Monday, January 30, 2017

Puerto Rico - (Tues) Jan 24, 2017

In attendance: Carmen, Christine, Girlfriend of Luis 1, Jeff, Junior, Lizette, Luis 1, Luis 2, Luis Sr, Mary, Maribel, Normita, Nydia, Nelson, Rina and Yiri

Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson's spirit guide (Caballito) wanted to rearrange the participants so that Luis (Helvia's son, and Caballito said he would call him "Luis 1") and Luis (the son of Luis Sr, who would be known as "Luis 2") were both seated directly in front of him at the table.  Although we worked in an open, outdoor area, the spirit world had placed glass panels around the enclosure.  Spirits could observe the proceedings, but they were not allowed inside unless they were invited.  Caballito explained that the spirits observing the session would not bother us, and that the only spirits who were invited to sit would be for the mediums at our table  - there would be no other messages.  To assure this would happen, Caballito asked nelson to read, "the prayer for our enemies and those who do not wish us ill."  (To read the prayer in English, click here:
There is a connection process for a medium's spirit guide to link themselves to a medium.  Both the medium and the guide need to cleanse themselves in preparation for the passing of spirits to begin. 

Spirit 2 (via Mary):  While Nelson was reading the prayer, the spirit guide for Luis 1 began moving into Mary.  She struggled quietly, and she appeared to be restrained.  The spirit guide had no emotions or feelings, as he was being brought into something that was still unfamiliar.  He was like a tightly wrapped mummy, and it was difficult for him to speak:
Spirit:  What is this?  Why am I wrapped in ropes? 
Nelson: Your hands are free...
Spirit (stamped his feet and stood):  Libre!  I have come back down to earth, I have changed.  (to Luis 1)  Freedom is not always black and white...
Nelson: The material world is not easy for him.  He enjoys the pleasures, the fun.  Like you, his spirit is on a journey of self-discovery...
Spirit (to Luis 1):  If you are not ready, change your mind now.  Once this is started, there is no going back.  He is a Hitler!  What a temperament!  He wants it all his way!  (to Luis 1)  You will lose that control with this. It's not your way, it's our way.
Nelson: He understands that - totally, completely.
Spirit (forcefully):  A decision!  Why doesn't he speak?  Nada, nada, nada!  He has to change, and it is his decision - it's his life!  We worked together before.
Nelson: That was in another existence.  (Nelson was shown that the rigid spirit was wearing a uniform)  Were the two of you in the military together? 
Spirit: Yes - in Spain.  We were soldiers in the Spanish army.
Luis 1: As my guide, what should I call you now?
Spirit: What is your favorite color?
Luis 1: Blue.
Spirit: That is my name, call me that.  It's possible now.  And that was the color of our military uniform.

(Note: Rayadillo was the name of the fabric used to make the military uniforms worn by Spanish soldiers before and after the Spanish American war.  Rayadillo translates to "striped material," as the uniforms were made from blue striped thread.  They looked like the illustration below.)


Nelson: Is that his road with you - in the military, working with them?
Spirit: Yes, that will be our road together.  To help all the military (spirits), those from the wars and other conflicts.  (to Luis 1)  It will be our speciality, yours and mine. 
Nelson: What is that military group you have with you?
Spirit (to Luis 1):  Are you a spiritist?
Luis 1: Yes.
Spirit: I brought our first group of spirits to pass with me, and I will take them away. The girl you are with today?  She has no background in this, but she has an interest?
Luis 1: Yes.  She was the one who wanted to attend today.
Spirit: I will take 67 with me today.  They are military "ninfas" (nymphs).  and I will take one more with me, he likes to make tattoos.  I will also take four non-descriptive with me.  They are so far behind, they are not fully formed yet.  They have no bodily appearance.  I have done my work, and I leave happy.
Luis 1 lifted up his shirt to show the group that his entire back was completely tattooed.  It was an elaborate work that featured four large nymphs, one in each corner of the tattoo.  Luis said his tattoo was spiritually influenced (and Nelson agreed).  Luis believed that the nymphs were a part of his past, and he hoped that a tattoo would not allow them near him in this life.  Nelson asked if his older brother believed in spiritism, and Luis 1 said he did not.  "But now he will the change with you," Nelson said, "and he will develop an interest."

Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Caballito asked Nelson to focus on Luis 2.  "He is a bohemian," Caballito said, "and he does not like to be attached or held down by anyone - until this - which will ground him." Luis 2 began to feel a pain in his chest ("mas duro").  Nelson heard the guide of Luis 2 saying, "No, no, no" several times, but the spirit moved forward smoothly and spoke calmly through Nelson:
Spirit (to Luis 2):  I'm thinking ("pensar").  Are you going to move forward with this?  Decide!  No more holding back.
Normita (to the spirit): They are forgiving you for your past.
Spirit: Criminals do not get pardoned!  They can only look for Jesus.
Mary: That was a choice you made, and it was in another life.
Spirit: It was love, no other emotion.  (Luis 2 agreed)

(The spirit explained that in their previous reincarnation, he and Luis 2 were best friends until the spirit guide became interested in a girl.  Luis 2 did not want the spirit guide to be with this girl, so he slept with her.  The spirit guide was furious, and he decided to kill the girl.  But he knew that  if he killed the girl, Luis 2 would kill him.  So he killed Luis 2, which is why he described himself as a criminal.) 

Spirit (to Jeff):  Americano!  I don't like you!  You always tell him he will find love, and he cannot even say the word.  He was never able to, because of what I did.  (the spirit became very emotional)   We were brothers in spirit.  He was my companion!  He would be the happiest man in the world with love!  But I could never forgive either one of them.  Mira!  So this is the surprise.  It's a fiesta, it's very beautiful - it's my love.
Mary:  That's over now.  It was in the past.
Spirit: I still love him.  He is the same.
Mary: But you are a spirit now.
Spirit (crying):  I know.  Why me?  Why me as his guide?  (to Jeff)  Gringo!  I don't want to help him.  it's difficult to forgive.  (to Luis 2 after a short pause)  Forgive me!  I am different now. 
Normita: You need to demonstrate that love that you talk about.  Put it into practice.
Luis 2: Nunca amor, find real love.
Spirit: They tell me we have to revisit that love.  (to Jeff)  Gringo!  Even though I killed him, I still loved him.
Jeff: You can keep that love with you now.
Spirit (to Luis 2):  Forgive me, I bothered you a lot.  I gave you that chest pain in your heart.
Mary: And now it's time for your freedom - your liberty. 
Luis 2: What is your name?
Spirit: You are writing a song - the ultimate song - and you cannot find a title for it.  My name is the name for the song: Amor Puro ("Pure Love").  Pure Love is my new name!  Gringo, write it down!
Normita: Try to find love and not just passion this time.
Spirit (holding his hands as if in prayer): For now, adios.  Adios...

The group discussed the two spirits.  The conversation shifted to Nydia.  Nelson wondered if she had ever held a spirit session with her three children, and she had not.  Caballito stepped forward and advised Nydia to have a session whenever she has an opportunity.  He recommended three prayers:
1) Prayer to the spirits asking for help
2) Prayer for spirit protection
3) Prayer to thank the spirits or something obtained
Nydia was also advised that her eldest son was a medium, and she was responsible for putting him on the right path.

Spirits 4 & 5 (via Nydia):  Nydia shared that her life has not been easy since her parents passed away.  Nelson sensed that her father (Nelson's uncle) may have had an affair in this life, and it seemed unlikely to him.  Nydia said that her father did have an affair with the wife of his best friend.  Her father transitioned back to the spiritual world five years ago, but the spirit of his former best friend was holding him back.  Nydia said that her father was preoccupied with the material world at that point in his life.  The spirit who did not want to forgive her father arrived through Nydia:
Spirit: Solito!  All alone!  I caused his life to end too early.  He died like a dog on the pavement.  (Nydia's father had a massive stroke next to car as he was arriving home from an appointment with his heart doctor)  This is the tradition for women!  (the spirit began to cry)  It was in her house, with my wife.  Bandito!  My heart cannot stand it. 
Nelson (standing):  Find some happiness - some liberty - and go with my great friend standing next to you.
Spirit: I have been stupid!  Wasting so many years on him.  I have only pain, with no happiness.  More than 15 years of pain!
Nelson: Give me that pain, and go find your happiness now. 
The spirit departed, and Nydia's guide arrived to cleanse her.  Caballito reminded Nelson and Jeff that they had not yet mentioned the name of a friend form Buenos Aires, Antonio. There was a spirit around him who wanted to dominate him completely.

Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  The spirit with Antonio was his mother.  She seemed irritated, but she agreed to sit through Nelson:
Spirit: No one over there can tolerate me!  Chickens!
Jeff: So why be around them?
Spirit: Don't touch me!  Leave me alone.  I want him (Antonio) with me.  WITH ME!  I have not left there (the house she shared with her son).  I have not gone from there!
Junior: Find your freedom.
Spirit: You give me a pain (indicated her left shoulder), I only want to talk to her (Mary).  She's a woman, and a mother - like me.  I love him very much.  He is very good, he is my baby!  I get him alone, but he cannot hear me. 
Mary (gently): You do not have a body, that's why he cannot hear you.
Spirit: That is a very distinct thing!
Mary:  He is in the material world, and you are not.
Spirit: I want to have my other child with me. (Antonio's brother who passed on?)  You are a mother, correct?  It's not easy.
Mary:  Why don't you go with him (the spirit guide)?  He will take you to school to learn more - and things will become easier for you.  Listen to him, it's necessary.
Spirit:  Look at that!  They have brought me by child!  I am not a bad mother after all.  I am 95 years old.  This guy (spirit guide) is really good! 
Mary: How many of you are there?
Spirit: Just me and my child.  We are two.  I will go, I will leave Antonio.  I didn't want to hurt him, I just didn't want to leave him.

Spirits 7 & 8 (via Nelson): Normita asked Nelson about the male spirit who was around Carmen.  In her current life, Carmen was a medium, but she had reached an age where she no longer worked.  In a previous session, Nelson noticed the male spirit around Carmen, and seemed to be a comforting presence.  As the group discussed the situation, it was revealed that Carmen was forbidden to marry "the love of her life" by her parents.  The spirit of that man was still deeply in love with her.  Carmen was told by her parents that this man cheated on her with another woman, but he had remained loyal to her in life and death.  Nelson said he spoke very rapidly and he was extremely handsome:
Spirit: I am breathing on her with love.  She feels it.  (to Luis Sr)  You will never know what real love is, as you never had a chance at it.  I know I am a spirit, but I arrived only to give her a kiss.
Junior: You don't have a body.
Spirit: I know.  But there were many times when I did. I will only talk to her now (Mary).
Mary: Tell me your story...
Spirit: It's interesting.  Our love was prohibited.
Normita: Because you were blood relatives - from the same family.
Spirit: We were raised together, but we were not family.  Her parents told us we were related to stop the love.  I know this because her father is with me today.  He is the one who brought me here.
Nydia: Now we understand.
Spirit: Our love was prohibited, but soon we will be together.  We have to prepare for when she will join us.  Soon she will be with us, all of us spirits.  (Mary and Nydia began to cry)
Nydia: Yes, she will.  It's an infinite life.
Spirit (to Carmen):  A kiss for you, my love.  I am content for this opportunity.  Thank you.  After all, I still love her.  And there is love in this room.

The gentle spirit of Carmen's handsome lover died in his 50's.  As he stepped aside, Carmen's authoritative father moved forward to replace him.  He addressed the group in a commanding voice.  In his last existence with Carmn, he was the head of the "Escolar de Moral," a large group of spiritists that was still around:
Spirit (with a masterful voice): I have never encountered a medium I trusted until this one.  In the material and spiritual world, I did everything correctly.  My name is Angel Rodriguez.  I have been observing all day today, and it is not with idle curiosity, I am serious.  Disciplined.  It is what it is (with Carmen).  Today I have the opportunity to say a few words to these two young men (Luis 1 and Luis 2)  Treat this with respect.  When you speak, say the truth, the spirit truth.  Ask for forgiveness in the material world, and you will not need to ask for it in the spiritual.  (to the group)  Friends, you have opened the door!  The one I speak through has centers in many places.  This man is a medium!  He questioned me, and the others never questioned me.  But he did!  Learn - all of you!  That is my message.  Pardon me if I came on too strong.

As the spirit faded, Nelson explained the irony in Carmen's father (Angel Rodriguez) being the one to bring the spirit of the man he kept away from his daughter (Carmen).  In a previous existence, Carmen and her father were married, and in this existence, he could not bear to see her with anyone else.  The spirit told Nelson, "My love would not allow it." 

Junior closed with a prayer.

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