Thursday, August 25, 2016

Florida - May 12, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
After the opening prayer, Jackie read a selection from "The Teachings of Silver Birch".  Nelson said the reading confirmed what he thought - we are often more concerned with passing the spirits than listening and helping them.  Even if they only have one word to say, the job of the mediums is to let they say what they need to say, without judgement.  Other spirits are often around our table, watching and learning the process.
Nelson sensed a group of madames who were listening to our session.  One of them was laughing, and she explained, "That's what people like, advice on the lotto, on men, or what job to take.  That's why this place is empty, and I am always full.  We help the souls that nobody wants to help."  The madames knew they were spirits, but the one speaking carried herself with more authority than the others.  She laughed at Jeff, telling him that writing things down did not mean that people would listen.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  The spirit was searching for her cards when she passed into Nelson:
Spirit: When I sit, everybody listens.  I know just how and where to put those cards.
Jeff: You are telling them things that are not true...
Jackie: So you can get more money.
Spirit: You know!  So you are one of us?
Astrid: You are telling your truths, not ours.
Spirit: If I tell them the truth, they won't come back.  I need the money.  You have no idea.
Jeff: You are hurting people, not helping them.
Spirit: They are telling me it's time for another place...
Astrid: And better things...
Jackie: And that's what we do.
Spirit: I have to say this.  I started like you people, and it was too much sacrifice and not enough benefit.
Astrid: You wanted the power, but the money was not right.
Spirit: There are a lot like me here.  (pause) They say we do so much harm.
Astrid: You will start a new life today.
Spirit: I cannot see the cards because I don't need them anymore.  We all start the right way, but there are so many temptations.  I liked the money.  We will all go together and have a better opportunity.  Tell this guy (Nelson) thank you for letting this crazy lady sit.  Thank you.  (Astrid realized she knew this spirit, and she motioned to Santiago)  You know who I am?
The spirit left abruptly, and Nelson said that she was great medium when she was alive, and Astrid agreed.  She took 105 other spirits with her who were not at her level, describing them as "mediums of the streets".  Astrid explained that the spirit was her aunt by marriage, a brilliant woman who could not read or write, so she memorized the prayers as she needed them.  Her spot at the table was in the exact same seat where Nelson was now.  Nelson's spirit guide advised the table to, "Learn from this, as it can happen to anyone." 
There was a short silence, and the candlelight grew dimmer, as if it might be extinguished.  A very dark black tribe was stepping forward to speak from behind Nelson.  They wondered why nobody heard them or helped them.  They felt rejected and wondered why. "As for water, we have none.  We get close to people so they will feel what we feel (a stomach that is always bad), and nobody knows what it is.  We ask them to be kind - in different dialects - and still we are out in the sun too long."  Santiago sensed that they might be from New Orleans, while Jackie sensed Africa.  Nelson said it was South Africa, and he drew the location.  (Note: After checking a map, Nelson confirmed that this tribe lived on the border of Namibia and South Africa, in a town called "Alexander Bay".)  Nelson asked Frank if his grandmother was born in England, and she was. 
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson began to move and wiggle in his chair, waving his hands over his head as the spirit moved forward to sit through him:
Spirit: Woo-woo-woo!  (the spirit rubbed both arms as if he was hot)  Some water.  Some water?  Some water...
Jackie: They will bring some.  You were asking to be heard, and we are here.
Spirit (stuttering and speaking softly with his head bowed): My lips are burned, madam.  Madam, we were not allowed to speak to you, madam.  (covered his mouth)  We will be punished.
Jackie: You are protected and considered equal here.
Spirit: Thank you for saying that, madam.  Madam, I am afraid.  We cannot put our head up.  Very difficult, madam.  My lips are burned, I need something to calm it.  They are going to use a communicator to translate.  We did not mean any harm.  Our presence was harming.  (looked at Frank)  I don't like him, he is a bad white man.  They used to burn me.
Jackie: That was another time, not now.
Spirit: They also used a whip (the candlelight on the table dimmed again).  They almost broke my legs.
Jackie: Look deeper, he is not the same person.
Spirit: I know the family, they are not good.  (sputtering)  Chicamonga!  You will not understand.  It means the one who abuses.  (Note:  The word means "River of Death" in Cherokee)  I don't want to look at him, but we found him.  I wanted to call him a monkey because he used to call me that. 
Astrid: Tell us what you feel.
Spirit: All we wanted was to be treated equally.  We did the work, but it didn't matter - they hit you anyway.  He's putting something on my lips.  Cocoa.  (looked at Jeff)  I don't like him either.  The cocoa on my lips feels good.  (looks at Jackie)  So you were one of the ladies who helped us?  I had to come, I wanted him to know this.
Jackie: It's time for you and your group to move on...
Spirit: Can I put my head up?  It was always down.  It feels good.  I've wanted that for so long.  Little things.  My head up, because I am proud of who I am.  It's okay to be black.  I am going - with my head up - to a better place.  I used to tell them, they could hit me all they wanted but not them.  I had 14 children (lowering his voice) with six women. I will take the whole tribe with me, the whole tribe of 111. 
The spirit departed, and Nelson was made aware that in a previous life, Frank was born in the same location as the tribe.  His mother from that existence was never able to say goodbye to Frank, and her spirit was here now.  Nelson described her "as a pistol", with pale white skin, and dark hair and eyes.  Nelson began to snap his fingers as he explained, "She was the one running the place (snap-snap-snap!) but Frank's dad wanted him to do the work, to become what he was...
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): The spirit of Frank's previous mother arrived, and she spoke through Nelson:
Spirit: We couldn't talk back much, the husbands decided everything.  I did this very quietly.  I sent my son (Frank) away, on a vacation to see my mother in England.  I sent her notes, telling her not to send him back, I would come to get him.  I would join him in England.  I had already sent my other son.  No son of mine would ever do this (referring to her husband).  I never got there.  (the spirit became agitated and nervous)  A storm.  It came and they tried!  They tried!  It was too late.  We all went down.  I have been looking for him for so long.  He looks different, but he is still white - and he has my hair!  I know he is my son.  So long, but he is my son. 
Astrid: It's the same soul in a different body.  (softly)  You died when the boat went down.
Spirit: I swam and swam and never got anywhere.  It makes me happy to see him.  He has my other son - his brother! - with him now.  They are still together!  (the spirit clapped her hands and cried)  Still together! 
Jackie:  They are together and doing well.
Spirit (to Frank): Forgive me.  I did what I thought was best...
Frank: I understand.
Spirit: I am looking deep into those eyes.  (began to cry again)  That is my son, my baby!  I am so sorry I left you, and I am so happy to see you.  Whatever they say I need to do to see him again, I will do it.  I'm never letting go again.  I'm coming for you again, I will never let go.  Whatever it is, I'm ready.   Another two mothers will come with me.  We all sent our sons away.  I am ready to work!  I want to be with the others again.  It was hard to get here, but I want to tell them that once you do it, it's easy.  (to Frank)  I am going to look at your heart and give you a kiss...until next time.
As the spirit faded, Nelson explained that Frank's mother would only consume half of the water or rations she was given, taking the rest to the slaves at night.  One of these slaves helped her and the others board the boat.  All three mothers spent the trip hiding behind a fake wooden wall on the ship, with only a small hole of light.  When it was safe to come out, the slave would cover the tiny hole of light.  The slave would consume only half of what he was given, saving the rest for the three mothers - as Frank's mother had once done for him.  Only the slave and the captain knew that the three women were aboard. 
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  As Nelson was speaking, his spirit guide slipped in to speak to the group:
Spirit: You like these stories as much as I do.  Dedicate your life to the real work, and you can receive the real compensation.  When you depart, if you have done the real work, your compensation will be much greater.  You will be surprised at the things you receive.  The real happiness is free.  There is always more work to be done, and very few places are doing it.  Please keep these doors open.  I am leaving for a little bit, but he (Nelson) will be back.  He has that attachment to family, as we showed you today.
For Frank: You feel that things are not well, not going your way?  Remember what happened today, and you will feel some comfort.  The love of the one you helped today will not allow you to punish yourself.  I have to be direct, right?  That stops today, no more punishing yourself.  Say, 'I will be okay, and I don't have to punish myself'. 
For Jeff: Your mom still loves you, it's just different.  When you are not around, and she is alone, she says, 'That's my boy, Jeffy.'  She doesn't think your love is where she thinks it should be.  It's like someone else at this table who used to say things, and now her tone has changed...
For Astrid: There was no need to punish yourself any longer.  That's the theme of today, no more punishment from you to yourself.
For Jackie: Don't feel bad because you couldn't do what you wanted.  It was not the right time.  It will come.  Don't punish yourself, it was not in your hands. 
For Santiago: I have a message for the sleepy one.  Sleepy, listen carefully!  Sometimes it's okay to be strong with the ones we love, even if that love changes because of what you say.  You have free will to say what you feel.  Don't be angry, say it with love and a smile.  You need to do that with someone close to you.  She needs to be awakened and I will leave it at that.
Jackie closed with a prayer.

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