Friday, January 20, 2017

Puerto Rico - (Tues) January 17, 2017

In attendance: Jeff, Junior, Lissette, Mary, Milagros, Nelson and Nydia

Milagros read Kardec's "prayer for a criminal." (English translation: Lord, God of mercy, accept this criminal who has left the earth behind.  The human justice may have struck him or her, but it has not exempted him or her from your justice, if the heart is still unrepentant.  Remove the blindfold that hides him or her from the gravity of wrongdoings.  May he or she find grace before you, and relieve the sufferings of the soul.  May our prayers and the intercession of the good spirits bring hope and consolation, the inspiration to correct those bad acts in a new existence, and the strength to overcome the new struggles he or she will undertake.)

Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  At the Saturday session, Nelson advised Milagros to limit her driving prior to our Tuesday session, and Milagros complied - she never left her house.  The reason for this was that we would be dealing with criminal spirits, and they were intelligent beings with many resources and other spirits to assist them.  Similar to the mafia hiring an assassin, these spirits would do anything to accomplish their mission, and they were very highly skilled at what they did.  The energy of these spirits was extremely difficult.  A spirit who worked for another higher level spirit (a "jefe" or boss) sat through Nelson to explain more.  He was intense, and he spoke in a very calm, authoritative manner:
Spirit (to Milagros):  You were hiding from me.  I tried to find you.  (to the group)  I looked and looked for her, and I could not find her.  I wanted to put your car at the bottom of a hill.  You were hiding, where were you?  I had a caravan looking for you.  Once you were gone, it would have been easy to take your daughter out.  You call me a criminal (laughed), and at the end, you all think you are smarter than me.  You are not.  You are not smart at all, only lucky - because you have this (spiritism).  My jefe (boss) is displeased with my group.  (the spirit spoke to some other spirits near him)  I know the jefe does not like it, what can I do?  (stamped his feet in anger)  Secrets?  I know about the secrets.  I have been around a long time.
Junior: It's time for a new life, a "vida mas linda..."
Spirit: It's not beautiful to me.  No me gusta!  I don't care how much this guy (the spirit guide) talks.  He is asking me for number?  My criminal number?  It is 43821416.  (long pause)  This guy is offering me the keys to a door?  He trapped me and brought me here and now I am locked inside?  There are 43 of us here, is that the number he wants?  He has put 43 of us out of work, and our work is very important.  But we failed, and the jefe is not happy.  We will leave.  All of us.

The spirit departed aggressively, as if he and his group were still reluctant to move on.  Nelson asked Milagros if her daughter had a constant pain in her right shoulder (she did).  Nelson recommended that she take her daughter to a hospital.  The issue was stress, as the daughter had separated from her boyfriend.  Fearing that he might harm her, the daughter was now living with her mother.  Milagros shared that her daughter was still checking Facebook and other social sites for any information about her ex, and Nelson suggested that she stop.  The group discussed the issue and agreed.

Spirit 2 (via Nydia):  As we were discussing the daughter, Nydia was studying the spirit of her father.  His life was cut short (trounche, in Spanish) by a criminal spirit, and Nydia understood that the father died before his time.  Milagros said he had a massive stroke and died instantly.  Why would a criminal spirit want his life cut short?  Regardless of the reason, Nydia knew that Milagros was still suffering from the loss.  She asked her to stand, as Nydia's spirit guide gave Milagros passes.  There were many tears.  Nelson encouraged Milagros to cry, scream, whatever she needed to relieve her pain.  The passes intensified, with both women grasping hands and holding them above their heads, in a circular pattern.  The circles became faster and faster, until Milagros' glasses fell off and hit the ground, and it was over. 

Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson's spirit guide (Caballito) arrived.  As usual, he was doing several things at once.  He was mentally asking Nelson to spiritually travel somewhere with him, he was negotiating with the next spirit, and he was speaking to Milagros.  Caballito asked Milagros if her daughter was able to resolve their issues with her father before he died:
Milagros: She never forgave him, and he never forgave her.
Caballito (strong tone): And now one is dead and the other is alive.  Do not feel guilty.  He knew what his responsibilities would be with her.  A criminal is a profession.
Caballito explained that in her previous life, Milagros' daughter was a man.  Milagros said it made sense, as her daughter often expressed that she would be more comfortable as a man, and she only had male friends in her current life.  In the prior life, the daughter, her father and the spirit that was being persuaded to sit next were three men - all criminals.  The father betrayed the other spirit, and when that spirit found him, he ended his life with a stroke.  And now he was looking for the daughter to extract his revenge on her.

Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  Nelson experienced something he had never done before with the next spirit.  Caballito normally brings a spirit to our table to sit through Nelson, but this time, Caballito had to spiritually transport Nelson to the location of the spirit.  This spirit was so vile, he was locked up in a prison with no doors and no windows.  Nelson wondered how he would get in, and Caballito told him that not only would be allowed in, but the spirit would speak from his prison, and Caballito would bring the message to our table through Nelson.  The spirit was highly elevated, and Nelson said his energy was similar to one of the good spirit guides.  The spirit was handcuffed.  He was articulate, intelligent and very sophisticated:

Spirit: Mirrrra!  You have been waiting for me?  I am a criminal, but I am very educated and enlightened.  I am uncertain why you are bothering me.  I was only looking for her daughter.
Milagros: Leave her alone, and find some light for yourself, find your own path.
Spirit (very angry):  SHE IS A CRIMINAL!  You are not a part of this, it is not your concern.  It is only between myself, your husband and your daughter.  Your husband never wanted you to have her, because he understood the background between the three of us.  He always knew.  He never told her.  Your other two children are not criminals. 
Junior: We can help you...
Spirit (laughed): I have many enemies, and I doubt that your help would make any difference.  (to Milagros)  I have your husband here with me, in this prison with no doors.  (laughed)  He is discovering that it is difficult.  He now understands that it is very difficult to be a criminal.
Junior: He is with you and Caballito...
Spirit (irate, stamping his feet): He is not (with Caballito)!  He is with me!  A prisoner of his own mistakes!  His friends tried to free him, but I hid him.  Now I have to hide him again, so those others cannot find him and remove him.  All we did, the three of us; all we did was kill.

The group continued to counsel the spirit, telling him that his responsibilities were different from the father and the daughter, and that the three of them were no longer a team.  The good spirit guides were offering the jefe a collection of hands, hoping that he would select one of them.  He would not have bright future, but he needed to progress and deal with it.  The criminal spirit and the father left together (with each one accepting a different hand).  Nelson's guide stepped forward to refresh and cleanse him:

Caballito:  It is up to you not to suffer, but sometimes, suffering is the only way to learn.  What we did today was very difficult, and I want to reward everyone with something - the secret of a good life is saying no.  I had to put Nelson in a bubble to protect him.  We offered many hands today; we offered hands to all of those who were imprisoned.  Only the criminal and the father took a hand.  The others did not.  If they did not take it this time, now they know it exists - and maybe next time they will take it when we extend it. 
Jeff: And how many times will you offer them a hand?
Caballito:  Many times.  But only they can decide when to take it.  You are not responsible only for your actions, but also for your thoughts.  Humans do not comprehend happiness, but in the spirit world, we communicate with thoughts.  There is no conversation - like the one we are having now - we only know the thoughts.  Understand the thoughts behind the conversation. Are there any questions?
Milagros: What can I do if there are domestic violence issues with my daughter and her boyfriend?
Caballito:  Silence.  Your response should be silence. 
Milagros: There are two separate court cases coming up at the end of the month.  How do I help or respond?
Caballito: Go, attend them, but do not get involved.  Only silence.  Explain that you are only there for support.  It's a way of thinking - and this applies to everyone - if you change your way of thinking, you will change your actions.  For Milagros, silence is a way for this not to repeat.  When Nelson sees me smiling at him, he thinks there is some trouble, or a need that must be addressed.  And it is just me, smiling at him.  Jeff, write this down - because I know you like to write things - love is tolerance.  There is other work to be done, but today was just for Milagros, nobody else.  (to Milagros)  I hope you were not offended?  (she wasn't)  Trust your own instincts, as you are making progress, little by little.  For all of you, remember that not every door should be opened.  When you are tired (of the spiritual work), get up and do the work, and that exhaustion will go away.  Keep these doors open.  I wish you peace, harmony and light - as you celebrate love and happiness.

Junior closed with a prayer.

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