Saturday, August 27, 2016

Chicago - April 19, 2015

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff, Marisol, Milargros, Nelson, Ron and Sonia 
After the opening prayer, Marisol asked that the prayer for the fallen ones also be read.  Gabe read it aloud, and his voice attracted a group of dancing female spirits.  These women were "all over the place" in his apartment, dancing suggestively and trying to seduce Gabe with their sexual movements.  Gabe had sensed one (or more) of them near his head while lying in bed.  A spirit moved forward and spoke through Nelson.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  "What are you doing reading books about the dead? Mine!  You are mine!"  The spirit was dancing in her seat, and at one point, she sang some of the words to the song she heard.  The spirit was very possessive of Gabe, insisting that he should be alone only with her.  After some counseling from the table, the spirit was on the verge of crying.  When she looked deeper at Gabe, the spirit realized he was not the man she thought.  Once she calmed down, she decided to leave.  The spirit explained that she was part of a group of 12 dancers, and all of them would go.
Nelson asked Marisol if there was a specific name in her mind when the prayer for the fallen ones was read.   Marisol said she hoped it would help all of the spirits who had passed.  As she spoke, Marisol began to cough.  She realized that an unhealthy spirit in pain had arrived, and this spirit was connected to Milargros.  Was the spirit also possibly related to Milagros mother?  Marisol sensed a violent passing, and she smelled a foul odor of death.  Milargos confirmed that she had experienced the same odor around her mom - since 2012 when the spirit had passed. 
Spirit 2 (via Marisol):  As the spirit moved into Marisol, he angrily hit the table with both fists and spoke to Milargros. "You are mine!  I control everything and I AM NOT DEAD," he shouted.  The spirit continued to wheeze and cough.  "I am feeling hot - very hot! - and I just want to get rid of this cough..."  It was determined that the spirit had passed quickly, from HIV/AIDS.  Nelson walked closer to stand near the spirit, explaining that he was a friend who wanted to help.  "I died before my time," the spirit sadly confided, "and I had my own free will.  Milargros was the best I had, and I treated her wrong."  The spirit died when he was 36 years old.  He understood his situation and eventually apologized, explaining that although his hands were now clean, he needed to go with the good spirits to be fully cleansed. 
Spirit 3 (via Marisol):  After the spirit departed, Marisol's exuberant spirit guide arrived.  Smiling broadly, she clapped her hands and thanked everyone for the work.  As usual, her arrival was a celebration of what had been done.  Nelson told the group that it was also a confirmation that with faith and love, the spirits would help all of us - but it would not be when we want it, it would only be when the help was needed.
Nelson sensed a military commander who was a strong leader in the material world, and now he had the same responsibilities in the spiritual world.  The spirit showed himself to Nelson with a stiff, creased uniform, a thick mustache, and a green military beret.  Denise and Gabe thought it might be Saddam Hussein's second in command (who had recently died), and Gabe sent Nelson a photo that confirmed it:  This spirit looked down at our table with a superior formality, and Nelson displayed his rigid posture as he spoke:
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  The spirit spoke slowly in a very authoritative voice: "Nobody stood when I walked in," he commented.  "So why are you asking what I did?  I followed my orders and that was my duty.  Why point the finger at me, I did not do anything except follow orders."  The spirit pointed his finger as he spoke, while Carmen softly counseled him in Spanish.  "Be ready for something that no one is expecting," the spirit continued, as if was explaining a battle plan to a confused audience, "and be careful where you go.  Use caution, as many things can happen in an instant.  I am a friend, but I am not used to this.  Other places have received the same message, but it was not taken seriously.  And there is a lot coming. I will be here as a friend, and I will be coming back...."  As the spirit faded, Marisol encouraged our table to pray for peace around the world.  Instead of prayers for only ourselves or those around us, we should think of the larger good - the earth, other countries, and the continued conflicts around the world.
Carmen wanted to mention her recently deceased brother (or Nelson brought it up).  Nelson understood that the brother passed with a lot of unfinished business.  Carmen thought his funeral was unusual.  (Note: Seventh Day Adventists believe that all who die enter an unconscious state referred to as soul sleep.  The deceased remain in that state until the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  When Jesus eventually appears, all of the righteous will be gathered, including those who are in the unconscious state and those who are alive at that time.  God then will provide an eternal home for those who have been redeemed.)
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Nelson knew that Carmen's brother had no idea he was dead.  Still earthbound, the brother was continuously counting out $100 bills that didn't exist.  He was worried about losing his money, and he was angry that his family had already purchased a new car - and had incurred a $200 ticket.  He was also worried over the relationship with his wife and daughters.  It was suggested that Carmen try to help him rid himself of his material world thoughts - or he would never progress spiritually.
Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  The remorseful spirit of Marisol's father had arrived.  "What I wouldn't give for a second chance," he said.  The father was still searching for his deceased wife, as he was seeking her forgiveness.  When they were together in the material world, he never realized the pain he created, and now he was unable to locate his wife in the spiritual world to tell her.  As the spirit spoke, he tapped the table and his foot.  He began to cry.  "The worst errors are the ones you cannot fix," he warned the group, "learn to love one another so you do not make the same mistakes.  Help each other, and when it is your time to go, you can go with a smile instead of tears."  An elderly spirit guide had brought Marisol's father to our table, and this guide was now encouraging him to leave.  The father left, but he told Marisol that he was determined to "one day, find your mom."  He also reminded the group to pray.
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Another spirit arrived immediately, and Nelson later stated that he had no idea who the elevated presence was - as his energy was unfamiliar. His message seemed to be a continuation of the advice offered by Marisol's father - so he may have been the guide who had accompanied him:  "Prepare yourselves to go across.  It's like a river. You can see the other side, and it looks easy to cross - but it is not.  Open your heart to find compassion and health.  Enjoy what you have, but do not worry about it.  What do you call it - pesos?  Those pesos will not help you cross the river.  With a good heart and a clear mind, you can cross that river in an instant.  Pray for those who need it, not for cars, money or trips.  We have priests here who think they are still priests, and yet they died from sickness. (Note: An ironic comment with the passing of a Catholic cardinal on the same day as our session.)  You will find healing for your own problems.  There are lots of things in the world that are not where or what they need to be - and we are working very hard.  The selfishness of humans is stopping the work.  Another war or tragedy, a loss of innocent lives, will not help.  Pray for those events not to happen.  It's more delicate than you think."
Spirit 8 (via Nelson):  The previous spirit was quietly replaced by Nelson's spirit guide: "We are cleaning around the room," he explained, "to help those who were not here today.  Thank you for allowing me to say a few words and do the work."  Caballito also had some brief messages.
For Jeff: "Turn the volume down a little.  Everything will be okay.  Some people are going to be indifferent.  You may not find things in Florida the way you like them.  Smile anyway.  Everyone may be in different situations."     
For Isabel: "He didn't want me to sit, but I needed to do my work."  (The towel was used to cleanse her.)
For Milargros (after Sonia brought a bottle of water to the table):  Caballito passed his hand above the bottle.  The water was only material, and now that it was energized, Milargros was instructed to drink it (not chilled, but warm) at night. 
For Sonia: "Some people do not like what you do, but it's part of what you do - just little rocks along the road.  Keep doing what you are doing, and it will all work out." 
For everyone: "I am leaving the table in good hands.  I will still be here, watching.  I do not belong to any one person.  Continue doing the good work.  Marisol, do not hesitate to invite that someone you want to invite - as they are welcome.  I wanted to sit because you will not hear me until he (Nelson) gets back.  Wonderful things will happen right here.  I need this group to flourish and grow."
Nelson closed with a prayer. 

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