Thursday, August 4, 2016

Chicago - March 15, 2015

(Note:  These notes were authored by Denise)
Attendees:  Sonia, Denise, Carmen, Bernardo, Isabel
Here in Spirit: Nelson, Jeff

After the Opening Prayer, Carmen asked Dona about her nephew, Gilberto.  She related that he has started to talk to his mom, he was supposed to go to a psychiatrist (one has offered to help him pro bono), and his problems were now material (Alcohol – drugs).

As Sonia was saying the Opening Prayer, Denise felt that there was someone crying, and she had tears in her eyes.  She was not sure who it was for.  Carmen also felt nauseous and wanted to get up and vomit.

Carmen asked Sonia about her sister – she is doing better but there is something material going on with her stomach.  She needs to find a doctor; she gets heartburn, and she needs to watch her diet and not eat what bothers her stomach.  Denise said vegetables were important – but she doesn’t like them.

Carmen was sick this week – and she went to doctor.  He gave her an antibiotic that did not help. so Carmen thought the problem was spiritual.

The conversation turned to Cando (who once had his own center) and prayer was needed to help him elevate (novena?).  He was being held back by those who don’t believe he’s gone and keep calling on him for help.

Spirit #1 (thru Carmen)

This is Noemi.  She feels alone and thanks Sonia for all of the help that she gave her and is not sure what to do.  She realizes that there are other things that need to be discussed and waits for the day when they can speak.  She left feeling much better and tranquil sending Sonia a spiritual hug.

Spirit #2 (thru Carmen)

Carmen’s guide indicated that there were a lot of Spirits of Light around the table cleansing so that there is peace.  Sonia noticed a spirit that was pacing back and forth in front of the furnace door and asked Bernardo if he could see him, and Bernardo appeared to have noticed him.

Spirit #3 (thru Sonia)

This set of spirits that came through were not negative spirits but were confused as to why Mia was not at the session again.  They warned that if she doesn’t begin to work,  what she has will be taken away.  Carmen indicated to the spirit that their feelings were also affecting Mia to feel and think the same that they were.  They were making her feel that we make fun of her and confused.  We encouraged these spirits to help send Mia positive thoughts and feelings so that she will return.  Their advice to her is to not to listen to those false thoughts that she received.

Spirit #4 (thru Sonia)

The spirit who came thru sent blessings and cleansed Sonia.

The conversation then turned to Marisol and her husband – a spirit that came around them (her mom?) insisted that they did not belong together – it was a big ball of hate darker than her husband’s skin, and her family insisted that she “belongs to them”.  Mom wasn’t going to stay with her if she married him.  Marisol needs to be strong. After a while, the spirit began to realize that she was wrong about Marisol’s husband, but it was too late for her to stay, as she had made the decision earlier to leave this plane of existence.  She asked Marisol for forgiveness.

Closing Prayer

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