Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Florida - May 8, 2016

In attendance: Frank, Jackie, Jeff and Nelson
As we moved to the table, our living room discussion about the commercialization of Mother's Day continued:
Nelson: We don't realize how much we stir up the spirit world with these holidays we create.  What about those with nothing to celebrate, like Jackie's friend Rafael?  Everyone is celebrating, and there is nothing for him.  (Rafael's mother committed suicide by hanging herself from the ceiling fan in the house where Rafael, his sister and his father still reside).  There are many spirits - all mothers - here.  Some are crying, most are unhappy, and all we have created is a spiritual commotion.  One of them is saying, "If I come here, I might find my son." 
Jackie: As moms, they want to know if their kids are okay.  Even if it's a lie.
Nelson: The spirit just said, "Don't do that.  I have heard so many lies."  Another spirit is saying, "I would tell them the right road, and they wouldn't listen, so I left them.  I thought I did the right thing."
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson realized that the spirit of Rafael's mom had made the last statement.  She had been brought to our table, but she was in no condition to sit.  Jackie explained that when she died, her husband was having an affair, and Rafael was in the service, stationed in Italy.  She hung herself with an extension cord, and Nelson saw her with it still knotted around her neck.  The outlet part of the cord hit the floor when she walked, creating a distinctive clap, clap, clap sound. She did not know how to remove the extension cord.  The spirit world provided an intermediary for the spirit to speak to Nelson, and then Nelson communicated her thoughts to us:
Nelson:  What she did, she said it was going to happen anyway.  She doesn't understand why her husband is still holding on to her, and she wants him to move on.  He has to find a way to let go.
Jackie: He is thinking about her more, because he is back inside that house.
Nelson: She calls him a coward.  She wants to put that extension cord around his neck and tighten it.  She said, "The only mistake I made was to do what I did, instead of doing it to him." 
Nelson was shown that the spirit world wanted to remove the cord form her neck, "As everyone needs some air in that house."  She would not allow it to be removed, as Rafael's mother still insisted on holding tight to it.  "I will only let go," she said, "if they take it from my neck and put it on his neck."  Nelson described the house as, "A sick environment with lots of sick people in it - with too much distrust." 
The spirit world persuaded her to move to another place with them, as she needed to be quiet now, so she could listen.  It's all they could do for her now, but there was some advice for Rafael:  "Remember her good side now, her funny sense of humor, when he was a little boy with her.  Think of her in a nice way, not how her life ended.  When her next birthday comes around, buy a cake.  Light the candles and sing Happy Birthday to her."  Jackie said she would deliver the message to Rafael.

Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  The first spirit (the one searching for her son) had returned.  She did not appreciate Rafael's mother interrupting her previous communication:
Spirit: What a pushy woman!  I was here first with my message.  Don't put me to the side!  I didn't like her, but I was patient.  She was looking for a son, and I am looking for mine, too.  But I died from natural causes, not from what she did!
Jackie: We know that.
Jeff: Why are you looking for your son?
Spirit: I just knew he wasn't going to be okay without me.  I have to find him.
Jeff: What was your last memory of him?
Spirit: My last memory?  At my funeral.  He was there, and he couldn't deal with it.  He wouldn't even let me be buried.  He wanted to be buried with me.  I had to go away.
Jackie: He didn't understand.  Maybe he is where you are now, in a different condition.  It might take a while for you to find him, as you both need to be ready for it.
Spirit: How long?  There are a lot of us here, in the same condition - waiting.  They kept telling us that if we came here today, they would take us to another place.  But if we go to that place, our search might end.  We are very confused.  They said if we did go there - to that place - and we took care of some things, we might find them.  I need a manual to pass along to my friends.  We need to know the route. 
Jeff: We don't have a manual or a map, just the guides you arrived with to help you find your way.
Spirit: He (the guide) says that today is a real Mother's Day for us.  We don't have to worry so much anymore.  When we died, we stuck around here to look after our children.
Jackie: You have to help yourselves first - and then you can help them.
Spirit: So staying here to help was a mistake?  Tell the others!  Pass the words along.  So many of us are here.  Oh look, we will all go on a train.  We are 96 mothers, that's a lot.  We need to get better.  I have to worry about me now.  We got tired worrying about them.  (pause)  They are taking those worries away.  Look at me!  I'm ready to fly, I feel so light.  (pause)  Look at that party on that train!  This is a celebration!
The spirit left with her group, and she was replaced with some mothers who did not want to go anywhere.  They were mothers who wanted their children to do what they said, not what the children wanted to do. One of them explained, "Have you ever seen a bird's nest when one of the babies didn't want to fly?  The mom throws them out of the nest."
Jackie: They have prepared them, and they put them out into the world.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked Frank how long it had been since his mother passed away (Frank was not sure).  The spirit of an unconventional mother was present, but her appearance was not normal.  When Frank explained that his mother had polio and a slumped posture, Nelson understood that this spirit was his mother.  Nelson described her as funny, with a different way of thinking from traditional moms:
Spirit: You cannot baby-sit them or they will never be strong.  I never did that.  What I had (physically) was necessary for my spiritual growth.  I was deformed.  I heard them say it.  But look at me now, it's gone. I only used it so he (Frank) would recognize me.  I wanted to see him.  I know he doesn't think of me often, but that's okay.  Why can I see him and he cannot see me?  This one saw me.
Jackie: He is in the material world, and you are in the spiritual world.
Jeff: And he (Nelson) has an ability or skill that allows him to see you.
Spirit: This is interesting!  I was stubborn, I never believed in anything that I couldn't see.  The other one (Frank's biological brother) is not mentally all together.  Not well.  They told me Frank was not well, but he is well.  That one doesn't think (the brother) and this one (Frank) thinks too much.  He's felt me, I have been around him.  I wanted to talk to him, so I followed him today.  I had a chance, and I took it.  I was strong, but that was how I expressed love.  No crying.  I am very thankful to be here.  I never thought this could happen!  I only believed in what I saw.  He (Frank) is still quiet, but I remember some days when he wasn't. Can I do this again?  Can I come and see him again?
Jackie: You are always welcome.
Spirit: This is so nice!  Next time, I will be more prepared.  I still love him, and he is still my son - even though I am in a different way.  And I can come back?  I will have a whole speech, with stories about when he was young.  I like this!  Thank you, I will be back.  (to Frank)  Keep it up son, you will be okay.  And now that I can find you, I will come more often.  I have a lot of things to do now, with memories to write!
Spirit 4 (via Nelson): Nelson realized that Jackie's mom was present, and Jackie sensed the same thing.  Jackie's mother agreed with Nelson, saying "this day is overrated."  At first she seemed content to speak from a position behind Nelson, but she changed her mind and decided to speak directly through him:
Spirit: Everyone told her (Jackie) that she made a mistake by not having children - but I never said that.  I understood her.  Some of them still say it, behind her back.  Back then, in my day, it was a duty.  I am happy that she is happy.  That's the good part about being over here, you get to keep what you want to keep and what makes you happy.  She was everything I expected in a daughter.  Even at the end, her sense of humor and mine kept both of us going.  Today (Mother's Day) has no meaning, it's what you do every day that has meaning.  The real work.  (to Jackie)  That other one (Jackie's sister, Jan) will never change.  She will never appreciate life in the way that you do.  She's terrified of being alone.  That's why she had kids!  She was selfish enough not to want them, but she thought she would need them later.  She still thinks that her life is more important than anyone else - and her life has no meaning.  I go around her to visit, and there is so much noise there!  I had to speak through him (Nelson instead of Jackie) because I wanted to speak from the heart.  I wanted her to hear me from the mouth of another.  I wanted her to know that I am okay, and she is okay.  We are okay.  The other one (Jan) only calls me for, 'I need, I want.'  Tell her I don't have the time for such nonsense.  It was wonderful to see you.  Keep doing what you need to do.  Until next time...
Nelson explained a situation in which he hoped our spiritual guides might be able to assist.  A friend from Argentina (Mary) has a member of her group with a granddaughter who now lives in Chicago  She is young (17-20) and being bombarded by spirits (Jackie saw her covered on all sides).  Nelson hoped that she might find some relief.  He will invite her to one of our Chicago sessions, but he wanted to let the spirit world know that we were open to helping her now, if they wanted to bring anyone to our table.  "Time and distance does not matter," Jackie added.  Nelson asked for the time (and his guide wondered why, as he had already told Nelson what time it was and that the session could close for today.)
Jackie closed with a prayer

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