Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Florida - June 2, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
After the opening prayer, a spirit wanted Nelson to ask everyone at the table how they were feeling physically, starting with Jackie.  She said there were some issues with her teeth, but the spirits told Nelson that there was "more brewing in the background."  Jackie was considering attending a wedding in July, but the spirits still wanted to focus on her dental issue, asking:  "What are you doing about it?"  Jackie explained that there was not a simple solution, and the spirits asked her to think and consider, "Who is trying to keep your mouth shut?" 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  A spirit arrived, and Nelson said she had been influencing someone in the material world, and now the negative thoughts of this person were having an impact.  Jackie correctly guessed that it was Yvonne, and Astrid added, "that most of the time, Yvonne meant well."  (Note: Yvonne had her own center that Jackie previously attended.)  Jackie felt that Yvonne was still angry with her, and Nelson understood that Yvonne's thoughts were putting the spirits in a bad position, as Yvonne expected them to do her bidding.  One spirit was stepping forward, and she was intellectually strong, and very shrewd with her maneuverings.  The spirit side had trapped her into coming, and now they were restraining her.  She had been after Jackie for a while, hoping to "shut her down." 
Spirit:  I cannot say it here, I cannot say it anywhere, but it's been me along (laughing with satisfaction).  You denied me (referring to her previous attempts to sit through Jackie).  And whoooo gave you that power to deny me?  Whooo?  Stop holding me.  Stop it.  It took them a long time.  Long time.  He said it right, I am very shrewd. 
Jackie: It's time for you to stop this.
Spirit: I was sent an invitation, and I fell for it.
Jackie: Then you are not as smart as you think.
Spirit: I never liked you.  You didn't fall in line.  I don't like this one either (Nelson).  He was tough, but I got rid of him.
Astrid: No, you did not.  He is still here.  You are speaking with his voice...
Spirit: Everything I say, it is in my words.  I wanted more time.  I fooled that one (Yvonne) so many times.  I was in power!
Jackie: You need to use your power for good.  (The table continued to reason with the spirit.)
Spirit (distressed): They are taking everything away!
Jackie: You never had that power...
Spirit: The people who were there gave me that power.  A lot of it.  They tell me the next step is to say that I am sorry.  They are showing me what I did, and it's not pretty.  Ewww.  I abused what they gave me.  Don't do that, don't do what I did.  Can I tell you that?  My first job now is to remove all those things I put on her (Jackie).  There are twelve that I wanted to leave there - plus six in her house.  Eighteen.  I have to take them all with me.  Be careful with that power.
Astrid: You have learned how bad it is to hurt.
Spirit: I'm going now...(faded away)
The group discussed these types of spirits - with specialties or particular obsessions.  Nelson had never felt such a strong energy level from a harmful spirit in the way he experienced this spirit.  She was not ignorant, and she was not blindly doing the job she was assigned.  This spirit was intelligent and manipulative.  Her energy was similar to an enlightened spirit, but instead of offering help, she only wanted to do harm.
Nelson told Jackie that she recently went to see someone who was, in many ways, like Yvonne.  This person was acting, doing and thinking exactly the same penalizing thoughts, even though this person had more spiritual knowledge than Yvonne.  It was Gloria, and Nelson sensed that she was in worse shape than Yvonne, and that she did not want to deal with it.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson wondered how we could tell someone like Gloria that she was wrong when we knew she would not believe it.  A whispering spirit moved forward to sit through Nelson.
Spirit:  I can't  let anyone know I'm wrong.  Shh!  I have to whisper...
Jackie: You know it's wrong, or you wouldn't be whispering.
Spirit:  Shh..I cannot talk about it here.
Astrid: We already know.
Jackie: There is no judgement.
Spirit: Don't tell anyone...shh...keep it quiet.  Even what I'm thinking is a secret.  You don't know, it's a secret.  (looked at Jackie)  I remember you, you were there.  I came here because of you.  Keep it quiet.  I don't like any of you.
Jackie: She has free will, and you have her confused.  You are not going back there. 
Spirit: I am going back there.
Jackie: No, you're not.
Spirit:  She doesn't need my help, she's already confused enough.  He says I have to go with him.  If you go to that house, you are not welcome.  Look at the mat, it says "Not Welcome"...
Jackie:  The "Not Welcome" sign is for you.
Spirit: I am taking these four with me.  One of them pretends to be somebody he is not.  She believes him, but he is not who he says.  I'm going to take some secrets.  They tell me there is no need to say those things.  Those secrets and the four.  I will come back if you let me - and tell you the secrets - and what is different.  That lady is very confused, and that's all I'm going to tell you...
As the spirit departed, Nelson wondered why he felt so agitated and angry.  He understood that Gloria was feeling angry (and tired).  The conversation changed to Spanish, as Nelson explained Gloria's frustration.  Switching back to English, Jackie said that as a spiritist, Gloria expected to be healed.  She also did not understand the severity of her injury.  Astrid said healing could not progress when, "the arrogance of the spirit is too great." 
Nelson cautioned that many mediums think that these trials and tests will not happen to them.  The group discussed the situation at length.  Jackie said she would contact Gloria to see if members of our group cold visit her at home.  Nelson added: "Once you start thinking that if this is how my life is gong to be, I am better off dead, those types of spirits arrive to assist."  Jackie envisioned Gloria's front door with two huge Viking warriors using a battering ram to try to get inside.  They charged the door with little or no progress.  One of them looked at Jackie and asked, "Are you coming or what?"
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson's spirit guide wanted to assure Frank and Jackie that when they visit Frank's doctor on Friday, they would not be going alone.  A group of spirits would be going with them, to reassure that "everything is the way it is supposed to be, untouched by others."  It was also recommended that they, "Take what is said, listen, and bring it to the next Tuesday session. We (the spirits) will analyze it."
Spirit 4 (via Jackie):  Janet, the best friend of Jeff's mother was standing behind Jeff.  She was pulling "stuff" (unnecessary items) out of his head.  Jackie thought there might be upcoming family issues, and she advised Jeff to be prepared.
Jackie closed with a prayer. 

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