Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Florida - May 7, 2016

In attendance: Frank, Jackie, Jeff and Nelson
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson sensed a group of spirits who clearly understood that they were spirits.  One of them said from his position near Nelson, that they worked for "the dark side, tricking the people who are easy to fool.  We create controversy, and then we just sit back and watch.  It's so easy."  The spirit decided that he liked Nelson because he could talk with him.  He invited Nelson to watch him do his work one day, telling him, "Your way is too much work, come with us and have some fun."  Nelson said the spirit was intelligent, very good at his job, and he really did not like seeing what we were doing.  He decided to sit through Nelson to explain further:
Spirit: I could create problems within this group very easily.
Jackie: We are aware of that.
Spirit: I wasn't going to sit here to speak.  The one present next to me (spirit guide) made it sound too good to resist.  I fell for it, I really don't know why.  You people should go to a school, to learn about my side.  It's much more fun.
Jackie: It's time for a change...
Spirit: Change?  For a change.  What does that mean, to do something different?
Jackie: Don't you get bored?
Spirit: No!  You people are so easy when we whisper in your ear.  He (the spirit guide) said our time is up and a change would be good.  Change, I have never heard of that word.  (looked at Jackie)  I tried to stop you from coming today.  I did three things.  (Jackie explained)  You heard me when I visited you.  I didn't want this to happen today.  That other one (Marian) was easier. With you, we tried, and I failed.  (pause)  I even stopped your car from coming here today, but I failed.
Jackie: That other side will not accept your failure - but we do.
Spirit: I know that.  I failed, and I cannot go back.  If I do, I will be tortured.  It's not just me, we are a big group.  Look at that, one of those fools from the group trying to escape.  If I couldn't do it, he is not going anywhere.  We are only 85, so not that large, including me.  I am the leader.  That fool is still trying to leave.  We are going to try this 'change' thing, even though I don't understand it.  (to Jackie)  I tried to convince you to stay home today, but we failed.  You helped me to fail.  Be careful out there, like my group, there are many others.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson felt relaxed and less worried about "editing" the spiritual comments, so his guide quickly ushered in another spirit.  This spirit was dressed entirely in black, with a wide brimmed black hat.  Nelson drew a picture of it, and Jackie said it was similar to what an undertaker would wear.  Caballito mentally instructed Nelson to randomly open Kardec's The Spirits' Book, and read from whatever page was opened.  Nelson read the Prayer for an enemy that has died in Spanish and translated it into English.  As he reached the last line ("Take away from my mind being happy that he died"), the spirit dressed in black moved into Nelson to speak:
Spirit (sad, but firm): Tell her (Marian) that if she thinks she can remove me, she will be dead before she can try it.  I don't like that hag.
Jackie: Her intentions are good.
Spirit: She thinks she has power!  She works quietly when she is over there, going corner to corner, doing a prayer to remove me.  Old hag!  Coming in to interrupt me! 
Jackie: You don't belong there.
Jeff: Why do you want to be there?
Spirit: I am finishing a job!  It's going to happen.  If I leave or stay, it will happen.
(Note: The husband of Marian's daughter has cancer and he has been feeling better.  It became apparent to our table that this spirit was the husband's son - who died from a drug overdose.  His spirit had visited our table in the past, on December 6, 2015.  Those notes are reprinted at the end of these notes)
Jackie: What you are doing is WRONG.
Spirit: I have no compassion for him.  He had none of it with me.  He was very happened when it happened.  Do you know who I am?  I went first.  He was happy when I was gone.  He couldn't even cry.  I know, I was there.  I'm the son!  He couldn't even cry!  I was bothering him!  I was too much work!  I heard that!  (the spirit was visibly upset and he began to cry)  I want him to endure the same thing.  Double!  Were any of you ever glad when someone in your family died?  He was!  I want nothing but revenge.  Tell that to the hag!  Tell her that I can see her!  She thinks she is going to help me?  I have nothing.  You people didn't even know who I was.  I died all alone.  He (the spirit guide) said I cannot help him die anymore, so I'm done.  I was screaming at him, 'Hear me!'  HEAR ME!  (long pause)  It's dark, it's so dark.
Jackie: We are going to give you a chance to get out of there.
Spirit: I don't want to be there.  I don't want to go back to that house.  All I wanted to hear from him was, "I'm sorry."  He always blamed her (the mother), and HE WAS TO BLAME!  He mistreated her.  That's what he wanted, that's what he did.  I know everything he did.  He didn't like me, but I saw it all.  I was there!  God help him, he will need it.
Jeff: Go with that person next to you, and you will feel better.
Spirit: Be careful what you do.  It comes back and it's not pretty.  It hasn't been easy, but I am willing to try.  A new drug, he tells me.  To feel good again.  I'm going to go with him.
Spirits 3 & 4 (via Jackie): Jackie saw many spiritual faces pressed against the sliding glass windows, peering into the room.  She heard one of them say, "Let me in, let me in, so I can hear!"  Spiritual guides were with them, explaining that they would not be allowed in until they behaved.  Jackie also sensed that Edgar's spirit was seated in a living room chair, listening to our session:
Spirit: It's very sad when you see people turn away from what they have been taught.  I am in tears, but I understand why things happen the way they do.
Nelson: He has been trying to reach his daughter, but he can't.
Spirit: Maybe because she was born into this, she became complacent.  I have always thought that mediums were at more risk than others, easier to manipulate.
Nelson (to the group): Do you know who he is here with?  The spirit of Lula (an herbal healer)  She brought him here.  (previously, Edgar's spirit had only appeared at Astrid's house)
Spirit: If I could, I would take her by the hand (his daughter) to a psychiatrist.  She's completely lost.  And none of her family believes what she says.  She's not waking up. 
The group discussed the situation, and Jackie was shown the spirit of a little girl who was brushing crumbs from our table.  She was looking for dirt, but she could not find any, so she left.
Spirits 5 & 6 (via Nelson):  Nelson's guide asked Jeff, "You really don't want to see you mother, do you?"
Jeff: I don't want to see her in the condition she is in.
Caballito: She wants to see you, but she doesn't tell you that.  She is not a pretty rose.  Now you know why she doesn't like flowers.  She's very angry now, at everyone and everything.
(Note: Jeff's mother is suffering from a knee injury that restricts her mobility and the ability to drive)
Jackie: She never expected her life to be like this.
(A spirit arrived to replace Caballito.  Nelson explained later that he was being shown her thoughts, just like the cartoon bubbles over the characters in a comic strip)
Spirit (expressing the thoughts of Jeff's mother):  I didn't go see my mother, and he won't come see me.  I don't want to be put into a home.  No home for me!  How can I convince him to just visit me - alone.  Without him (Nelson).  He's easier alone.  His sister keeps sending over that clumsy one (her partner, Deb).  Clumsy and not too smart.  I think she's losing her mind.  I gave her something, she doesn't remember, and now neither one of us can find it.  I am angry at this.  Where is that boy, my son?  Everything I have done, I will be damned if they will put me into a home!  Listen, you will not put me in a home.
Jeff: There are other options.
Spirit (speaking for herself): You know I am there with her, I have her all confused.
Jackie: What you are doing is wrong.
Spirit: She is counting pennies, and putting them into a jar.  I want her to stop and give us some.  Half of those pennies are mine! 
Jeff: Why do you want them?  What would you spend them on?
Spirit: I will use them to send you to a home!  It's all mine.
Jackie: When she stole your money, you had a body.  You have no use for money now, because you are dead.  Look at your hands.
Spirit (shocked): The hands of a man!  I am not a man.  They are dark, too.  This is not me, I am not a man.  I don't like them.
Jackie: They will take you to a place where yo will not need any money.
Spirit: I don't need money?  All that time was wasted?
Jackie: Leave it all behind.
Spirit: She bothers me.  I'll walk away, but with no man.  They only want your money, or other things.  You know what I mean.  They take your money and take that.  Do you know why I am going to leave her?  Because of you (Jeff)!  I wasn't going to go, but now when he calls her, she won't be so mad.  I'm going to try it, and I will let you know. But no man.  Don't forget me.  You can call me the dollar lady.
(Update: Jeff's mother phoned him the next day, happily laughing and very friendly - despite her surgery being canceled and her inability to visit Sea World
Nelson's guide had returned, and he had some comments for our group:
Caballito (to Frank): How are you feeling?
Frank: I am okay.  Just waiting for my pain pills to be approved by the insurance.
Caballito: Those are little stones in the road, and they are not the road.  Think of something to motivate you.  Think about your vacation and say, 'Next summer, I am planning a vacation.'  You are never at the doctor alone.  Someone (spiritual guides) is always with you.
Frank: I know that.
Caballito: If you need something, you have a family here.  Just ask.  Jackie, are you thinking of moving? 
Jackie: I'm toying with it.
Caballito: What is it that you want?
Jackie: I don't really know.
Caballito: That's okay.  When you decide, we will work with you.  You have been thinking if it is the right thing for you now, and yes - it is.  We want to give you more peace.  Like Frank, you are not alone.  It is difficult for humans to stop hitting themselves over the head.  You cannot change those who will not change.  What you call comfort, it's not.  It's easier, and laziness is one of the worst things.  It can stop you from growing.  (for everyone)  Use the time you have left wisely - for your own growth and knowledge - not to please anyone else.  Growth at this point will give you the tools you need later on.  We are giving all of you those tools, but sometimes you throw them away because it is too much work.
Caballito (for Jackie): She wants to ask her dad, 'How is it on that other side?'
Jackie: He already knows I miss him.
Caballito:  He is better than you think he is.
Jackie: He never believed in any of this...
Caballito: Be prepared for that moment, when you will have a conversation with him.  Make a list of questions.  Ask him, 'How can you help me now, what do I have to do?'  As you know, you will only go with him when it is time.  Just be ready.  I will come first, and say to you, 'Guess who I brought with me?'
Jackie: I will be ready.
Caballito: So Jackie, guess who I brought with me?  He's here, listening and watching.  We need to prepare both sides.  He is observing, and he like likes your hair.  You were worried he wouldn't recognize you.  He's happy to see you doing well.  He also wants that conversation to happen.  He's almost there.  He said to tell you to stop trying to make her (Jackie's sister) like you.  She is never going to be that way, and there is nothing you can do - or him - to change that.
Caballito (for Jeff): Very soon things will get crazy and confused.  It will only be brief.  It's temporary.  We are working with him (Nelson).
Jeff: For all the upcoming  issues in Puerto Rico?
Caballito: For that one who is in the process of moving to the spirit world (Nelson's mom).  Be strong, as he will not be okay.  He says he will, but that is not true.  Her body cannot take it much longer, it's wearing out.  But she is not alone either.  What a wonderful afternoon!  We are cleaning, just like the little girl that Jackie saw.  And we will take them all away.  Fourteen 'friends' of the table. 
Nelson closed with a prayer.
(Note: The notes below refer to Spirit # 2 from the above session.  They are from December 6, 2015.)
Spirit (via Astrid): Nelson wanted to ask Marian about the spirit of John's (May's husband) son.  He was addicted to drugs when he was alive, and a therapist recommended that John financially close the door to him so that he was no longer enabling his habit. A spirit jumped into Astrid to speak:
Spirit: It started here (in Florida) when he was young.  Here I am, to testify about that!  When children lack love and direction, this can be the result.  Life starts in the home.  I am a friend, and I thank you for having me here to talk about this stuff.
Spirit (via Nelson): Nelson sensed that something happened to John's son when he was young, and Nelson began to understand that the boy was sexually abused.  When the child was 6-7 years old, the mother was divorced and she was seeing several men.  Some of those men abused the boy, and escaping into drugs was his way not to remember his emotional scars and his embarrassment.  Nelson saw the boy as a seven year old crouched in a corner, with his head on his knees, crying continuously:
Spirit (in tears): How?  How did this happen?  Can someone tell me how to get rid of that pain?
Astrid: Someone took advantage of you.  You were innocent.
Spirit: She said we needed the money.  I told her I didn't like it.
Jeff: It's not going to happen again.  It was a mistake.
Spirit: I just want to know, why didn't anyone stop it?  Whey didn't he (John) stop it?  Why?  Why?  Don't leave me with her, I told him.  Now I don't want to be there (in the house) with him.  I blamed him, there were lots of things, and I didn't like them.  I want to go (away from his dad).  I stopped doing everything, but I did everything I could to make things go away, and I couldn't.  Would you tell her (May, Marian's daughter) that I didn't mean to scare her.  I wanted her to see me.
Marian: She understands, and I will tell her.  And don't listen to your sister if she calls you back.
Spirit: I won't.  I only want to remember my life up to now, at this age.  I'm going to start fresh and be happy.  Can you do something for me?  Someone has a little bear of mine, and it's the only thing I could talk to.  He has all my memories, because I only talked to him.  He is brown and his nose is partially chipped.  I put that part in my mouth to stop crying.  He (the spirit guide) tells me that I don't have to feel dirty any more.  He's a good man.  I can start fresh.  (crying)  Guess what he is giving me?  The bear!  He says I can make new memories now.
The spirit left quietly and Nelson said that four other spirits (from John) were taken with him.  These spirits were very slim, with no body flesh, and Nelson saw them eating away at John's flesh.  The spirit of the boy was beginning to see it, so Nelson and his guide had to become seven year old boys to persuade the boy's spirit to visit our table.

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