Sunday, January 15, 2017

Puerto Rico - Saturday, January 14, 2017

In attendance: Alanis, Carmen, Christine, Diego, Enrique, Enrique's Dad, Helvia, Jeff, Junior, Luis, Maribel, Milagros, Mary, Nilka, Nydia, Normita, Nelson, Rina and Yiri
Prior to the opening prayer, Nelson (with some words supplied by his guide) spoke about the importance of spiritism: "The love of spiritism is the only thing.  Love it, embrace it, and do not let anyone take it away.  The material world excuses are not valid for something that occupies only two hours a week and provides you with happiness and health. 
Spirit 1 (via Nilka):  An angry spirit sat through Nilka immediately after the opening prayer.  The spirit did not like what Nelson said at the start of the session, as he had other beliefs.  The spirit made Nilka stand to explain his position:
Spirit (angry):  I do not like it (mi no gusta)!  I do not like what I heard!
Nelson: Why don't you like the truth?
Spirit: It's the light.  I don't like the light, and I am not interested in it.  I'm tired, and I'm not accustomed to all that light. 
Nelson: It's a special light.
Spirit (smiling): You know what?  I am "un amigo varon" (very machismo), but it feels tranquil.  (The spirit shielded Nilka's eyes to avoid seeing the light.)  I don't know...
Nelson: Why don't you sit down and be comfortable?
Spirit: No, no, no.  I have a shoulder pain.  Me duele todo!  (it does not hurt all over).   
After some additional counseling, the spirit realized that what he heard earlier really was the truth, and he began to cry - as the he thought he knew the truth, but he had been fooled.  "Mi Falta" (it's my fault), the spirit said, telling us that he was part of a group of 18, and all of them would leave together.  The spirit left Nilka with her head solemnly touching the table,as if there was still some pain.  Nelson asked her if she was suffering from something physical, and Nilka explained that it was an emotional issue, as she had ended the relationship with her boyfriend after several years together.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nilka had not been sleeping well since the separation, and as she spoke, a sprit moved into Nelson to share his side of the story:
Spirit (authoritative and strong): Pensamiento contigo (I am thinking with you)!  I am your boss, I am the owner (yo so el dueƱo).  YOU BELONG TO ME!
Nilka: I am alone, I am not with you.
Spirit: Really?  I go with you everywhere you go (a donde vas), and I make the decisions for you.  If I don't want you to go somewhere, you do not go. (which partially explained why we had not seen her at one of our sessions since May 2016)
Junior: You cannot be with her, you do not have a body.
Spirit (pausing to listen to the spirit guides around him):  How difficult it would be to leave her.  We are a group of 24 and me, for a total of 25.  (to Nilka)  If I agree to leave, do not invite me back...
After the spirit departed, Nelson told Nydia that she would begin to feel better, but he cautioned her not to think of her ex or how much she missed him, because if she did, another spirit could replace the one we removed.  Nelson was also being shown that in a previous life, Nilka was a nun.  Her face was covered by a nuns habit, and she was in dark clothing (and Nilka preferred dark, flowing clothing in her current life). 
Spirits 3 & 4 (via Nydia):  A spirit jumped into Nydia to speak directly to Nilka.  When she was a nun, Nilka was part of a large order of nuns dressed all in black.  They shared their work with an order of Franciscan friars dressed in brown robes.  As a nun, one of the Franciscans became her lover.  After some persuasion from the spirit side and additional counseling from the table, a group of 44 nuns and the spirit of the Franciscan friar all agreed to leave.  Nydia's spirit guide arrived to cleanse her.  As it was happening, Nelson advised Nilka that whenever she felt the spiritual presence of nuns or priests, she should randomly open The Spirits' Book, or any publication related to spiritism (ironically, Nilka had brought three Spiritist books with her, and she had stacked them on the table).  We all come from a Catholic based past, as it was the predominant religion for many years.  Opening a spirit based book causes the spirits still attached to Catholicism to feel unwelcome and remove themselves. 
Spirits 5 & 6 (via Nelson & Nydia):  Mary was studying a spirit, but she was unable to determine who the spirit was targeting.  The spirit had many masks, and he would often change them to become a different personality that fit whatever situation he was facing.  Caballito spoke from a position behind Nelson, and he advised Mary to look deeper at the spirit. 
On Wednesday, Alanis was asked if she could persuade her father to attend the session, and she had succeeded.  Caballito inquired about his physical health, and he was also concerned about the family atmosphere in the house. Nilka sensed there was a lot of pain. 
Dad: I had a complete physical two years ago...
Caballito: It was longer than that...and the results?
Dad: I was told I was borderline for diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol...
Caballito:  ... and now you are over the borderline for all of those things.  Do you want to leave your wife a widow?  Look at her, she is very attractive, and she will easily find someone new.  We can help you with the spiritual, but it is up to you to look after the material...
(An irate spirit arrived, and he painfully sat through Nydia)
Spirit: Demon!  His stomach hurts because there are secrets from the past. (pounded on the table)  Demon!  It hurts, it hurts.
Nelson: That pain is from another existence. 
Spirit: I lived in a world of obscurity.  As his slave!  I worked for him, and he was the landowner.  My stomach still hurts!  He would not give me a drop of water.  Instead, he burned me by branding me with fire.  That's why his stomach hurts now - how do you like it?
The spirit was from a group of 35 slaves, and she had five children in that existence with Alanis' father (in addition to the hunger and thirst, this was another reason why her stomach was in pain).  She eventually agreed to leave "for a different world," and she would take all of the others with her.  her departure was very violent, and it left Nydia breathless.  Nydia's guide returned to cleanse her and remove the stomach pains, and Caballito advised that a complete physical should be performed on the dad as soon as possible. 
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  There was a new spirit emerging, and it was related to Maribel.  The spirit wanted to talk about the reciprocity of love.  "Love, love, love," Nelson heard the spirit saying.  This spirit was preparing a festive party for Maribel, with a very large band, a spinning carousel, and romantic music to sweep her off her feet.  But the spirit was an imposter, as he only wanted to keep Maribel all for himself:
Spirit (sweetly):  Mira!  Molesta total..(this is totally annoying).  I really need to get back to the party planning.  It's going to be marriage - a wedding!  (he described all of his plans for the party again)  I have a lot to attend to.  I need her to get rid of that husband she has now.  The spirit stated that whenever Maribel and her husband attempt any sort of intimacy, the spirit would cause the husband to itch all over - as he he WOULD NOT ALLOW IT.  (Maribel verified what the spirit said, telling the group that her husband began itching all over whenever any intimate happened between them, and the spirit howled with laughter)
Maribel:  You know you are a spirit...
Spirit (lightly): Oh, no, no no!  For your wedding dress, we cannot have you in white, but it has to be special.  Maybe in yellow, because, you know, she has already been used (laughed).  Or pink. The seamstress is here, would you like that color? 
Maribel: That was in another existence...
Junior: You cannot be with her now.
Spirit: What about the party?  All of my planning?
Maribel: Cancel it all.
The spirit agreed to take all of the party participants with him.  He had 32 band members ("a very impressive number, don't you think?"), the seamstress spirit who was making the wedding dress, five bridesmaids, and himself - for a total of 39 spirits.  He agreed to leave Maribel "tranquil," and as he left, he repeated sadly, "novia, novia, novia" (my sweetheart) over and over.
Keeping his promise to attend to the spiritual side of the family, Caballito asked Jeff for a glass of water.  He hovered his hand over it, and gave it to the dad to drink.  He asked Maribel, Enrique and Alanis to join their father and hold hands.  There was a message for them (and for all of us) to think before we speak - and then think again.  Avoid the negative words that cannot be taken back once they have been verbalized. 
Caballito asked Mary about the spirit with all the masks.  Had she realized that the spirit was showing Mary what she was doing?  She was the one wearing one mask for her mother, another for her father, a different one for the boyfriend and another one for her daughter.  Caballito told her, "You have the knowledge, and yet you do not say much about it.  Follow your guide."
Spirit 8 (via Nelson):  Caballito was showing Nelson a new spirit related to Nydia's grandchild.  As the only female grandchild, this girl was very self-centered and spoiled.  Nelson demonstrated her vanity by putting on lipstick just to start the car and then go back inside, and Nydia agreed.  Similar to the message for Mary,  Caballito told Nydia that the issue was, "spiritual, not material, and it gives you a lot of pain, as it keeps you running around in circles."  Nydia's son was one parent of this girl, and Nelson saw that the relationship between the family members was damaged.  Nydia said it had been improving, but things often became overheated.  A spirit spoke through Nelson and described the granddaughter as a princess who wanted to live in a "casa grande lindo."  There was a lot of laughter from the spirit, as he said that she would never learn to be anything but a snob.  In the house where the girl lived with her parents, the spirits had switched the fans to run in reverse, making the home hotter instead of cooler, and causing everyone to overheat.  There were four fans, and sixteen spirits were with each fan.  All of them (4x16 or 64 spirits) would be removed.  The spirit also had a gift for the girl.  It was a beautiful music box, but it was filled with horrible things.  The box would be left with the granddaughter to see if she would open it or leave it alone.  The spirit advised her to leave it alone, but he wanted to test her.
Nydia tearfully thanked the group.  She was grateful to be involved with spiritism again, and she said she never really left it, but life had presented her with different roads.  She appreciated all of the spiritual help for her family.  Caballito cautioned her to be careful with her mediumship, "as not everyone who asks you to work is offering the correct work.  Observe, watch.  The temptations for mediums often involve the highly manipulative."  Carmen, the eldest member of our group began to complain loudly.  She wanted to leave NOW and return to her house.  Diego tried to comfort her, but she continued to insist that she be taken back home immediately.  Normita said it had happened in the past, and she disregarded the things Carmen said until it abated.  Caballito explained that it happened because there was a spiritual presence with her.  With her weakened condition, the spirit was able to speak through her whenever he wanted - and he had no intention of being removed until he was ready.  "I want to go home and go to sleep now," Carmen said.
Spirit 9 (via Nelson):  Nelson was as tired as Carmen, and he asked Caballito if the session was over.  The spirit around Helvia that we deferred last week was still present, and Nelson thought we could delay it for another week.  Mentally, Caballito gently asked Nelson, "And if Helvia cannot attend next week?  And she is here now..."
Nelson was shown red ants attacking and biting Helvia nonstop, and he understood that if we did not pass the spirit causing it, the torture would continue.  This spirit was from Helvia's ex-husband.  Although they divorced seven years ago, the husband was still bitter and vindictive.  When the husband became enraged with Helvia, spirits would arrive to fuel his anger, encouraging him to dull his feelings with more alcohol.  As the spirit arrived, Nelson was overwhelmed with anger and heat.  The spirit was furious that he would not be able "to finish her off."  He wanted Helvia to be involved in a public scene - to run around looking crazy, and to get arrested, or have a heart attack.  Although it was explained that what he wanted to do was not going to happen, the spirit was so frustrated at not accomplishing his mission, he wanted to bite himself.  "You cannot escape me," he shouted at Helvia, "I go where you go!"  The spirit was furious, and breathing heavily:
Junior: Why don't you end your own suffering?
Spirit: Are you stupid (tonto)?  I was not allowed to finish (fists clenched) and I need to finish! 
Junior: Take the opportunity they are offering you...
Spirit: Look, you are really stupid if you think it is that easy.  I'll go tomorrow.
Junior: No, it has to be today. 
Spirit: To hell with all of you!
(Helvia and Junior were consistent in persuading the spirit to abandon his plans and leave with the good spirits.  Eight spirits were removed, and Nelson asked Caballito to return and refresh him.)
Carmen: Shut the lights!  I'm going to sleep.
Nelson: If Caballito doesn't sit, I am going to join Carmen.
(Caballito returned and spoke about learning.  He had some individual messages for Mary and Nilka, and he wanted to talk to Milagros about the upcoming Tuesday session we were having for her next week.)
Caballito: What is the day today?  Saturday is what you call it?  For the next two days, for Sunday and Monday, I would recommend that you limit your driving (muy poco) to a minimum.  There are spiritual friends that we are removing in advance, and they would like to see you in a car accident to stop you from attending on Tuesday.  Do you understand?  (Milagros understood and agreed)  I thank all of you for allowing me to do my work.  Nelson is planning to attend something tonight, a party of some sort, and he was worried that if I did not refresh him, he would be too tired.  He is fine now.  I wish all of you a fiesta of the spirits.
The group recited the closing prayer in unison.

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