Tuesday, January 31, 2017


I always thought that "collateral" was something that was provided to a lender as a guarantee of repayment.  For example, if the loan for a house or a car is not repaid, the lender takes the collateral (the house or car).  But collateral has other interpretations, and the first two definitions are somewhat spiritual in nature:
1) Situated or running side by side
2) Overlaying in tendency or effect
3) Serving to support or corroborate (such as collateral evidence)
4) Referring to a secondary nature (such as collateral damage from a bomb exploding)
So the spirit world is situated (or running) right next to us, and it has the tendency to overlap or effect what we do in the material world.  An example:  Three years ago, one of Nelson's nephews said that he would never return to Puerto Rico to visit his family.  Nelson's spirit guide (Caballito) told the nephew that he would visit Puerto Rico, and it would happen in 2016, and it would be for a sad reason.  So 2016 came and went, but the nephew never visited.  The reason for this was a combination of collateral and free will. 
In December 2016, the grandmother of the nephew was in the process of dying, and her body was slowly shutting down.  Although spiritists understand the process of death, it is always a difficult time for everyone involved.  In 2016, the nephew had a week off from work between Christmas and the new year, and he had the funds to visit his grandparents,  It would have been a collateral opportunity for him to say goodbye and thank his grandmother for caring for him as a child, and his grandfather would have appreciated the support. Instead, because he had the free will to choose, the nephew and his girlfriend went to Toronto for a vacation.  And isn't it typical for humans to choose pleasure over any potentially difficult situation?  And he couldn't he still visit Puerto Rico after this grandmother passed (if his parents sent him a ticket, if he could get the time away from work, etc.)?  But a visit to Puerto Rico after his grandmother transitioned back into the spirit world would only create an inconvenience for his family, and he would not arrive in time to do what really needed to be done, which was to say thank you and goodbye to his grandmother.  So the collateral was there, and it was an chance to do something good on many levels - and everything was in place, running right next to him the material world.  But he chose a different path.  We often have people attending our sessions, and they are hoping for a message, or they are in some type of pain.  When nothing shows up for them, they wonder why and become discouraged.  What collateral has been put up?  Was anything positive offered or accomplished to earn a message or some relief? 
With our example of the nephew choosing pleasure over responsibility, we can easily see the other two definitions of collateral (from the list above) come into play.  The grandparents understood the collateral evidence of the nephew's choice (and I would imagine, there was some sadness when that choice did not include them).  And now we wait for the collateral damage to arrive, in whatever form it chooses, and however long it may take.  Life is all about choices, and the ones we regret the most tend to haunt us forever.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Puerto Rico - (Tues) Jan 24, 2017

In attendance: Carmen, Christine, Girlfriend of Luis 1, Jeff, Junior, Lizette, Luis 1, Luis 2, Luis Sr, Mary, Maribel, Normita, Nydia, Nelson, Rina and Yiri

Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson's spirit guide (Caballito) wanted to rearrange the participants so that Luis (Helvia's son, and Caballito said he would call him "Luis 1") and Luis (the son of Luis Sr, who would be known as "Luis 2") were both seated directly in front of him at the table.  Although we worked in an open, outdoor area, the spirit world had placed glass panels around the enclosure.  Spirits could observe the proceedings, but they were not allowed inside unless they were invited.  Caballito explained that the spirits observing the session would not bother us, and that the only spirits who were invited to sit would be for the mediums at our table  - there would be no other messages.  To assure this would happen, Caballito asked nelson to read, "the prayer for our enemies and those who do not wish us ill."  (To read the prayer in English, click here: https://www.kardecpedia.com/en/study-guide/887/the-gospel-according-to-spiritism/7047/chapter-28-a-collection-of-spiritist-prayers
There is a connection process for a medium's spirit guide to link themselves to a medium.  Both the medium and the guide need to cleanse themselves in preparation for the passing of spirits to begin. 

Spirit 2 (via Mary):  While Nelson was reading the prayer, the spirit guide for Luis 1 began moving into Mary.  She struggled quietly, and she appeared to be restrained.  The spirit guide had no emotions or feelings, as he was being brought into something that was still unfamiliar.  He was like a tightly wrapped mummy, and it was difficult for him to speak:
Spirit:  What is this?  Why am I wrapped in ropes? 
Nelson: Your hands are free...
Spirit (stamped his feet and stood):  Libre!  I have come back down to earth, I have changed.  (to Luis 1)  Freedom is not always black and white...
Nelson: The material world is not easy for him.  He enjoys the pleasures, the fun.  Like you, his spirit is on a journey of self-discovery...
Spirit (to Luis 1):  If you are not ready, change your mind now.  Once this is started, there is no going back.  He is a Hitler!  What a temperament!  He wants it all his way!  (to Luis 1)  You will lose that control with this. It's not your way, it's our way.
Nelson: He understands that - totally, completely.
Spirit (forcefully):  A decision!  Why doesn't he speak?  Nada, nada, nada!  He has to change, and it is his decision - it's his life!  We worked together before.
Nelson: That was in another existence.  (Nelson was shown that the rigid spirit was wearing a uniform)  Were the two of you in the military together? 
Spirit: Yes - in Spain.  We were soldiers in the Spanish army.
Luis 1: As my guide, what should I call you now?
Spirit: What is your favorite color?
Luis 1: Blue.
Spirit: That is my name, call me that.  It's possible now.  And that was the color of our military uniform.

(Note: Rayadillo was the name of the fabric used to make the military uniforms worn by Spanish soldiers before and after the Spanish American war.  Rayadillo translates to "striped material," as the uniforms were made from blue striped thread.  They looked like the illustration below.)


Nelson: Is that his road with you - in the military, working with them?
Spirit: Yes, that will be our road together.  To help all the military (spirits), those from the wars and other conflicts.  (to Luis 1)  It will be our speciality, yours and mine. 
Nelson: What is that military group you have with you?
Spirit (to Luis 1):  Are you a spiritist?
Luis 1: Yes.
Spirit: I brought our first group of spirits to pass with me, and I will take them away. The girl you are with today?  She has no background in this, but she has an interest?
Luis 1: Yes.  She was the one who wanted to attend today.
Spirit: I will take 67 with me today.  They are military "ninfas" (nymphs).  and I will take one more with me, he likes to make tattoos.  I will also take four non-descriptive with me.  They are so far behind, they are not fully formed yet.  They have no bodily appearance.  I have done my work, and I leave happy.
Luis 1 lifted up his shirt to show the group that his entire back was completely tattooed.  It was an elaborate work that featured four large nymphs, one in each corner of the tattoo.  Luis said his tattoo was spiritually influenced (and Nelson agreed).  Luis believed that the nymphs were a part of his past, and he hoped that a tattoo would not allow them near him in this life.  Nelson asked if his older brother believed in spiritism, and Luis 1 said he did not.  "But now he will the change with you," Nelson said, "and he will develop an interest."

Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Caballito asked Nelson to focus on Luis 2.  "He is a bohemian," Caballito said, "and he does not like to be attached or held down by anyone - until this - which will ground him." Luis 2 began to feel a pain in his chest ("mas duro").  Nelson heard the guide of Luis 2 saying, "No, no, no" several times, but the spirit moved forward smoothly and spoke calmly through Nelson:
Spirit (to Luis 2):  I'm thinking ("pensar").  Are you going to move forward with this?  Decide!  No more holding back.
Normita (to the spirit): They are forgiving you for your past.
Spirit: Criminals do not get pardoned!  They can only look for Jesus.
Mary: That was a choice you made, and it was in another life.
Spirit: It was love, no other emotion.  (Luis 2 agreed)

(The spirit explained that in their previous reincarnation, he and Luis 2 were best friends until the spirit guide became interested in a girl.  Luis 2 did not want the spirit guide to be with this girl, so he slept with her.  The spirit guide was furious, and he decided to kill the girl.  But he knew that  if he killed the girl, Luis 2 would kill him.  So he killed Luis 2, which is why he described himself as a criminal.) 

Spirit (to Jeff):  Americano!  I don't like you!  You always tell him he will find love, and he cannot even say the word.  He was never able to, because of what I did.  (the spirit became very emotional)   We were brothers in spirit.  He was my companion!  He would be the happiest man in the world with love!  But I could never forgive either one of them.  Mira!  So this is the surprise.  It's a fiesta, it's very beautiful - it's my love.
Mary:  That's over now.  It was in the past.
Spirit: I still love him.  He is the same.
Mary: But you are a spirit now.
Spirit (crying):  I know.  Why me?  Why me as his guide?  (to Jeff)  Gringo!  I don't want to help him.  it's difficult to forgive.  (to Luis 2 after a short pause)  Forgive me!  I am different now. 
Normita: You need to demonstrate that love that you talk about.  Put it into practice.
Luis 2: Nunca amor, find real love.
Spirit: They tell me we have to revisit that love.  (to Jeff)  Gringo!  Even though I killed him, I still loved him.
Jeff: You can keep that love with you now.
Spirit (to Luis 2):  Forgive me, I bothered you a lot.  I gave you that chest pain in your heart.
Mary: And now it's time for your freedom - your liberty. 
Luis 2: What is your name?
Spirit: You are writing a song - the ultimate song - and you cannot find a title for it.  My name is the name for the song: Amor Puro ("Pure Love").  Pure Love is my new name!  Gringo, write it down!
Normita: Try to find love and not just passion this time.
Spirit (holding his hands as if in prayer): For now, adios.  Adios...

The group discussed the two spirits.  The conversation shifted to Nydia.  Nelson wondered if she had ever held a spirit session with her three children, and she had not.  Caballito stepped forward and advised Nydia to have a session whenever she has an opportunity.  He recommended three prayers:
1) Prayer to the spirits asking for help
2) Prayer for spirit protection
3) Prayer to thank the spirits or something obtained
Nydia was also advised that her eldest son was a medium, and she was responsible for putting him on the right path.

Spirits 4 & 5 (via Nydia):  Nydia shared that her life has not been easy since her parents passed away.  Nelson sensed that her father (Nelson's uncle) may have had an affair in this life, and it seemed unlikely to him.  Nydia said that her father did have an affair with the wife of his best friend.  Her father transitioned back to the spiritual world five years ago, but the spirit of his former best friend was holding him back.  Nydia said that her father was preoccupied with the material world at that point in his life.  The spirit who did not want to forgive her father arrived through Nydia:
Spirit: Solito!  All alone!  I caused his life to end too early.  He died like a dog on the pavement.  (Nydia's father had a massive stroke next to car as he was arriving home from an appointment with his heart doctor)  This is the tradition for women!  (the spirit began to cry)  It was in her house, with my wife.  Bandito!  My heart cannot stand it. 
Nelson (standing):  Find some happiness - some liberty - and go with my great friend standing next to you.
Spirit: I have been stupid!  Wasting so many years on him.  I have only pain, with no happiness.  More than 15 years of pain!
Nelson: Give me that pain, and go find your happiness now. 
The spirit departed, and Nydia's guide arrived to cleanse her.  Caballito reminded Nelson and Jeff that they had not yet mentioned the name of a friend form Buenos Aires, Antonio. There was a spirit around him who wanted to dominate him completely.

Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  The spirit with Antonio was his mother.  She seemed irritated, but she agreed to sit through Nelson:
Spirit: No one over there can tolerate me!  Chickens!
Jeff: So why be around them?
Spirit: Don't touch me!  Leave me alone.  I want him (Antonio) with me.  WITH ME!  I have not left there (the house she shared with her son).  I have not gone from there!
Junior: Find your freedom.
Spirit: You give me a pain (indicated her left shoulder), I only want to talk to her (Mary).  She's a woman, and a mother - like me.  I love him very much.  He is very good, he is my baby!  I get him alone, but he cannot hear me. 
Mary (gently): You do not have a body, that's why he cannot hear you.
Spirit: That is a very distinct thing!
Mary:  He is in the material world, and you are not.
Spirit: I want to have my other child with me. (Antonio's brother who passed on?)  You are a mother, correct?  It's not easy.
Mary:  Why don't you go with him (the spirit guide)?  He will take you to school to learn more - and things will become easier for you.  Listen to him, it's necessary.
Spirit:  Look at that!  They have brought me by child!  I am not a bad mother after all.  I am 95 years old.  This guy (spirit guide) is really good! 
Mary: How many of you are there?
Spirit: Just me and my child.  We are two.  I will go, I will leave Antonio.  I didn't want to hurt him, I just didn't want to leave him.

Spirits 7 & 8 (via Nelson): Normita asked Nelson about the male spirit who was around Carmen.  In her current life, Carmen was a medium, but she had reached an age where she no longer worked.  In a previous session, Nelson noticed the male spirit around Carmen, and seemed to be a comforting presence.  As the group discussed the situation, it was revealed that Carmen was forbidden to marry "the love of her life" by her parents.  The spirit of that man was still deeply in love with her.  Carmen was told by her parents that this man cheated on her with another woman, but he had remained loyal to her in life and death.  Nelson said he spoke very rapidly and he was extremely handsome:
Spirit: I am breathing on her with love.  She feels it.  (to Luis Sr)  You will never know what real love is, as you never had a chance at it.  I know I am a spirit, but I arrived only to give her a kiss.
Junior: You don't have a body.
Spirit: I know.  But there were many times when I did. I will only talk to her now (Mary).
Mary: Tell me your story...
Spirit: It's interesting.  Our love was prohibited.
Normita: Because you were blood relatives - from the same family.
Spirit: We were raised together, but we were not family.  Her parents told us we were related to stop the love.  I know this because her father is with me today.  He is the one who brought me here.
Nydia: Now we understand.
Spirit: Our love was prohibited, but soon we will be together.  We have to prepare for when she will join us.  Soon she will be with us, all of us spirits.  (Mary and Nydia began to cry)
Nydia: Yes, she will.  It's an infinite life.
Spirit (to Carmen):  A kiss for you, my love.  I am content for this opportunity.  Thank you.  After all, I still love her.  And there is love in this room.

The gentle spirit of Carmen's handsome lover died in his 50's.  As he stepped aside, Carmen's authoritative father moved forward to replace him.  He addressed the group in a commanding voice.  In his last existence with Carmn, he was the head of the "Escolar de Moral," a large group of spiritists that was still around:
Spirit (with a masterful voice): I have never encountered a medium I trusted until this one.  In the material and spiritual world, I did everything correctly.  My name is Angel Rodriguez.  I have been observing all day today, and it is not with idle curiosity, I am serious.  Disciplined.  It is what it is (with Carmen).  Today I have the opportunity to say a few words to these two young men (Luis 1 and Luis 2)  Treat this with respect.  When you speak, say the truth, the spirit truth.  Ask for forgiveness in the material world, and you will not need to ask for it in the spiritual.  (to the group)  Friends, you have opened the door!  The one I speak through has centers in many places.  This man is a medium!  He questioned me, and the others never questioned me.  But he did!  Learn - all of you!  That is my message.  Pardon me if I came on too strong.

As the spirit faded, Nelson explained the irony in Carmen's father (Angel Rodriguez) being the one to bring the spirit of the man he kept away from his daughter (Carmen).  In a previous existence, Carmen and her father were married, and in this existence, he could not bear to see her with anyone else.  The spirit told Nelson, "My love would not allow it." 

Junior closed with a prayer.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Chicago - Feb 28, 2016

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Erika, Esperanza, Frank, Isabel, Jeff, Maricela, Marisol, Nelson, Ron, Sonia and Xaver.   

Marisol read the prayer for the sick. (See: http://www.spiritistphilosophy.info/28_33.html)

Before moving to the table, our group was discussing mosquito viruses and other illnesses.  Were they random, man-made or able to be used by the spirits?  Nelson sensed the angry presence of a spirit who was boiling with anger that the spirits were not being given credit for what they could do with causing and treating illnesses in the material world. 

Spirits 1 & 2 (via Nelson): The furious spirit was connected to Denise by her father.  Nelson asked about her upcoming medical procedure (an infusion on Friday).  The angry spirit compared the father to a mosquito wanting to harm Denise.  Nelson described the spirit as an enraged puppet, and Denise explained the uneasy relationship she has experienced with her dad.  As the only daughter, Denise's dad never related well to her, and he now blames her for everything that is wrong with his life.  Nelson was shown an image of Denise's father as an angry bull, with red eyes and twisted horns, charging towards Denise:
Marisol: Why so much anger?
Nelson: We have to remove that anger, or Denise's infusion will not have any effect.
(The spirit arrived to sit through Nelson)
Spirit: I will only be happy when she dies.  Until then, I am not happy.
Denise: Whatever I have done, I'm sorry.  I need to understand why.
Spirit: I am never ever moving on - until she is dead.  The hate consumes me.  I don't know what I am or who I am.  Just hate.
Marisol: You must not feel too good. (very intense breathing from the spirit) Let that hate go.
Spirit: Can someone help me with a medicine like hers?
Marisol: Try taking a pill of forgiveness. 
Denise: Let it go, and feel better.
Jeff: Tell us your story, we are here to listen.  Maybe that will help.
Spirit (enraged): They are criminals!  Do you know what she fed me?  (crying)  Glass!  How does she expect to eat now when they experimented on us with little pieces of glass?  Ground up and put into our food.  They wanted to see how long we would last.  Not only me, many of us.  The food was beautiful - so beautiful!  And then we ate it.  You want me to have compassion?
Marisol: She's not the same - look at her.
Spirit: Look at me!  A cut here, another one here.  You die from the pain and the food was so beautiful (starts to cry and then laughs instead).  I used that one (Denise's father) to get to her.  And now she is looking for a cure?  Her insides are like she made mine.  (pause)  And now they say they will cure me?  I feel so bad, I have done nothing but hate.  I'm tired of hate.  I'm just tired.  That other one (the father) is evil.  She was just the nurse, but he was the doctor.  Be careful with him.  Evil!  The hate is going away.  There are a lot of us.  I am going to feel better, but I have to leave her alone.  I'm sorry I wasted so many years hating her. 
Denise: I am sorry for what I did to you and the others.
Spirit: We are 17.  This guy said to tell you.  17 and me, that's 18.  (to Denise)  I am going to leave you, my time is over.  I hope that medicine works for you.

The spirit departed, and he was effortlessly replaced by Caballito, Nelson's spirit guide.  Denise was asked to stand with Marisol behind her.  Caballito folded a towel lengthwise, and he held it a vertical manner (like a man's tie), which was something he had never done before.  The towel moved slowly back and forth:
Caballito: There is a lot left in there from those spirits.  Go on Friday with your mind completely clear.  Think that you are going to take a medicine that will cure you, so you can do what should have been doing all along.  Fill yourself with nothing but love.  No hate.  (Marisol was asked to hold one end of the towel while Caballito held the other end as Denise returned to her seat).  Things were moved from Denise into you, and those things do not belong to her.  I am going to see if we can put a little harmony in your house, Denise.  I want this to work on Friday.  It's going to happen.  When you go, think of love.  I will step aside, as there is more work to be done...

Carmen said that she was not feeling well when she arrived today at the center.  She felt a lot of anger, especially around Frank.  There was a spirit around him who was very agitated. 

Caballito recommended that Nelson ask Alex to share his happiness with us:
Alex: When I first came here, I was critical.  As a history major, I was looking for evidence before making any decision.  There wasn't any concrete evidence to back up spiritism, but over the last few weeks, I have changed my perspectives. 
Caballito: Has it made you a better person?
Alex:  Yes.  You told me, "Why did you study something that you don't like?"  I had never told that to anyone and it was true. 
Nelson:  My guide told me that you would be a project for me - but very quietly.  You needed to get where you are now to go where you are going next (to Korea to teach).  Now Caballito wants you to take what you have experienced here with you to your next destination - and apply it.  You will not be going alone.  The set of friends that you have gained here will be with you. 
Marisol: Listen to your inner voice - that's how you apply it.  Know that you know this, and be open and ready to listen.
Nelson asked Alex's parents how they felt.  Mom was happy that he was fulfilling his dream.  Dad felt alone, but he said he was content.  Caballito asked Alex's father to hug him - and tearfully, he did.

Spirit 2 (via Marisol):  Marisol sensed the spirit of a tiny old woman.  She was sick and she did not know she was dead.  She once lived in the house where Alex and his parents reside now.  She wanted Alex and his family to leave the house, as she was certain that it still belonged to her. She did not understand why the Romero's were living there, but the old lady had attached herself to Erika.  She told the table that Erika is a medium - and she also thought that Erika was her granddaughter from when the old lady lived in the house.
Spirit: I am looking for my girl...
Nelson:  That was your house, but it's not anymore.
Spirit: I don't know them, but I like her.
The spirit was always cold, and she arrived hunched over the table, shivering with her hands clasped.  Nelson counseled her in Spanish.  The spirit's granddaughter from her former life died around the same age that Erika was now.  Erika was often cold, as the grandmother's spirit was often around her.  Nelson explained to the spirit that she no longer had a body, and the spirit guides brought her body to prove that she had died:
Spirit (about Erika):  I want to hug her.
Nelson: Look at that body they are bring to show you.
Spirit (gasping): I can't breathe! 
Carmen: that house is not yours and she is not your granddaughter.
Spirit: They are telling me she will be there to receive me if I let them take me to her.  I'm going with him.  That house is no longer mine.  I didn't want to make her (Erika) sick, I just wanted to hug her.

Spirits 3 & 4 (via Carmen):  The angry spirit with Frank could not wait any longer to speak: 
Spirit: You need to treat me like I am special!  I was waiting for the perfect time to speak.  I do not interrupt.
Marisol: What do you want with him?
Spirit: Ask him how hard his life has been.  I don't like him to come here, he feels peaceful here.  You people are crazy.  I have always been by his side - and I am very intelligent. 
Nelson: Why do you present yourself as rattlesnake?
Spirit: I use it when he goes places where I don't want him to go.  (smugly)  His marriage has been difficult.  I am going to be his first and his last wife.  I am the only one.  You will be unable to take my rattle, as I am prepared for that.
Nelson: Your rattle has venom.
Spirit: Yes.  Wait.  They are taking my rattle?
Nelson: It's time for you to leave - along with your friends. 
Spirit: I don't want to be alone, but they tell me I have to go.  I'm going to look for my rattle.
Nelson: You will never find it again.

The spirit departed, taking 13 others.  Carmen's guide arrived to cleanse her.  Nelson advised Frank to say a prayer at home to revitalize and unite his marriage.

Spirit 5 (via Marisol):  Marisol understood that Milagros would never be happy as long as the current relationship with her mother continues.  The mother makes her spiritually sick.  They were enemies in the past, and the two of them were sent together as mother and daughter to repair the relationship.  But they cannot even coexist as friends.

Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  Nelson wanted to return to Frank.  He was seeing a spirit of an unborn child. The child was aborted because the health of the mother was in danger. The spirit of the child was still with Frank, and she was a baby girl.  Frank was the father, and the spirit of the mother was also present.  She and the baby thought they were still alive.  The mother did not understand what happened, but she blamed Frank - and she was always angry with him.  The mother was never told that she was unable to have children, even though Frank knew she couldn't.  When she became pregnant, her condition worsened.  Aborting the baby did not help her, and she died.  The spirit of the baby said, "It's not important what you say or do, I am going to stay with him (Frank).  I am angry over the daughter he has now.  She took my place!  Who does she think she is?" 
Frank explained that his daughter has asked him if she would ever have a sister, and she was fearful of the basement stairs.  Frank was advised not to let the daughter near those stairs for the next couple of weeks.  The spirit of the baby needed to be calmed before she could sit.  She was persuaded to go with the good spirit guides so they could help her look pretty for Frank.  She agreed, and she promised to return. 

Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked about Marisol's cousin in Puerto Rico.  She was very tired, and Nelson advised that she should try to do less at the spirit center.  She opened the center, she is the vice-president, she works as medium, and it was all too much for her.  Nelson was curious about a spiritual presence that sat at the same particular location every week.  He sat in a corner, wearing a white toga, and he pretended to be a spiritual guide - but he was not.  Who was he?  The spirit was creating problems, but the mediums never noticed him, even though he wanted to control what went on in the temple. 
He was able to control things at the center by saying things that were not real.  This created problems and made Marisol's cousin look like a fool.   She was the last piece of his puzzle, and if this spirit could get rid of her, he would control everything. Nelson described the spirit as elevated but evil.  As soon as Nelson said this, he was immediately corrected by the good spirits.  The spirit in that center was there to stop what was happening.  The mediums were not questioning the spirits properly, and they were receiving false answers.  The elevated spirit was not evil.  He described himself to Nelson as a "Judge of Law."  He wanted to protect Marisol from going to that center - regardless of what her family was telling her to lure her to Puerto Rico. 

The elevated spirit understood that his message was confusing.  Nelson did not want the spirit to sit, but the spirit knew that he had to clarify who he was and what he wanted us to know.  He spoke in a deep, formal voice with precise words:
Spirit: I am an elevated spirit.  There are times when forceful words must be said with conviction.  This friend here (Marisol), you have been questioning, but there isn't anyone to ask.  So I came here to give you the message (about her cousin).  You have realized that some things were not done in God's name and under divine law (at the center in Puerto Rico).  Always keep one eye open.  If someone states something incorrectly, you should tell them that it is the wrong thing to say.  We must be careful of those mediums who say they have powers that do not exist. 

The spirit spoke with authority and then he quietly vanished.  Nelson's guide had a message for Gabe:  "Please, if you are not in love with someone, let them fly.  Do not hold onto it, because if it is not the same route, you hurt yourself.  But if you want to walk together, it is okay.  You do not know what you want, you go up and down."

Nelson closed with a prayer.

Chicago - February 21, 2016

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Erika, Esperanza, Isabel, Jeff, Maricela, Marisol, Milargos, Nelson, Ron, Sonia and Xaver. 
Nelson mentioned an autistic cousin (Fernando) and his niece (Mirelsa).  Fernando was autistic, but his mother did not want to put him into a home.  Mirelsa recently had her medication changed by the doctor, and it worsened her mental condition.  Nelson said he felt useless.  "I know I can contribute or do  something," he said, "but I just feel like I am not doing anything spiritually or materially to help." 
Bernardo asked for prayers for his sister (Monserrat) who had been bitten by a dog. 
Marisol read the prayer for those who are ill, the prayer for loved ones who have moved on, and Nelson read the prayer for obsessors (spirits who become preoccupied or fixated).  Nelson sensed a large group of spirits situated all around the room.  They all seemed to be insane.  One of them cautioned, "Be more careful with the ones outside, instead of those locked up."  Marisol and Nelson heard the spirit group discussing why they were all present at our session.  Some of the comments:
"They want pity - charity - from us?"
"We are attacking those you spoke of earlier."
"Our group is with his (Xaver's) mother."
Spirit 1 (via Nelson): Xaver explained that he had observed the group of spirits around his mother.  Marisol began to feel hot and uncomfortable.  She wanted to strip everything off.  A spirit decided to speak through Nelson:
Spirit (strong and confident): Nobody remembers us unless we bother them.  (laughed and extended his arms wide) And then it's Loco!  Loco! Loco!  We are all nuts (more laughter) and when you are crazy, nobody wants to see you.
(Marisol and Carmen counseled the spirit in Spanish)
Spirit: The whole world treated us bad - they would not even look at us, as if we were contagious!  I am tired, very tired, of dealing with crazy people.  Even the pills don't work anymore.  (pause)  We get in everywhere.  Those doctors are crazier than us.  We want vengeance!  We cower in a corner and you spit on us!  We keep score of all the crazy people, it's a win for our side.  We move from one house to another to drive people crazy.  We leave a group behind to continue the work when we move on to another household.  We are a big group.  (looked at Sonia)  You see us sometimes, and so does he (Xaver).  I can even tell him in English, because we have no barriers here.
Marisol: Listen to the one next to you, holding out his hand with love and compassion.
Spirit (sadly):  I understand.  We hear and we have to leave.  We cannot return to those households.  (to Xaver) Young one!  We have left your home.  I am taking 45 away.  For the rest, the other households, I will tell you now - it's 2400 in total.  All crazy like me.  One more message for all of you.  When you see a nut, don't spit on him or hit him.  We will go.  Anywhere is better than the hell we have been in...
The spirit stood and stretched his arms over his head, exclaiming, "Goodbye from the crazy ones!"  After he was gone, Nelson asked Xaver about his mother.  Xaver said she was better, but Nelson was shown that there were times when she convulsed and cried (Nelson demonstrated).  There was a spirit present who was angry at Xaver for attending our sessions and trying to help his mom.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson said the spirit stood behind Xaver's mom.  The spirit takes over Xaver's mother (Xaver has seen him) and Nelson described him as a very powerful energy - a monster. Nelson understood that Xaver's mom almost married another man (instead of Sonia's son, Xaver's current father), and this man died.  His spirit was the one around the mother now.  Nelson could not let the spirit sit, as he was too strong, so the spirit spoke from a position behind Nelson: 
Spirit: She might not be mine, but she will not be with anyone else.  She will always be crazy, until I decide it's over.  She belongs to me!  To me!  She belongs only to me.  She's mine!
Sonia: She is not who you are looking for...
Spirit: I have been with her since he (Xaver) was born!  He would have been our son.  That's why he sees me.  I make that man (Xaver's father) leave the house.  They think it's him, but it's me.
Nelson (to Xaver): They are moving him.  Out of the house.  But he will not go until you say goodbye to him.  (Xaver does it)  He is crying because he will no longer see you.  The guides are promising to bring him back, as he has something that he wants to say to you.  Only you.  He is being taken away in shackles.  He doesn't want to go.
Spirits 3 & 4 (via Carmen): Carmen had been studying the spirit related to Bernardo's sister (Monserrat) ever since her name was mentioned at the beginning of the session.  The spirit moved forward to speak through Carmen:
Spirit (distressed): I wanted to be first, but I waited.  (to Bernardo)  Why did you have to bring me?  I am ready to take her (Bernardo's sister), and she is ready to go. I'm almost done, and now you interfered!  I came with her to work with her (passing spirits), but she did not allow it.  (sadly)  I'm not going to work with her.  If she would have given me her hand, things would have been different.  They have destroyed her.  She was given the opportunity to defend herself spiritually, but she did not accept my help.  She put me aside.  I could not realize the work that I was supposed to do with her.
Nelson: Listen to those friends around you.  They will explain where you are going, so that you can be educated and try again.
Spirit: She was so stubborn.  She didn't want to be a medium, so I was showing her spirits all night long to persuade her.  I am sad and suffering.  I wash my hands of her and what is mine - I leave it behind.
Carmen's spirit guide arrived to cleanse her. 
Spirits 5 & 6 (via Marisol): Marisol had been observing a spirit that was with Nelson's niece (Mirelsa).  She wanted to possess and control the niece, forcing her to live a life that the spirit wanted to live.  When the spirit took over Mirelsa's body, the niece felt dizzy, and she was unable to remember the experience.  As with the other spirits today, this was an obsessor spirit.  The female spirit was flirtatious, sexy and angry:
Spirit (very calmly): Well, now that I have a body...(strikes a sexy pose)...why not?  This is what I wanted!  I don't like these clothes very much.  My girl is pretty.
Nelson: What is it you like about her?
Spirit: She's my girl.  Easy to use.  Still my girl.
Nelson: Look at where you come from...
Spirit: No, I just want to live my life now.  With my girl.
Nelson: I think you were her mother.  And I think you were selling her.
Spirit: Brothel, you might call it.  She was my girl, a pretty girl.  I have to keep using her.
Nelson: You want to be with her, but she reincarnated and you did not.  Do you understand?
Spirit: I don't like what you are saying.  She turned against me.
Nelson:  One night she left - with the guy who paid the most money for her.
Spirit: I will do with her what I please!  When she left, I didn't do too well. 
Nelson: Forgive her.
Spirit: Her body is not mine, they tell me.  (sigh)  I have done things with her body that she doesn't know what she did.  I'm sorry.  I've done things that were not good.  I will leave now and no longer take her.
Instead of Marisol's guide arriving to cleanse her, a spirit guide related to Cando (Marisol's uncle who passed) replaced the previous spirit.  It was Cando's mother:
Spirit (to Nelson): Thank you for doing the work, and to Sonia for opening the door.  These spirits (the obsessors) can do damage and take lives.  We must bring them to the light.  (to Carmen)  Thank you for getting involved in things you should not, as it helps to resolve things.  But you need to stop.  Stop!  One of those obsessors can take you over, and you will end up in an institution.  As for Raquel, pray for her often.  I will come again if I am given permission.  You must walk with the truth - front, back, up and down, all around.
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Another obsessor spirit had been bothering Jeff all week.  The spirit came from the  negative thoughts of Jeff's sister.  He decided to sit through Nelson, but he refused to look at or listen to Jeff:
Spirit: I hate him!  I don't want to share with him anymore.  All my life, share!  Share!  If I get rid of him, I will no longer need to share anything
Jeff: Why are you resentful?  What have I done? 
Spirit (to Marisol): Do you hear a dog barking?  That's what I hear - I do not hear him.  Even the love of a grandma.  I couldn't share her, because she never loved me - only him.  I have been looking for her and I cannot find her.  I don't want to share anymore.
Marisol: What will you do when you have it all? 
Spirit:  Listen, I have a plan. Can you help me?  We will lock him in a car and put it on some train tracks, and then, BOOM!
Marisol: You do not need material things because you do not have a material body.  What is your relationship with him?
Spirit: He is my enemy!  What do I have to do to convince you?  (whispers)  He wants everything I have.  I will not talk to that barking dog any more.  I hate him.
Jeff: I love you.  Why are you so angry?
Spirit: What is wrong with you?  I DON'T LIKE YOU!  Is he the only one here who doesn't understand it?  She (Jeff's sister) and I had a pact, and I cannot leave until my job is done.
Jeff: There's a new assignment for you.  That job is over.
Marisol: Look, they will show you your body.
Spirit (reacting): Stop it, why are you bothering me?  She used me and I used her.  The other one (Jeff's mother) is almost gone - cuckoo!  cuckoo!  Fine, I'll go.  (to Jeff)  Don't think that you are free when I am gone.  She is already preparing someone else to take my place.  I didn't want to come, and I'm going.
After the spirit departed, Ron updated the group on the condition of his sister, and Sonia explained the new energy she was experiencing with her spirit guide.  Nelson closed with a prayer.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Puerto Rico - (Sat) January 21, 2017

In attendance: Alanis, Bey (Nelson's father), Bobby (Maribel's husband) Carmen, Christine, Diego, Enrique, Gabriella, Helvia, Jeff, Junior, Luis Jr, Luis Sr, Maribel, Milagros, Mary, Mia, Nilka, Nydia, Normita, Nelson, Rina and Yiri

Prior to the opening prayer, Nelson read three brief but significant selections from Divaldo Franco's book, Senderos de Liberacion.  After each passage, the group discussed what had been read.  (The entire book - in Spanish - is online here: http://www.luzespiritual.org/Libro/Senderosliberacion.pdf)

(from page 116): Reincarnation is most difficult lesson that humans endure.  The darkness of the material world, and the reality of our lives - who we really are - it stops us from being our true selves and confronting the reasons we are here.  We generate a lot of pain for ourselves.  So think twice before you act.

(from page 174): Planet earth is all about hard work and expiation of our prior life - but in reality, it's not.  It's similar to a school where we learn to develop the right attitudes and how to perfect the true value of the suffering we endure.  It is the place where we work and correct ourselves, and it provides us with everything we need for our own salvation.  But it's also the jail for those who refuse to find in themselves who they really are, and those who are always practicing the things that do not bring peace and harmony.

(from page 305): Mediumship is a pure thing that humans have.   It should be practiced with a pure sensibility and constantly. The mediumship that requires the most sensitivity is the one that cures.  The medium that cures transmits the good energy from the good spirits to the people who are suffering - but they do not have the right to use it for their own benefit or to sell it.  Jesus never charged those he cured.

We had plenty of good news to celebrate with gratitude.  After removing the spirits from Helvia's ex-husband last week, he emailed her to apologize for his harassmentt over the years.  Everyone in Maribel's family was doing well, and Yiri had a new job after just one interview.  Nelson said that his spirit guide, "had a wide smile, from ear to ear, over all of the progress."

Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  On Friday, it had been one week since Nelson's mother (Patria) was hospitalized.  Nelson's father had no method of transportation to visit her, so Nelson took him to see her.  When they walked into the room, after five days of being unresponsive, Patria opened her eyes for the first time and spoke to them.  She begged them to stop all of the surgeries, as she could no longer tolerate all of the constant pain.  Nelson's brother (Nestor) and sister (Lourdes) were making all of her medical decisions.  A group of female spirits arrived, and one of them serenely moved into Nelson to speak:
Spirit (calmly):  Everyone is asking my name, and I don't know it.  (more intense)  Nestor is not a saint!  Patria Lourdes is not a saint!  They are making the decisions.  It's all Lourdes, she is the evil one, always planning and involving Nestor.  It would be wonderful to bury her.  The father doesn't exist, they have no respect for him.  They laugh over what they have been doing, feeding him scraps (leftovers).  Go to sleep, terminado!  She is a devil!  Demon!  (imitated Lourdes)  Do what I tell you, do what I say, no one makes decisions here but me!  The others (Nelson, Junior and the father) are useless - I am doing it all!

(The spirit became louder and more agitated, as Junior and Nydia continued to counsel her)

Spirit: When you talk to her, face to face, she is such a saint, such a wonderful woman.  Then it's 'Do this!  Do that!  That's what she says, and she does nothing.  She only tells the others what to do.  (laughing)  We are planning a party for her, a big fiesta!  We want to take her, she is so evil.  Let the mother bury her own daughter!  Wouldn't it be funny if she went first?  She doesn't even know that she is being influenced. 
Bey: She is working six days a week, I don't understand the need.
Spirit: She lies to you.  It's all a lie!  She always has an excuse that everything on her hurts, a pain over here, another pain there.  She never has to visit the hospital, she just sends others.  Hypocrite!  She says she likes you, but she doesn't care.  I want her to be alone.  Solo!  She did that to me.  Alone!  She took all of my family away and put me in jail - and threw away the key!  Now she is the one who has been suffering for a long time.  Her family has moved away from her, suffer!  You are alone!  Suffer!  She sits alone and cries until she has no tears.  Cry!  Cry!  Demon!  But she will not change.  She has never had a female friend in her life, because like me, they know she will betray them.  We are tired of her, so we will leave her.  We are 68, all women.  Demon!

Spirits 2 & 3 (via Nydia):  The spirit's departure was as harsh as her words.  Almost immediately, Nilka and Nydia were shown that a new spirit was moving forward.  It was Norma (Nelson's aunt from this life), and she had promised our group on Wednesday that she would visit us.  She was thrilled to see her three daughters, her three grandchildren, and there were many tears.  She had messages for each daughter.  For Helvia, she wanted to show her how well things worked out with spiritism, and she encouraged her to continue on that road.  She told the group that she was filled with gratitude over our continued study of spiritism, calling it, "the philosophy of life."

Norma faded into the background, and Nydia's guide arrived to cleanse her and add some additional comments.  She spoke about the "claridad" (clarity) of spiritism, and as she spoke, her voice became louder and stronger, similar to a invigorating political speech.  At one point, Nydia's guide clasped Nelson's hands and said, "tu madre, tu padre."   

Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  It became apparent to Nelson that "tu madre, tu padre," was a way for the guide to introduce the next spirit - and it would be Norma's husband (Luis).  In this lifetime, Luis had his own center, but once he transitioned back into the spirit world - he was lost.  In a Chicago session, it was explained that the spirits would wake him up and immediately put him back to sleep, as he was obsessed with the welfare of his children and the material world. For seven years, he had not been able to progress in the spirit world. His wife (Norma) and his mom (Philomena) brought him in.  His three daughters were all here, along with his brother (Nelson's dad), and three of his grandchildren.  He had once helped Nelson develop as a medium, and now he was speaking through him.  He had messages for everyone, and he was very surprised and happy to see Bobby (Maribel's husband), as he tried many times to bring him into spiritism, and he had never succeeded.  Luis said, "Now I see him here, and I am happy that my words were not wasted."  There were tears everywhere.  Nydia told him that she was a spiritist and medium because of him.  He encouraged Diego (his grandson) to talk with him, but Diego was overwhelmed.  Luis told him, "You always wanted a conversation with me, and now we can have it - in spirit."  He also had a message for his only surviving brother, Nelson's father:
Spirit:  Look at you!  The one we were most worried about, the weakest, the less educated, and you are still there - and happy! - and I am not.  All of you can learn from this.  The ones you think are weak may not be.  I never thought that the first time I would speak from the spirit side would be through Nelson!  How sweet, how nice. It took me so long.  I was so worried over my daughters, my children, everyone.  It's so easy to say what you will do when they are still here and you are over there, but it's difficult to do it.  My first conversation with my family!  (very emotional, almost crying)  How beautiful it is to observe all of you!  And I have my wife and mother with me, along with other companions.
Junior: Caballito!
Spirit: No, that is not the name.
Junior: Aurelio!
Spirit: No, it is not that name.  (Nelson later explained that his uncle had two male companions with him)  Little by little, I am content. And now, I will start doing my job on the spirit side.

The spirit left quietly, and we also had some spiritual verification about his progress.  His four children have been trying to sell his house for several years.  After several years on the market, there were only minimal phone calls or showings from anyone interested in buying it.  This week, there were three potential buyers - all in one week.  The spirit of Luis told us that he had to learn to let go of the material before his spiritual work could begin.  Ironically, his house could not sell until he was willing to leave it behind.

Spirits 5 & 6 (via Nelson):  Caballito had asked Mary to bring her daughter (Mia) to the Saturday session, and he asked her, "Who is bothering you?"  It was difficult for Nelson/Caballito to persuade the twelve year old girl to say anything in front of our large group of strangers, but with some additional coaching, she shared some details.  Mia was being bothered by something that was both spiritual and material. The spirit around her was a very large, very dark black man.  Nelson later described him as 6'4" tall, and he weighed over 300 pounds.  Mia said that his "eyes were so white, the looked like two lights."  Nelson asked her about another man in Mia's house, but this one was material.  Mia and Mary were confused over who it might be.  The black spirit was a male madame, and he was on a mission to obtain the blood of a virgin girl.  He knew that Mia had started her period, and he wanted to collect some of her blood from her for a ritual.  The spirit could not extract the blood, so he needed a male from the material world to do it.  The spirit was tempting males from the material world to sexually extract the blood from Mia.  It was very a difficult issue to discuss with an embarrassed twelve year old.  The male spirit eventually sat through Nelson.

Nilka asked the black spirit, "Where are you?  Who are you with?"  The spirit said he was in a distinct locale, and that he was sent by a woman.  Mia's parents were divorced, but her father and mother (Mary) were attempting a reconciliation.  The mother of Mia's father (Mia's grandmother) did not want this to happen, and she was the one who sent the black spirit to Mia.  The spirit was very intelligent.  He told Nelson, "They may call me a big, ugly negro (un grande feo), but I am very good at my work.  I need that blood to attract the other spirits who give me my power."  Nelson was shown that Mia's grandmother belonged to a group who needed the blood of a virgin girl to put on small glass slide, as part of some ceremony.  It was Mia's grandmother who wanted the blood of her grandchild, and she sent the black spirit to influence a material world man into finding a way to get it.  The spirit agreed to depart, and he said he had 30 others with him, and the group of 31 would leave together.  After some additional prompting, the spirit agreed to also take eight other black spirits who were with him.

Once the spirits were gone, Nilka gave passes to Mia.  The group discussed the situation, with Nydia wondering, "Is it a consequence of our actions when these spirits arrive?"  Nelson advised Mary not to leave her daughter alone with any male - including Mia's father. 

Spirit 7 (via Nilka):  Nilka was studying a new spirit, and she thought it was related to Mirelsa, one of Rina's daughters.  It became apparent to Nilka that the spirit was with the other daughter, Yiri. 
Nilka: She has a male companion with her, and he is not from this lifetime.
Nelson: Is it an older male?  I have seen him around her for about three years, but he would never sit.
Nilka: Yes.  (the quiet spirit of the elderly old man arrived)
Spirit:  I love to play with her hair, it is so beautiful.
Nelson: So what is your problem with her?
Spirit: I do not have a problem with her, and I am with her all the time.  So beautiful.  She's quiet and nice, but she doesn't listen to anyone.  I guide her.  I am there to guide her but she never listens, and I am tired of her.  I will let her make her own decisions...

The spirit struggled as he left.  Nelson asked Luis Sr how he was doing (very well), and Caballito advised, "Now that you have opened that door (to spiritism), don't close it."  Caballito also encouraged him to resolve any lingering issues with his ex-wife (Eva).  "Whatever she does, it is hers, "Caballito continued, "you are headed in the right direction, so let her be responsible for her own issues."

Spirit 8 (via Nydia):  A spirit passed into Nydia and it was related to Eva.  "She needs more humility," the spirit said, "because she is stubborn and rigid, and wants everyone to do what she says."  The spirit had a basket of eggs with her, and Nelson asked, "What is that basket of eggs all about?"
Spirit: Each egg has a meaning.  They are filled with her emotions (the spirit carefully placed a small egg that only she could see on the table).  Look at it (cupping her hands delicately over the egg).  Look at them.  Eggs filled with evil, madness, anger, misery, indecisions, and her desires to get people to do what she wants.  There are 17 eggs here.  There is no egg for happiness.

Normita helped Nelson coach the spirit.  Nelson asked Luis Jr when he last spoke with his mother (Eva), and it became apparent to the group that Luis was experiencing some sort of spiritual trauma.  He was possessed by some sort of malevolent spirit, and Caballito moved to where Luis was seated:
Caballito (speaking directly to the spirit):  Why are you so cynical?  Will you not accept conditions as they are?  (to the group)  It's all spiritual.  He has a friend with him who is not happy.  He is being prepared (to be a medium), and he is with a spirit.  I am going to remove him.

(Caballito took both of Luis' hands, and said, "Tranquillo!" Luis snapped his fingers once and clapped his hands.  Caballito returned to his seat to address the group regarding Luis)
Caballito: He is in the process of developing his mediumship, but he needs direction.  (Nelson will speak more with Luis Jr on Tuesday)  Have you ever seen the tiny bugs - what are they called, mosquitos? - when they are attracted to a light bulb?  As he develops his mediumship, every spirit is attracted to his light.  It's a process, and it is not easy.  But his guide is here, and he is a big force.

Spirit 9 (via Normita):  Normita's spirit guide appeared briefly to add an additional comment:
Spirit: You are not alone.  Do it, do your development with help from this group.  If you need help, call.

Caballito (to Luis Jr):  My friend, let me talk to you (Luis had recovered, and he moved closer to the table).  This is serious.  It's delicate and strong.  Once you open that door (to mediumship), your life is never the same.  In that moment, your guide with express himself, to communicate with you. 
Nydia: I see your guide.  He's a bohemian, very similar to you.
Caballito (to Luis Sr):  Dad, do you understand?  Do you also understand, Christine?  You are bohemian.  Being free brings you happiness.  (to Jeff)  When did I meet him (Luis Jr)?  Over a year ago?
Jeff: A couple of years ago, at the center in Chicago.
Caballito:  But I first spoke to him at your house.  I told him his mediumship was not a fast race.  I told him it was a steady pace.  (Luis Jr returned to his seat
Caballito (to Helvia):  Did you enjoy hearing from you mom today?  You are afraid to become a medium like she was, but one day you will say, 'Don't take me to a party or a dance, I want to attend a spirit session.'
Jeff: I want to be there for that.
Caballito: Maybe you will be!  Write it down.

Caballito asked Mia to move closer.  Holding the folded towel above her eyes, he asked her to look directly into his eyes.  Next, he asked her mother (Mary) to do the same thing. Caballito also had some work to do with Jeff.  Jeff's family was trying to get to him, and Caballito wanted to put a wall up between the family members and Jeff, so that their attempts would not succeed.  He held the towel over Jeff's heart.
Junior: Why the heart?
Caballito:  It is the place of love.  I am giving him the most powerful love - some spiritual love.
Nilka: I see his guide with him.  He is a very noble spirit.

Caballito asked Normita about Carmen, our eldest member.  He said she had many spirit friends with her, and they were beneficial.  There was a male presence that offered her comfort.  He asked Diego what was tormenting him.  Diego had brought someone new with him, and she had to leave.  Would it be okay? Caballito asked if it could be delayed for a few more minutes.  He asked the name of the girl (Gabriella), and said that she had a "grand curiosity" over spiritism.  He encouraged her to attend our Tuesday session.

Caballito (to the group):  Are you wondering why I have continued to stand?  I have many spiritual friends here with me, and they are moving around the room to clean everyone.  They need to see me, and when I stand, it is easier for them.  I am thankful that you have allowed me to do my work.  My work is my life, and without my work, I have no life.

The group recited the closing prayer in unison

Just A Thought

"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...