Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Chicago - March 10, 2015

In attendance: Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff, Juan, Maricela, Marisol, Nelson and Ronald
Nelson began the session by asking the Romero family about how they became involved with spiritism. The family had eleven siblings, and they explained that an older sister had recently been hospitalized.  The doctors described her condition as an infected ulcer, and she was on her third blood transfusion.  She was weary and tired, with no will to live.  Nelson explained that with a belief in spiritism, there was no reason for fear.  Transitioning from a life in the material world to the spiritual side could be as simple as stepping from a a house onto a patio.
Spirits 1 & 2 (via Nelson):  Speaking from behind Nelson, a spirit knew that the family visited this sister and had encouraged her to fight for her life.  The spirit asked, "Wouldn't it be easier to tell her - if it is time to go - that you are there to say goodbye?  Are you ready to say see you later to her?"  The family answered no, they were not.
This spirit was the former wife of Juan, the father of this family, and the mother of the hospitalized daughter.  Juan had not spoken to his wife since she became a spirit.  His wife was here because she did not want Juan to suffer, as he has been very nervous and anxious.  She (the spirit wife) cannot do the work she needs to be doing with the daughter if Juan was in this condition.  Another daughter at the session (Maricela) had a very special connection with her departed mother.  "I am right by her side," the spirit explained, "And I am glad that you are here tonight." 
The spirit wanted Nelson to stand up as she addressed the entire family again about Juan: "He is becoming sick because of his suffering.  He thinks, 'Let her stay, take me instead.'  He has told her this wish.  He does not want to lose anyone else."  A seamless transition occurred, as Nelson's spirit guide (Caballito) arrived to replace Juan's wife.  He picked up the towel, refolded it, and walked towards Juan, asking Jeff to accompany him.  Nelson's spirit guide described Juan as a very good man who has a heart of gold, "And your time is not yet done.  You still have a job to do with one of your sons.  He needs you.  You know which one it is.  There are some things that do not need to be said."  Standing in front of Juan and waving the towel in a circular motion, the spirit guide spoke gently as he moved closer to Juan: "I am cleansing your heart."  Addressing Maricela, he said, "One of these days, your mom will speak directly to you.  Several things must be fixed first."
As Caballito returned to his seat, Marisol sensed a shortness of breath for Juan.  This issue was spiritual, as all of Juan's physical tests were fine, but Marisol knew that he still felt as if something was wrong. 
Spirit 3 (via Marisol):  A spirit who was amused and very authoritative spoke through Marisol: "You do not need to speak to him - or cleanse him - as we are fine together."  The spirit chuckled with laughter and put Marisol's head on the table several times.  He could barely contain his glee: "We are fine! I manipulate him - and I don't like you interfering...."  The other individuals at the table tried to make this spirit understand that he was not gaining anything from his efforts.  Instead of causing harm, he should walk towards the light. After some additional counseling, the spirit realized that he was the one who was not feeling well.  "The party is over," he reflected.  The spirit said he "wanted to destroy this clan, because they destroyed my clan."  Juan asked for forgiveness for the past, as he had no memory of that life now.  Maricelia also asked for forgiveness, saying that she did not even want to remember it.  Nelson stood to help the spirit transition.  The spirit began to cry as he explained, "It wasn't only me.  Don't you see?  It was all of us.  How can I forgive?  I don't even know how..."  Marisol placed her head on the table again, and this time, there wasn't any laughter from the spirit - only tears.  Nelson advised the spirit, "Look in your heart, and you will find forgiveness.  Look at him.  He is not the same now, and neither are any of the others.  They are all suffering."  The spirit decided to go with the "beautiful people" around him, and he said he would take 158 spirits away with him. 
Spirit 4 (via Marisol):  The Guardian Spirit of the temple had arrived to cleanse Marisol.  He knew Denise by name, and his message was direct and brief:  "May the peace of God be with all of you.  I come forth.  This is interesting work, although I don't understand it all, and it is beautiful work.  Look how many souls have been moved forward!"  This guardian had appeared at the previous Sunday session where he described Nelson as a good man who was often "giddy".  He also approved of Jeff.  He told the table, "You needed me to come here.  It's different, but you are good people.  I sat again today because she (Marisol) needed to be cleansed.  Good people.  I will go forth, but remain watching - as we guardians do."  After he moved to the side, Nelson described the guardian as a very humble spirit. 
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Nelson sensed that Mia was not well.  He encouraged the group to email or phone her to offer support.  Denise explained that Mia was stressed, and Nelson said that she was fighting something that she should not be fighting.  The conversation continued:
Jeff: She has wanted this (mediumship) for so long, and now she is fighting it...
Denise: She is used to the fight.
Nelson: She doesn't even want to be here.
Marisol: It can be scary when those doors open.  Once they are opened, you cannot go back.
Nelson: She doesn't even understand why she is not here.  She has a feeling not to come, but no real reason.  She is calling them (the spirits), but when they arrive, she will not take care of them. 
(An angry spirit moved into Nelson to speak)
Spirit (imitating Mia):  I didn't like those things, those feelings!  Give me some bread, I want to hide and eat!  She said she would be here - where is she?  WHERE IS SHE? She is not coming back here...
Marisol: You need to be calm...
Spirit: I wanted to talk to her!  Where is she?  Don't hold me back.  Is she hiding from me?  Is she under the table eating more bread?  (lifted the tablecloth to look)  Gorda...!  Where are you...?
Jeff: Why are you looking for her?
Spirit: She tells me, "Come, come talk to me," so here I am, and where is she?  I wanted to talk and I have been waiting and waiting... (to Gabe) Look under the table and see if she is eating under there on your side. Do you know what she did to me?  This is not the first time she has kept me waiting.
Jeff: Tell us.
Spirit: The last time she made me wait - do you know where it was?  At a church!  I am not waiting anymore.
Jeff: You don't have to wait for her any longer.
Spirit: My head is spinning.  I feel like I am entangled in a web.
Marisol: You don't have a head - or that pain.
Spirit: Spin in the front, spin in the back.  I am going to go - I am tired of waiting for her.
Jeff: Are you taking a group with you?
Spirit: Yes - Fifteen.  I am tired of my head spinning - and you know that is what she is feeling, as well.  I was here, make sure you tell her...
Jeff: We will.  Do you want us to tell her your name?
Spirit: Why do you want to know my name?  (began to cry)  OK.  Tell her "Victor" was here, and she will know. She made me wait at that church alter and now I waited for her again.  She made me wait and wait and she never showed.  I'm going with them, and my wedding will be better.  Tell her that's why she has been waiting now, and no one ever shows up for her.
Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  The previous spirit left abruptly.  After catching his breath, Nelson spoke to Isabel:  "You are not as sick as you think.  You make excuses not to attend.  You worry more for him (her husband) and not enough for yourself, and yet you are sicker than he is.  They tell you what is wrong and you brush it off.  You have to take care of yourself to take care of him.  Men are strong, but cowards when it comes to pain.  You need to take a pill, but you don't want to take it.  Take the pill so you can feel better, before the pain gets too bad."
The spirit left as quickly as it had arrived, as Nelson was pulled in another direction.  Marisol was feeling dizzy, and she thought it might be related to all of the things she had to accomplish this weekend.  She was closing on the sale of the building where her uncle used to live on Friday, traveling to Ohio on Saturday to help her husband move back home, and she still had her son to care for and the demands of her job.
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Nelson understood that the owners of building did not want Marisol there.  The family had a ten year old child, and the building felt as if it was cursed.  Nelson clenched his fingers together tightly.  He explained that the building had a group of madames circling it with their hands firmly held together in the same manner.  They were a solid chain that could not be broken.  The spiritual madames were sent to the building by Marisol's uncle (Roberto), who was determined to return to his former residence.  Bernardo (and to some extent Carmen) had previously spoken to Roberto and encouraged him to leave Puerto Rico and return to the Chicago building.  One of madames sat through Nelson:
Spirit: Why did you come to get me?  I was doing my job and I need to finish it.
Marisol:  You are mistaken about your job.
Spirit: I was waiting for you (Marisol) to get there.  I had to see you, so they brought me over here to see you.  (long pause)  They are telling me I have to let it go.  It wasn't mine - although others think it is theirs.
Marisol:  I didn't expect you.
Spirit: You expected a monster.  I am going to take all of that with me.  Forgive me.  I didn't expect you this way.  There were a lot of mistaken thoughts.  We have to leave. I was the leader.  (Nelson unclenched his hands) The chain is broken.  We will take what is ours.  A lot of things will be fixed, because you have beautiful work ahead of you, and they don't want you tired or stressed. 
It was very difficult for the spirit to depart.  Nelson twisted and moved in his chair as if he was experiencing a seizure.  He shook and gasped loudly as he fell back into his seat.  Once he recovered, Nelson closed with a prayer. 

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