Thursday, August 25, 2016

Chicago - April 12, 2015

(Note: These notes were authored by Denise)

Attendees: Sonia, Marisol, Carmen, Denise, Isabel
Guests: Bernardo, Milagros

After the opening prayer, Denise placed on the table a request that was asked for from Sonia. Some members of the church have requested a meeting with Sonia about having meetings or services at the church. Denise requested that Sonia received the guidance that she was searching for in regards to the request.  Marisol received a message stating that spiritists need to be more protected through prayer. We are the ones the most affected. For example, attacking the soldiers, the war can be lost.  Difficult times are ahead and we need to be protected with prayer.

For Carmen - difficult times are coming for her daughter; as she is being attacked spiritually

For Denise - there will be trouble with family whether she lives there or not

For Sonia - Her son will be more impacted with your grandson

For Nelson & Jeff - Nelson wants to make a decision but is not sure and it's affecting his spiritual work (re: property in Chicago and family in P.R.)

For Mia - has a strong belief in this work but questions herself if she should be with us or with the another group.  She has a decision, but not one of faith.

Sonia further added for Denise that the decision was hers to make. She has to say what she wants and then put it into action. The decision will affect the rest of her life. She needs to figure what is the best for her(which is to move out) and to put it into action.

SPIRIT #1 (through Marisol):This spirit is with Marisol's husband and wants to destroy him.  He wants her husband to be alone and is upset because Marisol puts things in balance and to think things through and not act impetuously. After much counseling he asked for forgiveness and left crying.

SPIRIT #2 (through Carmen):
This spirit is with Millie but is not a negative spirit but instead the spirit of her grandmother.  During an earlier conversation, Millie related that after Cando's center had closed she had contracted Mersa that affected first her lungs and then her nose.  She had been sick for more than two years but the cause was not discovered until after the close of the center. Her grandmother came to let her know that she was always around protecting her.  She wants to see her safe, happy, and healthy and encourages her to keep moving forward into the light.

SPIRIT #3 (through Marisol):
This spirit is one of the guides that assisted Cando. The spirit thanked Sonia for opening the doors to the Temple so that the work could continue.  He was very contented to see Carmen continuing the work here. He also let us know that they work also in silence and that there are no coincidences and more are coming. When the doors closed, there are many who were lost in their homes, but will receive help in finding the new Temple and they will continue cleansing the path so that the work can continue.

He also touched on the concern Denise brought to the table earlier. He stated that it had to be studied and we won't be able to say no, but we will be there to clean those minds - they are mistaken. He also told us that working together in prayer we are united and strong. We need to do things in peace and love to forget the offenses all they do is cause harm and illness.

Prayers are being sent to Isabel's brother who is having kidney problems and has been told by his doctor to stop drinking.

Closing Prayer

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