit was extremely difficult to pass.  His body had completely deteriorated before he died, and his mental state had reached a level of anger and fear - he was emotionally void, with no hope.  We discussed how spirits could be wandering or asleep for years.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Carmen shared that the spirit of Bernardo's mother was in a similar state of sleep - and she was likely to remain that way for years.  "There are some things that we cannot do for others," Marisol said, "that person has to do it for themselves."  Nelson's guide showed him that the relationship between Carmen and her daughter was also stagnant:
Carmen: I want to do something for my daughter.  She is so anxious, and I don't know what to do.  We pray, but she keeps going downhill.  And I am the one getting sick.
Caballito: With your work, you can help her.  The fight is hers, do not take it on yourself.
Carmen: I see her so weak, but she is faking what she has, and she blames me.
Caballito: It's easier to blame others than to take responsibility.  It does not matter what you do, until she fixes what is needed, your relationship with her will not change.  If you continue to go there and pick up her negative things (spirits), you are the one who will become sick.  She and Bernardo were husband and wife in another lifetime.  You were the lover that took him from her.  In this existence, you chose for her to be your daughter, hoping to end the conflict.  Talk to her about the happiness of the spirit.  Give her a book, if necessary.  She needs to find her happiness without affecting yours.  She has to open the door, and if she doesn't - everyone is wasting their time.  Be careful what you touch, as you cannot touch everything.  There is a box on a closet shelf, throw it away.
Caballito stepped back, and Nelson wondered if reincarnating as a parent was some sort of torture test:
Gabe: There are some good things about it.
Nelson: Not for those who do not want to be responsible.
Gabe: It's dangerous to be ignorant.
(Caballito returned)
Nelson (to Frank):  How are things going for you?
Frank: Better.  Things are flowing.
Nelson: Did you ever wonder why it took so long to reach the level where you are now?  Enjoy your progress.  Your daughter has also made a change, she is nicer.  (Frank agreed)
Spirit 3 (via Marisol): Marisol was studying the tall vampire spirit that was isolated from Lisa last week.  The spirit guides had been working with him all week, trying to calm him enough so that he could sit at our table.  Despite their efforts, Marisol saw that his spirit was still overpowering - and it would not be an easy door to open.  This spirit put very bad thoughts into Lisa's mind.  He was not around her last week, and he did not like being kept away from her.  Nelson said that Lisa should stop calling on him.  The spirit moved into Marisol to speak, and Nelson moved far away, to the other side for the table:
Spirit (stood and slammed a fist on the table top):  WHO THE HELL ARE YOU PEOPLE?  What in hell do you think you are doing?  I don't want to talk to her (Denise) or him (Nelson)!
Jeff: Your influence on her is hurting others.
Spirit: Do I look like I care?  Am I worried?  It was a waste of time to come here.  (to Lisa)  You listen to me, stop listening to him (Nelson).  Do not come here anymore.
Lisa: No.
Spirit: Go somewhere else!  Put on those black clothes that I like - no bright colors!  You and I have a relationship.
Nelson: Don't worry about her now, I want to help you.  Look what is around you. 
Spirit: No. I don't like it.
Nelson: You don't like it, but you want to put her in that place.  Leave her, and take those who are with you.
Spirit (shocked): He wants me to leave?  I don't want to...
Nelson: So let's go into that cave together.  You know what you left behind there - that box - and I want to bring it here.  The surprises in that box are over.
Spirit: I don't like it!  I'm hot and it's dark.
Nelson: You are going to see a little bit of light soon. 
Spirit: I don't have to stay in that dark hole?
Lisa: I am not going to call you.
Spirit: I've been too dark.
Gabe: And now the light feels good.
Spirit: We will go with him (16 spirits).  I apologize for how I came in.  It was all I knew.  (to Lisa)  Don't call me, goodbye, goodbye - don't call me!
Marisol sad that she found herself in a black hole with the spirit, and Nelson added that the spirit, "Was more animalistic than human, which was why he presented himself as a vampire."
Spirit 4 (via Carmen): Nelson's guide had returned, and he had a question for the entire Romero family: "How was last Sunday?"
Esperanza: Very good, we were with family.
Maricela: All good.
Caballito: Erika?  Don't pretend not to know Spanish now.  Was there anything weird or out of place?  Did someone say something that they shouldn't have said?
Erika: They always do.
Caballito: How is your older brother?  Where is he now?
Erika: At home.
Caballito: And you like that idea?
Erika: No.
Caballito: May I say what you don't want to say?  You would be happy if he left. 
(Emilano said he would love to change the situation, but nobody talks.  Nelson spoke privately to him 2-3 weeks ago that action needed to be taken in his home - but nothing was done.  Now the household was like a pot of boiling water that was ready to explode and overflow)
Caballito: There is something forming in that house (Carmen agreed), and I want to clear your space.  (to Erika)  Just for you.  I don't want you to explode or have stomach cramps from keeping it all internal - it's not what you want.  He's selfish, correct?
Erika: I have seen that recently.
Caballito: He thinks that you should leave if you don't like it?
Erika: We had a discussion that didn't end well. 
Caballito: And now the pot is boiling up again.  Have you told your mom and dad how you feel?  (not really) It's because you know you are going to lose...
Erika: That's their golden child.
Caballito: And you are my golden child.  (to Emilano)  Why hasn't anything been done?  Erika is happy, and that needs to continue.  I have been dealing with the same spirit for weeks, ever since we spoke...
The confident spirit moved forward and spoke through Carmen:
Spirit (aggressively): Everything is good!  Nobody talks, but it's okay.  That's how my power is, and now you want me to leave?  I will not.  I am creating even more boiling water as we speak.
Caballito (to Erika): You don't want this spirit in your house?
Erika: No.
Caballito: But your mother does.  If it's not broken, don't fix it is her motto.
Emilano: I don't want it either.
Spirit: I am just relaxing in this big bed, doing nothing!  But I am feeling the heat from that pot.  It's hot.  Do they (the family) really want me to go?  Leave all of you?  Without Erika, I am not going.
Erika: We want you to go.
Spirit: Fine.  I'm leaving.
Caballito advised that there should be a conversation between all of the family members: "When you stay quiet, your silence is seen as approval.  It's not that he has to get out, he has to respect what is permitted.  Sometimes, things must be verbalized.  He is a good kid, but that does not mean that he can take advantage of everyone else."
Marisol had a brief message for Sonia:
Marisol: You are strong on the outside, but unhappy inside?
Sonia: I am happy with this group, I want to keep it going.
Denise: She's worried that we won't have this place.
Sonia: This is home.
Caballito: Do not worry, we will take care of it.  But there are material things that also need to be done.
Marisol: I understand your sorrow.  It was difficult for me when Cando's place closed.  There is a need for this.
Sonia: Thank you.  I wanted to let everyone know that I spoke to my sister and she confirmed everything from the last session.
Nelson: That means a lot to me.
The table discussed Marisol's son.  In some aspects, his nurse/caretaker of 30 years is hoping he does not transition to the spirit side.  Marisol will address the issue.  Caballito also recommended that Andres be given more pain medication when he needed it.  Caballito elaborated, "He is in pain, he's hurting, and he cannot say it." 
Caballito also had a message for our table:
"What can the spirit world do to help you progress in this material world?  Think before you act.  Everyone wants things quickly.  Think first, and you will find the right answer.  Sometimes you can think and ask for help.  You are never alone.  We are around you even if you don't want it.  That's our job.  Look at that part of the world that everyone praises - everyone always looks up!  Look down, as some of us are there.
We are always connected, but some of you are not always listening.  I wanted today to end with something soft and nice.  A kind, loving way of thinking.  And none of you like to think.  You say you do, but my message today is that it is okay to think.  Not every thought requires an action.  That is only necessary once the thinking process is completed.  I am asking all of you to do one thing - think before acting.  Do that, and next week I might give you something else to think about.  The more peaceful you are in this life, the more loving. 
I want Nelson to act like I am.  Calm, relaxed.  He means well.  I control him sometimes because he wants to run, and I tell him: One step at a time, and you will find it easier.  I pull him in when he gets out of line, don't think that I don't.  Think before you act.  Next week, I will ask one of you what action you changed because you took the time to think.  While I am speaking, I am cleaning.  I will take 142 (spirits) with me.  Thank you for allowing this humble worker to do his work.  Until next week, goodbye.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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