Friday, February 10, 2017

Chicago - March 13, 2016

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Erika, Esperanza, Frank, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff, Juan, Lisa, Maricela, Marisol, Nelson, Ron, Sonia and Xaver.   
Before reading the opening prayer, Nelson wanted to mention his mother and niece who were hospitalized.  Marisol updated the group on the condition of Carmencita in Puerto Rico.  Maricela wanted to mention her father, Denise referenced her niece (who was present), and Esperanza asked for prayers for her neighbor who had suffered a stroke.  Isabel hoped for help for a child of a niece, and Xaver brought up his mother.  If the spirits read our thoughts and understand our situations, what was the point of mentioning names at the table?  As a group, our voice is much louder than one single prayer.  We are also a group that does not want to exclude anyone in need.  When a name is presented at the table, that person benefits from other members praying for them - and there may also be some spiritual guidance.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): Nelson's guide wanted to offer our table some advice regarding the upcoming elections.  He spoke from a position behind Nelson:
Caballito: People are emotional.  Avoid political discussions, ignore the hate.  The craziness of the world is a reflection of how many spirits are feeling now.  Despair, loneliness, they feel forgotten. (The list of names with spiritual needs at our table was an example.)
After the opening prayer,  Marisol read "The Prayer for Obsessive Spirits".  Although we did not yet know it, the Obsessive Spirits would become a theme for our session. 
(Read more about obsessive spirits here:
Spirits 2 & 3 (via Marisol & Sonia): Carmen began to sense a spirit with Nelson's mother.  It was a delicate situation, and the spirit was presenting herself as a princess, or something royal.  She was not happy with the prayer that Marisol read.  Marisol began to feel dizzy and nauseous, because another spirit was showing itself to Marisol. This spirit was connected to Lisa, and Marisol was being shown Lisa's brain, saturated and filled with bugs and spiders.  Nelson read a protection prayer for the mediums, as an irate spirit moved into Marisol:
Spirit (to Lisa): This is not new, it has been this way for a long time.  Look around, everyone has moved away from you!  (to the group)  I DO NOT WANT TO BE HERE!  They are not letting me speak the way I want, to say these things.
Denise: That person is not prepared to hear what you have to say.
Spirit: Then why is she here?
Denise: She needs help.  You have bothered her.
Spirit (seething): It is taking everything I have to behave.
(Nelson stood, and Caballito began to speak through him)
Caballito (to Denise): We need the real answer.  This is about you.
Spirit: I cannot fix that!  It's broken and shattered - and it cannot be put back together!  Does she understand that?
Denise: I am getting involved in something I shouldn't.
Caballito: Yes!  Yes!
(Caballito ushered in Sonia's guide to speak through her)
Sonia's guide (firmly):  The message has been out.  Why do we keep going back to the same thing?  Are we learning the lesson?  We are not! 
Caballito: This is not a game.
Sonia: It's about you, and only you.
Spirit (to Lisa):  Why don't you get up and walk out?
Sonia: It's convenient...
Spirit (to Lisa, shouting in a loud voice):  SHE CAN TALK WHEN SHE WANTS TO TALK, BUT NOW SHE CANNOT?
Lisa: Why do I act the way I do?
Caballito: She has done this all of her life...
Spirit: You do whatever the hell you want to do!  She doesn't want it to be fixed, it works to her advantage!
(Caballito stepped back, and Nelson reappeared to coach the spirit)
Nelson (to the spirit):  I'm concerned with you, you have a lot of anger.  You cannot be in that house anymore.  You want to grab her (Lisa) by the hand and walk out of here.
Spirit: What do I do when she calls me?  Where will I go?  I'm hot now.
Nelson:  Look at that, they are bringing your body to you.  (the spirit had a coughing spell)  That's how you died, it's why you are so angry. 
Spirit:  She will be responsible for her own actions, just herself.  (to Denise)  DID YOU HEAR THAT?  Just her!  I will go with him (the spirit guide), because I am tired. 
Spirit 4 (via Marisol): Nelson understood that the spirit took 17 others away.  Marisol's guide replaced the angry spirit.  She was clapping and dancing, but she was not singing in her usual celebratory manner.  She had a lecture:  "No, no, no!  Don't blame others for what you caused!  No, no, no!"  Caballito returned to speak through Nelson with a message for Lisa:  "They have let you have whatever you wanted.  They are not going to give you more.  You have to change."  Lisa responded, "I have been too selfish." Caballito said,   "Are you serious about what you are saying?  Let's find out how many more times she comes here.  Where is your mother?  No relationship?"  Lisa said that part of her loved her mother, and Caballito replied, "You have to learn to love yourself first."
Spirit 5 (via Carmen): The spirit of the princess who was with Carmen earlier, decided to present herself as a queen.  She mimicked the behavior of Nelson's mother perfectly:
Spirit: No one has ever done what this queen deserves.  I live like a queen, but those around me do not always please me.  They must do as I say!  It's his (Nelson's) fault.  He took my power (as a medium) away.  I was better at it than he will ever be, but now everyone has abandoned me. I was the best!  My kingdom will continue!  No one will stop us.  When I get her sick (Nelson's mother), my kingdom rises.  Everyone comes to me!  I give her that energy, those ideas.  I do it to push my kingdom higher, and then he (Nelson) comes along.  I want my son at my feet!  I have three servants, they are with me today.  I wanted to go back to her.  They told me no!  I'm upset, so I am leaving with the servants who brought me here.  I am going, really I am...(the spirit was very reluctant to depart). 
Spirit 6 (via Nelson): Nelson was being shown an image that related to Denise.  A group of people had formed a circle around Denise.  They were picking at her, and although it bothered her, Denise would not leave the circle.  Jeff said, "It's the attention you wanted, but it's not the way you wanted it." Sonia saw it as a hen being followed by baby chicks who were pecking at the hen. The conversation continued:
Nelson: You feel useless when no one is picking on you.  Then you want everyone to feel sorry for you.
Denise: I don't know why I repeat the same pattern...
(A laughing spirit arrived through Nelson)
Spirit:  It's nuts!  A house of nuts!  I know because I have always been a nut.  I don't know what I am doing, what I want, what to do next...what a crazy place!
Gabe: You could leave.
Marisol: Why stay in that situation?
Gabe: If you understand what is going on over there, then you are not so crazy...
Spirit: I like to be nuts!  Crazy!  It's entertaining - they entertain me!  But now my head is spinning like a tornado because they took me out of there.  What a house, filled with nuts and noise!  It's always hot in that house, I am glad we are out.
Jeff: How many of you are there?
Spirit (laughing):  You tell me.  Ten, and seven and then three.  Twenty.  I am out of there, I'm tired.
Spirit 7 (via Marisol): Marisol asked Xaver if his mom was on medication (she was).  Xaver said that he didn't always check to see if his mother was taking her medication, and Sonia added that the mother took it when she wanted.  There were disfigured spirits around the mother, and Nelson cautioned that their energy made them difficult for any medium to pass.  The conversation continued:
Nelson:  She takes the medication when she is tired of seeing the spirits - but then she misses them and stops, and the pattern repeats.  I see her with the same conflict over her family.  She hopes they go away...
Xaver: I think she wants to separate herself from the family.  I understand her feelings.
Marisol: It's like she keeps pretending to drown and asks for help.  One day, she will not get the help.
Nelson: The younger children are the ones suffering.
Marisol: We can pass 10-20 spirits and nothing will change.
Jeff: She has to change her behavior before the spirits will move away.
Nelson: The spirits are very animalistic.  One has a single eye in the middle of it's head, another one has a long nose - and one of them has a tail.  He hits her with his tail.
Marisol: What I observe, and I apologize in advance, is sheer manipulation.  There is a side of her that knows what she is doing.  It's an emotional need to create an environment where she needs to feel rescued to feel loved.  It's from a prior life.
Nelson: She really wants your dad to leave.  She tolerates him, but she blames him because she never wanted children - he did. 
(A spirit arrived through Marisol)
Spirit: Why am I here?  I don't feel good.  I'm sick.  Do I stand, sit, go away, stay?  Is it light?  Dark?  I don't know what to do.  Should I go sit in the corner?  I don't always behave.  I need a time out.  I feel lost. 
Nelson: A friend of ours, dressed in white, will talk to you.  He wants to help. Listen to him. 
Spirit: It's too much light!  I'm so lost (sobbing softly with confusion).
Nelson: Today you will finally be free.  No more pain or confusion.  You will not be in that corner.
Sonia: You will be loved.  We will show it to you.
Nelson: Your mind will yours.  They are putting it back into place after centuries.
Spirit (lightly): I'm leaving.  I'm going...I'm going home now.
Nelson spoke to Xaver to assure him that he was not at fault.  His mother loved him, but it was in her own confusing way. 
Spirit 8 (via Nelson):  Esperanza said that a lower back pain had been bothering her.  She was hoping it would pass, but it still came and went.  Nelson asked her if she worked on her feet all day (she did), and he wondered if she had seen a doctor (she had not).  "For you to take care of others, you first need to take care of yourself," Nelson told her, "You pretend to be fine when you are not, because you are afraid to look weak."  Nelson sensed a spirit who was always meddling with Esperanza's house.  The spirit wanted the house is a specific order.  The authoritative spirit stood to speak through Nelson:
Spirit (irritated):  I was in that house, and he (Caballito) took me out of it!  He grabbed me and brought me here!  (anxious breathing)  She (Esperanza) was going to go to sleep and never stand up again. I was going to drop her on the ground (imitating smashing a bug with his foot).  She keeps everyone standing, going forward and improving.  I don't want your respect, so I will not sit in that chair.  I'm standing.  I'm not really angry at her, I am angry at everyone except her - but I know if she falls, then I have her power!  She puts herself in front, defending that family.  I will control that house!  Do you know what she did to me? 
Gabe: That was in another life...
Marisol:... another time.
Spirit: She burned us alive!  That's why I cannot sit.  They started at the bottom.  I want to burn down their house!  She is always too hot, asking the others if they are hot.  I want to burn her slowly.
Esperanza: Today I was burned with oil.  (the spirit laughed)
Spirit: Is that the first time you have been burned?
Esperanza: No.  Forgive me if I harmed you. 
Spirit (noticing Maricela): She's another one who burned us!
Maricela: Go into the light...
Spirit: You didn't give us any light - only flames!
Maricela: You can go to a school, or a hospital.
Spirit: Well, I am not going back to that house.  I will leave, but not for their sake, for myself.  There are 135 of us.  I really couldn't sit down because I am burnt, but we won't feel that burning anymore.  Sorry.
Spirit 9 (via Marisol):  One of the temple guardians decided to sit through Marisol:
Spirit: May the peace of God be with you all.  Sister Sonia, we hear you and we love you, so we have come to answer your material world questions. Others want to take over this place.  Papers are being moved.  It would be wise to get counsel.  This is not a spiritual issue, but we understand that in order to do the spiritual work, you need a material place.  People are lying to your face!  Use your intuition.  You know these are bright people, they are not naive.  Have I been clear?  (Note: Donna, the woman living in the house next to the temple has been asked to leave, and she is working to shut the temple down to prevent her eviction.)  As a guide of this temple, it is important that this work continues, that this remains open. 
Sonia: I know I have backing - from everyone here, and the spirit guides.
Spirit: And you are not being misguided.  Use your gift.  Just as we need an instrument to do our work with the many souls, you need a material place to meet.  God bless you all.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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