Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Chicago - March 17, 2015

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff, Juan, Maricela, Marisol, Mia, Nelson and Sonia 

After the opening prayer, Marisol wanted to express her gratitude to the guides who always watch over us, protecting and assisting.  She appreciated all of the spiritual help she received last week with her real estate transaction and her successful trip back and forth to Ohio.
Carmen wanted to put the name of her brother on the table.  He is in a wheelchair with diabetes and other concerns.  Nelson and Marisol sensed that he would not have his current health issues if he would have found inner peace by forgiving himself for the errors that he had made in his life.

Nelson asked Sonia to speak about her vacation to Puerto Rico.  Nelson said that she was not alone on her flight back.  He envisioned her surrounded by spirits, and Sonia was carrying the baggage for all of them.  "She got into things that were not her business," Marisol sensed, and Carmen added that her intentions were good, but Sonia should not have not gotten involved.  Nelson asked her, "What was it that you went to solve?"  Sonia had hoped that her niece would understand that her mom was an educational resource.  Instead, the mother and the niece both seemed to resent Sonia's involvement.

Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson knew that the spirits surrounding Sonia's niece were filled with anger and hate.  Their firm grasp restricted her ability to function or reason.  Nelson sensed a spirit emerging from a dark cavern.  As the spirit moved into Nelson, it caused him to stand up and ask: "Where am I?"  The spirit was dressed all in black, with a tight fitting black cap.  Referring to Sonia's niece, the spirit laughed, "She is more dead than alive."  The spirit explained that in a previous life, Sonia's niece was the leader of their group, and she still had "many secrets".  Sonia and Marisol counseled the spirit, eventually causing it to ask:  "So what are you going to do with us?  I can't even see myself.  I am scared and I'm cold.  Where am I?  I am even sick.  Everything hurts.  We were looking for the boss - where is she?"   The spirit was encouraged to move towards the light.  "Where are they going to take me?" the spirit wondered, "I am tired of being sick and this rotten smell - phew - take it away.  Away.  Tell her to remember and pray for us.  The time has come.  He is going to take off my cap.  I can't see myself with it on.  (the cap was removed)  How sad to see my bones.  I am going to go into that light and I am taking all of that luggage with me.  It is packed with secrets. I am taking eight bags with me and my cap.  Forgive me.  I only wanted to find a little light."

After the spirit departed, Nelson asked Sonia who was the father of her niece.  Sonia said it was a man her sister met a long time ago, and he had passed away.  Nelson asked, "Are you sure that he is the father?"  Sonia was unsure, and Nelson explained that the real father was one of the secrets contained in the baggage.  The real father of the niece was another man.  The niece knew this man, and so did Sonia.  Nelson cautioned the group that by keeping secrets, we give them power that can lead to resentment and anger once they are revealed.

Marisol felt as if someone had a sore throat.  Was it someone at the table or maybe one of their family members?  This person also had suicidal thoughts.  It was someone still in the material world who was angry and desperate.  Carmen realized it was the brother who was ill that she mentioned earlier.  Marisol sensed that he was afraid to die, but he was also sick of suffering.  The thoughts of suicide were related to killing himself by taking too many medications (or stopping them), eating less, etc.  Marisol explained that a very dark spirit was around him.  Carmen's brother had done some very bad things in his current life (including the suffocation of someone), and he now struggled with a way to forgive himself. 

Spirit 2 (via Marisol):  Marisol stood and stamped her feet as the spirit arrived abruptly, shouting for Nelson to "Shut up!  Shut up!"  The conversation continued:
Spirit: Why did you bring me here?  Be quiet. You were going to get what you wanted. We were partners in crime.  I am the one suffocating now.  How can that be?  You only die once.
Nelson: You can no longer harm him.  You take what is yours and he will take what is his. 
Spirit: There was never any pity from him, and now he wants some...I am going to burn his throat.
Nelson: You are causing pain to yourself.
Spirit:  He is a coward now.  Coward!  My little pain bothers him?  Ha!  Coward!  (The spirit hit table with his fists, as Nelson and Carmen continued to reason with him)
Spirit (fanning his neck):  I can't speak, it hurts!  Is there any salvation for me?  But why do you want me to go and leave him behind?  Do you think I can be forgiven?  When someone has been so bad, I think there is no forgiveness - or any air to breathe. I get angry because he is such a coward now.  (pause)  I am going with him (the spirit guide) but I cannot look at the light right now.  There are 40 of us.

Spirit 3 (via Marisol):  Marisol jumped to her feet again, but this time she was dancing and clapping.  Her joyful spirit guide had arrived to cleanse her, and she was delighted to see our group again.  Nelson explained that the group of 40 spirits had a nickname for themselves - Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves.  (Note: This folk tale also dealt with secrets, as a body was sewn together by a slave girl to fool the others, and only the secret "Open Sesame" password would allow access to the cave.) 

Nelson wanted Carmen to understand that part of the reason for her granddaughter not having her baby yet was because of the spirits passed by Marisol.  One of the members from the group of 40 will be reincarnated as this baby.  Maricela mentioned that her head and the back of her neck had been aching as soon as she entered the room tonight.  Nelson said that before we leave the room, her heaviness will go away.  "What is not yours, give it back with love to whomever it belongs to," Nelson advised.  The table realized that Nelson's spirit guide was speaking, and he asked Jeff to stand behind him as he walked over to Mia.

Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  Calmly waving a towel, the spirit guide (Caballito) spoke softly to Mia, eventually asking her to rise and face him directly.  Mia was very valuable to our group, Cabillito explained, and he was determined not to let her go.  "Enemies from the past want this," he continued, "but I will deal with them.  It's so difficult to remove some feelings from your head..."  Returning to his seat, the spirit guide told the group that seven spirits had been removed, and he briefly added:  "I have very little words tonight, as there is still more work to be done.  I won't be far, I am right here.  And I will sit again if I need to..."

Marisol had a message for Esperanza regarding her oldest son.  The son was still a student, but he had a girlfriend who was not the best choice for him.  It's not that she was a bad person, it was the bad spirits she attracted and the impact on Esperanza's son.  The son is a sailor and his instinct (and his father's belief) is that this girl is not "the one".  Marisol advised that these instincts are correct.  As a sailor, the son does not like direct orders, so his parents will need a delicate and subtle approach to tell him of their suspicions.  The son has a spiritist background, and he attended some sessions with Cando (Marisol's uncle).  Nelson encouraged him to visit our group.  Nelson also sensed an impending hurricane, as a spirit arrived and sat through Carmen.

Spirit 5 (via Carmen):  The spirit was soft and fragile, describing herself as a piece of delicate porcelain.  She seemed to represent the calm before the impending hurricane, as she spoke gently and hugged herself:
Spirit: I'm not a bird....and he is very pretty.  I go with him because I want him.  I go to his house just to be with him....
Nelson:  Aren't you tired of following him?
Spirit: No, he is with me.  And no one will take him away from me.
Emiliano (his father): I close his eyes, but he still hears things. 
Spirit: Because I do not want to go...
Nelson: We are going to take you to a wedding - a spiritist wedding.  Listen to that friend who is talking to you.  Look at the bouquet of flowers for you!
Spirit: Don't lie to me.  I don't want those flowers.
Nelson: We are not lying.
Spirit: I don't want to leave him. 
Marisol:  No more suffering...
Nelson: You will be able to help him one day...
Spirit: I know.  (sigh)  I see the wedding flowers and they smell wonderful - like the ones he gave me.

Spirit 6 (via Carmen):  The spirit agreed to leave, and Carmen's guide arrived to cleanse her and the flowers that had been left behind.  She offered blessings to everyone.  Nelson advised Esperanza and Emiliano to let the situation with their son and his girlfriend continue.  Whenever there is an opportunity to advise him, they should proceed slowly.  Nelson also had a message for Isabel.  Her spirit guide was here, and when she feels happy, he is even happier - jumping with joy.  He is always by her side, protecting Isabel, and she is never alone.

Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Slipping into Nelson, Isabel's spirit guide spoke directly to her: "I am happy to be able to speak to you.  I am a humble spirit.  We all have a job, and I want you to get to know me and feel me near you.  I am a small light with a lot of love - like you.  You may appear small, but she is very tall in spirit.  There have been many tears, but no more.  You asked for peace, and I am here to bring you that peace.  Your happiness has allowed me to come.  And as I help you, you also help me.  Welcome me and help the work progress.  I am going to come around more often, and one day, I will tell you my name.  My name is one that you used to call me all the time.  You will laugh when you find out.  (to the group)  God bless you all!  Forgive me if I said anything wrong, and thank you for letting me speak."
Nelson described Isabel's spirit guide as "very tall."  The entire session was in Spanish, and Nelson's guide returned for a moment to ask Jeff if he wanted to say anything in English (he did not).  "In the spirit world there are no language barriers," he told the table, "Love is the only language we use." 

Nelson closed with a prayer.

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