Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Chicago - April 14, 2015

(Note:  These notes were authored by Denise)

Attendees: Sonia, Denise, Maritza
Guests:  Isabel, Ron, Juan, Esperanza, Emiliano, Maricela

Maricela was feeling like she is carrying something on her back.  She was asked "Why do you worry?" Sometimes we put a cross on our back that may not be ours.  She would like her family to be okay; but you have to take care of yourself so you can be strong when you are needed.

Isabel's brother doing better but needs to see a psychologist because he needs to work through some issues.

Esperanza feels very content and is very positive and accepts things as they are.

Passes were given to Ron by Denise to help with his current health problems.

Maricela saw a silhouette of a person at her house and came with her to the session today - a positive spirit who needed light and healing which was received.

Passes given to Maricela by Sonia

Florida - June 2, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
After the opening prayer, a spirit wanted Nelson to ask everyone at the table how they were feeling physically, starting with Jackie.  She said there were some issues with her teeth, but the spirits told Nelson that there was "more brewing in the background."  Jackie was considering attending a wedding in July, but the spirits still wanted to focus on her dental issue, asking:  "What are you doing about it?"  Jackie explained that there was not a simple solution, and the spirits asked her to think and consider, "Who is trying to keep your mouth shut?" 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  A spirit arrived, and Nelson said she had been influencing someone in the material world, and now the negative thoughts of this person were having an impact.  Jackie correctly guessed that it was Yvonne, and Astrid added, "that most of the time, Yvonne meant well."  (Note: Yvonne had her own center that Jackie previously attended.)  Jackie felt that Yvonne was still angry with her, and Nelson understood that Yvonne's thoughts were putting the spirits in a bad position, as Yvonne expected them to do her bidding.  One spirit was stepping forward, and she was intellectually strong, and very shrewd with her maneuverings.  The spirit side had trapped her into coming, and now they were restraining her.  She had been after Jackie for a while, hoping to "shut her down." 
Spirit:  I cannot say it here, I cannot say it anywhere, but it's been me along (laughing with satisfaction).  You denied me (referring to her previous attempts to sit through Jackie).  And whoooo gave you that power to deny me?  Whooo?  Stop holding me.  Stop it.  It took them a long time.  Long time.  He said it right, I am very shrewd. 
Jackie: It's time for you to stop this.
Spirit: I was sent an invitation, and I fell for it.
Jackie: Then you are not as smart as you think.
Spirit: I never liked you.  You didn't fall in line.  I don't like this one either (Nelson).  He was tough, but I got rid of him.
Astrid: No, you did not.  He is still here.  You are speaking with his voice...
Spirit: Everything I say, it is in my words.  I wanted more time.  I fooled that one (Yvonne) so many times.  I was in power!
Jackie: You need to use your power for good.  (The table continued to reason with the spirit.)
Spirit (distressed): They are taking everything away!
Jackie: You never had that power...
Spirit: The people who were there gave me that power.  A lot of it.  They tell me the next step is to say that I am sorry.  They are showing me what I did, and it's not pretty.  Ewww.  I abused what they gave me.  Don't do that, don't do what I did.  Can I tell you that?  My first job now is to remove all those things I put on her (Jackie).  There are twelve that I wanted to leave there - plus six in her house.  Eighteen.  I have to take them all with me.  Be careful with that power.
Astrid: You have learned how bad it is to hurt.
Spirit: I'm going now...(faded away)
The group discussed these types of spirits - with specialties or particular obsessions.  Nelson had never felt such a strong energy level from a harmful spirit in the way he experienced this spirit.  She was not ignorant, and she was not blindly doing the job she was assigned.  This spirit was intelligent and manipulative.  Her energy was similar to an enlightened spirit, but instead of offering help, she only wanted to do harm.
Nelson told Jackie that she recently went to see someone who was, in many ways, like Yvonne.  This person was acting, doing and thinking exactly the same penalizing thoughts, even though this person had more spiritual knowledge than Yvonne.  It was Gloria, and Nelson sensed that she was in worse shape than Yvonne, and that she did not want to deal with it.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson wondered how we could tell someone like Gloria that she was wrong when we knew she would not believe it.  A whispering spirit moved forward to sit through Nelson.
Spirit:  I can't  let anyone know I'm wrong.  Shh!  I have to whisper...
Jackie: You know it's wrong, or you wouldn't be whispering.
Spirit:  Shh..I cannot talk about it here.
Astrid: We already know.
Jackie: There is no judgement.
Spirit: Don't tell anyone...shh...keep it quiet.  Even what I'm thinking is a secret.  You don't know, it's a secret.  (looked at Jackie)  I remember you, you were there.  I came here because of you.  Keep it quiet.  I don't like any of you.
Jackie: She has free will, and you have her confused.  You are not going back there. 
Spirit: I am going back there.
Jackie: No, you're not.
Spirit:  She doesn't need my help, she's already confused enough.  He says I have to go with him.  If you go to that house, you are not welcome.  Look at the mat, it says "Not Welcome"...
Jackie:  The "Not Welcome" sign is for you.
Spirit: I am taking these four with me.  One of them pretends to be somebody he is not.  She believes him, but he is not who he says.  I'm going to take some secrets.  They tell me there is no need to say those things.  Those secrets and the four.  I will come back if you let me - and tell you the secrets - and what is different.  That lady is very confused, and that's all I'm going to tell you...
As the spirit departed, Nelson wondered why he felt so agitated and angry.  He understood that Gloria was feeling angry (and tired).  The conversation changed to Spanish, as Nelson explained Gloria's frustration.  Switching back to English, Jackie said that as a spiritist, Gloria expected to be healed.  She also did not understand the severity of her injury.  Astrid said healing could not progress when, "the arrogance of the spirit is too great." 
Nelson cautioned that many mediums think that these trials and tests will not happen to them.  The group discussed the situation at length.  Jackie said she would contact Gloria to see if members of our group cold visit her at home.  Nelson added: "Once you start thinking that if this is how my life is gong to be, I am better off dead, those types of spirits arrive to assist."  Jackie envisioned Gloria's front door with two huge Viking warriors using a battering ram to try to get inside.  They charged the door with little or no progress.  One of them looked at Jackie and asked, "Are you coming or what?"
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson's spirit guide wanted to assure Frank and Jackie that when they visit Frank's doctor on Friday, they would not be going alone.  A group of spirits would be going with them, to reassure that "everything is the way it is supposed to be, untouched by others."  It was also recommended that they, "Take what is said, listen, and bring it to the next Tuesday session. We (the spirits) will analyze it."
Spirit 4 (via Jackie):  Janet, the best friend of Jeff's mother was standing behind Jeff.  She was pulling "stuff" (unnecessary items) out of his head.  Jackie thought there might be upcoming family issues, and she advised Jeff to be prepared.
Jackie closed with a prayer. 

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Chicago - April 19, 2015

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff, Marisol, Milargros, Nelson, Ron and Sonia 
After the opening prayer, Marisol asked that the prayer for the fallen ones also be read.  Gabe read it aloud, and his voice attracted a group of dancing female spirits.  These women were "all over the place" in his apartment, dancing suggestively and trying to seduce Gabe with their sexual movements.  Gabe had sensed one (or more) of them near his head while lying in bed.  A spirit moved forward and spoke through Nelson.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  "What are you doing reading books about the dead? Mine!  You are mine!"  The spirit was dancing in her seat, and at one point, she sang some of the words to the song she heard.  The spirit was very possessive of Gabe, insisting that he should be alone only with her.  After some counseling from the table, the spirit was on the verge of crying.  When she looked deeper at Gabe, the spirit realized he was not the man she thought.  Once she calmed down, she decided to leave.  The spirit explained that she was part of a group of 12 dancers, and all of them would go.
Nelson asked Marisol if there was a specific name in her mind when the prayer for the fallen ones was read.   Marisol said she hoped it would help all of the spirits who had passed.  As she spoke, Marisol began to cough.  She realized that an unhealthy spirit in pain had arrived, and this spirit was connected to Milargros.  Was the spirit also possibly related to Milagros mother?  Marisol sensed a violent passing, and she smelled a foul odor of death.  Milargos confirmed that she had experienced the same odor around her mom - since 2012 when the spirit had passed. 
Spirit 2 (via Marisol):  As the spirit moved into Marisol, he angrily hit the table with both fists and spoke to Milargros. "You are mine!  I control everything and I AM NOT DEAD," he shouted.  The spirit continued to wheeze and cough.  "I am feeling hot - very hot! - and I just want to get rid of this cough..."  It was determined that the spirit had passed quickly, from HIV/AIDS.  Nelson walked closer to stand near the spirit, explaining that he was a friend who wanted to help.  "I died before my time," the spirit sadly confided, "and I had my own free will.  Milargros was the best I had, and I treated her wrong."  The spirit died when he was 36 years old.  He understood his situation and eventually apologized, explaining that although his hands were now clean, he needed to go with the good spirits to be fully cleansed. 
Spirit 3 (via Marisol):  After the spirit departed, Marisol's exuberant spirit guide arrived.  Smiling broadly, she clapped her hands and thanked everyone for the work.  As usual, her arrival was a celebration of what had been done.  Nelson told the group that it was also a confirmation that with faith and love, the spirits would help all of us - but it would not be when we want it, it would only be when the help was needed.
Nelson sensed a military commander who was a strong leader in the material world, and now he had the same responsibilities in the spiritual world.  The spirit showed himself to Nelson with a stiff, creased uniform, a thick mustache, and a green military beret.  Denise and Gabe thought it might be Saddam Hussein's second in command (who had recently died), and Gabe sent Nelson a photo that confirmed it: 
http://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2015/04/17/pkg-gorani-iraq-al-douri-killed.cnn  This spirit looked down at our table with a superior formality, and Nelson displayed his rigid posture as he spoke:
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  The spirit spoke slowly in a very authoritative voice: "Nobody stood when I walked in," he commented.  "So why are you asking what I did?  I followed my orders and that was my duty.  Why point the finger at me, I did not do anything except follow orders."  The spirit pointed his finger as he spoke, while Carmen softly counseled him in Spanish.  "Be ready for something that no one is expecting," the spirit continued, as if was explaining a battle plan to a confused audience, "and be careful where you go.  Use caution, as many things can happen in an instant.  I am a friend, but I am not used to this.  Other places have received the same message, but it was not taken seriously.  And there is a lot coming. I will be here as a friend, and I will be coming back...."  As the spirit faded, Marisol encouraged our table to pray for peace around the world.  Instead of prayers for only ourselves or those around us, we should think of the larger good - the earth, other countries, and the continued conflicts around the world.
Carmen wanted to mention her recently deceased brother (or Nelson brought it up).  Nelson understood that the brother passed with a lot of unfinished business.  Carmen thought his funeral was unusual.  (Note: Seventh Day Adventists believe that all who die enter an unconscious state referred to as soul sleep.  The deceased remain in that state until the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  When Jesus eventually appears, all of the righteous will be gathered, including those who are in the unconscious state and those who are alive at that time.  God then will provide an eternal home for those who have been redeemed.)
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Nelson knew that Carmen's brother had no idea he was dead.  Still earthbound, the brother was continuously counting out $100 bills that didn't exist.  He was worried about losing his money, and he was angry that his family had already purchased a new car - and had incurred a $200 ticket.  He was also worried over the relationship with his wife and daughters.  It was suggested that Carmen try to help him rid himself of his material world thoughts - or he would never progress spiritually.
Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  The remorseful spirit of Marisol's father had arrived.  "What I wouldn't give for a second chance," he said.  The father was still searching for his deceased wife, as he was seeking her forgiveness.  When they were together in the material world, he never realized the pain he created, and now he was unable to locate his wife in the spiritual world to tell her.  As the spirit spoke, he tapped the table and his foot.  He began to cry.  "The worst errors are the ones you cannot fix," he warned the group, "learn to love one another so you do not make the same mistakes.  Help each other, and when it is your time to go, you can go with a smile instead of tears."  An elderly spirit guide had brought Marisol's father to our table, and this guide was now encouraging him to leave.  The father left, but he told Marisol that he was determined to "one day, find your mom."  He also reminded the group to pray.
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Another spirit arrived immediately, and Nelson later stated that he had no idea who the elevated presence was - as his energy was unfamiliar. His message seemed to be a continuation of the advice offered by Marisol's father - so he may have been the guide who had accompanied him:  "Prepare yourselves to go across.  It's like a river. You can see the other side, and it looks easy to cross - but it is not.  Open your heart to find compassion and health.  Enjoy what you have, but do not worry about it.  What do you call it - pesos?  Those pesos will not help you cross the river.  With a good heart and a clear mind, you can cross that river in an instant.  Pray for those who need it, not for cars, money or trips.  We have priests here who think they are still priests, and yet they died from sickness. (Note: An ironic comment with the passing of a Catholic cardinal on the same day as our session.)  You will find healing for your own problems.  There are lots of things in the world that are not where or what they need to be - and we are working very hard.  The selfishness of humans is stopping the work.  Another war or tragedy, a loss of innocent lives, will not help.  Pray for those events not to happen.  It's more delicate than you think."
Spirit 8 (via Nelson):  The previous spirit was quietly replaced by Nelson's spirit guide: "We are cleaning around the room," he explained, "to help those who were not here today.  Thank you for allowing me to say a few words and do the work."  Caballito also had some brief messages.
For Jeff: "Turn the volume down a little.  Everything will be okay.  Some people are going to be indifferent.  You may not find things in Florida the way you like them.  Smile anyway.  Everyone may be in different situations."     
For Isabel: "He didn't want me to sit, but I needed to do my work."  (The towel was used to cleanse her.)
For Milargros (after Sonia brought a bottle of water to the table):  Caballito passed his hand above the bottle.  The water was only material, and now that it was energized, Milargros was instructed to drink it (not chilled, but warm) at night. 
For Sonia: "Some people do not like what you do, but it's part of what you do - just little rocks along the road.  Keep doing what you are doing, and it will all work out." 
For everyone: "I am leaving the table in good hands.  I will still be here, watching.  I do not belong to any one person.  Continue doing the good work.  Marisol, do not hesitate to invite that someone you want to invite - as they are welcome.  I wanted to sit because you will not hear me until he (Nelson) gets back.  Wonderful things will happen right here.  I need this group to flourish and grow."
Nelson closed with a prayer. 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Chicago - April 12, 2015

(Note: These notes were authored by Denise)

Attendees: Sonia, Marisol, Carmen, Denise, Isabel
Guests: Bernardo, Milagros

After the opening prayer, Denise placed on the table a request that was asked for from Sonia. Some members of the church have requested a meeting with Sonia about having meetings or services at the church. Denise requested that Sonia received the guidance that she was searching for in regards to the request.  Marisol received a message stating that spiritists need to be more protected through prayer. We are the ones the most affected. For example, attacking the soldiers, the war can be lost.  Difficult times are ahead and we need to be protected with prayer.

For Carmen - difficult times are coming for her daughter; as she is being attacked spiritually

For Denise - there will be trouble with family whether she lives there or not

For Sonia - Her son will be more impacted with your grandson

For Nelson & Jeff - Nelson wants to make a decision but is not sure and it's affecting his spiritual work (re: property in Chicago and family in P.R.)

For Mia - has a strong belief in this work but questions herself if she should be with us or with the another group.  She has a decision, but not one of faith.

Sonia further added for Denise that the decision was hers to make. She has to say what she wants and then put it into action. The decision will affect the rest of her life. She needs to figure what is the best for her(which is to move out) and to put it into action.

SPIRIT #1 (through Marisol):This spirit is with Marisol's husband and wants to destroy him.  He wants her husband to be alone and is upset because Marisol puts things in balance and to think things through and not act impetuously. After much counseling he asked for forgiveness and left crying.

SPIRIT #2 (through Carmen):
This spirit is with Millie but is not a negative spirit but instead the spirit of her grandmother.  During an earlier conversation, Millie related that after Cando's center had closed she had contracted Mersa that affected first her lungs and then her nose.  She had been sick for more than two years but the cause was not discovered until after the close of the center. Her grandmother came to let her know that she was always around protecting her.  She wants to see her safe, happy, and healthy and encourages her to keep moving forward into the light.

SPIRIT #3 (through Marisol):
This spirit is one of the guides that assisted Cando. The spirit thanked Sonia for opening the doors to the Temple so that the work could continue.  He was very contented to see Carmen continuing the work here. He also let us know that they work also in silence and that there are no coincidences and more are coming. When the doors closed, there are many who were lost in their homes, but will receive help in finding the new Temple and they will continue cleansing the path so that the work can continue.

He also touched on the concern Denise brought to the table earlier. He stated that it had to be studied and we won't be able to say no, but we will be there to clean those minds - they are mistaken. He also told us that working together in prayer we are united and strong. We need to do things in peace and love to forget the offenses all they do is cause harm and illness.

Prayers are being sent to Isabel's brother who is having kidney problems and has been told by his doctor to stop drinking.

Closing Prayer

Florida - May 12, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Frank, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson and Santiago
After the opening prayer, Jackie read a selection from "The Teachings of Silver Birch".  Nelson said the reading confirmed what he thought - we are often more concerned with passing the spirits than listening and helping them.  Even if they only have one word to say, the job of the mediums is to let they say what they need to say, without judgement.  Other spirits are often around our table, watching and learning the process.
Nelson sensed a group of madames who were listening to our session.  One of them was laughing, and she explained, "That's what people like, advice on the lotto, on men, or what job to take.  That's why this place is empty, and I am always full.  We help the souls that nobody wants to help."  The madames knew they were spirits, but the one speaking carried herself with more authority than the others.  She laughed at Jeff, telling him that writing things down did not mean that people would listen.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  The spirit was searching for her cards when she passed into Nelson:
Spirit: When I sit, everybody listens.  I know just how and where to put those cards.
Jeff: You are telling them things that are not true...
Jackie: So you can get more money.
Spirit: You know!  So you are one of us?
Astrid: You are telling your truths, not ours.
Spirit: If I tell them the truth, they won't come back.  I need the money.  You have no idea.
Jeff: You are hurting people, not helping them.
Spirit: They are telling me it's time for another place...
Astrid: And better things...
Jackie: And that's what we do.
Spirit: I have to say this.  I started like you people, and it was too much sacrifice and not enough benefit.
Astrid: You wanted the power, but the money was not right.
Spirit: There are a lot like me here.  (pause) They say we do so much harm.
Astrid: You will start a new life today.
Spirit: I cannot see the cards because I don't need them anymore.  We all start the right way, but there are so many temptations.  I liked the money.  We will all go together and have a better opportunity.  Tell this guy (Nelson) thank you for letting this crazy lady sit.  Thank you.  (Astrid realized she knew this spirit, and she motioned to Santiago)  You know who I am?
The spirit left abruptly, and Nelson said that she was great medium when she was alive, and Astrid agreed.  She took 105 other spirits with her who were not at her level, describing them as "mediums of the streets".  Astrid explained that the spirit was her aunt by marriage, a brilliant woman who could not read or write, so she memorized the prayers as she needed them.  Her spot at the table was in the exact same seat where Nelson was now.  Nelson's spirit guide advised the table to, "Learn from this, as it can happen to anyone." 
There was a short silence, and the candlelight grew dimmer, as if it might be extinguished.  A very dark black tribe was stepping forward to speak from behind Nelson.  They wondered why nobody heard them or helped them.  They felt rejected and wondered why. "As for water, we have none.  We get close to people so they will feel what we feel (a stomach that is always bad), and nobody knows what it is.  We ask them to be kind - in different dialects - and still we are out in the sun too long."  Santiago sensed that they might be from New Orleans, while Jackie sensed Africa.  Nelson said it was South Africa, and he drew the location.  (Note: After checking a map, Nelson confirmed that this tribe lived on the border of Namibia and South Africa, in a town called "Alexander Bay".)  Nelson asked Frank if his grandmother was born in England, and she was. 
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson began to move and wiggle in his chair, waving his hands over his head as the spirit moved forward to sit through him:
Spirit: Woo-woo-woo!  (the spirit rubbed both arms as if he was hot)  Some water.  Some water?  Some water...
Jackie: They will bring some.  You were asking to be heard, and we are here.
Spirit (stuttering and speaking softly with his head bowed): My lips are burned, madam.  Madam, we were not allowed to speak to you, madam.  (covered his mouth)  We will be punished.
Jackie: You are protected and considered equal here.
Spirit: Thank you for saying that, madam.  Madam, I am afraid.  We cannot put our head up.  Very difficult, madam.  My lips are burned, I need something to calm it.  They are going to use a communicator to translate.  We did not mean any harm.  Our presence was harming.  (looked at Frank)  I don't like him, he is a bad white man.  They used to burn me.
Jackie: That was another time, not now.
Spirit: They also used a whip (the candlelight on the table dimmed again).  They almost broke my legs.
Jackie: Look deeper, he is not the same person.
Spirit: I know the family, they are not good.  (sputtering)  Chicamonga!  You will not understand.  It means the one who abuses.  (Note:  The word means "River of Death" in Cherokee)  I don't want to look at him, but we found him.  I wanted to call him a monkey because he used to call me that. 
Astrid: Tell us what you feel.
Spirit: All we wanted was to be treated equally.  We did the work, but it didn't matter - they hit you anyway.  He's putting something on my lips.  Cocoa.  (looked at Jeff)  I don't like him either.  The cocoa on my lips feels good.  (looks at Jackie)  So you were one of the ladies who helped us?  I had to come, I wanted him to know this.
Jackie: It's time for you and your group to move on...
Spirit: Can I put my head up?  It was always down.  It feels good.  I've wanted that for so long.  Little things.  My head up, because I am proud of who I am.  It's okay to be black.  I am going - with my head up - to a better place.  I used to tell them, they could hit me all they wanted but not them.  I had 14 children (lowering his voice) with six women. I will take the whole tribe with me, the whole tribe of 111. 
The spirit departed, and Nelson was made aware that in a previous life, Frank was born in the same location as the tribe.  His mother from that existence was never able to say goodbye to Frank, and her spirit was here now.  Nelson described her "as a pistol", with pale white skin, and dark hair and eyes.  Nelson began to snap his fingers as he explained, "She was the one running the place (snap-snap-snap!) but Frank's dad wanted him to do the work, to become what he was...
Spirit 3 (via Nelson): The spirit of Frank's previous mother arrived, and she spoke through Nelson:
Spirit: We couldn't talk back much, the husbands decided everything.  I did this very quietly.  I sent my son (Frank) away, on a vacation to see my mother in England.  I sent her notes, telling her not to send him back, I would come to get him.  I would join him in England.  I had already sent my other son.  No son of mine would ever do this (referring to her husband).  I never got there.  (the spirit became agitated and nervous)  A storm.  It came and they tried!  They tried!  It was too late.  We all went down.  I have been looking for him for so long.  He looks different, but he is still white - and he has my hair!  I know he is my son.  So long, but he is my son. 
Astrid: It's the same soul in a different body.  (softly)  You died when the boat went down.
Spirit: I swam and swam and never got anywhere.  It makes me happy to see him.  He has my other son - his brother! - with him now.  They are still together!  (the spirit clapped her hands and cried)  Still together! 
Jackie:  They are together and doing well.
Spirit (to Frank): Forgive me.  I did what I thought was best...
Frank: I understand.
Spirit: I am looking deep into those eyes.  (began to cry again)  That is my son, my baby!  I am so sorry I left you, and I am so happy to see you.  Whatever they say I need to do to see him again, I will do it.  I'm never letting go again.  I'm coming for you again, I will never let go.  Whatever it is, I'm ready.   Another two mothers will come with me.  We all sent our sons away.  I am ready to work!  I want to be with the others again.  It was hard to get here, but I want to tell them that once you do it, it's easy.  (to Frank)  I am going to look at your heart and give you a kiss...until next time.
As the spirit faded, Nelson explained that Frank's mother would only consume half of the water or rations she was given, taking the rest to the slaves at night.  One of these slaves helped her and the others board the boat.  All three mothers spent the trip hiding behind a fake wooden wall on the ship, with only a small hole of light.  When it was safe to come out, the slave would cover the tiny hole of light.  The slave would consume only half of what he was given, saving the rest for the three mothers - as Frank's mother had once done for him.  Only the slave and the captain knew that the three women were aboard. 
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  As Nelson was speaking, his spirit guide slipped in to speak to the group:
Spirit: You like these stories as much as I do.  Dedicate your life to the real work, and you can receive the real compensation.  When you depart, if you have done the real work, your compensation will be much greater.  You will be surprised at the things you receive.  The real happiness is free.  There is always more work to be done, and very few places are doing it.  Please keep these doors open.  I am leaving for a little bit, but he (Nelson) will be back.  He has that attachment to family, as we showed you today.
For Frank: You feel that things are not well, not going your way?  Remember what happened today, and you will feel some comfort.  The love of the one you helped today will not allow you to punish yourself.  I have to be direct, right?  That stops today, no more punishing yourself.  Say, 'I will be okay, and I don't have to punish myself'. 
For Jeff: Your mom still loves you, it's just different.  When you are not around, and she is alone, she says, 'That's my boy, Jeffy.'  She doesn't think your love is where she thinks it should be.  It's like someone else at this table who used to say things, and now her tone has changed...
For Astrid: There was no need to punish yourself any longer.  That's the theme of today, no more punishment from you to yourself.
For Jackie: Don't feel bad because you couldn't do what you wanted.  It was not the right time.  It will come.  Don't punish yourself, it was not in your hands. 
For Santiago: I have a message for the sleepy one.  Sleepy, listen carefully!  Sometimes it's okay to be strong with the ones we love, even if that love changes because of what you say.  You have free will to say what you feel.  Don't be angry, say it with love and a smile.  You need to do that with someone close to you.  She needs to be awakened and I will leave it at that.
Jackie closed with a prayer.

Wednesdays in Chicago - August 24, 2016

What is my plan?
With spiritism, the more we read, the more questions we have.  One of the most significant questions concerns the matter of our own personal destiny.   Why are we here?  What are we supposed to accomplish?  Kardec's theories were simple enough: After death the soul becomes a spirit and seeks reincarnation, which is the destiny of all human souls.  Spirits know the past, present, and future; and sometimes they can materialize and act on matter. We should let ourselves be guided by good spirits, and refuse to listen to bad spirits. 
Life on earth is similar to attending school. We have assigned events in our life, and how we react and behave will determine our spiritual progress.  Kardec called life a learning institution that is intended to move us to a higher level.  We can only reach our own individual goal if we are able to accumulate enough credits - and if not, we may be required to repeat.  We would never attend  a school without a specific purpose or without knowing the rules, so how do we find that information for the school that is our life?
Our school of life is one that we do not escape until we graduate. Graduation is our return to the spirit world, so on earth, we are always students.  Just as with any other school, our life has classes that we like, and others that we detest or find extremely boring. How do we handle the difficult times? Those class periods of life where nothing seems to work and we cannot find an escape ladder? In the book, Missionaries of Light (by Francisco C. Xavier), Andre Luiz (the spirit author of the book) gives us the answer: “Every plan that is drawn up in the higher spheres has good and ascension as its basic objectives.  Every soul that reincarnates, even the one that finds itself in apparent desperate conditions, has the resources to continue to improve.” In other words, we have the means to successively climb out of whatever problem we find ourselves in.  Our fate is of our own making. The less we have to pay for past errors, the more freedom we gain to make our own choices to improve our souls.  We can pray for help and forgiveness, but we must also maintain a positive outlook - and still extend love and care to others. When we do this, we will have paid our debt, and exceeded the expectations of those who helped to create our plan.
How do we build up the required strength to survive future trials?
As in school, where there are periods between classes, there are periods between trials. These are the times to learn more about spiritism, or participate in sessions or charity work, and think about why we have gone through the occurrences of our life so far. In the book, Action and Reaction, Andre Luiz learns about a man who committed suicide at age forty.  After years of suffering in the spirit world, the man is reincarnated. Andre is told that as part of the man’s trials he will have an “overwhelming temptation to commit suicide again at the exact age in which he forsook his responsibilities the previous time.”
So, think carefully when you have great events in your life. Contemplate about how you must have made the wrong decision in a previous existence, and what steps you can take to improve. Andre asked how this unfortunate man could possibly resist the lure of suicide a second time. He learned that, “If this man has not saved up enough renewing and educational resources through his learning and the practice of fraternity to overcome the inevitable crisis, it will be very hard for him to avoid committing suicide again because, despite being reinforced from the outside, temptations have their starting point within us and they feed on what is already there”.  So continuing with our school example, the suicidal man failed his first test, but he has a chance for a retest. If he has studied harder and learned to live with others as e should, he will pass the test - and so can we.   After we endure and live through it, we can rejoice in the knowledge that we will not need to experience this type of test or event ever again.
Our destiny, or the course of study in our school on earth is not supposed to be tranquil.  If it was, we wouldn’t be able to advance. If we are not challenged, we are unable to advance.  We can take some comfort in the things we believe are tough life lessons are nothing compared to what truly failed spirits must experience. Pray for those who are in the middle of such difficult lessons, as we learn to navigate our own tests with a positive outlook. Graduation from the school of life - in which we have fully passed all of our classes - might mean that we are finished with earthly universities.  If not, the reward for our good grades in most classes means an even more fascinating life the next time - or an exciting and fulfilling job in the spirit world before its time to return back to our earthly campus.
What Comes Next?
Our life has much more meaning and complexity than we realize. There are those levels of the spirit world who help us, and those others who hinder us.  We need to free ourselves from the enslavements of opinions and self-concepts that are merely what we have absorbed from the media, from advertising, from our family, and from our friends. We tend read opinions that already mirror our own, we listen to “experts” who merely confirm what we already believe, and we support politicians who appeal to our own fears and delusions.  Once we stop  following others, we find ourselves.
Our life is a very long process to become aware of our own special function - the role that we can play to help the world most effectively. It may or may not mean embracing a cause or a political program. Instead it may involve working quietly as a light shining in the dark corridors of an apparently soulless corporation. It does not matter, if that is our work. As we evolve, and move deeper into our true self,  we can become a powerful force for change - rather than a weak, worried, and anxious consumer.

Blackwell, A. (2014, May 10). Kardec Spirit Writings. http://www.spiritwritings.com/kardec.html
Kardec, A. (2008). The Gospel According to Spiritism. Brasilia (DF): International Spiritist Council.
Wikipedia. Allan Kardec. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allan_Kardec
Wikipedia. Chico Xavier. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chico_Xavier
Xavier, F. C. (2009). Missionaries of the Light. Brasilia (DF), Brazil: International Spiritist Council.
Xavier, F. C. (2010). Action and Reaction. Brasilia (DF), Brazil: International Spiritist Council.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Chicago - March 31, 2015

In attendance: Denise, Gabe, Jeff, Mia, Nelson and Sonia 
As Nelson was preparing to read the opening prayer, he was instructed to also read the "victory over a bad temptation" prayer.  Someone known to one of us at the table was coveting his sister-in-law.  This obsession started out as a crush, but now the man involved was unable to push his feelings and desires away.  The spirits were constantly tempting him to act on his impulses.  Nelson told the table that we are always free to choose, but we need strength and help from the good spirits to make the correct choices.  After some questioning, it was determined that the man being tempted was named Ray, and he was Mia's brother.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  The spirit encouraging Ray was female, and she told the table that she was not alone.  She had a group of female spirits dancing around Ray - and it would be impossible for any man to avoid their machiavellianism.  (Note: A perfect choice of words, as it is a term that psychologists use to describe a person's tendency to be unemotional, and to detach him or herself from conventional morality in order to deceive and manipulate others.)  The dominant female spirit explained that Ray was not her target, she only wanted him to cheat so that she could hurt his wife.  Ray's temptations were so strong that he felt uncomfortable in his own skin, wondering why he had such strong urges to cheat. 
The spirit wanted Nelson to cup his hands and scoop up something as she moved into Nelson to speak:  "I am scooping up what she left of me.  I want revenge for what she did to me.  She is always so in control of everything, and this will destroy her.  I want her to pick up the pieces, like she did to me.  Do you know why my hands hurt?  She cut them off with a machete - so I could not touch what wasn't mine.  (Nelson's hands were tightly clenched, but they were hanging limply, as if they were not there.)  Pity?  She was evil and they want me to have pity?  Pity - ha!  Who ever pitied me?  Not those criminals.  Who was it?  Pity?  She was a worm who used people like toys and then discarded them." 
Sonia explained to the spirit that this happened in another existence, and she hoped the spirit would understand that "pity" was a way to ask for her to forgive the past.  The spirit replied: "There are many enemies for this worm, I am not the only one."  Sonia told the spirit that this woman will discover her guilt on her own, and she encouraged the spirit to do something similar - she should look for her own happiness.  With help from the guides around her, the spirit realized that her hands would be restored today, and she would finally feel complete again.  The spirit also had some advice for the woman she was tormenting: "Tell her to be very careful.  I am not the only one.  I don't want to be there anymore, but the others pretend too much.  Her words are very harsh, and she likes to offend. (pause) I have my hands...thank you.  Be careful where you walk.  You think it is concrete, but it's sand.  All three friends will go now - that's me and my two hands."
Nelson discussed the class he wanted to have in the summer for the mediums.  He hoped to help the mediums to be clean in mind and spirit.  He shared his own experiences from when he first attempted to pass spirits (rolling on the floor and screaming) and his arguments with the spirit world to just leave him alone ("I will pull out all of my hair if you make it stop.")  Mia added, "Anyone who thinks it is easy shouldn't be dabbling." 
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson's spirit guide had arrived to welcome in the next spirit.  He spoke directly to Gabe:  "You want to bring this to your mom, but it's more difficult than you think, correct?"  An angry spirit replaced the spirit guide (Caballito) and sat through Nelson:
Spirit (laughing): He thinks, hee-hee-hee!  He thinks he can reach her, ha!  There is no help, she is going to do whatever she wants to do.  I don't even want to look at him now.  They all jump when she gives orders.  She is the boss, ask him!  (Gabe agreed)  I didn't want to talk about that damn woman.
Sonia:  Why don't you try to help her?
Spirit: I am so mad, I want to pull out all of her teeth like they just pulled me out now and took me away from her.  I was with her!
Sonia: You can become educated here...
Spirit: Over there nothing happens in that house unless she says so.  She thinks she is the one in control!  Can I tell you something?  She gets bad aches and she doesn't know where they come from.  Ha, ha, ha!  "Why won't this go away?"  Ha!  It's me.  See what I can do?  Clearly we are not friends (rocked in his seat with frustration, as Gabe and Sonia attempt to reason with him.)  She was mine, she was my wife and she still is.  That big puppet she is with now is good for nothing. I pull his legs - ha! - to hurt him while I am in bed with her.  She abandoned me - for him
Mia: You are a spirit...
Sonia: She was your wife in a past life.
Spirit:  Spirit?  You are crazy.  Do you see any spirits here?  I am a man, I'm alive.
Sonia:  You know you are a spirit because you said she "was" your wife.
Gabe: Aren't you tired of all that hate?
Spirit (being shown his body): No more manipulation.  That's not me.  No, no, no.  It's nothing but dirt, bones and rags.  I'm dead? 
Gabe: Yes.
Spirit:  I am going to give you some advice.  Tell your father to put his foot down and say "no" sometimes.  I will go now with my group of eight...
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson's spirit guide ushered the spirit out and then he began to speak from behind Nelson.  He sensed that Mia was not feeling well, and he knew it was physical - not spiritual.  Mia agreed, saying she was stressed.  Caballito asked about her dreams.  He explained that at night, Mia was being shown her past lives - going back to where she came from:
Nelson (speaking for his guide): What have you learned from where they take you at night?
Mia: I was a male warrior, a very good one.  I was a strong leader - and a survivor.
Caballito:  You are female now to learn the softer, more compassionate side.  Your spirit has never been able to separate from the past.  You liked it so much - what you were - that you want to keep those qualities.  Find the good side of being a female. 
Mia: I'm not comfortable being under...
Caballito: You always have that armor up (crossed his arms to form an X in front of his face to illustrate)
Sonia: I am sensing, just release it...
Caballito: That would take her three more lives.  Until you master the female side, you cannot come back again as a man.  The happiness is within you, find a way to let it out and accept who you are now.  Have you ever seen a rose slowly blooming?  It's delicate.  That love will make you softer. 
Still speaking from his position behind Nelson, Caballito had a message for Sonia: 
Caballito:  How little faith it took for you to feel better.  Just a little bit of faith...
Sonia: Yes, thank you.
Caballito: If you would have put even more faith into it, you would have even more.  (Our commitment is often tested, to see if we are willing to make an effort to help ourselves or if we could demonstrate more faith than was required.)
Sonia: I am 150% committed.
Caballito: Some of the new people coming here need to learn that faith.  That's why I like to sit. (to Nelson) Stop filtering me!
Nelson's spirit guide began to question Denise, and as Nelson again filtered his requests, he decided to sit:
Caballito: How many more times do you need to be told what to do before you finally do it?
Denise: What am I being told to do?
Caballito (frustrated): Now you have an assignment!  Figure it out for yourself and next Tuesday you can tell me.  I have to do that.  It's time to start thinking for yourself.  You need to take action.  We guide, we help, but you have to make those choices...
Denise:  Does it have something to do with my father? 
Spirit: No!  It's nothing to do with anyone else.  It has to do only with you.  Figure it out.
Directing his attention to Mia, Caballito continued to speak through Nelson:
Caballito: For you, it is physical, and if you need a doctor, do it.  Don't be afraid.  What is from the material world belongs in the material world.  Something is not in order.  When was the last time you saw, how can I say this...
Mia: A girl doctor?
Caballito (laughing):  Yes!  So another assignment.  It's assignment day.  It's hard to learn by yourself, so we will all be there whenever anyone needs us.  But we listen first to see if you can figure it out on your own.  I do that with him (Nelson) when he is wrong.  You think his sister is stubborn....?
Jeff: It runs in the family.
Caballito: Yes!  He is very stubborn, so I let him fall - even though I am there to catch him.  (to Jeff)  When he says, "I'm not going there or doing that today," you need to just sit there, and continue to do your own thing.  Another thing you need to tell him.  He should not be so anxious to go to Puerto Rico.  Please tell him that we will let him know when he can go.  It is not up to him, and it may not be for the reason he thinks.
Focusing on Gabe, the conversation continued:
Caballito:  You are learning a lot, aren't you?  Sometimes you get more with honey than with anything else.  Use that honey you have with that mom of yours and you will gain a lot.  You will gain so much with that honey, but she will come around on her own time, not yours.
Gabe: You mean charm...?
Caballito: Exactly.  And you have a lot of it.  Your charm will speed up the process.  Use that with her.
Looking around the table, Nelson's spirit guide asked, "Let's see, who doesn't have an assignment?"  He asked Sonia, "You know your assignment, correct?"  Sonia said she understood, and Caballito said, "Are you sure?" 
Mia wondered if she could ask a question:  "I have some travel coming up - in an Arab country..."
Caballito: Now?  In the material world?  When?
Mia: At the end of April.
Caballito (pause):  Yes, you can go.  It's okay.  You are looking for that past and you might find some clues.  You may not like what you find, but the truth will liberate you.  Before you travel, go to the doctor.  You see? I already knew. 
Sonia, are you certain you know your assignment?  (Sonia said she did.)  As for this one (Nelson), he has a good heart.  He complains, but he loves this (sitting at the table).  As long as he goes in that direction, he and I are fine.  What a wonderful evening!  Each and everyone has something to take home tonight.  Don't stop looking after each other and asking, "Is there anything I can do?"  A strong group can go places and grow.  I need this group to be strong.  Like always, I am not far.  I will be around you.  It's my job and my pleasure... 
It was time to close the session, but Caballito stepped to the side so that Nelson could relate the story of a car accident that led to him to a stronger acceptance of his guide and spiritism.  There was a sense that a group cleansing was taking place in the background as Nelson told his story.  Nelson closed with a prayer.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Chicago - April 7, 2015

(Sorry for the brief notes.  We had a very long session, and as I had almost finished the lengthy notes, when the email ate all my work!  Maybe it was a way for the spirits to tell me to keep it shorter?)
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson's father celebrated his 87th birthday on Sunday.  Spiritual soldiers had assembled behind Nelson, and they were still fighting in the trenches from various wars.  The 75th Infantry from WWII was represented, as well as Puerto Rican soldiers who wore a pin with their flag under a pocket flap of their uniform.  They felt forgotten, and Nelson's father had been praying for them. There were 193 from WWI, 68 from WWII and 65 representing Puerto Rico. A "worker" spirit persuaded them to go to a military hospital with him.  The soldiers had to be cleared - as more would be arriving - even though the world is not ready for another world war.
Mia's guide arrived to give her some details about her upcoming trip to Turkey.  She will visit a city and see her twin brother from another existence.  Her spirit guide will whisper in her ear (it will feel similar to a breeze) when the moment arrives.
Sonia completed her assignment - plus charity - but she still wished that her son would phone her just to say hello.  The spirits advised that the wife of her son was where she was because she liked the sorrow and pity.  This was influencing the children (especially the oldest boy) in a negative way.  Sonia's son was thinking of leaving his wife, and for the health of his children, he should.  When a thousand spirits are removed, she calls three thousand more to replace them.
Denise needs to move if she ever hopes to have peace or quiet.  She thinks she is helping her family, but they resent her - and she does not belong there with them.  A mischievous spirit has been adding to the confusion in the house. 
Nelson's guide has not forgotten the assignments from the previous session.  For Juan's upcoming doctors' appointment, someone should go with him (it should be him and two others).  Jeff found the prior relationship between himself, Nelson and Gabe interesting, and more will be revealed.  Someone else connected to Jeff's family will join the trio. 
Nelson closed with a prayer.

Chicago - March 29, 2015

(Note:  These notes were authored by Denise)

Attendees:  Sonia, Marisol, Mia, Denise
Guests: Maricela, Don Juan, Nazario
We began our session continuing our discussion from earlier regarding the Temple. Sonia had received an email from some “members” requesting a meeting to discuss Spiritual Meetings. At the time that the discussion began, Denise related feeling very anxious, unquiet, and with pressure in her chest while Mia read the email out loud earlier.    The Temple was always considered to be a Spiritualist Center and not Spiritist, part of our discussion included the major difference between the two philosophies.  One big difference is that Spiritists believe in reincarnation while Spiritualists do not.
One of the actions that we need to take is to read the bylaws and Charlotte’s teachings to find a common ground.    Sonia also brought up that the Temple had already experienced some cleansing/realignments in the past few years (flooding).  The good spirits have a part in regards to the successes of events – they are cleaning the path so that the flow the way it needs to go.  Obsessors are trying to divide/break what is going on. We also need to meditate/pray to the good spirits in order to help the Temple to move forward.
Marisol was studying a spirit that was looking for a division and has created previous divisions that had occurred in the Temple.  The description that Marisol gave described a previous member of the Temple.  This spirit had a female partner in crime, helping to create the division.  He doesn’t have good intentions. He wanted to be in charge/pastor of the Temple, and he was upset that he wasn't being given the position.  He was also waiting for something to happen so that he can back in with his group.
Spirit #1 (through Marisol)
The spirit came in very upset and insisting that he was the boss whether we liked it or not. Sonia asked him to listen to those others around him especially to the founder (Charlotte). He wanted to find a way to bring division in the Temple.  Mia let him know that he is currently in the dark and needs to go into the light. The Good Spirits that surrounded him were explaining to him that he was wrong and mistaken, but he remains unsure.  He has begun to smell smoke and realized that he had wanted the Temple all in smoke.  (Some months ago a car hit the side of the Temple and created a lot of smoke.  The windows to the Healing Room and the men’s room needed to be replaced due to damage).  Once he realized his actions had caused harm, he was repentant and asked for forgiveness, which was given.  He also became aware that he had been misled.  He made us aware that he was not alone and there were many who were with him.  It has now fallen to him to let those others know that they were misled and to lead them.  He told us that he can only change his thinking but cannot change Tim’s.  He also confirmed that we need to search through Charlotte’s teachings and that we will find what we need.
Once Marisol was released, she also confirmed that these spirits intentions were for the Temple to burn.
Spirit #2 (through Marisol – Guardian of the Temple)
“Thank you for guiding this soul to the light.  There are more cleansings that need to be done.  Don’t let your guard down. We will join you in prayer.  May peace of the guard be with you.”
We also need to do prayers for the spirit Marisol passed) – to have his heart touched.
 Marisol asked Maricela if she could go to their house on Wednesday (Sonia and Marisol have made plans to go).
Juanita took Cando’s death very hard – as she wasn’t able to say goodbye the way she wanted to.  She would like to communicate with Cando or to make her transition in order to be with him.  We will send good energy and healing to Juanita. Also put things in prayer for Wednesday.
Marisol asked Nazario about his marriage – he is no longer married.  In his previous relationship he saw that she was more interested in what he could provide materially without any thought to love. He has been recently dreaming about a woman but has not been able to see her face and has smelled perfume various times. 
Spirit #3 (through Marisol)
He’s mine and she’s interfering (Marisol).  We were partners and I was blindly in love with you.  You were my everything and another younger women took away your love and you left me.  She was prettier than me.  When you left I went crazy and felt abandoned and sad.  That sadness you felt at times was the sadness that I felt.  As she continued to talk ad to listen to those counseling her she began to realize that she didn’t have to live in the past anymore and has an opportunity.  She realized that she had been obsessed and was able to leave with those good spirits to a place where others who were sick went to get better.
Spirit #4 (through Marisol)
Marisol’s guide came to cleanse her.  Sonia gave passes to Nazario and Maricela.
Spirit #5 (through Sonia)
This spirit came through Sonia as she was cleansing Maricela and was crying and thanked Maricela for her prayers (Juanita).
Closing Prayer

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Wednesdays in Chicago - Reincarnation and Suffering

Planning for Reincarnation

No reincarnation just happens as a completely random series of events. If allowed, we plan our reincarnation in the spiritual world.  Our entire life in the material world is not planned out, as that would remove our free will. The planning is based on the moral and intellectual progress we made throughout our previous existences (what we need to repair from our past, and the opportunities we need to test our prior learning). This planning may include the family that will receive our spirit, the body into which our spirit will incarnate (including any tendencies toward certain illness, deformities, etc), and other significant events and persons that are needed as part of the spirit's earthly existence. 

As spirits, we are always assisted in this planning by spirit mentors of a higher level. The level of our involvement in this planning depends on our development. There are some spirits who know nothing about their coming incarnation in advance.  This is a result of their stage of evolution, or it may be a form of correction, the moral state of the spirit, or rebelliousness that makes this necessary. 

Spirits who are aware of their coming incarnation often experience a significant degree of anxiety from the uncertainty about the outcome of the trials they will undergo. The population of discarnate spirits is much greater than that of incarnate spirits, so those who are resentful of their mistakes and eager to make amends must often wait in a long line behind others also awaiting their turn. The eventual union of the soul with a material body (of the child to be born), is possible because of the perispirit, which serves as a tie between the spirit and the body matter. 

What Happens During Childhood?

A child's spirit before the age of 7 is influenced by those who are entrusted with his or her care and education. The influence of the spirit’s past has not fully emerged, so the new impressions that the spirit receives have a greater chance of having an effect on the child's personality. During this time, our tendencies toward wrong-doing, (brought with us by our spirit), are redirected, and the spirit's faulty characteristics may be gradually reformed by the impressionable values of the parents.

Question 385 of Kardec’s The Spirits' Book asks, "Why does the character of young people change, especially as they go through adolescence? Is it the spirit that changes?" 

The answer is, "the spirit, as it regains self-awareness, reveals itself as it was before incarnation.... After fifteen or twenty years, children no longer need [the same degree of protection and assistance from their parents], and their real characters begin to emerge." At this point, the young person makes his way toward adulthood where he will truly be able to exercise his free will and chose the direction that his life will take. Hopefully, the individual has received a proper education from his parents, one that will help him make good decisions along the way. 

Kardec writes in The Gospel As Explained by the Spiritist Doctrine (items 59-60), "Our forgetfulness of our past lives, especially the painful ones, offers a striking example of the wisdom and goodness of God. Only on the most advanced worlds, where the memory of our painful lives will be no more than the shadowy memory of a bad dream, will we be able to recover the memory of our past in its entirety. On the contrary, in worlds such as ours, the memory of past miseries would only magnify our present hardships. Such considerations lead us to conclude that whatever has been created by God is for the best."

The Meaning of our Suffering

Suffering is an inevitable part of life in the material world. Spiritism helps us to understand the causes of suffering and how we should respond in order to benefit from it.

There are two kinds of suffering on Earth. The first kind of suffering is that which comes from our present-day life. This suffering accounts for most of our problems, and it comes from our own faults (For example: pride, selfishness, arrogance, or thoughtlessness; our lack of discipline or perseverance; or a lack of tolerance, patience, and charitableness).

Through our own poor choices, negative conduct, and unhealthy attitudes, we become, as Kardec says, "the architects of our own troubles." As a result, individuals suffer, families suffer, and consequently, the society we live in suffers. When we are experiencing moments of disappointment and loss, a careful study of the situation and of our own conscience will often lead us to the conclusion that if a particular choice of action in the past had only been different, the situation of the present moment would also be a different one. 

The other kind of suffering comes from a previous life, usually the consequence of a prior wrong-doing(s) or poor choice(s). Every action has its consequence, and thus, every infraction of natural law will bring a corresponding repercussion - so our present-day suffering may be related to the pain and problems we once brought to others. But the suffering might also be a result of something we did in this lifetime.  The consequences of our actions are felt in the same lifetime to serve as a warning, to hopefully lead us to change a particular attitude or behavior and make amends with someone we have wronged. When do not acknowledge such warnings, or we recognize our errors after it is too late, we complete that existence without feeling the consequences of our actions.  So we must eventually experience them through the opportunity of another reincarnation.  Because we do not remember what we have done in a previous life, Kardec writes, "If we can't find the wrong-doing in this life, it must have taken place in the previous one."

It is important to point out that not every case of suffering indicates a previous wrongdoing. Sometimes, before incarnating, spirits who are at an appropriate level of advancement request certain experiences as a way to help in their purification and to accelerate their progress. Still, as Kardec points out, the need for such trials and purification still indicates our imperfection. These cases can usually be recognized by the calm and resigned mindset with which the spirit undergoes the trial selected, asking only that God may give them the strength and patience to handle the difficulty. The opposite of these spirits are those whose suffer the consequence of a wrongdoing  with moaning and protest, resistance, and sometimes contempt toward God. This sort of despair and complaint causes us to waste valuable opportunities for growth, and we risk having to start over once again. Understanding the existence and implications of our multiple lives is important, as it gives us the motivation to react to our trials with a calm resignation and to view them "as opportunities to correct wrongs of the past and to heal our spirit", which is the only path to spiritual purification.

(To read more, see Chapter 5 of The Gospel As Explained By The Spiritist Doctrine)

Just A Thought

"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...