Saturday, January 7, 2017

Florida - Wednesday, January 4, 2016

In attendance: Gloria, Jeff and Nelson
Nelson sensed that Jackie was not well, so he wanted to mention her name at the table.  Nelson read a prayer in English entitled "Spirits Credit."  (Note: I could not find a version online, but here is an excerpt:  "I believe that I am going toward that immense soul of souls, by purification; and ascending spiritually by means of successive existences, the magnetic union of my spirit with God, and redeeming myself from my past, against society, the family, my friends, and myself.  I believe in the individuality of suffering in this world of visibility and invisibility, toward a final view of peace and love.")
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  As Nelson finished the prayer, an intense, irate spirit began to arrive.  It was difficult for Nelson to breathe, and he began to cough and wheeze:
Gloria (to the spirit): You cannot make him sick, he is helping you.
Spirit (labored breathing and out of breath): She thinks she can save the world, but she cannot save herself!
Gloria: No more, it's over.
Spirit: She is going to a hospital bed!  Like she did to me.
Jeff: That was in another time.  Look at her, she's different now.
Spirit: I see her as the same one.  (more coughing)  I don't want to be sick anymore - like her.  It's hard to breathe, to walk (coughing).
Jeff: Listen to that friend next to you, he will help you feel better.
Spirit: I cannot walk.  Coming up those steps today?  I could not breathe.  He (the spirit guide) pushed me to come up here.  My head is spinning.  It just spins.  I have to hold on to something wherever I go.  Right now, my head is really spinning. 
(Gloria sensed that this spirit had been with Jackie when she began caring for Frank before he passed.)
Jeff: How long have you been with her?
Spirit (sneering): Since she was with the one that I cannot see anymore.  I have been with her since then, but she doesn't listen.
Jeff: Are you going to listen?
Spirit: Yes, my head feels better and I will listen to them.  It was like a tornado.
Gloria: You will start to feel even better now.
Spirit: I'm going to leave her.  He (the spirit guide) said I have to leave her.  (to Jeff)  Will you give her a message for me?  Tell her for the first time in her life, LISTEN.  She is as stubborn as a mule.  I recognize you.  She's mad at you!  She wants to see you and the other one.  I've done some very bad things.
Jeff: And you haven't been working alone...
Spirit: No, there are sixteen - plus me.  He (the spirit guide) says I am too heavy, so I have to go.  My last word is, 'listen...listen...LISTEN!  (The spirit left violently, with Nelson hunched over and shaking)
Once he recovered, Nelson said that he was shown images of Jackie falling down more than once, and that Jackie was on Nelson's mind since he woke up this morning.
Spirits 2 & 3 (via Nelson): Nelson asked Gloria if she knew anything about the relationship between Astrid and Santiago, but she did not have any information.  Gloria did share that both of them were going out more, doing things together and visiting different places.  Nelson wondered what he had done to irritate Astrid, and Caballito arrived to explain:

Caballito:  The two of them 'doing more' is all a show.  She (Astrid) is not angry with Nelson, she is angry at what you have.  Your relationship with Jeff is happy, and her relationship is not.  What she does not understand is that when you act that way, you attract lower level spirits.  She did not consult or ask us when she closed, and she listened to the wrong spirits.
Gloria: The ones who want to close the temples.
Caballito: Yes. The group of friends she is listening to put on masks and pretended.  Be very careful.  She knows better, but she doesn't see it.  She is listening to one that she thinks is a new guide, but it is not.  We cannot remove this friend, because she is allowing him to be there.
Gloria: We all have our own free will.
Caballito (to Gloria):  Tell her to listen and question, and he will reveal who he is - he has a very good mask. If Nelson delivers that message to her, she would not believe him.  Tell her to question him with love, but do not be afraid to ask the deep questions.  He cannot be allowed to close the group.  Nelson should not get involved, and you (Gloria) will not be alone.  It will be very hard.  Do not be afraid.  That's why I wanted Nelson to invite you...
(Nelson began to jump and shake in his seat.  Caballito brought in a spirit who wanted to be on the plane with Gloria's son when he arrived for his visit with her later this week..)
Caballito:  She thought that she would be coming on the plane with him, but this friend was not really a friend.  The luggage is all packed, but I gave her an earlier ticket, so she is here today instead of Saturday.

Spirit (arriving softly to replace Caballito):  Why did he lie to me?
Jeff: You wanted to come here, and now you are here.
Spirit: I came to see one person (Gloria's son), and I didn't want to see her...I DIDN"T WANT TO SEE HER!  She's always in the middle, always meddling.
Jeff: Isn't that what you are dong?  Meddling with her?
Spirit: I try to see him alone, and she is always there!
Jeff: If she will not go away, maybe you should leave?
Spirit: I don't want him to be happy.  I want him to endure what I went through.  We were such good friends, and we did everything together.  One day, and I do not know why, he disappeared!  I couldn't find him and I looked and looked.  She stole him!

(Note: Jeff thought that the spirit was separated from Gloria's son because she had passed into the spirit world, while the son remained in the material world.  Gloria was shown something different.  The spirit and the son were together in the spirit world until the son reincarnated with Gloria as his mother.)

Gloria: If you love him so much, do good!
Spirit (sobbing):  He (the spirit guide) said to tell the truth, so I will.  He was my son!  And I looked and looked for so long.  I looked for him everywhere!  And I found him with her.
Jeff: She understands the love of a mother...
Spirit (crying): That's who I am, I am his mother!  It's hard to let the one you love go to someone else.  I was his mother, and now she is his mother.  I understand.  If I love him, I have to be happy with her.
Jeff: He still has your love with him, too.
Spirit: He was feeling me.  He felt something, and it was me.  Let him know.
Gloria: I will.
Spirit: I heard him when he said he was going to see his mother, and I was so happy - I thought it was me.
Gloria: I'm not your enemy.  We are both mothers of the same boy.
Spirit: I thought you were stealing him.  He (the spirit guide) says that I am going to a place to grow up.  If I listen, I can come and see my son again.  I only wanted to be close to him.  I found him when he spoke about going to see his mom (intense crying).  I have to understand, and move on.  Tell him that in that other life, he had that brother he always wanted.  I had two boys.
Jeff: Thank you for sharing that...
Spirit: Tell him that I will always watch over him, once I get better.  It's just the two of us, leaving together - I am taking my other boy with me.  He always wanted to be with his brother.  We were three.  I'm told I will happy and I won't cry anymore, but I don't know.
Gloria: I will be where you are someday.
Spirit: You will?  Look for me.  I would like that.  My name is Sofia.  And tell him that his brother's name is Francisco Luis.  Will you tell him?  Tell him that I will always watch over him...
After the spirit quietly departed, Gloria shared that her son was born in Hawaii in his previous life, "On an island with a beach, just like in this life." (in this life, her son was born in Puerto Rico)  As we were discussing the spirit of the mother, Caballito returned to clarify, and he spoke from a position behind Nelson:
Caballito: Gloria, your father is here with me.  In that life (with the mother spirit we passed), he was the father (of the two boys).  He had to finally complete this.  He worked with me, together, as it needed to happen.  If things go as planned - and they are talking to her now - she will be taken to learn and reincarnate. Possibly as one of your great grandchildren. The (spirits of the) mother and son need to stay together, so the two of them will reincarnate together in the same family.  And Gloria, when that mother you shared a son with reincarnates, she will have mediumship abilities just like yours.  She will help that family to continue what you started...
Spirit 4 (via Gloria):  Gloria began to sense another spirit for Jackie.  This male spirit was causing Gloria to feel congested and light headed:
Spirit: I want her (Jackie) with me!  I was with him (Frank) and I want her with him now.  They need to be together.
Nelson: She's not ready yet.
Spirit: I had her!  I had her just like this (pinched two fingers tightly together).  She has to...
Nelson: look at yourself, you are the one who is not in a good condition.  You are harming her.
Spirit: I was mad at her!  She loved him (Frank) and not me!
Nelson: She cannot love you, because you are in spirit, and she's not.
Spirit:  I'm so dizzy.  I hurt all over.
Nelson: Listen to that friend - go with him.  Don't put it in her mind that it's her time to go.
Spirit: She wants to be there!!  You know they dragged me over here.
Jeff: Because we wanted to help you.
Nelson:  Look what they are bringing to you - doctors!  And a nurse.
Spirit: And they are giving me a little glass.  With medicine.
Nelson: Are you here by yourself?
Spirit: I have two more with me, there are three of us.  (pause)  That medicine tastes good.  I'll go with him, I'll let her alone.  He gave his hand to me.  I need help.  Thanks for helping me...goodbye.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Nelson was studying a spirit who was around his mother in Puerto Rico.  The spirit said, "I don't want him to even think that he is coming here!"  Gloria was shown that Nelson's mother was able to see the spirit, and she recognized that he wasn't good for her.  The spirit was tall and thin, and he was standing far away from Nelson's mother in an attempt to make her think that he was Nelson.  Nelson heard his mother say to the spirit, "You are not my son, because when he is here, he brings me peace."
Spirit: Everyone else can come in, but that one (Nelson) cannot come in.  I don't like that one.
Jeff: Did he do something to you?
Spirit: I just don't like him there.  Go away!
Jeff: She doesn't want you there, in her room.
Spirit: I want to make her suffer.  And he thinks he can see me!
Gloria: Why are you wearing that white hat?
Spirit: That's where I keep my masks.
Jeff: Look around - you are not in that room anymore.  And you cannot go back.
Spirit: I was so worried over that one (Nelson) visiting her, I hate that one!  He wants to help her. 
Jeff: Why do you want to harm her?
Spirit: I'm going to tell you.  I have a job, just like you do.  We pick up spirits to bring to our side.  And he (Nelson) works for another side.
Gloria: She's going to another place - not with you.
Spirit: And you know what?  I can't go back.  I'm part of your side now.  That side (the good spirits) they all act so happy and yet, not too many of them are happy.  (long pause)  Look at that.  They brought everything I had over here with me.  I'm impressed, they cleaned it all.  Three people brought us here.
Jeff: And your group is bigger?  Like an army?
Spirit: We call her a 'prize.'  She is like you people, and she is a prize.  We get an extra star when we get someone like that - a star like her.  We really want you when you are a star.  We are a group of 88 (the age of Nelson's mother), and a group of three brought us here.
Gloria: You need to be doing good things, not bad.
Spirit: I'm going with those three who collected everything.  I'm not happy about it, but we will take everything with us.  Tell him (Nelson) that he is lucky - I won't be there and he won't see me.  (The spirit slowly faded, and as he was leaving, he muttered, "I still don't like him.")
A very jovial Caballito returned to cleanse the table and refresh everyone:

Caballito (to Jeff):  Hasn't this been the best two hours today?  Would you change it for anything else?  Do not be too sad about your mother.  Her free will is her worst enemy.  Deep inside, she loves you.  But she's afraid to be alone, so she allows the other one (Jeff's sister) to dictate what she wants, even if it is not what your mother wants.  I always go over there to offer my hand to all of those friends around her, but we can only take those who want to go.  

(to the group)  I am so happy today that you allowed me to do my work.  I like to continue my work, and it's for all of you.  Wherever I go, some places hear me when I knock, and some do not.  They are not ready yet.  Here's more, because when you tell that story -  and I know you will tell the story of when I went everywhere and everything was closed, because you already have - she (Astrid) did not hear me.  She will say that she is 'always open,' but she did not hear me.  All the stops when I knocked, I did it - I'm responsible, because I wanted to open some eyes.  Even his (Nelson).  We had a conversation on that second balcony about it.  He said that everyone else was closing down for whatever those special days are, and I asked him, 'If everyone else jumped from this balcony, would you do it too?'  He told me he would never do it again.  If everyone around you has doubts, and if I am an example to you, let yourselves be an example to others.
(Caballito and Jeff related two situations from Argentina to Gloia [about seat assignments on the plane and a computer that shut down], when they thought Caballito was round - and he was.  The conversation was filled with laughter - and specific details that no one else could possibly know, supplied by Caballito.)
Caballito (to Jeff): The next time the computer breaks, sit down and read a prayer, or pray for the sick, or the planet, or the future.  (to Gloria)  It's the same for when your son arrives, sit together, the two of you, and do some prayers.
Gloria: He would like that.
Caballito: And I will be there.  Just for ten minutes, pray for health, or for those dying, or for family and friends. And tell him (Nelson) that next time I will hit him over the head (laughing) if he still thinks he can tell me how we will do the work - it will never be that way. 
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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