Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Florida - April 25, 2016

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson, Rafael and Santiago

After the opening prayer, Jackie read a selection from Kardec's The Spirits Book, and Nelson read a Prayer for the enemies of Spiritism in Spanish.  (See the Enemies of Spiritism prayer in English here: http://www.spiritistphilosophy.info/28_20.html)

Spirit 1 (via Astrid):  A spirit spoke from a position behind Astrid, and this entity was happy to see our entire group reunited.  "Congratulations," the spirit said, "you are together again and it is the whole group." 

Spirit 2 (via Jackie): Jackie was shown the spirit of a little girl, and she was looking at Jeff's chair.  She was dressed in an old fashioned frilly white dress, and she had visited our table previously when Cookie was seated in Jeff's seat.  She put her hands on her hips and said, "He's finally here!"  Jackie was shown Jeff and the little girl playing at a beautiful park, with Jeff also dressed in old fashioned clothing (shorts with long stockings). The little girl would make sure that she was at the park before Jeff arrived, as he was from an elite class, and the girl was not.  It wouldn't be proper for him to escort her to the park.  Jackie understood that the message for Jeff was that he had been working hard, and it was time to play. 

Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  While Jackie and Nelson were reading earlier, there was a group of spirits who were present, and they were gathered between Astrid and Nelson.  One spirit stepped forward, and he showed himself as a distinguished professor who had been observing our table.  "But he doesn't like what we do," Astrid mused. 

Nelson heard the professor ask, "Why are you trying to help people who do not deserve it?" It became apparent that the professor had a large group of other spirits with him, and their intent was to close down our table. Astrid told them "With our whole group here, working together, we are stronger than you.  We have our guides, our teachers, our protectors...."  Astrid's words encouraged the spirit to respond through Nelson:
Spirit: We are putting a closed sign on that door!  All of you should go home.
Jackie: Why don't you reveal who you really are?  You are not a professor...
Spirit (to Astrid): Whatever you are planning (possibly a trip or vacation), it is not going to happen!  (to Nelson)  I have been waiting for this one to get back.  He's arrogant, he thinks he decides who sits here!  He thought he could control me, and not let me sit!  (laughs)  Arrogant!  Ignorant!
Jeff: Why did you want to come here?
Spirit: I have been observing, and I DON"T LIKE IT!
Astrid: What don't you like?
Spirit (irritated): These kinds of groups!  I have been keeping an eye.  You help the ones who we don't want you to help.  They give us our power.  I am here to put an end to it.  I go many places, to different groups, and I am very strong.  That's why they sent me.  (to Astrid)  You have been a hard one to destroy.  They have sent others before me.
Astrid: I know.  You are welcome to hear us anytime.
Spirit: No, you were my target. I don't like you!  (long pause)  Where is this place that he (the spirit guide) keeps talking about?  He keeps talking about it, on and on.
Astrid: It's a place to learn.
Spirit: I have to ask you, how come it was not until now that you saw me?  Why didn't you say anything before?  She (Gloria) saw me too!
Astrid: You come here, I saw you, and you disappeared. 
Spirit: Hmmm.  He (the spirit guide) is smarter than me.  While I have been speaking, he took my group away.  I had to come here, I wanted to see.  I was curious. 
Jeff: How many were in your group?
Spirit: Do you really want to know?  How many are there here, at this table?  (eight)  Multiply that by a hundred.  There are eight hundred, plus me.  801.  I don't like that place they are showing me.
Jackie: Because you will not have any power there.
Spirit: I don't like that, having no power.  (pause)  He said my power was not really power.  I used the weaknesses of others for my own benefit.  (to Astrid)  I'm sorry, I have been bothering you for a while.  Next time, say hello to me...

After the spirit left, Nelson shared that he was shown this spirit collecting souls into a large basket. 

Spirits 4 & 5 (via Nelson): Nelson asked Rafael if he had found a job (he had not). His inability to find work after three years resulted in Caballito seamlessly replacing Nelson to continue the conversation:
Caballito: Why not? 
Rafael: I was waiting for something else to happen, but I will look for jobs now.
Caballito: You are lazy.  It is easier if someone else does it all for you.  (waved one hand continuously in a circular motion as he spoke)  Just give it all to me in my hands.
Jeff: But you will never have anything for yourself if you don't do it on your own.
Caballito: He doesn't care.  They control his mind, he doesn't think clearly.
(Caballito stepped back as he began to usher in a spirit.  Nelson was shown a chaotic mass of spirits around Rafael, and he wondered how anyone could function with so much turmoil.  Nelson described it as if red ants were swarming all over Rafael, with all of them constantly biting him.  The spirit was reluctant to sit, and Rafael was encouraged to speak directly to him...)
Rafael: I wait for things to happen, and it never works out for me.
Caballito: Sometimes what we want, we have to go and get it.  It doesn't come to us....
Spirit (arriving and replacing Caballito):  He thinks, what am I doing in this life?  Am I such a loser?  Everything I touch is crap!  The world gets better, bigger, nicer - and I get crapped on.  Go ahead, do it again.  I should get in my car, drive really fast, and hit a pole.
Astrid: You need to move away from there. And those thoughts. 
(Santiago, Rafael and the spirit continued the discussion in Spanish)
Spirit (rapidly in English): No one, no one can function with this - no one!  It's insane!  Insanity!  (red faced and teary)  End it!  Finish!  I'm tired.  (crying)  Enough!
Astrid: Stop those thoughts.
Spirit (to Rafael): You will never be happy.  Do you know why?  I am never going to leave you alone.  Ask him what he did to me, go ahead and ask him!  I will never leave him until I see him as he left me.  He never let me find happiness.  Do you know where he put me?  A nut house!  He stole a woman that belonged to me, and put me there to keep her away from me.  He stole her, when she belonged to me!  You will never find love.  You will never find that woman either, not where I put her.  She is my capture.  Every day, every minute I think of what he did.  I want to put him with her so they can destroy each other.
Astrid: They are here to take you away from that...
Spirit: No, I am close to finishing it! 
Astrid: You are abusing someone that is not at fault anymore.
Jeff: Look closely at him - he is not the same person.  That was another lifetime.
Spirit: Everyone, everything he touches - it dies, falls apart, gets sick.  He doesn't realize how lucky he was to get here today.  I was so close.  (long pause)  But I couldn't finish the job.  He (the spirit guide) says that I need to go and get her, so we can leave together.  Today is the beginning of something else.  I'm leaving.
Rafael: My brother, hear my words.  I want you to do better.
Spirit: And I want you to go to hell! 
Astrid: You are fixated on something that happened a long time ago. 
Gloria: You have already had enough revenge.
Spirit:  I am going to do something.  I will pick her up, and the two of us are going on a trip together.  I don't forgive you, but I'm done.  I'm going to get her (reaching out his hand to grasp hers).  We will take care of each other now.  From now on, don't blame me anymore.  The two of us will leave, along with six others.  We are going to let him be whatever he wants to be....

Gloria and Nelson both sensed that Rafael wanted to run away from his current situation, and Rafael agreed.  Nelson said that Rafael does not like where he is now, and Astrid advised him to get a job and move on.  The table discussed the issue.  Some highlights:
Nelson: Get a job and move into a studio - a closet! - anything would be better.  You are the only one who can close that door behind you and leave that mess.
Gloria: He has become dependent on her, for a home, food...
Nelson: Not even an elevated spirit with a burning torch could enter that house.  The fire would disappear and there would be nothing but darkness. 

Spirit 6 (via Gloria):  In Spanish, Gloria delivered a message for Rafael from a spirit.  Basically, it was, "All is not lost, unless you decide it is."  Nelson's guide returned to add to the message and cleanse our table with his energy:

Caballito (to Rafael): Take that torch and say that you will smile.  This friend (Nelson) that I am speaking through did not want to offend you today, because that is not who he is.  I needed this to happen to remove those friends who came here today.  I want them to get better, and I want you (Rafael) to get better.  Everyone here has love for you.  Otherwise, they would not do what they do for you.  It is time for you to take that torch now, so you can start that life you said you were gong to have.  There is no time for anything else.  Stand up, and follow that light.  Without it, you would not be where you are today.  We could not allow that to happen.  You decided your life.  You chose it.  These people are here to guide you at this point in your life, but now it's up to you.  Grab that torch, do not let that light be extinguished.  Everyone understands how extremely difficult it was to persuade a spirit of this caliber to be here.  Do not waste this opportunity.  The torch will guide you to where you need to be.  You are not there now.  Free will means that you are allowed to choose your own path.  When you are welcomed home (to the spirit world), we will show you what you did.  What was correct, what was so-so.  I am talking now, because I am also cleaning...

Caballito (to Frank): How wonderful to see you well!  Keep your strength, as it is not over my friend.  Remember when you asked for that vacation?  Aren't you glad you went?  You know, you can take another one if you want.  In time.  Don't be in a hurry, take care of the human body.  I am cleaning all of your homes.  (pause)  What has been bothering you in your home, Jackie?
Jackie: I can't explain it.
Caballito: If you could, would you like to sell your home and move somewhere else?  (she would)  It's not the house.  Sometimes we put our noses where they do not belong - and they get very dirty. 
Jackie: I understand.
Caballito: You do not know how much we attract with that behavior.  Once they get there, they do not want to leave.  We can take of some of them, and things will get better.  You must take care of the rest.  I am removing 65 spirits, just from Jackie's house.  No more noises, and she will be able to sleep.  (to Astrid)  Keep the door open.  Always open.  I will take 23 friends with me from this home.  Along with 14 from Gloria's, six from Frank, and two from Nelson and Jeff.  Does anyone have any questions for me?
Rafael: What should I expect from my son now?  What can I do to keep our relationship going?
Caballito: He is an adult with free will.  Do what you have to do, and let him do what he needs to do.  All of you are here because of your own free will.  I know that mentally, some of you are curious because if there were spirits here previously, why didn't someone let them sit. 
Astrid: We all know our strengths and limitations.
Caballito: Yes, and for him (Nelson) we work together to allow those difficult friends to speak.  That is his speciality.  Astrid, do you have a question?
Astrid: I have a silly question...
Caballito: What might seem silly may prove to be intellectual...
Astrid: Do animals have spirits or souls?
Caballito:  Souls.  Only humans have spirits.  The spirit provides you with the ability to think, act, and have free will.  Animal souls may grow and evolve like a spirit.  It will not regress, it will always be better, it's always a progression.  Just as when once a spirit reaches a certain level, it may stay for a long period of time, but it can never go back to a lessor level.
Caballito (to Frank):  I noticed the necklace you are wearing today.  Is it Indian (Native American)?
Frank: Yes, a friend of mine carved it for me from a stone.
Caballito: There is a spiritual Indian friend standing behind you...
Gloria: I saw him before with Frank.  He puts a blanket on Frank's shoulders to protect him.
Jackie: He is wearing two feathers.
Caballito:  He feels safe when he wears that necklace (Frank agreed).  If the mind thinks it will protect you, it will.  Keep it on, keep wearing it.
Frank: The man who made it for me is on the spiritual side now.  He lived in Georgia.
Jackie: It looks like a spearhead.
Caballito: That spear was used as a lance.  It was used to kill someone, and that is the spirit around Frank now.  He is protecting you, and he will not abandon you.  Even Frank is surprised at how good he feels.  How easy the treatment has been.  It's because that Indian has been there to protect him.
Jackie: His surgery was eight hours long.
Caballito: But he was never alone.  The Indian was there, and your girlfriend has been busy working on this side to prepare a welcome for you.  When it is your time, and that time is not next week or month, it might be her hand reaching out to you.  And the Indian would not let us close today without saying a few words.  "I'm damn strong," he says.
Gloria: And he is always with him.

Spirit 7 (via Gloria):  I also need to say this before we close.  Nelson, you will go back to Argentina, because you think that things will be better now.
Jeff:  We were planning to return in November. 
Gloria: That's your place.  There is a spirit with Marta, in her place.  She needs to keep talking about it, and she should try to pray to help the spirit to let go.  (The group surmised that it may be the spirit of Marta's son who died in March of this year)  This spirit is not good for her, and his situation is not good for him. You will be going (to Argentina) because you are from there.  So is Caballito, it's his home.

Jackie closed with a prayer. 

(Note from 2017:  The spirit in Marta's house was a former occupant who died of cancer.  She wanted to be in the condo where Marta now lives in case one of her sons came over, but her spirit was making Marta sick.  Nelson was able to remove the spirit when he was in Argentina in the autumn of 2016.)

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"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...