Saturday, January 28, 2017

Chicago - Feb 28, 2016

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Erika, Esperanza, Frank, Isabel, Jeff, Maricela, Marisol, Nelson, Ron, Sonia and Xaver.   

Marisol read the prayer for the sick. (See:

Before moving to the table, our group was discussing mosquito viruses and other illnesses.  Were they random, man-made or able to be used by the spirits?  Nelson sensed the angry presence of a spirit who was boiling with anger that the spirits were not being given credit for what they could do with causing and treating illnesses in the material world. 

Spirits 1 & 2 (via Nelson): The furious spirit was connected to Denise by her father.  Nelson asked about her upcoming medical procedure (an infusion on Friday).  The angry spirit compared the father to a mosquito wanting to harm Denise.  Nelson described the spirit as an enraged puppet, and Denise explained the uneasy relationship she has experienced with her dad.  As the only daughter, Denise's dad never related well to her, and he now blames her for everything that is wrong with his life.  Nelson was shown an image of Denise's father as an angry bull, with red eyes and twisted horns, charging towards Denise:
Marisol: Why so much anger?
Nelson: We have to remove that anger, or Denise's infusion will not have any effect.
(The spirit arrived to sit through Nelson)
Spirit: I will only be happy when she dies.  Until then, I am not happy.
Denise: Whatever I have done, I'm sorry.  I need to understand why.
Spirit: I am never ever moving on - until she is dead.  The hate consumes me.  I don't know what I am or who I am.  Just hate.
Marisol: You must not feel too good. (very intense breathing from the spirit) Let that hate go.
Spirit: Can someone help me with a medicine like hers?
Marisol: Try taking a pill of forgiveness. 
Denise: Let it go, and feel better.
Jeff: Tell us your story, we are here to listen.  Maybe that will help.
Spirit (enraged): They are criminals!  Do you know what she fed me?  (crying)  Glass!  How does she expect to eat now when they experimented on us with little pieces of glass?  Ground up and put into our food.  They wanted to see how long we would last.  Not only me, many of us.  The food was beautiful - so beautiful!  And then we ate it.  You want me to have compassion?
Marisol: She's not the same - look at her.
Spirit: Look at me!  A cut here, another one here.  You die from the pain and the food was so beautiful (starts to cry and then laughs instead).  I used that one (Denise's father) to get to her.  And now she is looking for a cure?  Her insides are like she made mine.  (pause)  And now they say they will cure me?  I feel so bad, I have done nothing but hate.  I'm tired of hate.  I'm just tired.  That other one (the father) is evil.  She was just the nurse, but he was the doctor.  Be careful with him.  Evil!  The hate is going away.  There are a lot of us.  I am going to feel better, but I have to leave her alone.  I'm sorry I wasted so many years hating her. 
Denise: I am sorry for what I did to you and the others.
Spirit: We are 17.  This guy said to tell you.  17 and me, that's 18.  (to Denise)  I am going to leave you, my time is over.  I hope that medicine works for you.

The spirit departed, and he was effortlessly replaced by Caballito, Nelson's spirit guide.  Denise was asked to stand with Marisol behind her.  Caballito folded a towel lengthwise, and he held it a vertical manner (like a man's tie), which was something he had never done before.  The towel moved slowly back and forth:
Caballito: There is a lot left in there from those spirits.  Go on Friday with your mind completely clear.  Think that you are going to take a medicine that will cure you, so you can do what should have been doing all along.  Fill yourself with nothing but love.  No hate.  (Marisol was asked to hold one end of the towel while Caballito held the other end as Denise returned to her seat).  Things were moved from Denise into you, and those things do not belong to her.  I am going to see if we can put a little harmony in your house, Denise.  I want this to work on Friday.  It's going to happen.  When you go, think of love.  I will step aside, as there is more work to be done...

Carmen said that she was not feeling well when she arrived today at the center.  She felt a lot of anger, especially around Frank.  There was a spirit around him who was very agitated. 

Caballito recommended that Nelson ask Alex to share his happiness with us:
Alex: When I first came here, I was critical.  As a history major, I was looking for evidence before making any decision.  There wasn't any concrete evidence to back up spiritism, but over the last few weeks, I have changed my perspectives. 
Caballito: Has it made you a better person?
Alex:  Yes.  You told me, "Why did you study something that you don't like?"  I had never told that to anyone and it was true. 
Nelson:  My guide told me that you would be a project for me - but very quietly.  You needed to get where you are now to go where you are going next (to Korea to teach).  Now Caballito wants you to take what you have experienced here with you to your next destination - and apply it.  You will not be going alone.  The set of friends that you have gained here will be with you. 
Marisol: Listen to your inner voice - that's how you apply it.  Know that you know this, and be open and ready to listen.
Nelson asked Alex's parents how they felt.  Mom was happy that he was fulfilling his dream.  Dad felt alone, but he said he was content.  Caballito asked Alex's father to hug him - and tearfully, he did.

Spirit 2 (via Marisol):  Marisol sensed the spirit of a tiny old woman.  She was sick and she did not know she was dead.  She once lived in the house where Alex and his parents reside now.  She wanted Alex and his family to leave the house, as she was certain that it still belonged to her. She did not understand why the Romero's were living there, but the old lady had attached herself to Erika.  She told the table that Erika is a medium - and she also thought that Erika was her granddaughter from when the old lady lived in the house.
Spirit: I am looking for my girl...
Nelson:  That was your house, but it's not anymore.
Spirit: I don't know them, but I like her.
The spirit was always cold, and she arrived hunched over the table, shivering with her hands clasped.  Nelson counseled her in Spanish.  The spirit's granddaughter from her former life died around the same age that Erika was now.  Erika was often cold, as the grandmother's spirit was often around her.  Nelson explained to the spirit that she no longer had a body, and the spirit guides brought her body to prove that she had died:
Spirit (about Erika):  I want to hug her.
Nelson: Look at that body they are bring to show you.
Spirit (gasping): I can't breathe! 
Carmen: that house is not yours and she is not your granddaughter.
Spirit: They are telling me she will be there to receive me if I let them take me to her.  I'm going with him.  That house is no longer mine.  I didn't want to make her (Erika) sick, I just wanted to hug her.

Spirits 3 & 4 (via Carmen):  The angry spirit with Frank could not wait any longer to speak: 
Spirit: You need to treat me like I am special!  I was waiting for the perfect time to speak.  I do not interrupt.
Marisol: What do you want with him?
Spirit: Ask him how hard his life has been.  I don't like him to come here, he feels peaceful here.  You people are crazy.  I have always been by his side - and I am very intelligent. 
Nelson: Why do you present yourself as rattlesnake?
Spirit: I use it when he goes places where I don't want him to go.  (smugly)  His marriage has been difficult.  I am going to be his first and his last wife.  I am the only one.  You will be unable to take my rattle, as I am prepared for that.
Nelson: Your rattle has venom.
Spirit: Yes.  Wait.  They are taking my rattle?
Nelson: It's time for you to leave - along with your friends. 
Spirit: I don't want to be alone, but they tell me I have to go.  I'm going to look for my rattle.
Nelson: You will never find it again.

The spirit departed, taking 13 others.  Carmen's guide arrived to cleanse her.  Nelson advised Frank to say a prayer at home to revitalize and unite his marriage.

Spirit 5 (via Marisol):  Marisol understood that Milagros would never be happy as long as the current relationship with her mother continues.  The mother makes her spiritually sick.  They were enemies in the past, and the two of them were sent together as mother and daughter to repair the relationship.  But they cannot even coexist as friends.

Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  Nelson wanted to return to Frank.  He was seeing a spirit of an unborn child. The child was aborted because the health of the mother was in danger. The spirit of the child was still with Frank, and she was a baby girl.  Frank was the father, and the spirit of the mother was also present.  She and the baby thought they were still alive.  The mother did not understand what happened, but she blamed Frank - and she was always angry with him.  The mother was never told that she was unable to have children, even though Frank knew she couldn't.  When she became pregnant, her condition worsened.  Aborting the baby did not help her, and she died.  The spirit of the baby said, "It's not important what you say or do, I am going to stay with him (Frank).  I am angry over the daughter he has now.  She took my place!  Who does she think she is?" 
Frank explained that his daughter has asked him if she would ever have a sister, and she was fearful of the basement stairs.  Frank was advised not to let the daughter near those stairs for the next couple of weeks.  The spirit of the baby needed to be calmed before she could sit.  She was persuaded to go with the good spirit guides so they could help her look pretty for Frank.  She agreed, and she promised to return. 

Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked about Marisol's cousin in Puerto Rico.  She was very tired, and Nelson advised that she should try to do less at the spirit center.  She opened the center, she is the vice-president, she works as medium, and it was all too much for her.  Nelson was curious about a spiritual presence that sat at the same particular location every week.  He sat in a corner, wearing a white toga, and he pretended to be a spiritual guide - but he was not.  Who was he?  The spirit was creating problems, but the mediums never noticed him, even though he wanted to control what went on in the temple. 
He was able to control things at the center by saying things that were not real.  This created problems and made Marisol's cousin look like a fool.   She was the last piece of his puzzle, and if this spirit could get rid of her, he would control everything. Nelson described the spirit as elevated but evil.  As soon as Nelson said this, he was immediately corrected by the good spirits.  The spirit in that center was there to stop what was happening.  The mediums were not questioning the spirits properly, and they were receiving false answers.  The elevated spirit was not evil.  He described himself to Nelson as a "Judge of Law."  He wanted to protect Marisol from going to that center - regardless of what her family was telling her to lure her to Puerto Rico. 

The elevated spirit understood that his message was confusing.  Nelson did not want the spirit to sit, but the spirit knew that he had to clarify who he was and what he wanted us to know.  He spoke in a deep, formal voice with precise words:
Spirit: I am an elevated spirit.  There are times when forceful words must be said with conviction.  This friend here (Marisol), you have been questioning, but there isn't anyone to ask.  So I came here to give you the message (about her cousin).  You have realized that some things were not done in God's name and under divine law (at the center in Puerto Rico).  Always keep one eye open.  If someone states something incorrectly, you should tell them that it is the wrong thing to say.  We must be careful of those mediums who say they have powers that do not exist. 

The spirit spoke with authority and then he quietly vanished.  Nelson's guide had a message for Gabe:  "Please, if you are not in love with someone, let them fly.  Do not hold onto it, because if it is not the same route, you hurt yourself.  But if you want to walk together, it is okay.  You do not know what you want, you go up and down."

Nelson closed with a prayer.

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