Thursday, January 12, 2017

Puerto Rico - Weds., January 11, 2017

In attendance: Alanis, Christine, Enrique, Jeff, Junior, Luis, Maribel, Milagros, Nydia, Nelson, Rina and Yiri
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  There were many spirits at this session, and all of them wanted to be heard.  The spirit of Nelson's uncle (Nydia is his daughter) was present, and he was brought to our table by his mother (Nelson's grandmother, Philomena or Filomena in Spanish) and three other spirits.  He was very concerned about one of his grandchildren (a boy who was now 23 years old and still in the material world).  As a child, this boy was so abused by his parents that Nelson's uncle brought the boy to live with him in his home  After the uncle died, Nydia returned the boy to the parents, and now the uncle was unable to move on or progress in the spirit world, as his concern over the boy occupied all of his thoughts.  The uncle sat through Nelson to explain more, with his hands out as if he was a beggar hoping for any scrap.  His daughter (Nydia) is a medium, and before he agreed to go, her father cautioned Nydia to respect the limits of her mediumship, as not every medium can go everywhere and do everything.  The spirit of the uncle left abruptly and quietly. 
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson was shown a circle of spirits wearing black hoods that completely covered their heads.  In the middle of the circle was the boy that Nelson's uncle had asked us to help.  One of the black hooded spirits moved forward to speak, and he was very angry.  Referring to the boy, he told the table, "Look at that dog, begging for a little bit of water!  Explain it!  Down on the floor like a dog, explain yourself!"  The spirits were constantly kicking the boy, and like an animal, the boy was licking his own wounds (a reflection of how he felt in his current material life). "Dame la otra," the boy said (kick me again), everyone does it, so what is one more?"  The boy felt worthless and the spirits enjoyed his suffering.  The spirits also knew that this boy had felt abandoned by everyone every since he was born, and the only one who ever loved and cared for him was his grandfather.  The boys pain had steadily increased since his grandfather died, and the spirits were adding to his agony.  Once the grandfather died, the boy also wanted to die, and it was all he thought about now.  Junior counseled the spirit, encouraging him to find his own salvation.  The spirit was intrigued, as he and his group were growing tired of the boy, and they craved something new.  There were 50 spirits circled around the boy (49 others and the spirit who was speaking), and all fifty would leave.  Without asking for any forgiveness, the spirit crossed his arms in front of Nelson's chest and left. 
The group discussed the situation with the boy without reaching any conclusion.  Nelson said the spirits who were removed would be replaced if the boy did not relocate away from his parents.  There was a similar message of abuse and relocation for Rina, as Nelson's guide understood that she was very concerned over her son (Eduardo). 
Spirit 3 (via Nydia):  Eduardo was in a physically and mentally abusive marriage, and Nelson said it happened when, "He gave his free will to someone else."  Relationships are all about compromise, but Eduardo's wife only wanted things done her way, and Eduardo suffered if anything went wrong.  When the spirit guides are trying to encourage a spirit to sit, it is always important that the conversation at the table is continued.  The spirits cannot recognize us in our human forms, they are only attracted to our energy, and in this case, the energy of Eduardo's mom (Rina).  So Nelson asked her questions to keep the conversation flowing while the spirit debated if he should sit through Nydia.  In this lifetime, Rina and her brother were the illegitimate children of a wealthy man.  This man had a wife and four children, but he was attracted to Rina's mom and he had two illegitimate children with her.  When he died, he left everything he had to his four children from his wife, but in Panama, the law is that illegitimate children are not entitled to anything, so Rina and her brother received nothing.  The wealthy father died in an accident in which his lungs were punctured by a horse.  Ever her father moved to the spirit side, Rina said her entire family had experienced breathing issues, especially Eduardo when he was young.  Nelson understood that the spirits who caused the father's accident were now responsible for these respiratory problems.  

Nelson was shown a sparkler (firework) fuse that was lit and slowly burning towards the lungs.  The spirit responsible for lighting the firework was part of a larger group, and he finally agreed to sit through Nydia.  Banging both of his fists on the table, the spirit shouted, "I don't like him (Eduardo)!  I don't like him!  She (Eduardo's wife) thinks she is intelligent, but SHE KNOWS NOTHING!  The spirit laughed over a recent incident in which Eduardo's wife took him to see a madame.  Unable to have a child, the wife (who did not believe in spiritism, but apparently had a belief in madames) hoped the madame would do something to Eduardo that would result in them having a child.  The spirit thought it was hilarious that the madame dipped peacock feathers into a bowl of water, in an attempt to make a baby splash into the world.  Rina explained that when the wife married her son, the theme of the wedding was feathers (in the invitations and as decor).  Eduardo also suffers from severe rashes on his arms (as a child, his arms were wrapped in socks to keep him from scratching) and these rashes were a form of branding from the tribe this spirit represented.  The spirit guides eventually persuaded the group of 24 to depart with them.  Nelson was shown that the sparkler firework had been moved further away from the lung - but it was not extinguished. 
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  Nelson's guide wanted Nelson to ask Luis about his mother (Eva).  In our November sessions, Eva wondered if she should take a trip to Texas for the holiday, and she was advised not to go.  Her daughter was visiting Texas at the same time, so Eva went on her trip and then went back to Chicago with her daughter's family.  Now she was suffering, as she was in a situation where she did not belong.  If it was hot, Eva felt cold, and vice-versa, and she was never comfortable.  The reason Eva was advised not to visit Texas was that without mentioning it, she had already planned to visit Chicago after Texas.  "She has the knowledge, and there is no excuse," Caballito commented.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Nelson focused on Christine, and he complimented her on her large hoop earrings.  She said they were always falling off, and it had happened again today.  Nelson explained that a young, very handsome male spirit was knocking them off.  This spirit was about 6'4" and he wanted Christine to only be with him - just as it once was in a prior existence when they had three children together.  The spirit was insistent that Christine would never find love with anyone else, as he wanted her alone, only for himself.  he sabotaged her relationships.  It was difficult for Nelson to encourage the spirit to sit, as Christine was silent. When he eventually sat, the spirit told Christine it was okay, as he could read her thoughts.  In their previous existence, Christine abandoned this spirit and her three children (two girls and one boy).  The spirit husband told Christine his name (Luis Alberto), and it was very emotional for Christine.  After the spirit left, Caballito explained that the spirits of the three children from her past were also important.  Christine had promised to bring the spirit of the boy (her son from the previous life) with her into this life.  Caballito asked Jeff to stand behind Christine as a cleansing was done.  When it was over, Caballito thanked the group and said he would step aside for the work to continue.
Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  Nelson assumed it was time to close, but there was one more spirit that needed to be passed.  When Nelson visited his mother earlier in the week, there was a spirit in her room offering his hand to her.  Nelson's mother had been waiting for Nelson to arrive to clarify if the offer from the spirit was the hand that she should take.  Caballito told Nelson to say that it was not the correct hand, as the spirit was trying to fool her, but nelson's mom should take the next hand that was offered to her.  As her son, it was painfully sad for Nelson to be the one to tell the mother he had always loved to take the next hand that was offered to her - and go. He only hoped that his mother would not suffer. The spirit was enraged with Nelson, and he wanted to speak:
Spirit (irate):  What is this about her not suffering?  I am here to talk.  Hypocrites!  My fault!  I'm guilty!  I was seen by 'The Traveler.'  Hypocrites!  That's what the other two (siblings) call him (Nelson), because he is always traveling somewhere.  'Where is the traveler?  Why isn't her here with her?'  They want the traveler to come, but they only come when it is convenient for them.  They come and do nothing (laughed).  And I want her to suffer!  I am always there, waiting and watching everything.  There is a lot going on that I DO NOT like. I don't like anyone who goes into that room - especially HIM (Nelson) because he saw me and now I have to go.  It's an end to my work, and I need more time to accomplish what I want.  (looked at Jeff)  You!  Americano!  I tried to hurt you or make you fall last night so that one (Nelson) wouldn't come here today!
Jeff: You did something to my scalp to make it itch nonstop and flake.
Spirit (laughing): That was me!  But it didn't work.  So I will leave you like I left her - tranquil.  I know I have to take everything with me.  Apologize to her for me, will you?  (Before he left, the spirit agreed to take the six others who were with him.)
Nelson asked Maribel how things were in her house, as he sensed something was there.  Maribel shared that her husband could not sleep well, and his overall health was deteriorating rapidly.  Nelson attempted to get some information about his relationship with his kids (Alanis and Enrique), but both of them were reluctant to say anything, and without conversation, the spirits could not be lured into sitting.  Nelson asked Alanis if she could persuade her dad to attend the upcoming Saturday session, and she agreed.  Milagros updated the group on her daughter, and it was determined that we needed to hold a special session for her next Tuesday.  Junior closed with a prayer.

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