Sunday, January 1, 2017

Chicago - February 21, 2016

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Erika, Esperanza, Isabel, Jeff, Maricela, Marisol, Milargos, Nelson, Ron, Sonia and Xaver. 
Nelson mentioned an autistic cousin (Fernando) and his niece (Mirelsa).  Fernando was autistic, but his mother did not want to put him into a home.  Mirelsa recently had her medication changed by the doctor, and it worsened her mental condition.  Nelson said he felt useless.  "I know I can contribute or do  something," he said, "but I just feel like I am not doing anything spiritually or materially to help." 
Bernardo asked for prayers for his sister (Monserrat) who had been bitten by a dog. 
Marisol read the prayer for those who are ill, the prayer for loved ones who have moved on, and Nelson read the prayer for obsessors (spirits who become preoccupied or fixated).  Nelson sensed a large group of spirits situated all around the room.  They all seemed to be insane.  One of them cautioned, "Be more careful with the ones outside, instead of those locked up."  Marisol and Nelson heard the spirit group discussing why they were all present at our session.  Some of the comments:
"They want pity - charity - from us?"
"We are attacking those you spoke of earlier."
"Our group is with his (Xaver's) mother."
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): Xaver explained that he had observed the group of spirits around his mother.  Marisol began to feel hot and uncomfortable.  She wanted to strip everything off.  A spirit decided to speak through Nelson:
Spirit (strong and confident): Nobody remembers us unless we bother them.  (laughed and extended his arms wide) And then it's Loco!  Loco! Loco!  We are all nuts (more laughter) and when you are crazy, nobody wants to see you.
(Marisol and Carmen counseled the spirit in Spanish)
Spirit: The whole world treated us bad - they would not even look at us, as if we were contagious!  I am tired, very tired, of dealing with crazy people.  Even the pills don't work anymore.  (pause)  We get in everywhere.  Those doctors are crazier than us.  We want vengeance!  We cower in a corner and you spit on us!  We keep score of all the crazy people, it's a win for our side.  We move from one house to another to drive people crazy.  We leave a group behind to continue the work when we move on to another household.  We are a big group.  (looked at Sonia)  You see us sometimes, and so does he (Xaver).  I can even tell him in English, because we have no barriers here.
Marisol: Listen to the one next to you, holding out his hand with love and compassion.
Spirit (sadly):  I understand.  We hear and we have to leave.  We cannot return to those households.  (to Xaver) Young one!  We have left your home.  I am taking 45 away.  For the rest, the other households, I will tell you now - it's 2400 in total.  All crazy like me.  One more message for all of you.  When you see a nut, don't spit on him or hit him.  We will go.  Anywhere is better than the hell we have been in...
The spirit stood and stretched his arms over his head, exclaiming, "Goodbye from the crazy ones!"  After he was gone, Nelson asked Xaver about his mother.  Xaver said she was better, but Nelson was shown that there were times when she convulsed and cried (Nelson demonstrated).  There was a spirit present who was angry at Xaver for attending our sessions and trying to help his mom.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson said the spirit stood behind Xaver's mom.  The spirit takes over Xaver's mother (Xaver has seen him) and Nelson described him as a very powerful energy - a monster. Nelson understood that Xaver's mom almost married another man (instead of Sonia's son, Xaver's current father), and this man died.  His spirit was the one around the mother now.  Nelson could not let the spirit sit, as he was too strong, so the spirit spoke from a position behind Nelson: 
Spirit: She might not be mine, but she will not be with anyone else.  She will always be crazy, until I decide it's over.  She belongs to me!  To me!  She belongs only to me.  She's mine!
Sonia: She is not who you are looking for...
Spirit: I have been with her since he (Xaver) was born!  He would have been our son.  That's why he sees me.  I make that man (Xaver's father) leave the house.  They think it's him, but it's me.
Nelson (to Xaver): They are moving him.  Out of the house.  But he will not go until you say goodbye to him.  (Xaver does it)  He is crying because he will no longer see you.  The guides are promising to bring him back, as he has something that he wants to say to you.  Only you.  He is being taken away in shackles.  He doesn't want to go.
Spirits 3 & 4 (via Carmen): Carmen had been studying the spirit related to Bernardo's sister (Monserrat) ever since her name was mentioned at the beginning of the session.  The spirit moved forward to speak through Carmen:
Spirit (distressed): I wanted to be first, but I waited.  (to Bernardo)  Why did you have to bring me?  I am ready to take her (Bernardo's sister), and she is ready to go. I'm almost done, and now you interfered!  I came with her to work with her (passing spirits), but she did not allow it.  (sadly)  I'm not going to work with her.  If she would have given me her hand, things would have been different.  They have destroyed her.  She was given the opportunity to defend herself spiritually, but she did not accept my help.  She put me aside.  I could not realize the work that I was supposed to do with her.
Nelson: Listen to those friends around you.  They will explain where you are going, so that you can be educated and try again.
Spirit: She was so stubborn.  She didn't want to be a medium, so I was showing her spirits all night long to persuade her.  I am sad and suffering.  I wash my hands of her and what is mine - I leave it behind.
Carmen's spirit guide arrived to cleanse her. 
Spirits 5 & 6 (via Marisol): Marisol had been observing a spirit that was with Nelson's niece (Mirelsa).  She wanted to possess and control the niece, forcing her to live a life that the spirit wanted to live.  When the spirit took over Mirelsa's body, the niece felt dizzy, and she was unable to remember the experience.  As with the other spirits today, this was an obsessor spirit.  The female spirit was flirtatious, sexy and angry:
Spirit (very calmly): Well, now that I have a body...(strikes a sexy pose)...why not?  This is what I wanted!  I don't like these clothes very much.  My girl is pretty.
Nelson: What is it you like about her?
Spirit: She's my girl.  Easy to use.  Still my girl.
Nelson: Look at where you come from...
Spirit: No, I just want to live my life now.  With my girl.
Nelson: I think you were her mother.  And I think you were selling her.
Spirit: Brothel, you might call it.  She was my girl, a pretty girl.  I have to keep using her.
Nelson: You want to be with her, but she reincarnated and you did not.  Do you understand?
Spirit: I don't like what you are saying.  She turned against me.
Nelson:  One night she left - with the guy who paid the most money for her.
Spirit: I will do with her what I please!  When she left, I didn't do too well. 
Nelson: Forgive her.
Spirit: Her body is not mine, they tell me.  (sigh)  I have done things with her body that she doesn't know what she did.  I'm sorry.  I've done things that were not good.  I will leave now and no longer take her.
Instead of Marisol's guide arriving to cleanse her, a spirit guide related to Cando (Marisol's uncle who passed) replaced the previous spirit.  It was Cando's mother:
Spirit (to Nelson): Thank you for doing the work, and to Sonia for opening the door.  These spirits (the obsessors) can do damage and take lives.  We must bring them to the light.  (to Carmen)  Thank you for getting involved in things you should not, as it helps to resolve things.  But you need to stop.  Stop!  One of those obsessors can take you over, and you will end up in an institution.  As for Raquel, pray for her often.  I will come again if I am given permission.  You must walk with the truth - front, back, up and down, all around.
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Another obsessor spirit had been bothering Jeff all week.  The spirit came from the  negative thoughts of Jeff's sister.  He decided to sit through Nelson, but he refused to look at or listen to Jeff:
Spirit: I hate him!  I don't want to share with him anymore.  All my life, share!  Share!  If I get rid of him, I will no longer need to share anything
Jeff: Why are you resentful?  What have I done? 
Spirit (to Marisol): Do you hear a dog barking?  That's what I hear - I do not hear him.  Even the love of a grandma.  I couldn't share her, because she never loved me - only him.  I have been looking for her and I cannot find her.  I don't want to share anymore.
Marisol: What will you do when you have it all? 
Spirit:  Listen, I have a plan. Can you help me?  We will lock him in a car and put it on some train tracks, and then, BOOM!
Marisol: You do not need material things because you do not have a material body.  What is your relationship with him?
Spirit: He is my enemy!  What do I have to do to convince you?  (whispers)  He wants everything I have.  I will not talk to that barking dog any more.  I hate him.
Jeff: I love you.  Why are you so angry?
Spirit: What is wrong with you?  I DON'T LIKE YOU!  Is he the only one here who doesn't understand it?  She (Jeff's sister) and I had a pact, and I cannot leave until my job is done.
Jeff: There's a new assignment for you.  That job is over.
Marisol: Look, they will show you your body.
Spirit (reacting): Stop it, why are you bothering me?  She used me and I used her.  The other one (Jeff's mother) is almost gone - cuckoo!  cuckoo!  Fine, I'll go.  (to Jeff)  Don't think that you are free when I am gone.  She is already preparing someone else to take my place.  I didn't want to come, and I'm going.
After the spirit departed, Ron updated the group on the condition of his sister, and Sonia explained the new energy she was experiencing with her spirit guide.  Nelson closed with a prayer.

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