Friday, March 31, 2017

Similarities Between Ancient Egypt and Spiritism

The Ancient Egyptian View of the Afterlife 

The Egyptians believed in an afterlife, and the tomb was an important part of that belief. As the tomb of King Tutankhamen testifies, the deceased’s chamber of internment was to be decorated with art and filled with the material possessions of that person. Why? The ritual was not for superstitious reasons, as one might suspect. It was practical, according to their beliefs, and aimed at preventing that person’s energy (spirit) from being re-absorbed into Nature’s spiritual force. For the ancient Egyptians, Ba was the force that animated a living person, whereas Ka was the energy emanating from that person. Although not an exact analogy, the Ka and the Ba are what spiritists might refer as spirit and soul. 

Another important aspect of Egyptian belief represented immortality, the ankh, depicted in hyrogripics as the crested ibis (below). In other words, the Ibis made it possible for the spirit (Ka) to live on, just as spiritists believe that our spirit lives on, once the body is gone. The place for the spirit to have the immortality was ruled by the Ibis (an Egyptian God).

The Ka, represented in art by up-stretched arms (see below), was believed to be the part of man’s consciousness and energy (man’s spirit or inner quality) that related to the immediate world. It is the part of us connected to the physical body; where it lived (just as our spirit lives inside our body).  The Ka also included the possessions that one had, as well as the people he or she was acquainted with. The Ka can be likened to one’s personality when we are in the material world. 

Upon death, the Ka was separated from the body (just as the spirit leaves the body behind), and it would naturally seek a way to once again to take a new form. 

The Ba, represented by a winged human head, or sometimes a human-faced bird, represented the part of consciousness that is immortal (as spiritists call it, the perispirit, where our spirit lives on once the body is gone).

When someone passed away, it was their goal as well as the hope of the family, that the deceased’s Ka would seek a way to remain united with their Ba. In other words, when the Ka (spirit) was separated from the body, how could it stay united to the Ba? 

To help accomplish this eternal union between Ka and Ba, the possessions of the deceased were gathered together by the family and placed in the tomb with the mummified body. Mummification prevented the body from decomposing and returning to the soil of the Earth, whereas the tomb, with the deceased’s possessions inside, served as a ‘home’ for the Ka. As a result, the Ka maintained its identity in the spiritual world and could seek out its Ba in order to achieve ankh, which resulted in the resurrected and glorified form of the deceased beyond the limits of an earthly realm into a spiritual hierarchy.

The ankh was also known as crux ansata (Latin for "cross with a handle").  It symbolized life, and the Egyptian gods were often portrayed carrying it by its loop, or bearing one in each hand, arms crossed over their chest (see below). The ankh appears in the hand or in proximity of almost every deity in the Egyptian pantheon (including Pharaohs).

Ancient Egypt had more in common with spiritism than we may have thought!

Chicago - July 10, 2016

In attendance:
Bernardo, Carmen, Carmencita, Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Eva, Frank, Gabe, Isabel, Janet, Juan, Juana, Jeff, Jose, Maricela, Marisol, Nelson, Ron, Sonia, and Xavier 
Marisol read a prayer for world peace, and Nelson read a prayer against war from Eva's daughter.  Denise felt like crying, and Nelson's guide told her not take notes any more, as he wanted her full concentration.  "Let's see if you start doing what you were supposed to start doing a long time ago," he said, "and you can let those emotions run if you need to, but don't let them control you."
Nelson was shown a group of very angry, very disappointed street shooters with guns (spirits who represented the recent killings in the US), and Marisol also saw them.  They were trying to find some light, but they were blinded by their constant dedication to confrontations.  They were asking for help, but no one was listening to them.
Spirit 1 (via Carmencita):  As the shooters debated and argued among themselves, Carmencita had a specific message from for the Romero family.  She passed a spirit who spoke without any interruption or counseling.  The spirit spoke formally and with authority, and he said his message was in regards "to what they need to know, and what needs to be done."
Spirit:  May the peace of God be with you and in your home.  It is time to realize your evolution, why you are all together, and the importance of this lifetime.  It's not all about the challenges you face, this is a reminder to maintain your spirituality.  Learn a lesson from all of your tasks, and do not let the challenges knock down your faith.  Every one of you needs to put a small grain of rice into the pot, for their own improvement, and the betterment of the family.  You have not done that.  Let peace live in your home.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  The spiritual shooters had determined who would speak for them, and that spirit moved forward to sit through Nelson:
Spirit (angry): When is someone going to do something for us?  Words of peace and 'thoughts and prayers' are just talk.  We are tired of all that talk with no action. 
Jeff: What needs to be done to give you peace?
Spirit:  Peace?  It's easy to say that, but none of those prayers ever reach us.  We are in the dark.  We were only given guns, and shooting them gives me peace.  All you have is words.  Just words.  I don't even know who I am.  (tearfully)  I need someone to take my pain, and I am tired of listening to words.
Jeff: Those friends who are with you are offering you help...
Spirit: They keep saying that they will take us to a better place.  What is it?
Jeff: A place to rest.
Spirit: I am so tired.  When you have to hide and be alert all the time, you never sleep.  You keep thinking, 'When will it be my day?'  I have been here for so long, in this same environment, and I'm tired.  There are so many of us.  Some of us cannot move, some cannot talk, others cannot hear...
Jeff: You can put those weapons down now...
Spirit: I already put mine down, but I don't understand what this person (the spirit guide) is saying. 
Jeff: Those are friends who want to help your group, by taking everyone somewhere else.
Spirit: All I want is silence.  There are a lot of them who came to our rescue.  They are saying that I will go to one place, and the sick ones will go somewhere else.  All I want is not to hear anything.  It's so loud with bullets, screaming, crying - it's all around us over here.  (to Marisol)  Thank you lady, for reading that prayer.  it did reach us, and we are over 600.  We are 620.  All I can tell you is that innocent victims were killed, and we do not know why.  I am going to go with him, I'm going to go...
Nelson bent over in his seat and bumped his head on the table as the spirit was removed.  Juana said that she saw a spirit walking around our table, stopping at each seat to give everyone passes.  The passes were given as a way to remove the violence that the group of spirits had brought with them. 
Spirits 3 & 4 (via Carmen):  Nelson later explained that before the sessions, he normally has some idea of what will happen.  For today's reunion, his guide only told him, "Stand when I ask, and sit when I tell you.  I will do the rest."  Nelson stood, as a new spirit arrived through Carmen.  The spirit was for Carmen, and it was also here with her last week:
Spirit: You tried to trick me the last time I was here!  I am here now for what belongs to me.
Nelson: Tell me what that is...
Spirit:  I am angrier now.  I left last time - because it was your fault!  Now I want to claim what is mine, but the are telling me it cannot be.  You have been wasting my time.
Nelson:  Because you cannot be doing that any more.  If it is yours, I will give it to you, but if not, it doesn't belong to you.
Spirit:  I will keep coming for it, because I know I will get it.  (long pause)  I smell blood.  What is that?  (began to cry)  I am told that I have to go, he told me I need to go.  I cannot be here any more.  It smells like blood, I will take that with me. 
The spirit left quietly, and Carmen's spirit guide arrived to cleanse the environment.  Her message was brief, as she explained that we had more work to do - and that the next entity would also be passed by Carmen.
Spirit 5 (via Carmen):  The new spirit was for Noemi.  She was not present, and the spirit was not happy over her absence:
Spirit: Where is she?  I need to talk to her.  She used me, and I need to talk to her!  She doesn't deserve any happiness.  I need revenge.  She tortured me, and ended my life.  Where is she?  I was told she would be here!
Nelson: Don't worry about her, worry about your own salvation.  She has her job to do in Puerto Rico.
Spirit: I am not going to let her have it, she will not have ANYTHING!  I am not leaving.  They tricked me and said she would be here.  I am getting a headache, so I am leaving her.  (to the spirit guide)  I will give him my hand.  Where am I going to go? 
Nelson:  To a tranquil place, so you can rest..
Spirit:  It would be good to have a little peace.  They said it would be a nice place, and she's not here - the one I was looking for today - so I'm going.  Goodbye...
Spirit 6 (via Marisol):  Marisol sensed that Eva knew a young man who had his life cut short last October.  Eva said that he died in a car accident, and his name was Joel.  She had been praying for him:
Spirit (confused):  What is this...?  Where am I...?  What happened?  I'm dizzy.  I do not feel well, and I think I am going to die.  (very distraught)  I'm really confused over where I am.  I can't breathe! 
Nelson:  You were in a car, on your way to a party.  You never reached the party, and instead, you arrived in the spirit world. 
Spirit (pounds table):  I did not want to die!  NO! 
Nelson: Your life continued, just in another form.
Spirit (sadly): I had so many plans.  (crying)  All my plans!
Nelson:  It's just a change from the material world into the spirit world.  I want to help you and the ones who caused the accident.
Eva:  It's reincarnation, not resurrection.
Spirit: My body doesn't work now.  Where do I go now?  Where? 
Nelson:  They will take you to another place, on another road, it's eternal life in a new location.
Spirit: I wasn't expecting that to happen...
Nelson:  You chose this, by coming here today... 
Spirit:  There's a pretty woman calling out to me.  Very pretty.  She wants me to go with her to someplace to learn.  I comprehend.  I'm leaving with her - thank you and goodbye...
The spirit left with the three other spirits who caused the car accident.  Nelson told the group that there was a reason for everything, even trauma.  It's cause and effect (a cause is WHY something happens, and the effect is WHAT happens).  In this case, Joel (the spirit) stopped at a light to fix his cell phone (cause) when the accident occurred (effect). 
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked Carmencita how the center she attended in Puerto Rico was doing, and she said that things were good.  Nelson's spirit guide arrived to continue the conversation:
Caballito:  Have they lost direction? 
Carmencita: Yes.
Caballito:  There are too many cords that are out of control.  That can be harmful, as some members cannot tolerate it.  There is a group of (spirit) friends here, and they have been allowing this to continue, and to get out of control.  These entities want to close that center.  We have isolated them into the corners.
Carmencita:  Thank you.
Caballito:  There are also some material world friends in that place who do not belong.  But with those spiritual friends around, it will not happen. 
Nelson was shown the spirit of the man who founded the center.  He was looking at Carmencita and wondering what happened to his legacy.  He asked, "What happened?  If someone brought a flower into that place, it would die."  Nelson said that an elevated spirit working for the other side was also present.  He had placed his "spirit apostles" in the center, and they would not leave until he was able to sit - and he was too adamant and angry to sit.  Passing this spirit was the reason that Nelson and Carmencita had to be together.  Carmencita understood, and she acknowledged the presence of some negative spirits in the center, but she did not have any method to remove them.  Nelson said it would be difficult, but an attempt would be made on Wednesday.  These spirits needed some time to be softened up.
Briefly:  Sonia was shown soldiers and they were painful to see.  There was a drum being played to establish a marching order for the soldiers.  Nelson said it was a "ceremony to retire" for the spiritual soldiers, so that Carmencita's center could re-bloom.  Nelson asked Juana how her vacation went: 
Caballito: You didn't want to come back, you wanted to stay over there?
Juana: Yes, it was good.
Caballito: This (spiritism) has improved your life, do not stray too far for too long.
Denise said she was nauseous, so Nelson walked over to her and put his hand over her head: 
Caballito: Dedicate your time at this table to see what you can find out about yourself.  Forget the rest, concentrate on just you.  Why can't you concentrate on just one thing?  Why do you run your life this way?
Denise: I'm always battling myself.  I try, but I'm in a battle.  I'm always fighting for my life, my soul - my spirit.
Caballito: May I tell you why?  I have told you this before.  The people you surround yourself with, they do not want you to get away.  It's a concentration camp.  You try to run, and they pull you back.
Denise: I can't even be myself.  I'm tired.
Caballito: When you give up, they have already succeeded.  Why are you taking on things that do not belong to you?  Why can't you say that you are not responsible?
Denise:  I'm afraid of being alone.
Caballito:  So instead, little by little, you are killing yourself?  No one ever takes you seriously because you have never done anything.  You talk and talk, but nothing ever gets done. 
Spirit 8 (via Nelson): Nelson returned to his chair.  He compared Denise to the boy who cried wolf so many times, that when there was a wolf, nobody believed him and nobody responded.  Nelson continued, "There are demons right next to you, and you live with them.  I would rather live alone in a car than in a mansion filled with even one of them.  Everyone in that house has some sort of pain.  We cannot allow that to control your life."
(A mischievous spirit from Denise's house arrived to explain)
Spirit (laughing gleefully): There's a casket in her house - waiting for her.  It's the only way she will ever leave that place.  All of you get out of my way...If you want to see crazies, well, they are all there!  We laugh, we play, and sometimes we scare them.  He (Nelson) wanted to talk to you, but look - now he isn't even here!  Ha, ha ha!  One day, she is just going to open a door and it will be a window for her to fall out.  That will be funny!  She already thinks she is crazy, with all our torture.  Do you know what I do?  (laughing)  After she eats something, I make her think she is still hungry - and she eats again!  I torture her the way she once did to me.  Ha, ha, ha!  It's really crazy.  People yelling to each other, talking to themselves, it's such a nut house over there.  It's so crazy, I don't really want to be over there.  I'm running for my life, away from there.  I was just visiting my friend (Denise's father).  She's a toy for us, but I got tired of the gas, the bloating.  I'm really thinking about leaving, but it's so entertaining!  I'm there with him (the father) and Hitler.  You have no idea what he (Hitler, or possibly Denise's father) did to us!  Is he still a criminal?  I was running for my life.  I'm tired of them now, and all of it.  I'm going to go.
Jeff: Take your group with you.
Spirit: There are seven who are sick, and my group is five.  I'm going to go, I don't feel very good.  There's pain every day.  They let everything in, over there in that house.

Once the spirit faded away, Nelson warned Denise:  "When you allow another to control you, you have to be careful of who else you let into your life." 
Spirit 9 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked Marisol about the health of her son (Andres).  Last week, Nelson envisioned him in a very calm, extremely peaceful state, but now Nelson sensed that he was tense and agitated (and Carmencita agreed): 
Nelson: If he transitions the way he is now, it will be very painful for him.  When still have enemies around us until we die, and if they are not reconciled or removed, they will remain in that house - until they find him again.  He is in pain.  He's crying now.
Marisol: That's why I give him morphine.
(Nelson began to move one hand in a circular motion until a spirit arrived)
Spirit: Do you think I will show him peace and pity?  Where was my peace?  I want to be with him until the very end.
Marisol:  That's not necessary.
Spirit: I wanted to torture him.  I wanted to take him with me, but now they tell me it's not my responsibility.  I have a couple of his friends with me.  There are many of us, and we have some blind ones in our group.  I wanted him to be blind, so he couldn't see where I was taking him.  I saw you there, with him.
Marisol: Yes.  (Carmen also counseled the spirit)
Spirit: I put headphones on him, so he couldn't hear you, and again when she (Carmencita) said a prayer.  I want to put those headphones on him (the spirit guide) but now they don't work.  So I will get my people, and end the torture.  They told me I needed to show some respect.
The spirit left, and he was immediately replaced by Caballito:
Caballito (referring to Andres):  The cords are being cut, little by little.  It's painful, as the goodbye is often longer than the welcome.  She (Marisol) is as strong as a rock, but rebuilding that rock takes longer.  It doesn't matter, because then your inner rock will be even stronger.  Sometimes, it is easier to express it out loud (in a conversation), instead of internalizing it.  And sometimes, thinking is easier.  After he (Andes) finishes his job, open your heart, to assure that nothing blocks your path.  And he is not finished yet.  Help those to understand how to help your son.  Sometimes the pain begins when we pass, as some material friends do not want that passing to occur.  We must make certain that his spirit is protected.  For all of you, many hands will be offered.  We want to assure that you give your hand correctly, to the right one.  The process (of dying) is not easy.  If those spiritual friends are not helped, who do you think will show up when he transitions?  This is why our work here matters.  Understand that, and you will realize how beautiful it is to arrive back (in the spirit world) with nothing but love in your hearts and minds.  Sometimes we arrive with a need, but do not worry, as everything will be done at the correct time - to see the needed results. There are no "bad" worlds, maybe just ignorant worlds, as everyone has free will.  I am happy over the work we were able to complete today.  I am just a humble worker who hopes everyone can be happy.  There are also no "bad" lessons - just because something doesn't make us smile.  Thank you for letting me do my work. Have a great week. 
After Caballito departed, Juana said she saw a candle slowly dimming when we were discussing Marisol's son.  Maricela saw a big, smelly dog that was given power by our group.  Nelson explained that the less we hate, the less power we give to those images.  Nelson closed with a prayer.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Chicago - July 3, 2016

In attendance:
Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Erika, Eva, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff, Maricela, Marisol, Mimi, Nelson, Noemi, Ron, Sonia  

Briefly: Marisol read the prayer for the sick, and Carmen told the table about her relatives in Puerto Rico who were suffering (Vanessa, and her daughter Minga).  Minga was hospitalized and unable to walk.  She also had an issue with her blood.  Based on her symptoms, the mediums recommended that she be tested for Lyme disease.  Maricela asked about the upcoming trip for Juan and Juanita (they are returning from Mexico) and the mediums agreed that the trip will be fine.  Nelson wanted to caution Juanita not to stray too far from her spiritual work, as a fall could leave her bedridden. 
Nelson was shown that Marisol's husband was reluctant to return to school (even though he had already completed his course schedule without telling anyone).  His thoughtful spirit guide was present, and he showed Nelson a vision of Marisol's husband leaving the house, then changing his mind and returning.  The guide asked Marisol to strongly insist that her husband completed his studies - as he needs to move forward in his current life, and this was the only way.  He wants to accomplish a lot, but he will not reach his goals if he doesn't finish school.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  The spirit guide for Marisol's husband was very elevated, and he assured her that her husband's education attempt will not fail.  In at least three other lifetimes, her husband started down this path, but never finished.  Although his spirit guide was around him now, Marisol's husband ignored him, as he listened instead to other spirits and his family members.  Marisol shared that her husband did not want to leave Marisol and Andres alone.  "Andres has been dying for 32 years," the guide gently explained, "So do not use that excuse.  We cannot allow him to fail again, not this time."  Nelson saw the spirit guide with big brown/hazel eyes, and he was holding a courtroom gavel that he wanted to pass on to Marisol once her husband had completed his education.
Spirits 2 & 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson sensed a kind spirit for Noemi and Mimi, and Marisol noticed the same disheveled man.  Nelson said that Noemi always hoped that she would transition before her children, and he understood her concern that they were secure and that Mimi was cared for and protected.  Mimi's father died over 30 years ago, and it was his spirit that Nelson and Marisol envisioned.  His spirit was not in good condition, but he wanted to speak and ask for forgiveness.  The spirit was very emotional, and extremely difficult for Nelson to pass:
Spirit (tearfully): hurts a lot.  It hurts when life is cut short.  I thought I had more time, I was young.  I just wanted a hug, a kiss, a chance to say goodbye to both of you.  I have thought about all the things I wanted to say, and now the words won't come.  (looking at Mimi, the spirit began to cry)  I used to love it when her hair was long, like it is now.  Forgive me.  I tried to ask for forgiveness so many times.  I would pickup the phone, but something would happen.  A job, a girl, a money issue.  I need to celebrate all those birthdays I missed today.  That's the reason I came here today with him (the spirit guide).  My daughter!  I want to hug her, but they say I cannot.  What I wouldn't give for one more hug, one more kiss.  I'm sorry I didn't appreciate what I had.  How can I say goodbye after being away for so long?  When you think of me, don't call me.  Send me a message of hope, for me to continue on my path - because I cannot return for a while.  I am going to a hospital, and then a school to learn how to help others.
Noemi:  Follow that light...
Spirit: I'm leaving, I hope I can come back.
Marisol counseled the spirit, and when he departed with the guides, Nelson's guide stepped forward to speak directly to Mimi:
Caballito: For you, his daughter, this is the start of a new beginning.  Your dizziness will go away, and today is the first day that you will be yourself again.  A lot has happened to you, and it has been very hard.  From now on - a party.  It's your birthday, in a way.  In another summer, a year from now, you will return to Chicago.  We should have a cake with one candle to celebrate your first birthday.
Spirit 4 (via Carmen): Eva noticed a heavy sadness around Carmen, and Maricela felt the same thing. There was an obsessor spirit who occasionally overtook Carmen, and he was making her feel his pain.  When the spirit pushed on Carmen's heart, she panicked.  Nelson said: "Ignoring something doesn't make it go away.  You wake up and feel 100% fine, and then 15 minutes later you feel as if you are dying." 
Carmen explained that she was tired of everything.  She was afraid for the phone to ring with another intrusive request, and she was tired of being responsible for everyone and everything.  She wished that she could just disappear for two or three months and get away.  Nelson hoped to encourage the spirit to speak through Carmen:
Nelson: What have you done to that friend?
Carmen: I haven't done this existence...
(The spirit who was tormenting her decided to speak through Carmen)
Spirit: Be quiet already!  I am finishing my work here.  We are waiting for her to come with us!  Let's go!
Nelson: You are not going to finish anything.
Spirit: Every day that I see her, she is more beautiful.  I am jealous of others, even the shadows around her.  She is mine.  She needs to resolve something before she goes back in Puerto Rico.  That's why I was putting something into her heart to make it stop - like mine does, when I see her.
Nelson: Listen to those good friends around you.
Spirit: I do not want to hear them!  They are telling me that I need to leave her, even though my work is not finished.  I will take that from her heart.  It was causing her harm.  I need to go, I'm tired.  Now I am feeling sorry for myself...
As the spirit faded, Emiliano said that he was shown children playing in a cornfield.  A circle had been cleared in the cornfield, and the children were trying to fill it back in.  Nelson thought it related to both Mimi and Carmen.  The patterns created by the spirits kept both of them going in isolated circles, and now those circles were being erased and restored.
Additional Spirits (via Nelson):  Nelson was still tired from the spirit he passed, so he mentally told his guide that it would be difficult for him to pass any other spirits.  Caballito responded that the scheduled work needed to continue, so he would relay the spiritual messages to Nelson, and Nelson would then share them with the table. 
Marisol was asked about the health of her son, and she said that he was eating less and that he needed to be on morphine to help manage his pain.  Nelson was told that Andres was slowly shutting down, and Marisol understood:
Caballito:  The spirit has to purify itself.  It's not your way, or the way of the doctors - it has to happen this way to let him purify his own spirit. The end is coming, and the next few days will be even more painful.  Do not feel sorry for him, as he is doing what he asked for, and it is okay.  You will one day know what he did previously to endure this now.  He chose this himself.  He is not suffering, because his spirit his happy.  He is accomplishing what he needs to do.
Another group of spirits was present, and they were unhappy over Eva's visit to Chicago.  Nelson was told that Eva's daughter and her husband were hoping to have another child.  Eva confirmed the pregnancy attempt, and she explained that there was a bleeding issue for her daughter.  Nelson drew what he was shown - a potato shape with lines that looked similar to tiny hairs - and it was responsible for the bleeding.  The mediums recommended a test for fibrosis, as the issue was hormonal.  There was an imbalance due to the daughter's age (38).  Now that the ball of blood had been seem, the spirit side could silently work on it, but the daughter also needed to see a doctor to repair the material world impact.  She would be unable to get pregnant if the problem remained.  Nelson was shown the spirit of a very excited little boy.  He was jumping up and down, and very eager to be born.
We returned back to the niece (Minga) that Carmen referenced at the start of our session.  Carmen said that she was divorced and her life was crazy and very dysfunctional.  At age 24, she had two children, and she was sick in the hospital with an undiagnosed illness that left her unable to walk.  Her life was mimicking the one her mother (who was still alive) had lived.  The mother had three children, and several abortions, and now her daughter was suffering because of her mother's past behavior and her own choices.  In an act of vengeance, one of those aborted spirits was now bothering the daughter.  A spiritual pact had been made for the three children that the mother had to reincarnate together.  When the mother aborted the spirit who was now bothering the daughter, that pact was broken.  Prayers were advised.  The spirit who took the place of the female aborted child was a male child.  He is innocent, as he never belonged to that group of three.  Ironically, he may be the salvation for his mother, as he is a spiritist.  His mother has many deep secrets.
Nelson's guide needed to sit, as he wanted to cleanse Mimi and Marisol.  When he returned to his seat, he had some specific messages:
For Marisol:  Do not let your mind have so much garbage in it.  Be prepared for the visit of your friend (Carmencita) because she needs your hand.  And I need you in good condition to help her - and then once she is better, she can also help you.  Pray for those friends who will arrive with her.  Difficult times are ahead, but you will not be alone.  Do not worry about him (Andres), as he will be in good hands - with the best doctors to help him.  Pray to your spirit guides, and to his. 
For Gabe:  The happiness that you think Nelson and Jeff bring you - it can be yours all the time.  Not just when they are here.  It can be easier and better for you even if they are not at home.  Your happiness is determined from the inside to the outside, not the other way around.  I am not picking on you, but sometimes you forget that you were once my son.  And every father always wants what is best for his son.  It doesn't matter how many lives we have, the relationship and the love will always be there.  When things do not go the way you think, there is a reason why you cannot resolve it all.  You learn from your mistakes, so they must be made.  I cannot prevent you from learning and growing from them.
For Noemi:  It's the message same for you.  I need you to allow her (Mimi) to grow on her own.  She's not two years old anymore, so let her make her mistakes and learn to take care of herself. 
For Nelson:  He thought he was going to control things today, and not let me sit.  But I had to sit to complete the work.  We could not finish without doing what I did.  My work is a reminder of where I come from, and who I am.
Noemi's spirit guide arrived through her to thank and bless our table, and Marisol closed with a prayer.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Chicago - June 26, 2016

In attendance:
Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Erika, Gabe, Isabel, Janet, Jeff, Jose, Maricela, Nelson, Ron, Sonia and Xaver
Nelson was immediately drawn to Emiliano’s hand injury, and he knew that his injury was not an accident.  Emiliano explained that he had worked for the company for 15 years, and the person who caused the accident was employed for two years.  Nelson said, “Sometimes at work, we attract those who are jealous and feel that the older ones should retire, and make room for the younger.  The spirits did not allow what was really wanted - to remove the entire arm.”  It became apparent that a spirit was present who was very irritated because what he wanted to happen did not occur. 
Spirits 1 & 2 (via Carmen):  The spirit said he was sent by “a friend” to do harm, and he told Emiliano to stop complaining over a finger, when it was going to be his entire arm that was taken:
Spirit: I'm angry, I hate you!  I want to finish the job.  This hasn't been finished!
Nelson: No, it’s over.
Spirit: (to Nelson): I will take out your tongue!  It’s not complete, nothing was accomplished.  I'm not done!
Nelson: Stop meddling.
Spirit: I am not alone!  I am a good worker, and I enjoy my job.  But I want blood - a lot of blood.  I thirst for it.
Nelson: You allowed yourself to be used, as you were ignorant and did not realize what was happening.  There is someone here with you, and he is the mastermind.
Spirit: Yes, he’s my friend!  I have to fix this, or he will be mad at me.
Nelson: The blood is on his hands, not yours.  Listening to another, you dirtied your hands unnecessarily. 
Spirit: He promised me that he would take me out of the darkness.  Now I see that I was lied to, and I cannot return there.
Nelson: We are going to wash your hands for you…
Spirit: It’s hard to believe that those ones in white (the good spirit guides) are showing me a new path.  They are telling me I need to find other ways to progress without hurting others.  It’s difficult to trust.  We wanted his hand because he owed us, he didn't pay a debt.  If you knew where I was, you would have taken the same deal.  Now I understand that his debt was paid, and these are my new friends.  Forgive me for doing something that I should not have done.
The spirit departed, and he was immediately replaced by Carmen’s guide, who thanked Nelson for returning to the group.  She advised him to be careful, as there was a group who wanted to take away the path he was on.  Nelson understood, as he realized that the “mastermind” spirit behind the accident was still present. 
Spirits 3 & 4 (via Nelson):  Nelson told Emiliano that the accident could have been avoided.  Two things in the material world made it easier for the spirit to allow the accident to happen.  One was the jealousy of the younger coworker, and the other was that Emiliano was asked to do something at home that had not yet been done.  As he spoke, a spirit moved forward to address Emiliano in Spanish:
Spirit (to Emiliano):  You haven't done it yet, do you need to learn everything the hard way?  I am not easy!  How many times do I need to repeat the same thing?  Who are you afraid of?  I will find you, wherever you hide.  You can hide under a rock in Mexico, and I will find you.  I'm angry!  I did not finish my job.  Why do you need those hands if you are not going to use them to hit some sense into someone?  You prefer hating in silence.  Nothing is going to change.
Emiliano: What did I do to you to make you angry?
Spirit (enraged): Criminal!  You should remember!  A hand for a hand.  I was in a corner, and you made fun of me.  I asked for food whenever you passed, and you would tell me to leave - that I wasn't wanted.  You laughed at me.  I want everyone to look at you now, with the same pity!  (very emotional)  When I asked for a meal, you told me get out.  I am going to make you feel the same way!  You know that look of pity, when someone thinks they are better than you?  That’s the look you gave me.  And that other person in your life now?  That son?  He was worse than you.  Not the one that moved away, the one still in your house.  He did the same thing to me, and that is why the two of you are together now.  (sobbing)  Do you know why I cannot move my arms?  Because I don't have them!  It hurts when others make fun of me.  I cannot forgive him.  (long pause)  Ohh.  Look.  Look at that!  They are giving me back my arms.  Thank you for restoring my arms!   We can both have our hands now, and I am leaving happy.   I am taking what is mine (eight other spirits) but before I leave, I want to caution you about your son, the one in your house.
The spirit clapped his restored hands (as if testing them to assure they worked) and left.  Nelson’s guide stepped forward to speak:
Caballito:  He (Nelson) did not want to work with that strong spirit.  He was fighting me, he needed to be convinced.  (Caballito asked Jeff for a towel, and he asked Emiliano to stand, as he spoke directly to him.)  You have a job to do, it’s big and beautiful.  I need you to be ready to do the work.  I want that discord in your home and work to end. 
Caballito displayed the towel to the group to prove there was nothing inside, and no magic ingredient.  He carefully wrapped the towel around Emiliano’s hand, leaving it in place for a few minutes.  When he unwrapped it, he asked Jeff to dispose of it.  Erika was then asked to stand next to her father:
Caballito: She has a right to be happy.  There are things that she does not like, and those should have been over a long time ago.  (to Erika)  You continue to be better, but you are missing a little bit of happiness.  There is a bright future in front of you.  It was not a pretty past, and you were not very kind.  That’s why there are stop signs in your path now.  We are going to remove some of those stop signs. You have improved so much, and you know it.  And you are ready to fly!  Your brother moved out, and you want to be next.
(Esperanza was asked to stand with the others.) 
Caballito (to Esperanza):  If you have to say something to him (Emiliano), say it - even he doesn't like it.  If you think he will become angry, take a glass of water to him.  Remind him that Caballito said to drink the water together and laugh - and then you can say what needs to be said.  (to the group)  I am taking 15 friends with me, from the home of that (Romero) family.  There is more work to be done, but if I have a chance, I will come back and say hello.  It’s nice to see everyone again.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked Carmen how she was feeling.  She, said that she had not been well, but she was uncertain over what it was.  Nelson said the other spirit side (the darker opposite of the spirits who assisted our group) did not want her to attend the center.  As he spoke, a new spirit arrived:
Spirit (very animated): You want to fix something?  We have something to fix!  We are having a party!  Tell this one (Nelson) not to call me ‘friend', or I will bring him to the party and hit him.  The party has to be done my way!  I want her (Carmen) to go crazy.  We only want to talk to her and him (Bernardo) on our terms - at night, not here!   Hey everyone, come with us to the party at their house!  It’s full!
The spirit explained that Carmen wanted to get rid of him and his group, but Bernardo kept attracting them.  Many other spirits continuously moved in and out of the house, assuring that the party would never end.
Spirit (about Bernardo):  His wallet is broken, so we have sewn it closed.  We have everything at the party, food, fireworks.  Ayeee!  Ayeee!  We want alarms to go off and have the cops arrive!  Take her away!  What a party!   I know that I am in trouble now, because he (Nelson) saw me!  Devil!  I want to invite him over, and we can take everyone to the nut house together.  If she is gone, that place is mine! 
Gabe: We have a better place for you.
Spirit:  Another party?  I hope it’s not with him (Jeff).  Look at his face, what a party pooper.  (pause)  Look at that, a lot of cars are coming here.  Limousines!  We are not going back to her (Carmen’s) house, so where are we going in those cars?  A limo!  Before I leave, I should tie him (Bernardo) up and pick his pockets.  That limo has a couple of bottles in it.  Is that water?  Hmmm.  I need to find out.  We were 105, but we are going now.  Bye!
Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  Nelson advised Carmen not to stray too far for too long from the center, as she could not afford it spiritually.  Nelson wondered why Sonia was feeling frustrated.  Sonia wasn't sure, but she had been questioning it:
Sonia:  I wonder where I am going?  What am I doing?
Nelson:  You are getting frustrated with everyone here.  You are sick of asking for help and support, and it never comes.  Listen.  This group needs you.  We know you are 100% committed to the group and this center. 
Sonia:  It’s frustrating.  I feel like my hands are tied.
Nelson: Let’s untie them…
(A very elevated spirit wanted to speak.  Nelson said his energy was very intelligent, but it was apparent that he was from the darker side of spiritism)
Sonia: I feel as if I am alone.  I need back up.  We are a family here, let’s get together.
Spirit: I am here to request the keys to that door.  This is only being used when they want, because they have a pain and want it fixed.  That’s my job, to test all of you.  You failed.  (laughing)  And they wanted to go upstairs?  There is no effort to improve here, so we will close this place.  Do not doubt who we are.  We fight him (Caballito) and he fights us.  The solution is to give me those keys.
Denise: The keys are not yours.
Spirit: The keys are MINE!  Do not doubt our power.
Gabe: Do you know where you are going?
Spirit (laughing):  Do you?  Oh, I know.  Humans can only discuss what they can see.  We are able to cause doubt, and let me tell you how it works.  (to Jeff)  Write it down!  You like to write things.  When you let just one of us in, that one becomes five, then twenty, and soon it’s forty.  Do not let one of us in, because there will be more.  I'm going to tell this young guy (Gabe) something else.  We like our work.  We like to control those who allow us to control them.  Their minds belong to us!  And I knew this was my last day of doing this.  I know I am a spirit and I am very intelligent.  Now I have to learn how to control myself, instead of the minds of others.  I want to thank all of you for letting us in - and YOU wanted this, that’s how it happened.  Oh yes, I know where I am going, to a place where my thinking will be modified.  The one I report to…he is very mean.  You do not want him here, he is much more powerful than me. We are 452 powerful, controlling destroyers.  Do not let the others who are the same inside.  That’s all I have to say.
Caballito returned, to cleanse Nelson and share some individual messages.  He asked when Jose had last visited a doctor, and Jose said it had been about five months.  He does not have a specific doctor, as he kept changing them around.  When he is agitated, Jose becomes dizzy - and that happened today, as he was walking down the stairs to the center.  Caballito advised him to book an appointment soon.
For Maricela, Caballito asked her to have her sugar level checked.  It would be a simple, but necessary test.  Caballito asked Ron how he was feeling (good), and he said that Ron was doing amazing.  He was happy, and Caballito was pleased to see him that way.  Caballito asked Isabel not to be so worried over Ron.  She always thinks that if something happened to him (and nothing will happen anytime soon), she will be alone.
Caballito:  And we have one left (Gabe).  The world is not going to end tomorrow, so why are you in such a hurry?  You have many more days left.  Don't try do everything all at once, because when you do, nothing gets done.  You want to accomplish so much, but nothing is ever done.  Stop giving value to things that do not have any value.  You know better.  The material things do not have much value.  If you miss a party, you have not missed much.  Sometimes you think, ‘Why did I do that?  I wasted my time.’  Do not allow the  voices of others to change your mind.  It is okay to just sit, and how do you call it?  Shoot the breeze?  It all noise, all around you.  You try to stay busy, but why do you wait until they (Nelson and Jeff) come back to get anything done?  It is okay to say no.  You love to say no to your mother, so why not to others?  Why is it so hard?  It should be easier.  I wanted this message to be from me, not Nelson.  Are you getting it?
Gabe: Half of it.
Caballito:  What do you not understand?
Gabe: Well, I understand…
Caballito (cutting him off): Did I ask what you understood, or what you misunderstood?  You are running, running, running - but you are still in the same place.  You think you have done ten things, and then you realize that you have done anything.  When you were young, you thought really fast.  Now you can take time to think - and double think.  Do not just act impulsively.  A week goes by, and you realize that nothing was accomplished, but you thought you did so much.  There is no reason to live that way.  This applies to everyone.  Stop running, and think why you are doing what you are doing.  You will realize that you do not need to rush.
I wanted to say thank you after that friend of mine (the previous spirit) said those things he did.  We wanted you to know that there is another side.  Watch carefully, as they are very powerful.  We have more, because we work for the good.  But they also have power.  We needed to wake up those of you who were asleep.  Does anyone have a question for me? 
Denise:  I wanted to share an experience…
Caballito (laughing):  I knew that, but you may not like my answer.
Denise: When I came in to open the center, something drew me upstairs…
Caballito:  When you came in to open the center, did you do it with a prayer?  Or were you more concerned with that Coke in your hand?
Denise:  The Coke.
Caballito:  I knew that, because I was here with you - with my friends who help me.  If I did not bring those friends with me today, it would have been chaos.
Denise: I said a prayer for the spirit guides once I was upstairs…
Caballito:  And you asked for the lady who used to run this place?
Denise: Yes.  It was so beautiful (crying).  It left me with a lot of peace and gratitude.
Caballito: Why are you crying?
Jeff: Those are tears of joy over the experience.
Caballito:  You humans cry over everything.  I want all of you to know something.  Do not be in such a hurry to go upstairs.  When that time comes, a friend - when she is ready -  will invite you upstairs.  Do not invite yourselves.  When you leave here today, and get into your cars, think:  ‘Thank you God, for providing me with the opportunity to be in a wonderful place - I hope it will be with me all week.’  And I will be back next week to ask you about it.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Florida - June 19, 2016

In attendance: Cookie, Frank, Gloria, Jackie, Jeff, and Nelson
Nelson read a selection from Kardec's The Spirits Book about the "Intervention of Spirits" into our daily thoughts.  As he was reading a sentence about how easy it was for spirits to penetrate our thoughts, he was shown a large group of lost souls that had been collected together.  They were physically and mentally sick, and the only way to bring them to our table was as one huge group. 
(Note: The selection Nelson read was from Chapter 9 of The Spirits Book - Intervention of Spirits in the Material World.  The chapter deals with situations in which the spirits of the dead, intentionally or possibly unaware, have an influence on the events of the living world.)
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  A devious male spirit spoke from behind Nelson.  "We just like to harm," he said, "by stealing the energy from others to get stronger.  We are not lost.  Call me what I am, an energy stealer."  Nelson used Cookie's job as an example.  When she performed physical therapy on unresponsive patients who never seemed to improve, Cookie felt as if her efforts were wasted.  The spirit moved into Nelson to directly support his side of the story:
Spirit: We like to be around sick people who don't fight to improve.  If they give up, we get another soul.  Humans are weak.  They take my hand, and I collect those lost souls.  The more souls we have, the stronger we are.
Jeff: You are not a collector, you are a thief, a criminal stealing from others.
Gloria: And now you are here today with us.
Spirit: I am better than you.  I've stopped you. 
Jeff: But someone is controlling you, just like you are controlling them.  You do not have the freedom to think on your own.
Spirit:  So?  You know, I liked it that way.
Gloria: Inside, you didn't.  That's why you are here.
Spirit: My own free will brought me here.  Don't parents like to control their kids?  Do you know why I decided to stop?  I got tired of being sick.  When you collect enough, it makes you mentally sick.
Gloria: They scare you.
Spirit: And so many of them together, they began to control me!   The real reason I left was because they threw me out.  They got too strong - even for me.  It was time for me and my group to leave.  But let me tell you, the one taking my place is stronger.
Gloria: Take those friends with you.
Spirit: Do you know how many?  It's a big group, 6,000.  If you knew what we left behind, you would know why we left.
Gloria: Learn.  Change, and be somebody else.
Spirit: I am going to a better place.  Thank you for letting us come here today and move on.  There is a difference from where we came from and where we are going.
Gloria: You will see light for the first time.
Spirit: That would be different.  There is no light over there.  If I am allowed, I will come back again and tell you about the new place.  I reached out for that hand, and now I'm glad I did.  Be careful, what we left behind was not nice.
After the spirit left, Nelson asked Cookie if she had patients who could not walk (and she had many of them).  Some of the spirits from that group were responsible, and they came in today with her.  Whenever Cookie tried to lift the leg of a patient, the groups of spirits would hold it firmly in place.  Although it would frustrate her, it was not Cookie's fault.  The spirits were with those patients that she worked on. 
Spirits 2 & 3 (via Nelson & Gloria):  It became apparent that Nelson's guide was with us, and he moved forward to speak directly to Cookie:
Caballito (to Cookie): We need to thank you for coming here today - to bring those friends with you, so that we could remove and uplift them.  (to Frank)  Your shoulder pain, you caused it yourself.  When you are undergoing the kind of treatments you are receiving, you need to be more in a resting mode.  I know you feel well enough to think that you could do something (he was weeding in the yard), but it does not mean that should do it.  Your body is healing itself.  The energy is there, but don't try to 'fly' yet.  Relax.  Do not complicate the process, as that will result in more recovery work.  At this point, it's not the best for you.  You have some friends around you who don't want you get better....
(Gloria began to cackle and laugh, as a spirit related to what Caballito was saying jumped into her to speak)
Spirit (laughing hysterically):  I'm with him, and he will fly with me!  (to Frank)  Do what you want, you are strong!  (more laughter)  He's going with me.
Nelson:  His time to go is not yet.
Spirit:  He's going with ME!  I hold his hand, I took him outside and we worked together.  I'm his friend.
Jackie: You are causing him pain.
Nelson:  What kind of friend are you?
Spirit: We worked together - a long time ago.  Who is that man there?  By me?  Next to me?  (the good spirit guide)  I am not leaving with him, I am only going to leave with Frank.
Nelson: He is not in the same world that you are in.  Who are you talking through now?  Take a look.  Are you an old lady?
Spirit: I'm a man!  Look at me!  Ohhh.  They are showing me a rotten body.  Who is that?
Nelson: It's you.  Leave him alone.
Spirit (to Frank):  Don't forget me my friend!  I want to go, it stinks here.  I'm sick.  I need that hospital.
Nelson: Leave that lady you are speaking through alone.  In good condition.
Spirit:  Oh, she won't know.  I'll go with him, he's a nice man.  His light does bother my eyes, but I'll go.  I'm too sick.  (fading)  Thanks, thanks, thanks...
Briefly: The group advised Frank to rest more and do less.  Gloria saw the spirit of Edgar.  Jackie saw a little girl dressed in a frilly yellow dress.  She was impatiently asking Nelson, "Where is he?"  When Jeff asked who she meant, the girl replied that Nelson knew exactly who she was looking for.
Nelson saw himself standing in the middle of a sports field.  Two rival teams were with him, and one of them was happy to see Nelson and Jeff returning to Chicago, but the other team was not so thrilled.  There was a chain-link fence with barbed wire separating the teams.  The vision changed, and Nelson envisioned walking down the stairs into the Chicago center.  It had been converted into a basketball court, with Jeff and Nelson standing in the middle.  The two teams were there, on opposite sides.  One team was trying to persuade Jeff to convince Nelson not to go to Chicago.  There were cheerleaders chanting, "Tell him no, not to come, not to come!"  A female spirit on that team stepped forward, and she was the leader.  She said, "Make sure you tell him not to come; he has no idea what awaits."
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  Nelson saw himself picked up and removed from the vision, leaving Jeff alone.  The female spirit decided to speak directly through Nelson:
Spirit (to Jeff):  Now you have no power.  What are you going to do?  Control freak.  What will you control if you have nothing?  (The spirit pretended to squash Jeff like a bug on the table.)  We don't want you to watch over him and help.  These people have control.
Jeff:  I'm not going anywhere.  (Jeff shared that he had three separate dreams last night, and all of them involved him losing the same piece of luggage on different trips.)
Spirit (referring to Nelson): HE IS YOUR LUGGAGE!  Without him, you are nobody.  Do you think those people want you?  What we want to do to you is not pretty.  I want you to suffer.  We want to harm you.
Jeff: What have I done to you?
Spirit: You have removed some of my friends!  Say you are guilty, say it!  (silence)  If it wasn't for you, we could get things done.  I don't like you.  Do you hear me, I DON"T LIKE YOU!  I never will.  You will be OUT!  I don't like you.  Everything is in place.
Gloria: That was until today.  It's over.
Spirit: Why are you involved?  Once he is out, we will finish the job.  Don't get involved.  We will celebrate.
Jackie: There's no celebration, the room is empty.  Look around, you are all by yourself.
Spirit: Where did they all go?  Then I will finish it myself.  I can finish it.
Jackie: He is never alone, he is always protected.
Spirit:  I'm alone!  They all left me.  He was in for a surprise. 
Gloria: It's over.  You were surprised. 
Jackie: How about if you help yourself now.  You are not alone, there is somebody right there to help you.  They changed the plans, it's nothing to do with him, it's all about you. 
Spirit: I am going to go because I have no other option.  I cannot go back there.
Jackie: It's a brand new job.  You will like it.
Jeff: I wish you lots of success...
Spirit: I wish you none - no success!  I'm gonna go with him.  Any place except with him (Jeff)!
The spirit left silently, without a struggle.  Gloria was shown Nelson and Jeff, and both of them were cut in half.  One side of Nelson was joined with one side of Jeff to make a whole person.  Nelson asked about John (the husband of Gloria's daughter) and Gloria said he continued to get better.  Nelson advised that his wife should read the "Prayer for Hardened Spirits" for him, as there were some spirits who were not happy to see him improving.  Nelson was shown a wooden fence with a small knothole in it.  Some of those spirits were looking through the hole, waiting for that opening to get bigger.  Referring to the last spirit, the leader of the group said, "We are not like that other one, he was weak."
Nelson asked Cookie when her cruise was (Oct 24) and where she was going (Mexico).  The trip would be with her two sisters, a niece, and some friends.  Nelson was shown that the relationship between Cookie and one of her sisters was strained.  He used flowers as an example, describing the sister as a thorn in the bouquet.  Caballito returned to elaborate:
Caballito: What is the purpose of that thorn?  Why is it there?  From it, we learn how to cope with things that make us uncomfortable.  You sister wants to be that thorn, because she is afraid that the others will be okay without her.  She likes being the thorn.  She is going on this vacation with a purpose, but we are not going to let her be that thorn.  She will change for that week only, and it will be a surprise.  One week only. It will seem like she is in a bottle (bottled up) for that week.  Don't drink the water in Mexico.  Your sister has caused a lot of harm in your family (Cookie agreed), and we need to work on it.  It's deeply rooted, with deep emotions.  She categorizes everyone, saying that one is weak, and another can be controlled.  She thinks that things would be different if her father was still alive.  Your family is on the verge of collapsing.  The land (in Puerto Rico) that they are fighting over has previous (spiritual) owners.  The Indians owned it, and they were always fighting.  Whatever is planted there now, it never works out.  Fruit trees with rotten fruit.  It was once a plantation.  (Cookie shared that her sister was very dark and her brother who now lives on the disputed land was pale and white.)  And ugly things have already been said (Cookie agreed).  Many (of those spirits) will be removed today.  From the Indians, plantation owners, your parents and siblings - there is too much anger.  Your vacation will be better for it.  (looking at Jeff)  I am working on a number for you, I know you write it down:
22 from the plantation
33 from your angry mother
11 from your angry father
12 from your sister
And 14 from the brother who lives there
Caballito (to Cookie):  I want you to realize directly and indirectly how much you have brought to the table today.  (Note: A total of 6,078 spirits were helped)  Smile more often.  She thinks it hurts to smile.  It doesn't hurt.  She presents herself as a sad person.  Stop.  Present who you really are, because now you have found something (spiritism) that has made you happy.  Hop on!  Learn from this boy (Nelson).  He always has a smile.  All of you can learn from that.  Do you know why he smiles?  He always thinks how many people are out there, worse than he is, and he smiles.  Learn and be happy.  Is that difficult?  Use what I tell you and be happier.  At your age - not that you are old - you found something that teaches happiness. 
(Note: The next section deals with the loss in Orlando)
Caballito: That's what this brings.  It's not that 'magic' as you call it, or when I take that towel and everyone waits for some excitement - that is not the lesson.  It's happiness.  When you do not ask, when you only think about getting some help, it comes to you.  We bring happiness.  Look around you, and you think the happiness in your world is so little.  The message to take is that it's a beautiful world, and you should be glad to be a part of it.  Don't let the bad influence your heart.  Pray for those who have lost their lives in the most unexpected way.  It's hard to make them understand that they do not belong in that world anymore.  How do we tell someone who was out celebrating the world they lived in that they no longer belong?  I want to ask something simple.  Do a prayer for those friends to let them know they do not belong in that world anymore.  Will you do that for them?  I will ask for even more.  Read the prayer today for the recently deceased, so they understand it's a transition.  They would cause harm to those they love if they go to them now.  It's difficult.  We have been working with them.  (pause)  You ask why we allow these things to happen?  We try to stop these things, but sometimes it is the only way to get to a higher level.  Our hearts are also crying for them,  I know you think that we don't cry, but they are not alone.  A lot of us are with them.  It's an emergency.  There are more of these situations arising than you think.  Use your prayers to try to minimize them.  What is going to happen will happen.  None of us can stop it.  Be aware of your surroundings at all times.  If it's not the right place, reflect, think and go back.  Do not be in harm's way.  That's my message today.  Pray for those.  One of the worst things humans can do is one word - retaliation.  Don't do that, it's not what we need.  If you feel the need for retaliation, think of love instead. 
Sometimes we need a somber note, and we had to end this way today.  Those words were also for the friends we brought in today (to observe the session).  Love everyone, they are all a spirit, not just another human being.  It's another light, like me.  Do that, and you will never harm anyone.  I will take some of those friends with me, 115 of them.  And one who just died (in Orlando).  Outside, there are 12 parents, and all of them are fathers.  Because you are celebrating something today for them.  (we were meeting on Father's Day)  They were brought here to see what their sons and daughters were doing, so they could be content.  Keep doing the work.  Have a wonderful rest of the week.  Smile.  If you cannot, think of me, and I will bring you a smile.  All of you will be okay.  Don't let anyone stop you from this work.
Jackie read the requested prayer for the recently deceased and the closing prayer.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Chicago - May 29, 2016

(Note: These notes were authored by Gabe)

Table: Denise, Marisol, Sonia, Gabe - Attendees: Janet, Juan, Frank, Xavier, Ron, Isabel

Opening Prayer+Petitions+ Prayers for the Soul, Everyday Challenges and the Sick
Marisol asked Gabe several questions in regards to his sister. Marisol stated that Gabe’s sister was feeling alone, wants independence, and she absolutely doesn't want to go home.   Marisol understood, “It would be better for her not to go back home."  She advised Gabe (in regards to his sister) that the two of them should explore some options of her working and living on campus.  She also informed Gabe that his relationship with his sister was something the two of them chose: "It’s a lifework you selected to work on."

Spirit#1 via Marisol
Spirit: She’s so persistent…The reason I came was because she was calling me abusive, a bully. I don't like that.  (to Gabe)  You, your sister, she doesn't need anybody except me. Leave her alone, I take care of her.
Gabe: What do you guys have in common?
Spirit: She and I think, think, and think….And in the end, she never ends up doing anything - HA!
Sonia: You have to leave her, and let her live…
Gabe: So, you guys just think and never do anything.
Spirit: We think, and she’s mine, no one sees her, only me.
Sonia: But you are harming her…
Spirit: I'm happy where I am; maybe she isn't, but that’s ok.  Why are they talking (referring to the good spirit guides)? She’s mine!  Oh no, get that away. That’s not me.  I'm talking (as he was shown his body). They are taking away my energy.  I have lost my time. My life ended, but I don't want to leave my doll. They are telling me my love is selfish. I didn't mean to harm her, my energy is making her more sad. That wasn't my purpose. They're going to take me to a place where I can rest.  (to Gabe) I will leave. so maybe that relationship can get on track.  Goodbye, goodbye!

Marisol sensed a spirit talking to Sonia, she sensed it as well.  Sonia described it as spirits were giving her passes.

Spirit #2 via Sonia
Spirit: We are here, working with her (referring to Sonia's daughter and overall, the people we prayed for)  And, to all of you who mentally put in prayers. The messages do arrive, have faith. The group of spirits that Sister Sonia saw are the messengers. Thank you, each and every single one of you.
Marisol shared some messages for the table in regards to how spirits communicate (by thought).  Marisol directed her attention next to Denise:
Marisol: How are you doing?
Denise: The meds are working, feeling better.
Marisol: How are you doing spiritually?
Denise: Well, OK.  I know I have to leave that place (move away from where she lives)
Marisol: Do you pray?
Denise: Yes, a lot.
Marisol: Do you know who you pray to?
Denise: Sometimes I guess/imagine who it is
Marisol suggested that when Denise is alone/at peace/away from the craziness, she should burn some incense. That place where she lives needs to be cleaned.  She also encouraged her to meditate (and write it down).

The conversation moved forward as Sonia sensed some pain in her lower half.  Denise shared that she has one bad knee, and spoke about what she was doing about it.  Sonia advised Denise to not put up any excuses, as it’s her health.  Marisol asked Frank how his daughter was doing, and he said she was fine.  Marisol knew the daughter was "daddy's little girl" (and Frank confirmed it).  She sees him as her hero.

Marisol to Janet: This situation with your grand daughter is going to be put in prayer. It’s a pity, she’s straying from such a close family. Marisol said, "Sometimes its better for something physical to hurt, instead of the soul."

The session closed with a prayer.

Just A Thought

"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...