Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Chicago - March 31, 2015

In attendance: Denise, Gabe, Jeff, Mia, Nelson and Sonia 
As Nelson was preparing to read the opening prayer, he was instructed to also read the "victory over a bad temptation" prayer.  Someone known to one of us at the table was coveting his sister-in-law.  This obsession started out as a crush, but now the man involved was unable to push his feelings and desires away.  The spirits were constantly tempting him to act on his impulses.  Nelson told the table that we are always free to choose, but we need strength and help from the good spirits to make the correct choices.  After some questioning, it was determined that the man being tempted was named Ray, and he was Mia's brother.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  The spirit encouraging Ray was female, and she told the table that she was not alone.  She had a group of female spirits dancing around Ray - and it would be impossible for any man to avoid their machiavellianism.  (Note: A perfect choice of words, as it is a term that psychologists use to describe a person's tendency to be unemotional, and to detach him or herself from conventional morality in order to deceive and manipulate others.)  The dominant female spirit explained that Ray was not her target, she only wanted him to cheat so that she could hurt his wife.  Ray's temptations were so strong that he felt uncomfortable in his own skin, wondering why he had such strong urges to cheat. 
The spirit wanted Nelson to cup his hands and scoop up something as she moved into Nelson to speak:  "I am scooping up what she left of me.  I want revenge for what she did to me.  She is always so in control of everything, and this will destroy her.  I want her to pick up the pieces, like she did to me.  Do you know why my hands hurt?  She cut them off with a machete - so I could not touch what wasn't mine.  (Nelson's hands were tightly clenched, but they were hanging limply, as if they were not there.)  Pity?  She was evil and they want me to have pity?  Pity - ha!  Who ever pitied me?  Not those criminals.  Who was it?  Pity?  She was a worm who used people like toys and then discarded them." 
Sonia explained to the spirit that this happened in another existence, and she hoped the spirit would understand that "pity" was a way to ask for her to forgive the past.  The spirit replied: "There are many enemies for this worm, I am not the only one."  Sonia told the spirit that this woman will discover her guilt on her own, and she encouraged the spirit to do something similar - she should look for her own happiness.  With help from the guides around her, the spirit realized that her hands would be restored today, and she would finally feel complete again.  The spirit also had some advice for the woman she was tormenting: "Tell her to be very careful.  I am not the only one.  I don't want to be there anymore, but the others pretend too much.  Her words are very harsh, and she likes to offend. (pause) I have my hands...thank you.  Be careful where you walk.  You think it is concrete, but it's sand.  All three friends will go now - that's me and my two hands."
Nelson discussed the class he wanted to have in the summer for the mediums.  He hoped to help the mediums to be clean in mind and spirit.  He shared his own experiences from when he first attempted to pass spirits (rolling on the floor and screaming) and his arguments with the spirit world to just leave him alone ("I will pull out all of my hair if you make it stop.")  Mia added, "Anyone who thinks it is easy shouldn't be dabbling." 
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson's spirit guide had arrived to welcome in the next spirit.  He spoke directly to Gabe:  "You want to bring this to your mom, but it's more difficult than you think, correct?"  An angry spirit replaced the spirit guide (Caballito) and sat through Nelson:
Spirit (laughing): He thinks, hee-hee-hee!  He thinks he can reach her, ha!  There is no help, she is going to do whatever she wants to do.  I don't even want to look at him now.  They all jump when she gives orders.  She is the boss, ask him!  (Gabe agreed)  I didn't want to talk about that damn woman.
Sonia:  Why don't you try to help her?
Spirit: I am so mad, I want to pull out all of her teeth like they just pulled me out now and took me away from her.  I was with her!
Sonia: You can become educated here...
Spirit: Over there nothing happens in that house unless she says so.  She thinks she is the one in control!  Can I tell you something?  She gets bad aches and she doesn't know where they come from.  Ha, ha, ha!  "Why won't this go away?"  Ha!  It's me.  See what I can do?  Clearly we are not friends (rocked in his seat with frustration, as Gabe and Sonia attempt to reason with him.)  She was mine, she was my wife and she still is.  That big puppet she is with now is good for nothing. I pull his legs - ha! - to hurt him while I am in bed with her.  She abandoned me - for him
Mia: You are a spirit...
Sonia: She was your wife in a past life.
Spirit:  Spirit?  You are crazy.  Do you see any spirits here?  I am a man, I'm alive.
Sonia:  You know you are a spirit because you said she "was" your wife.
Gabe: Aren't you tired of all that hate?
Spirit (being shown his body): No more manipulation.  That's not me.  No, no, no.  It's nothing but dirt, bones and rags.  I'm dead? 
Gabe: Yes.
Spirit:  I am going to give you some advice.  Tell your father to put his foot down and say "no" sometimes.  I will go now with my group of eight...
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson's spirit guide ushered the spirit out and then he began to speak from behind Nelson.  He sensed that Mia was not feeling well, and he knew it was physical - not spiritual.  Mia agreed, saying she was stressed.  Caballito asked about her dreams.  He explained that at night, Mia was being shown her past lives - going back to where she came from:
Nelson (speaking for his guide): What have you learned from where they take you at night?
Mia: I was a male warrior, a very good one.  I was a strong leader - and a survivor.
Caballito:  You are female now to learn the softer, more compassionate side.  Your spirit has never been able to separate from the past.  You liked it so much - what you were - that you want to keep those qualities.  Find the good side of being a female. 
Mia: I'm not comfortable being under...
Caballito: You always have that armor up (crossed his arms to form an X in front of his face to illustrate)
Sonia: I am sensing, just release it...
Caballito: That would take her three more lives.  Until you master the female side, you cannot come back again as a man.  The happiness is within you, find a way to let it out and accept who you are now.  Have you ever seen a rose slowly blooming?  It's delicate.  That love will make you softer. 
Still speaking from his position behind Nelson, Caballito had a message for Sonia: 
Caballito:  How little faith it took for you to feel better.  Just a little bit of faith...
Sonia: Yes, thank you.
Caballito: If you would have put even more faith into it, you would have even more.  (Our commitment is often tested, to see if we are willing to make an effort to help ourselves or if we could demonstrate more faith than was required.)
Sonia: I am 150% committed.
Caballito: Some of the new people coming here need to learn that faith.  That's why I like to sit. (to Nelson) Stop filtering me!
Nelson's spirit guide began to question Denise, and as Nelson again filtered his requests, he decided to sit:
Caballito: How many more times do you need to be told what to do before you finally do it?
Denise: What am I being told to do?
Caballito (frustrated): Now you have an assignment!  Figure it out for yourself and next Tuesday you can tell me.  I have to do that.  It's time to start thinking for yourself.  You need to take action.  We guide, we help, but you have to make those choices...
Denise:  Does it have something to do with my father? 
Spirit: No!  It's nothing to do with anyone else.  It has to do only with you.  Figure it out.
Directing his attention to Mia, Caballito continued to speak through Nelson:
Caballito: For you, it is physical, and if you need a doctor, do it.  Don't be afraid.  What is from the material world belongs in the material world.  Something is not in order.  When was the last time you saw, how can I say this...
Mia: A girl doctor?
Caballito (laughing):  Yes!  So another assignment.  It's assignment day.  It's hard to learn by yourself, so we will all be there whenever anyone needs us.  But we listen first to see if you can figure it out on your own.  I do that with him (Nelson) when he is wrong.  You think his sister is stubborn....?
Jeff: It runs in the family.
Caballito: Yes!  He is very stubborn, so I let him fall - even though I am there to catch him.  (to Jeff)  When he says, "I'm not going there or doing that today," you need to just sit there, and continue to do your own thing.  Another thing you need to tell him.  He should not be so anxious to go to Puerto Rico.  Please tell him that we will let him know when he can go.  It is not up to him, and it may not be for the reason he thinks.
Focusing on Gabe, the conversation continued:
Caballito:  You are learning a lot, aren't you?  Sometimes you get more with honey than with anything else.  Use that honey you have with that mom of yours and you will gain a lot.  You will gain so much with that honey, but she will come around on her own time, not yours.
Gabe: You mean charm...?
Caballito: Exactly.  And you have a lot of it.  Your charm will speed up the process.  Use that with her.
Looking around the table, Nelson's spirit guide asked, "Let's see, who doesn't have an assignment?"  He asked Sonia, "You know your assignment, correct?"  Sonia said she understood, and Caballito said, "Are you sure?" 
Mia wondered if she could ask a question:  "I have some travel coming up - in an Arab country..."
Caballito: Now?  In the material world?  When?
Mia: At the end of April.
Caballito (pause):  Yes, you can go.  It's okay.  You are looking for that past and you might find some clues.  You may not like what you find, but the truth will liberate you.  Before you travel, go to the doctor.  You see? I already knew. 
Sonia, are you certain you know your assignment?  (Sonia said she did.)  As for this one (Nelson), he has a good heart.  He complains, but he loves this (sitting at the table).  As long as he goes in that direction, he and I are fine.  What a wonderful evening!  Each and everyone has something to take home tonight.  Don't stop looking after each other and asking, "Is there anything I can do?"  A strong group can go places and grow.  I need this group to be strong.  Like always, I am not far.  I will be around you.  It's my job and my pleasure... 
It was time to close the session, but Caballito stepped to the side so that Nelson could relate the story of a car accident that led to him to a stronger acceptance of his guide and spiritism.  There was a sense that a group cleansing was taking place in the background as Nelson told his story.  Nelson closed with a prayer.

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