Saturday, August 13, 2016

Chicago - March 24, 2015

In attendance: Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Gabe, Jeff, Juan, Maricela, Marisol, Nelson and Sonia 
Nelson asked Emiliano about his son.  He has been distancing himself from the girlfriend mentioned in the previous reunion, and his son was planning to attend our sessions in the future. (Update: As of August 2016, the older son had not attended any sessions - but Emiliano's daughter [Erika] and another son [Alex] started attending on a regular basis.)
Nelson received a phone call from his cousin before the session, and she asked him to mention the name of Yanira Quinones at our table.  This woman suffers from depression and she was taking medication.  When she asked for help at the center she attended in Puerto Rico, she was told that her suffering was what she had to endure in this reincarnation.  Marisol asked if she might be a medium, while Sonia saw her issue as self-induced, because she did not have the help she needed to do her work.
Nelson asked Sonia how she was feeling (there was some soreness in her back), and he encouraged her to share how she came to be injured.  She was in Puerto Rico cleaning the kitchen with her sister, and as she stepped outside, she fell on her left side.  She experienced a soreness in her lower back and a burning sensation.  Sonia suspected that it might be arthritis, but Nelson knew that she was pushed by a spirit. Marisol explained that the Sonia was pushed because the spirits resented her presence in her sister's house.  Nelson agreed that it wasn't the people in the house who disliked Sonia being there, it was the spirits around them.  These spirits wanted her fall to be fatal, but the good spirits prevented it.  There was one spirit who seemed to function as a security guard who prevented people from entering the house.  He was wearing a long raincoat, and the interior pockets of his coat were filled with secrets.  The spirit had dark skin, his hair was parted down the middle, and he often wore a fedora.  Standing guard in the house, he only opened the door for very few people to enter.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  The spirit moved into Nelson and hunched over the table as he spoke.  He explained that he controlled the house - inside and outside - and he was angry when Sonia showed up.  He saw his shadow when she arrived, and he wanted to know if Sonia was there to speak the truth or to hide more secrets.  There were many secrets stored in the house. He was the spirit who pushed Sonia:
Spirit: Why did you go there?  I am the boss of that house.
Sonia: We were giving you a hand, to help you out...
Spirit (looking at Nelson):  I saw him and I don't like him.
Sonia: Just listen to the ones who want to help you.
Spirit:  There are secrets there that you cannot talk about.  I have them all here (pats his raincoat).  Will they share the secrets if I leave?
Sonia: I am not there anymore...
Spirit: I was protecting the secrets - there is a lot that they will never know about them. I thought you went there to open the secrets.
Sonia: I didn't go there for those secrets.
Spirit: Where I am going - I can take the secrets with me?  I cannot tell them to you because they can hurt. (pause)  I didn't want to hurt you.
Sonia: I forgive you.  Go into the light.  There is a school for you to learn.
Spirit:  Things were done that should not have been done, and don't want to cause anymore pain.  I will open the secrets in a space where they cannot hurt.  I ask for your forgiveness.  Thank him (Nelson) for bringing me here.
Nelson gasped and extended his arms as the spirit departed.  He told Sonia not to have doubts about herself or the group, as she was a valued participant.  The table understood that the message was not coming from Nelson, it was the return of "Polo" to our table. (Note: Hipolito - or Polo as he prefers - was a mentor to Nelson in the material world, and now on the spirit side, he functioned as a professor/teacher for our table.)
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Polo had many messages to share:  "I have not forgotten about this group or the assignments I gave you.  Even in the spirit world, we have limitations, but it was important that I see you.  I am so happy to be here, even though I know you are wondering, 'What happened to him? He hasn't come around for questions and assignments!'  I wanted to give you (Sonia) the message myself, and I have a message for the friend you spoke about earlier (Yanira).  But first...."
For Jeff: "You have progressed much, but you still have along way to go.  You were thinking about doing something (classes on spiritism), correct?  Did you know it was me giving you the ideas?  We need more like you to train the real spiritism.  You have a new desk, correct?  (laughed)  I see everything.  Remember when the computer was turning on and off?  I was there - that had to happen.  When you sit at that desk, the words will come.  Don't change anything.  Someone else will dictate, write what they say.  It's mental, mind to mind.  I am so happy that I could stop by today.  My reincarnation is coming, but not yet.  It has to be done in time to be effective."  (Update: Jeff did have a new desk, the computer did turn itself off and on several times, and Jeff is still writing classes - with spiritual assistance.)
For Marisol: "You will get to know me. You have been asking about someone and we are working with him.  Like Nelson, he is stubborn.  What is it with these guys?  (laughed)  He's in a better stage than you think. We have to show him a new way to work, as he loved what he did.  We are coming back, more energized than ever.  Tell him, 'Someone named Polo sent me, let me in.'  Like Denise would say with her hands in the air, 'Oh my God!  Oh my God!' (laughed)."
For Gabe: "Young boy.  Now that you know the way, it is more difficult than before to go any other way.  You will be tempted, but you know better now.  You will be tempted, but you are not alone.  Ask your uncles - you see how I said that? - and they will explain.  When you have thoughts that you do not understand, there are people all around you who will explain it to you.  That one you love (Gabe's mom) will come in when you least expect it.  You wonder why she doesn't listen.  It's always done in time, things are not ready when you think.  What would you think if your dad was the one to bring your mom in?  Don't be shocked.  Life will take him places where he will realize that there is something more than what he thinks now.  You know how I love the teaching.  I would like to do this more often.  "
For Sonia:  "Sit straight, with your head straight.  I will be there tomorrow with you, and I will give you a sign so you know that all will be okay.  Have faith."
For Yanira: "Tell the one that called earlier (Normita) to tell our friend (Yanira) to open a book of prayers and pray for the hardened spirits.  Do this three times a day for seven days in a row.  I will be there.  Nobody wants them, those spirits, and those are the ones I help.  That's my job.  I will be back with an assignment for everyone, not a very long distance from now.  I am so happy I could be here..."
After Polo departed, Nelson explained the history they shared together to the table.  Nelson also wanted to ask Marisol about her son, Andres.  As they spoke, Nelson experienced something that had never happened to him before.  The thoughts of Andres were being transmitted to him by two spirit translators.  One of the translators communicated with Nelson through his raised left arm and the other translator used the tapping of Nelson's right foot.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Marisol said her son was a little stressed, and she knew this by his grimace.  Nelson understood that Andres was an elevated spirit, and Marisol was going through a trial.  He chose this path, but now he was crying (only one tear, that rolled from his right eye down his cheek), because he did not want to leave Marisol.  He wanted to leave only if Marisol was not there:
Marisol: I don't want to see him in the hospital...I want him to go in his sleep.
Spirits:  Would you be okay if he left?
Marisol:  Sometimes I am afraid to let him go - and that's why he won't go. 
Spirits: But he does not want you to suffer.  He prefers to keep suffering so that you do not suffer more.  He would rather shed another tear...
Andre: You have been the best mom.  That's why I chose you.  No one else would have done it.  The tear I shed is me saying thank you.  Others would have put me aside - but you embraced me.
Spirits: He is smiling, and he wants you to know what beautiful work you have done.
Andre: Thank you for letting me be me.  Thank you for all of this.  It was the only way to repair what I did.  My tears are not from pain, they are from happiness and gratitude.  I am happy to be able to complete what I asked for - and those tears are mine, not yours.  You had nothing to do with my tears, as you have never done anything wrong.  It had to be this way."
Marisol: Thank you.
After the spirits left, Nelson explained the communication process to the group.  Nelson also felt compelled to visit Andres, but he wasn't sure why.  Nelson's spirit guide mentally gave him the answer: "He will teach you humility." 
Marisol said that life was composed of moments - a time to live, and a time to die.  Marisol was thinking about Carmen's brother who passed, and she realized that "we make the decision," and that we are a part of the transitioning process.  Our spirit influences us to live or die.  Carmen's brother was suffering and he wanted to go.  Marisol also envisioned Normita at our table, seated in a corner between Nelson and Marisol.  Her mind was blank and empty, and at the same time, there was a desperation that caused her to shake.  Marisol experienced the same shaking sensation until a warm spiritual cape was placed over her shoulders.
Denise mentioned the name of her brother's baby.  He did not seem to be speaking much, and Denise wondered if this was a cause for worry.  Nelson said to check his hearing, as there was an issue with his ears.  Nelson verbally went around the table to see how everyone was feeling.  Emiliano said he shivered when he entered the room, and Nelson described this as a reaction to all of the energy in the room.  He might even be developing some mediumship abilities.  Marisol and Nelson encouraged him to say whatever he felt as soon as he felt it.  Esperanza said she was embarrassed to share her thoughts, as the group may not believe her.  She saw a spirit tonight with curly hair standing behind Denise, holding up a white poster that could not be read.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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