Monday, February 27, 2017

Chicago - April 17, 2016

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Erika, Frank, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff, Jose, Juan, Maria, Maricela, Milagros, Nelson, Ron, Sonia and Xaver. 
After the opening prayer, Marisol read the prayer for the sick.  Nelson was shown spirits who were drunk.  They were all around the room, completely filling the space in the section of the center where the chairs were arranged in a circle.  Some of them were passed out, but most of them were searching for another drink.
Spirits 1 & 2 (via Nelson):  One of the inebriated spirits stood behind Nelson to speak for the group.  He said he was thirsty, looking for that "white water" that wasn't really water.  As a reflection of his thirst, some of our group members began to cough with dryness.  The spirit stepped forward to speak:
Spirit: We go everywhere, to every house, job, city, all over the world.
Marisol: Happy drunks...
Spirit: Sometimes we are welcome, sometimes not.  It's easy. Everyone here likes to drink.  Hoooo, doesn't that taste good?  So what is the purpose of me being here?  They told us we were going to some place with more drinks, and some better drinks.
Marisol: They will bring you some water.
Jeff: Why do you want to drink?
Spirit: I told you, it makes me feel good.  It's who I am, it's all I like, and it's all I  want.  I need one, right now.  Life is difficult.  When you have no money, you have to steal to survive.  I lived under a bridge.
Marisol: Here you are in a better place, you are no longer under that bridge.
Spirit: A lot of the people I see here (humans), we have been to some of your homes!  A few of us from all of your homes.
Jeff: What happened that caused you to start drinking?
Spirit: It hides the real feelings.  I had a good house, and a job. Things didn't get better, they got worse, until I had no job, and no home.  I didn't have any place to go.  What happened to my wife, my kids?  I don't know.  One day I was okay, and then I was alone.  (long pause)  I jumped off that bridge.  I didn't want to know my life anymore.  You do not know how hard that was.  When you see a drunk, don't laugh.  You don't know their story.  Tell that lady (Carmen) with the depressed daughter, to watch out for the bottle.  When you want to hide who you are - and all your feelings - be careful with that bottle.
Jeff: How many friends do you have with you?
Spirit: Do you really want to know?  2,000.  Some from everyone here, from all of your homes.  I want a drink.  They (the spirit guides) are telling me to first be truthful to myself, and that is the truth.  If you see someone who wants a drink, give them a hug, or some kindness instead.  I don't know where my family is, but I want to know, and that's the truth.  I want to thank all of you, because here I can be honest with myself.  It's time to get out from under that bridge, they say, so we are going to go.
Nelson said that some spirits were removed from all of our houses, and Jeff called it a Spring cleaning.  Gabe asked how we attracted this type of spirit, and Nelson's guide quietly shifted into him to answer the question and cleanse Nelson:
Caballito (to Gabe):  How do they become attached?  What about a bottle that looks like a Coke, but it is kept in a brown paper bag?  (a reference to Gabe's father)  When you ask for a sip, you are told no.  It's easier to hide the truth, so he can say, 'You have never seen me drink.'  Is there that much shame that it has to be hidden?
Marisol had sensed the presence of her uncle (Cando) all week, and she wanted to read the prayer for loved ones who had passed away.  As she read, Nelson was shown a group of spirits that Cando had helped when he was still in the material world.  These spirits did not like what he did with them, and although he thought they had all moved on, they were still with him.  One of them said, "You are never going to be rid of us."  Cando was unwilling to listen to the advice of the good spirits.  He appeared to be in a haze, and he believed that his transition into the spirit world was only a dream.  If he was a spirit, Cando was now determined to appear in a material form and speak to his group again.  He was angry to see Marisol seated in what he thought was his chair, and he wanted her to move so he could reclaim his leadership position.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson understood that because of Cando's hazy condition, he could not see or hear clearly.  He wouldn't listen to any of the spirits around him:
Marisol: What they are saying is not what he wants to do.  He wants to be here, but he is not ready.
Sonia: He's blocked.  Stuck in that mind-set.
Marisol: That sounds like him.
Nelson: He thinks he will wake up from his dream and take charge again.  He doesn't feel needed.  He wants to reincarnate here to prove to everyone that spiritism is true.
Sonia: There's a process.  It takes time.
(Cando's spirit arrived through Nelson)
Spirit: I do not understand this process.  I thought the change would be easy for me, but it's harder than I thought.  I am supposed to work, I know that, but I just sit in a corner and do nothing.  It's difficult.  I don't want to go to a school, I want to do it my way.  Why can't things go my way?  I have already been to a school, and now there is another school?  The rules I believed no longer work?  So now I am here, doing what I told all those spirits to do - to move on.  It's difficult, really confusing for me.  I learned, I worked a lot (in the material world), so I thought it would be different for me.  I cannot leave my group (our table), who will give them a hand when they need it?  (he began to sob, as Maricela helped to counsel him)  There are a lot of things they ask me here, and I don't want to talk about them.  Why wasn't it different for me?  I should have different rules.  I am afraid that if I leave, I will never be able to come back.  (crying)  They call me, pray for me, but I am afraid.  Who would have thought that I would have this confusion? 
Marisol: You are in the spirit world, and that is where you will working now.
Spirit: How sad that my own spirit has backtracked.  (to the group)  You were my family.  I do not know when I will be back, but I will work to do it.  I will be back.  Friends are here, picking me up.  It's time to go. 
Nelson said that Cando's spirit was probably the most difficult one he had ever passed.  He asked his guide to return to cleanse and energize him.  Sonia said that as a group, we would all send energies to Nelson, and Caballito returned:  
Caballito (to the group):  Do you see how difficult the path can become?  Even with all of the knowledge that he had, Cando needed to speak today.  Now he will start his spiritual progress.  He thought the transition from earth to the spirit world was the same as being born.  It is not.  He thought it was easy.  Learn from that, as it is harder to die than be born.  When we are born into the material world, all the memories are left behind.  When we return home (spirit world), it is difficult to let go of those we love, and the things we had.  That is why you are never alone.  We are around to assure that you know what is happening.  That is why we need the education.  The process seems easy, but it is not. 
Jeff: We understand, thank you.
Caballito: Without him (Nelson), I could not say these words.  He calls me 'Caballito', but he is the caballito.  I had to help Cando.  Did you know that he and I are friends?  (to Jeff)  Don't be afraid, nothing will ever happen to him (Nelson).  He's never alone.  None of you are ever alone.  We are here,in this place, before you arrive, and we do not leave until al of you have gone.  Nelson has to leave soon to spend time with the spirit he now calls his mother.  He needs to be there to say goodbye.  He says it will be easy.  It will not.  He will fall apart.
Jeff: May I ask a question?  Is there something more that we could do to make your job easier?  Are we asking the right questions?  We gain so much from the sessions, and I wondered how we could help more.
Caballito: We ask only that you be here.  If prompted, you could tell everyone that you know how wonderful spiritism is.  Do not be afraid to express it.  If someone you know could be happier or more prosperous, why not help them?  I will move to the side now, until I am needed again...
Spirit 4 (via Carmen):  A spirit had arrived with the group of drunk spirits, and this spirit was responsible for putting Carmen and Bernardo's daughter into a depressed state of mind:
Spirit: I feed those thoughts.  When I am not around, nothing happens.  She listens to me, and right now, she wants to be in a bar.  I get her that way.  She's jealous of her mother.  I light that fire, too.  (to Carmen)  You love her - but I love her more.
Nelson: Why do you like to start fights?
Spirit: I'm thirsty.  I need a drink.
Nelson: What is that doll you always have with you?  She doesn't have any eyes.
Spirit: I use that doll to move things over there.  You might call it a baby.
Nelson: Look, now the eyes on the doll are open.
Spirit: What?  You made my doll disappear!  Now what will I do?  I have to leave?  I was happy there...
Spirit 5 (via Marisol):  As Marisol was channeling the next spirit, Nelson spoke with Milagros and encouraged her to see more doctors and continue her treatment.  The spirit began to speak through Marisol, and it became apparent that this was the spirit of Cando's mother (Marisol's grandmother).  She wanted to thank Nelson for allowing Cando to speak as she restored Marisol's energy:
Spirit: I am restoring her energy.  She says, 'I am good, I'm okay,' but she is tired.  Do you know that there are people who go to centers or temples who do not even like each other?  They are wasting time when they do not apply what they have learned.  She (Marisol) cannot concentrate spiritually or materially, as her job mentally occupies her mind.  Her husband is not helping.  She comes here where she is not alone.  This is a family.  She was my favorite granddaughter, and now you are the family.  Many thanks to you, the family.  She will need you.  God bless you all.
Nelson asked Jose and Maria about their dinner after the last session (it went well).  Some spirits were present for them, but they were reluctant to speak.  In situations where the participants do not share much, it is very difficult for a spirit to be persuaded to speak.  Nelson's guide continued to questions about Jose's past, hoping to gain enough insight for a spirit to sit:
Caballito: You both have started the spiritual work many times- and then you suddenly stop.  It's like a baseball game, but when you hit a home run, you only run to second base.  If you start now again, you cannot stop this time.  Even if it is painful, it's time to finish all the bases. 
Jose: I like the work, and I have known this since I was a child.
Caballito: But now your time is growing short, and you need to keep doing the work.  She (Maria, his wife) has been leading you, and now that will change.  You will change yourself because of yourself.  You need to clear your own path.  If she stops coming, you come alone.  The work is yours - not hers.  You must grab that torch and keep going if you want your life to change for the better.  She has helped you, now you must help her.  Your thinking must change, as there are many spirits around you.  They are not your enemies.
Caballito filled in the details that Jose would not share.  When Jose left Mexico City for the US, the spirits of deceased soldiers he had served with came along with him.  Jose dreamt of them at times.  He had promised them that he would send for them once he was settled in the US - but he never kept that promise, and they were still waiting.  Those spirits were not the only ones waiting for Jose to keep a promise.  In Mexico, Jose lived with a female doctor who died of leukemia.  Before she passed, she and Jose had a son together.  The son now lived in Canada and worked at a museum.  Jose promised that he would send for them once he was resettled, but he never did.  The spirit of this woman was present, and she was dressed in a wedding gown, ready for the wedding she was promised.  She wanted to speak to Jose, as she did not understand why he had abandoned her.  There were other promises that Jose had not kept, but his unwillingness to share more caused the spirit in the wedding dress, the soldiers, and the others who were with them to leave without sitting.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

Chicago - April 10, 2016

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Erika, Gabe, Jeff, Jose, Juan, Lisa, Maria, Maricela, Milagros, Nelson, Sonia and Xaver.   
Spirits 1 & 2 (via Nelson):  We had a very long line of spiritual friends at our session.  After the opening prayer, Nelson's guide wondered if Xaver had made a doctor's appointment that was suggested in a previous session.  Xaver said that he was scheduled to see a doctor on Tuesday:
Caballito: We have some friends here who do not like to see you here.  Go by yourself on Tuesday.  Before you leave, read a prayer for your spiritual guide - to assure that he is the only one going with you. (to Sonia)  What are you gaining from helping Xaver?
Sonia: I am helping my own spiritual development.  Sharing.
Caballito: You don't want him to get lost?
Sonia: True
Caballito: You think he has suffered enough (Sonia agreed).  We have someone (a spirit) who wants to go along with him.  He has placed heavy coats and blankets on Xaver to weigh him down.  He keeps taunting him, adding more weight, while continuously asking if he can handle more. 
Xaver: But why?
Caballito: He wants to put doubts in your mind.  Break you down.  He puts something similar on your mom, and she breaks down easily.  He's part of your medical issue. 
Xaver: I don't feel any heaviness.
Jeff (to the spirit): Xaver gets to determine his own destiny, not you.
(The spirit arrived through Nelson, replacing Caballito)
Spirit: You are going to help him?  You people are nuts.  (to Xaver)  Do you like to be there with these nuts?  (squirming in his seat)  Don't hold me back!  Don't!  I am not leaving him until I see him squashed into pieces!  Don't.  Hold.  Me.
Sonia: He is not going to accept that.
Spirit: I don't like you!  Putting your nose in.  He's my enemy!
Jeff: Can you forgive him for what he did?
Spirit: He doesn't even remember.  I remember it every day, every hour, every minute, every second.  We were friends and he betrayed me.  Best friends that shared everything until one day, he threw me away like garbage.  For someone who wasn't worth it.  She didn't love him!  She hurt us.  I used to love him like a brother. 
Jeff: Forgive him and move on.  Forget it, forget that girl.
Spirit: See if anyone ever finds her again.  I wanted to take him where she is now.  Who is this man talking so much to me (the spirit guide)?
Jeff: Listen to what he says.  Look at him (Xaver) now.  He's different, not the same person.
Spirit: I remember his eyes when he betrayed me.  He said he won.  I died alone, a very lonely man.
Jeff: That was your choice, not his. 
Spirit: I cannot forgive him.
Gabe: Just leave everything behind and start something new.
Spirit: I don't have to live under that bridge, pulling at his hair?  They are taking me to a different place.  There are four of us.  I don't know this man (spirit guide), but he says I have to go with him. 
Spirits 3 & 4 (via Carmen):  Carmen was studying two spirits who were around Maria.  One of them was very angry that Maria and her husband had found our group:
Spirit: I am so mad!  Furious!  I have put obstacles in her way so she could not find anything!  She was looking for something that she has never been able to find before, and now she has found it here! 
Nelson: Why did you put a wall between the two of them (Maria and her husband)?  Why?
Spirit: That wall has been there since they met.  They should not be together.  That wall is me, I am the wall.  They will never be happy while I am there.  Let me do my job!  I'm going to put her in a wheelchair.
Nelson: You want him for yourself, but you are in the spirit world, and they are in the material world. 
Spirit: If I leave now, I will lose everything I have gained.
Nelson: But you brought them all with you (other spirits) and two or three of them want to leave.  It's over.
Spirit: We will go.  All of us (18 spirits).  Forgive us for the obstacles we put in your path...forgive me...
(Carmen began to weep, and as she cried, Maria's grandmother replaced the previous spirit)
Spirit (to Maria):  Forgive me for interrupting.  I have always been by your side.  I protect you, and I will always protect you.  You feel the strength that I put into you.  When you need help, you can call on me.  I will always be here for you.  You have found a good man.  There are others (spirits) around you and still much work to do.  I'm glad you came here. 
Maria: I just want peace in my life.
Spirit (as she faded away): Keep going forward, and you will see more progression in your future. 
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Maria told the group that she was eight years old when she started attending sessions with Cando at his center.  Nelson saw the spirit of her father standing near her, and Maria said that he died 20 years ago.  Nelson told her, "In regards to spiritism, you believed, but you didn't believe.  You were always looking for the profound, that one secret that only one other person knew.  You were curious, but your interest was only on the surface, it never went very deep."  Nelson was reluctant to let Maria's father sit, but he was a strong, authoritative spirit - and he insisted:
Spirit (to Maria): Why have you changed so much?  You are not as strong.  You let yourself be used.  Where is your strength?  How can you accept things as they are?  It shouldn't be this way...
Maria: It's fear.
Spirit:  Fear? Facing life with fear is not facing life at all.  You need strength for life.  Where is that torch I gave you?  What happened to it?  With that torch (a symbol to light her path), you will know the right way.  The torch cannot leave your house, that house needs light!  I introduced you to your husband - he is the torch I gave to you.  (to the group)  He had to take care of her.  He could not be there unless he agreed to take care of her.  (to Jose)  I put you in her path.  I saw the future, and I had to protect her.  While you have that fire, protect her.  I couldn't leave her unless she was protected.  Keep doing the work you said you would do.  I have been by your side, and I have reminded you.  It's more than a promise.  You have to be there to protect her, and pull her ear sometimes.  I came here to thank you, but the work is just beginning.  And who protected him (Jose) while he protected her?  I have protected you both.  The time to transition is not yet, we are working on that, but I wanted to speak to you (Jose) and give you the strength and the fire to continue.  I came to relight that torch.  You will be okay because you have returned to the right path.  For me, this day has been marvelous, as I was able to come to this place.  So many questions he (Nelson) had for me before I was allowed!  I have looked for this opportunity, and today they knocked on my door and told me it was my day to speak.  We are fine over here, working and we have learned a lot.  I'm just starting the work.
Maria: Can I ask about my mother?
Spirit: She continues to do her work, and when we are allowed, we will work together.  There will come a time when you will talk to her.  There is no sadness in - how do you refer to it? - the 'spirit world'.  There is only love, compassion and the desire to work.  With my hands, I give you my blessing.  With my heart, I give you love.  Have faith, this is the first day of a new marriage.
Caballito asked Jeff to bring two glasses and a bottle of water.  The glasses were filled, and Maria and Jose were asked to drink the water while Caballito explained what they should do next.  Nelson turned his attention to Milagros, but Carmen was already preoccupied with a spirit for Maricela:
Spirits 6 & 7 (via Carmen): The spirit was for Maricela and he was an old boyfriend from a previous life:
Spirit: I was here last week, and I did not have the opportunity to be heard.  (to Maricela)  I want to live with you.  That boyfriend you had (in this life) was not for you.  He was not a real man.  I am, and you cannot continue to tease me.  I'm a man, and I am here to take her.
Nelson: That is not possible.
Spirit: I want to live with her!  In her memories, her body, her house.  Why do you treat me this way?  I don't want to harm her.  I ended that other relationship she had.
Nelson: You no longer have any relationship with her after today.
Maricela: I don't love you.
Spirit (puzzled): Look at all the others (spirits) coming for me. They tell me I must leave.  Let go of her finger (Maricela's thumb was heavily bandaged)  I have to take everything with me...
Nelson: Including what you left in the bed.
Spirit (sadly):  I cannot see her anymore.  Why can't I see her anymore?  (pause)  I am cold.  So cold.  Why are you doing this?  I just love her.  (softly)  I'm leaving...goodbye.
Carmen's guide arrived to cleanse her and our table.  Caballito showed Nelson the long line (with a group of spirits for Milagros, a group of military men and many others).  Nelson was exhausted, so Caballito stepped forward to speak through him and encourage him to pass one more spirit:
Spirit 8 (via Nelson):  The spirit was for Erika, but Caballito wanted to ask her some questions first:
Caballito: Are you working?  How is the job going?  What are you doing to find a better one?
Erika: I need to look for one, but I need to be better motivated.
Caballito: What do you need?  A little push?
Erika: I don't know.
Caballito: If I tell you that when you look for a job, you will find one - does that help?  To get the job you want, you must take each individual step of the ladder.  Go and look, and you will find a job.  If your brother can do it in another part of the world, you can do it, too.  Get motivated.  (to Gabe)  And what I am telling her also applies to you, Gabe.
Gabe: I know, thank you.
Caballito (to Erika): Your future is not what you think.  It's much better than anyone thinks.  But I need you to help me.  When you hear a little voice telling you 'no,' let it go.  Do not listen.  A spirit who has been with you for 200 years over many lifetimes - he will not go away in a minute.  (long pause)  There, I saw him.  he cannot hide, I got him.  He did not like what I said to you.  He thinks that the more you progress, the less you will like him...
(The spirit moved into Nelson and replaced Caballito)
Spirit: He thinks he will remove me?  It's not going to happen!  She is mine. 
Jeff: She is not yours, she is independent.
Spirit (about Nelson): I don't like it when he talks to her - when she comes here.  I didn't want her to come today.  They always want more.  She needs my help to stay away.  She only needs me. 
Jeff: Your influence is hurting her.
Spirit: Well, she's not going anywhere without me.  No one gets close to her, just me.  She is so pretty!
Jeff: She is pretty...
Spirit (angrily): Don't look at her!  Did I say you could look at her?  I am done talking to you!  I love her!
Jeff: We love you and we want to help.
Spirit: You love me?  I don't want you!  (to Carmen)  What about you, are you married?
Erika: I don't love you or know you.
Spirit (shocked): You don't know me?  Or love me?
Erika: No, not at all.
Spirit (stunned):  She doesn't love me?  I wanted her to stay home today!  Who will protect her if I go?
Emiliano: She has her father and mother.
Jeff: She's removing herself from you.
Spirit: She is all I know.  If she doesn't love me - I can't believe she said that - then I don't want to be me.  I am not going to cry, I will not cry. 
Jeff: You are giving love and not getting any.
Spirit (through his tears): I will not cry, I'm going.  I will not cry.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

What Do You See?

In the photo below, Michelle Obama has a gift from Tiffany's for the Trumps.  Do you notice anything unusual in the photo?

Look near the tree in the background - Is that a spirit standing and observing?

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Florida - May 8, 2016

In attendance: Frank, Jackie, Jeff and Nelson
As we moved to the table, our living room discussion about the commercialization of Mother's Day continued:
Nelson: We don't realize how much we stir up the spirit world with these holidays we create.  What about those with nothing to celebrate, like Jackie's friend Rafael?  Everyone is celebrating, and there is nothing for him.  (Rafael's mother committed suicide by hanging herself from the ceiling fan in the house where Rafael, his sister and his father still reside).  There are many spirits - all mothers - here.  Some are crying, most are unhappy, and all we have created is a spiritual commotion.  One of them is saying, "If I come here, I might find my son." 
Jackie: As moms, they want to know if their kids are okay.  Even if it's a lie.
Nelson: The spirit just said, "Don't do that.  I have heard so many lies."  Another spirit is saying, "I would tell them the right road, and they wouldn't listen, so I left them.  I thought I did the right thing."
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson realized that the spirit of Rafael's mom had made the last statement.  She had been brought to our table, but she was in no condition to sit.  Jackie explained that when she died, her husband was having an affair, and Rafael was in the service, stationed in Italy.  She hung herself with an extension cord, and Nelson saw her with it still knotted around her neck.  The outlet part of the cord hit the floor when she walked, creating a distinctive clap, clap, clap sound. She did not know how to remove the extension cord.  The spirit world provided an intermediary for the spirit to speak to Nelson, and then Nelson communicated her thoughts to us:
Nelson:  What she did, she said it was going to happen anyway.  She doesn't understand why her husband is still holding on to her, and she wants him to move on.  He has to find a way to let go.
Jackie: He is thinking about her more, because he is back inside that house.
Nelson: She calls him a coward.  She wants to put that extension cord around his neck and tighten it.  She said, "The only mistake I made was to do what I did, instead of doing it to him." 
Nelson was shown that the spirit world wanted to remove the cord form her neck, "As everyone needs some air in that house."  She would not allow it to be removed, as Rafael's mother still insisted on holding tight to it.  "I will only let go," she said, "if they take it from my neck and put it on his neck."  Nelson described the house as, "A sick environment with lots of sick people in it - with too much distrust." 
The spirit world persuaded her to move to another place with them, as she needed to be quiet now, so she could listen.  It's all they could do for her now, but there was some advice for Rafael:  "Remember her good side now, her funny sense of humor, when he was a little boy with her.  Think of her in a nice way, not how her life ended.  When her next birthday comes around, buy a cake.  Light the candles and sing Happy Birthday to her."  Jackie said she would deliver the message to Rafael.

Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  The first spirit (the one searching for her son) had returned.  She did not appreciate Rafael's mother interrupting her previous communication:
Spirit: What a pushy woman!  I was here first with my message.  Don't put me to the side!  I didn't like her, but I was patient.  She was looking for a son, and I am looking for mine, too.  But I died from natural causes, not from what she did!
Jackie: We know that.
Jeff: Why are you looking for your son?
Spirit: I just knew he wasn't going to be okay without me.  I have to find him.
Jeff: What was your last memory of him?
Spirit: My last memory?  At my funeral.  He was there, and he couldn't deal with it.  He wouldn't even let me be buried.  He wanted to be buried with me.  I had to go away.
Jackie: He didn't understand.  Maybe he is where you are now, in a different condition.  It might take a while for you to find him, as you both need to be ready for it.
Spirit: How long?  There are a lot of us here, in the same condition - waiting.  They kept telling us that if we came here today, they would take us to another place.  But if we go to that place, our search might end.  We are very confused.  They said if we did go there - to that place - and we took care of some things, we might find them.  I need a manual to pass along to my friends.  We need to know the route. 
Jeff: We don't have a manual or a map, just the guides you arrived with to help you find your way.
Spirit: He (the guide) says that today is a real Mother's Day for us.  We don't have to worry so much anymore.  When we died, we stuck around here to look after our children.
Jackie: You have to help yourselves first - and then you can help them.
Spirit: So staying here to help was a mistake?  Tell the others!  Pass the words along.  So many of us are here.  Oh look, we will all go on a train.  We are 96 mothers, that's a lot.  We need to get better.  I have to worry about me now.  We got tired worrying about them.  (pause)  They are taking those worries away.  Look at me!  I'm ready to fly, I feel so light.  (pause)  Look at that party on that train!  This is a celebration!
The spirit left with her group, and she was replaced with some mothers who did not want to go anywhere.  They were mothers who wanted their children to do what they said, not what the children wanted to do. One of them explained, "Have you ever seen a bird's nest when one of the babies didn't want to fly?  The mom throws them out of the nest."
Jackie: They have prepared them, and they put them out into the world.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked Frank how long it had been since his mother passed away (Frank was not sure).  The spirit of an unconventional mother was present, but her appearance was not normal.  When Frank explained that his mother had polio and a slumped posture, Nelson understood that this spirit was his mother.  Nelson described her as funny, with a different way of thinking from traditional moms:
Spirit: You cannot baby-sit them or they will never be strong.  I never did that.  What I had (physically) was necessary for my spiritual growth.  I was deformed.  I heard them say it.  But look at me now, it's gone. I only used it so he (Frank) would recognize me.  I wanted to see him.  I know he doesn't think of me often, but that's okay.  Why can I see him and he cannot see me?  This one saw me.
Jackie: He is in the material world, and you are in the spiritual world.
Jeff: And he (Nelson) has an ability or skill that allows him to see you.
Spirit: This is interesting!  I was stubborn, I never believed in anything that I couldn't see.  The other one (Frank's biological brother) is not mentally all together.  Not well.  They told me Frank was not well, but he is well.  That one doesn't think (the brother) and this one (Frank) thinks too much.  He's felt me, I have been around him.  I wanted to talk to him, so I followed him today.  I had a chance, and I took it.  I was strong, but that was how I expressed love.  No crying.  I am very thankful to be here.  I never thought this could happen!  I only believed in what I saw.  He (Frank) is still quiet, but I remember some days when he wasn't. Can I do this again?  Can I come and see him again?
Jackie: You are always welcome.
Spirit: This is so nice!  Next time, I will be more prepared.  I still love him, and he is still my son - even though I am in a different way.  And I can come back?  I will have a whole speech, with stories about when he was young.  I like this!  Thank you, I will be back.  (to Frank)  Keep it up son, you will be okay.  And now that I can find you, I will come more often.  I have a lot of things to do now, with memories to write!
Spirit 4 (via Nelson): Nelson realized that Jackie's mom was present, and Jackie sensed the same thing.  Jackie's mother agreed with Nelson, saying "this day is overrated."  At first she seemed content to speak from a position behind Nelson, but she changed her mind and decided to speak directly through him:
Spirit: Everyone told her (Jackie) that she made a mistake by not having children - but I never said that.  I understood her.  Some of them still say it, behind her back.  Back then, in my day, it was a duty.  I am happy that she is happy.  That's the good part about being over here, you get to keep what you want to keep and what makes you happy.  She was everything I expected in a daughter.  Even at the end, her sense of humor and mine kept both of us going.  Today (Mother's Day) has no meaning, it's what you do every day that has meaning.  The real work.  (to Jackie)  That other one (Jackie's sister, Jan) will never change.  She will never appreciate life in the way that you do.  She's terrified of being alone.  That's why she had kids!  She was selfish enough not to want them, but she thought she would need them later.  She still thinks that her life is more important than anyone else - and her life has no meaning.  I go around her to visit, and there is so much noise there!  I had to speak through him (Nelson instead of Jackie) because I wanted to speak from the heart.  I wanted her to hear me from the mouth of another.  I wanted her to know that I am okay, and she is okay.  We are okay.  The other one (Jan) only calls me for, 'I need, I want.'  Tell her I don't have the time for such nonsense.  It was wonderful to see you.  Keep doing what you need to do.  Until next time...
Nelson explained a situation in which he hoped our spiritual guides might be able to assist.  A friend from Argentina (Mary) has a member of her group with a granddaughter who now lives in Chicago  She is young (17-20) and being bombarded by spirits (Jackie saw her covered on all sides).  Nelson hoped that she might find some relief.  He will invite her to one of our Chicago sessions, but he wanted to let the spirit world know that we were open to helping her now, if they wanted to bring anyone to our table.  "Time and distance does not matter," Jackie added.  Nelson asked for the time (and his guide wondered why, as he had already told Nelson what time it was and that the session could close for today.)
Jackie closed with a prayer

Florida - May 7, 2016

In attendance: Frank, Jackie, Jeff and Nelson
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson sensed a group of spirits who clearly understood that they were spirits.  One of them said from his position near Nelson, that they worked for "the dark side, tricking the people who are easy to fool.  We create controversy, and then we just sit back and watch.  It's so easy."  The spirit decided that he liked Nelson because he could talk with him.  He invited Nelson to watch him do his work one day, telling him, "Your way is too much work, come with us and have some fun."  Nelson said the spirit was intelligent, very good at his job, and he really did not like seeing what we were doing.  He decided to sit through Nelson to explain further:
Spirit: I could create problems within this group very easily.
Jackie: We are aware of that.
Spirit: I wasn't going to sit here to speak.  The one present next to me (spirit guide) made it sound too good to resist.  I fell for it, I really don't know why.  You people should go to a school, to learn about my side.  It's much more fun.
Jackie: It's time for a change...
Spirit: Change?  For a change.  What does that mean, to do something different?
Jackie: Don't you get bored?
Spirit: No!  You people are so easy when we whisper in your ear.  He (the spirit guide) said our time is up and a change would be good.  Change, I have never heard of that word.  (looked at Jackie)  I tried to stop you from coming today.  I did three things.  (Jackie explained)  You heard me when I visited you.  I didn't want this to happen today.  That other one (Marian) was easier. With you, we tried, and I failed.  (pause)  I even stopped your car from coming here today, but I failed.
Jackie: That other side will not accept your failure - but we do.
Spirit: I know that.  I failed, and I cannot go back.  If I do, I will be tortured.  It's not just me, we are a big group.  Look at that, one of those fools from the group trying to escape.  If I couldn't do it, he is not going anywhere.  We are only 85, so not that large, including me.  I am the leader.  That fool is still trying to leave.  We are going to try this 'change' thing, even though I don't understand it.  (to Jackie)  I tried to convince you to stay home today, but we failed.  You helped me to fail.  Be careful out there, like my group, there are many others.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson felt relaxed and less worried about "editing" the spiritual comments, so his guide quickly ushered in another spirit.  This spirit was dressed entirely in black, with a wide brimmed black hat.  Nelson drew a picture of it, and Jackie said it was similar to what an undertaker would wear.  Caballito mentally instructed Nelson to randomly open Kardec's The Spirits' Book, and read from whatever page was opened.  Nelson read the Prayer for an enemy that has died in Spanish and translated it into English.  As he reached the last line ("Take away from my mind being happy that he died"), the spirit dressed in black moved into Nelson to speak:
Spirit (sad, but firm): Tell her (Marian) that if she thinks she can remove me, she will be dead before she can try it.  I don't like that hag.
Jackie: Her intentions are good.
Spirit: She thinks she has power!  She works quietly when she is over there, going corner to corner, doing a prayer to remove me.  Old hag!  Coming in to interrupt me! 
Jackie: You don't belong there.
Jeff: Why do you want to be there?
Spirit: I am finishing a job!  It's going to happen.  If I leave or stay, it will happen.
(Note: The husband of Marian's daughter has cancer and he has been feeling better.  It became apparent to our table that this spirit was the husband's son - who died from a drug overdose.  His spirit had visited our table in the past, on December 6, 2015.  Those notes are reprinted at the end of these notes)
Jackie: What you are doing is WRONG.
Spirit: I have no compassion for him.  He had none of it with me.  He was very happened when it happened.  Do you know who I am?  I went first.  He was happy when I was gone.  He couldn't even cry.  I know, I was there.  I'm the son!  He couldn't even cry!  I was bothering him!  I was too much work!  I heard that!  (the spirit was visibly upset and he began to cry)  I want him to endure the same thing.  Double!  Were any of you ever glad when someone in your family died?  He was!  I want nothing but revenge.  Tell that to the hag!  Tell her that I can see her!  She thinks she is going to help me?  I have nothing.  You people didn't even know who I was.  I died all alone.  He (the spirit guide) said I cannot help him die anymore, so I'm done.  I was screaming at him, 'Hear me!'  HEAR ME!  (long pause)  It's dark, it's so dark.
Jackie: We are going to give you a chance to get out of there.
Spirit: I don't want to be there.  I don't want to go back to that house.  All I wanted to hear from him was, "I'm sorry."  He always blamed her (the mother), and HE WAS TO BLAME!  He mistreated her.  That's what he wanted, that's what he did.  I know everything he did.  He didn't like me, but I saw it all.  I was there!  God help him, he will need it.
Jeff: Go with that person next to you, and you will feel better.
Spirit: Be careful what you do.  It comes back and it's not pretty.  It hasn't been easy, but I am willing to try.  A new drug, he tells me.  To feel good again.  I'm going to go with him.
Spirits 3 & 4 (via Jackie): Jackie saw many spiritual faces pressed against the sliding glass windows, peering into the room.  She heard one of them say, "Let me in, let me in, so I can hear!"  Spiritual guides were with them, explaining that they would not be allowed in until they behaved.  Jackie also sensed that Edgar's spirit was seated in a living room chair, listening to our session:
Spirit: It's very sad when you see people turn away from what they have been taught.  I am in tears, but I understand why things happen the way they do.
Nelson: He has been trying to reach his daughter, but he can't.
Spirit: Maybe because she was born into this, she became complacent.  I have always thought that mediums were at more risk than others, easier to manipulate.
Nelson (to the group): Do you know who he is here with?  The spirit of Lula (an herbal healer)  She brought him here.  (previously, Edgar's spirit had only appeared at Astrid's house)
Spirit: If I could, I would take her by the hand (his daughter) to a psychiatrist.  She's completely lost.  And none of her family believes what she says.  She's not waking up. 
The group discussed the situation, and Jackie was shown the spirit of a little girl who was brushing crumbs from our table.  She was looking for dirt, but she could not find any, so she left.
Spirits 5 & 6 (via Nelson):  Nelson's guide asked Jeff, "You really don't want to see you mother, do you?"
Jeff: I don't want to see her in the condition she is in.
Caballito: She wants to see you, but she doesn't tell you that.  She is not a pretty rose.  Now you know why she doesn't like flowers.  She's very angry now, at everyone and everything.
(Note: Jeff's mother is suffering from a knee injury that restricts her mobility and the ability to drive)
Jackie: She never expected her life to be like this.
(A spirit arrived to replace Caballito.  Nelson explained later that he was being shown her thoughts, just like the cartoon bubbles over the characters in a comic strip)
Spirit (expressing the thoughts of Jeff's mother):  I didn't go see my mother, and he won't come see me.  I don't want to be put into a home.  No home for me!  How can I convince him to just visit me - alone.  Without him (Nelson).  He's easier alone.  His sister keeps sending over that clumsy one (her partner, Deb).  Clumsy and not too smart.  I think she's losing her mind.  I gave her something, she doesn't remember, and now neither one of us can find it.  I am angry at this.  Where is that boy, my son?  Everything I have done, I will be damned if they will put me into a home!  Listen, you will not put me in a home.
Jeff: There are other options.
Spirit (speaking for herself): You know I am there with her, I have her all confused.
Jackie: What you are doing is wrong.
Spirit: She is counting pennies, and putting them into a jar.  I want her to stop and give us some.  Half of those pennies are mine! 
Jeff: Why do you want them?  What would you spend them on?
Spirit: I will use them to send you to a home!  It's all mine.
Jackie: When she stole your money, you had a body.  You have no use for money now, because you are dead.  Look at your hands.
Spirit (shocked): The hands of a man!  I am not a man.  They are dark, too.  This is not me, I am not a man.  I don't like them.
Jackie: They will take you to a place where yo will not need any money.
Spirit: I don't need money?  All that time was wasted?
Jackie: Leave it all behind.
Spirit: She bothers me.  I'll walk away, but with no man.  They only want your money, or other things.  You know what I mean.  They take your money and take that.  Do you know why I am going to leave her?  Because of you (Jeff)!  I wasn't going to go, but now when he calls her, she won't be so mad.  I'm going to try it, and I will let you know. But no man.  Don't forget me.  You can call me the dollar lady.
(Update: Jeff's mother phoned him the next day, happily laughing and very friendly - despite her surgery being canceled and her inability to visit Sea World
Nelson's guide had returned, and he had some comments for our group:
Caballito (to Frank): How are you feeling?
Frank: I am okay.  Just waiting for my pain pills to be approved by the insurance.
Caballito: Those are little stones in the road, and they are not the road.  Think of something to motivate you.  Think about your vacation and say, 'Next summer, I am planning a vacation.'  You are never at the doctor alone.  Someone (spiritual guides) is always with you.
Frank: I know that.
Caballito: If you need something, you have a family here.  Just ask.  Jackie, are you thinking of moving? 
Jackie: I'm toying with it.
Caballito: What is it that you want?
Jackie: I don't really know.
Caballito: That's okay.  When you decide, we will work with you.  You have been thinking if it is the right thing for you now, and yes - it is.  We want to give you more peace.  Like Frank, you are not alone.  It is difficult for humans to stop hitting themselves over the head.  You cannot change those who will not change.  What you call comfort, it's not.  It's easier, and laziness is one of the worst things.  It can stop you from growing.  (for everyone)  Use the time you have left wisely - for your own growth and knowledge - not to please anyone else.  Growth at this point will give you the tools you need later on.  We are giving all of you those tools, but sometimes you throw them away because it is too much work.
Caballito (for Jackie): She wants to ask her dad, 'How is it on that other side?'
Jackie: He already knows I miss him.
Caballito:  He is better than you think he is.
Jackie: He never believed in any of this...
Caballito: Be prepared for that moment, when you will have a conversation with him.  Make a list of questions.  Ask him, 'How can you help me now, what do I have to do?'  As you know, you will only go with him when it is time.  Just be ready.  I will come first, and say to you, 'Guess who I brought with me?'
Jackie: I will be ready.
Caballito: So Jackie, guess who I brought with me?  He's here, listening and watching.  We need to prepare both sides.  He is observing, and he like likes your hair.  You were worried he wouldn't recognize you.  He's happy to see you doing well.  He also wants that conversation to happen.  He's almost there.  He said to tell you to stop trying to make her (Jackie's sister) like you.  She is never going to be that way, and there is nothing you can do - or him - to change that.
Caballito (for Jeff): Very soon things will get crazy and confused.  It will only be brief.  It's temporary.  We are working with him (Nelson).
Jeff: For all the upcoming  issues in Puerto Rico?
Caballito: For that one who is in the process of moving to the spirit world (Nelson's mom).  Be strong, as he will not be okay.  He says he will, but that is not true.  Her body cannot take it much longer, it's wearing out.  But she is not alone either.  What a wonderful afternoon!  We are cleaning, just like the little girl that Jackie saw.  And we will take them all away.  Fourteen 'friends' of the table. 
Nelson closed with a prayer.
(Note: The notes below refer to Spirit # 2 from the above session.  They are from December 6, 2015.)
Spirit (via Astrid): Nelson wanted to ask Marian about the spirit of John's (May's husband) son.  He was addicted to drugs when he was alive, and a therapist recommended that John financially close the door to him so that he was no longer enabling his habit. A spirit jumped into Astrid to speak:
Spirit: It started here (in Florida) when he was young.  Here I am, to testify about that!  When children lack love and direction, this can be the result.  Life starts in the home.  I am a friend, and I thank you for having me here to talk about this stuff.
Spirit (via Nelson): Nelson sensed that something happened to John's son when he was young, and Nelson began to understand that the boy was sexually abused.  When the child was 6-7 years old, the mother was divorced and she was seeing several men.  Some of those men abused the boy, and escaping into drugs was his way not to remember his emotional scars and his embarrassment.  Nelson saw the boy as a seven year old crouched in a corner, with his head on his knees, crying continuously:
Spirit (in tears): How?  How did this happen?  Can someone tell me how to get rid of that pain?
Astrid: Someone took advantage of you.  You were innocent.
Spirit: She said we needed the money.  I told her I didn't like it.
Jeff: It's not going to happen again.  It was a mistake.
Spirit: I just want to know, why didn't anyone stop it?  Whey didn't he (John) stop it?  Why?  Why?  Don't leave me with her, I told him.  Now I don't want to be there (in the house) with him.  I blamed him, there were lots of things, and I didn't like them.  I want to go (away from his dad).  I stopped doing everything, but I did everything I could to make things go away, and I couldn't.  Would you tell her (May, Marian's daughter) that I didn't mean to scare her.  I wanted her to see me.
Marian: She understands, and I will tell her.  And don't listen to your sister if she calls you back.
Spirit: I won't.  I only want to remember my life up to now, at this age.  I'm going to start fresh and be happy.  Can you do something for me?  Someone has a little bear of mine, and it's the only thing I could talk to.  He has all my memories, because I only talked to him.  He is brown and his nose is partially chipped.  I put that part in my mouth to stop crying.  He (the spirit guide) tells me that I don't have to feel dirty any more.  He's a good man.  I can start fresh.  (crying)  Guess what he is giving me?  The bear!  He says I can make new memories now.
The spirit left quietly and Nelson said that four other spirits (from John) were taken with him.  These spirits were very slim, with no body flesh, and Nelson saw them eating away at John's flesh.  The spirit of the boy was beginning to see it, so Nelson and his guide had to become seven year old boys to persuade the boy's spirit to visit our table.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Chicago - April 3, 2016

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Emiliano, Esperanza, Erika, Frank, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff, Juan, Lisa, Maricela, Marisol, Nelson, Ron, Sonia and Xaver. 
Prior to opening the session, Marisol shared the details of her challenging commute to the center.  She felt as if she was in a long tunnel that was being continuously extended as she drove.  Nelson asked Gabe to check the door of the building, as he thought there was someone outside.  Gabe had a sensation that someone was crouched between two cars.  Nelson went to the door, and he noticed the spirit of a tall, very thin man who was gravely ill.  Nelson invited him to enter, and returned to the table with severe coughing and wheezing.  Marisol smelled cigarette smoke.  Nelson's coughing increased to a level where he could not read the opening prayer, and the smell of stale smoke became evident to all of the mediums. 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  The tall spirit had arrived with Marisol.  It was interesting that this spirit wanted to speak at our table, yet he remained outside when Marisol came in for the session.  It became apparent that this spirit felt completely unloved and totally worthless.  He was apprehensive to sit through Nelson, so he communicated his thoughts from a position behind Nelson.  He was a cousin of Marisol's who died of AIDS.  He died all alone in the hallway of a hospital in Puerto Rico.  Marisol explained that the mother of this spirit rejected him when he was young, and he was given to a relative to be raised.  Nelson began to feel several depressing emotions all at once - and it was overwhelming.  Marisol said he was a smoker, and he passed years ago, which encouraged the spirit to sit through Nelson to clarify his situation:
Spirit: It was over 30 years ago.  I died alone, and I have been alone all of that time.  I know nothing else.  Do you know what it is like to live your entire life and never know love?  Am I ugly?  A horrible person?  Trash?  Whenever I asked for anything, the doors were closed to me.  Even today.  I cannot find water.  A little.  (crying in pain)  What is this feeling?  I want to get rid of this.  What do I need to do?  I am just trying to find a little sip of water. 
(Marisol and Sonia counseled the spirit, advising him to let go of his suffering)
Spirit: Where is that person (the mother who abandoned him)?  I have been trying to find her.  I'm searching.  It's sad.  I only want to ask her, 'Why?'  Why was there love for everyone else and none for me?  I was abandoned. 
(Carmen began to help the others counsel the spirit, and Marisol suggested that the spirit should go with the guide who was with him to a hospital)
Spirit:  I don't know that guy.  How hard it is to walk in a lost world.  I don't even know who I am.  (long pause)  I am going to take his hand, maybe he will love me.  (pause)  He (the spirit guide) is giving me love.  How beautiful.  How wonderful it is to be wanted.   
The spirit left Nelson gasping for air.  Nelson said that this spirit was extremely difficult to pass.  His body had completely deteriorated before he died, and his mental state had reached a level of anger and fear - he was emotionally void, with no hope.  We discussed how spirits could be wandering or asleep for years.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Carmen shared that the spirit of Bernardo's mother was in a similar state of sleep - and she was likely to remain that way for years.  "There are some things that we cannot do for others," Marisol said, "that person has to do it for themselves."  Nelson's guide showed him that the relationship between Carmen and her daughter was also stagnant:
Carmen: I want to do something for my daughter.  She is so anxious, and I don't know what to do.  We pray, but she keeps going downhill.  And I am the one getting sick.
Caballito: With your work, you can help her.  The fight is hers, do not take it on yourself.
Carmen: I see her so weak, but she is faking what she has, and she blames me.
Caballito: It's easier to blame others than to take responsibility.  It does not matter what you do, until she fixes what is needed, your relationship with her will not change.  If you continue to go there and pick up her negative things (spirits), you are the one who will become sick.  She and Bernardo were husband and wife in another lifetime.  You were the lover that took him from her.  In this existence, you chose for her to be your daughter, hoping to end the conflict.  Talk to her about the happiness of the spirit.  Give her a book, if necessary.  She needs to find her happiness without affecting yours.  She has to open the door, and if she doesn't - everyone is wasting their time.  Be careful what you touch, as you cannot touch everything.  There is a box on a closet shelf, throw it away.
Caballito stepped back, and Nelson wondered if reincarnating as a parent was some sort of torture test:
Gabe: There are some good things about it.
Nelson: Not for those who do not want to be responsible.
Gabe: It's dangerous to be ignorant.
(Caballito returned)
Nelson (to Frank):  How are things going for you?
Frank: Better.  Things are flowing.
Nelson: Did you ever wonder why it took so long to reach the level where you are now?  Enjoy your progress.  Your daughter has also made a change, she is nicer.  (Frank agreed)
Spirit 3 (via Marisol): Marisol was studying the tall vampire spirit that was isolated from Lisa last week.  The spirit guides had been working with him all week, trying to calm him enough so that he could sit at our table.  Despite their efforts, Marisol saw that his spirit was still overpowering - and it would not be an easy door to open.  This spirit put very bad thoughts into Lisa's mind.  He was not around her last week, and he did not like being kept away from her.  Nelson said that Lisa should stop calling on him.  The spirit moved into Marisol to speak, and Nelson moved far away, to the other side for the table:
Spirit (stood and slammed a fist on the table top):  WHO THE HELL ARE YOU PEOPLE?  What in hell do you think you are doing?  I don't want to talk to her (Denise) or him (Nelson)!
Jeff: Your influence on her is hurting others.
Spirit: Do I look like I care?  Am I worried?  It was a waste of time to come here.  (to Lisa)  You listen to me, stop listening to him (Nelson).  Do not come here anymore.
Lisa: No.
Spirit: Go somewhere else!  Put on those black clothes that I like - no bright colors!  You and I have a relationship.
Nelson: Don't worry about her now, I want to help you.  Look what is around you. 
Spirit: No. I don't like it.
Nelson: You don't like it, but you want to put her in that place.  Leave her, and take those who are with you.
Spirit (shocked): He wants me to leave?  I don't want to...
Nelson: So let's go into that cave together.  You know what you left behind there - that box - and I want to bring it here.  The surprises in that box are over.
Spirit: I don't like it!  I'm hot and it's dark.
Nelson: You are going to see a little bit of light soon. 
Spirit: I don't have to stay in that dark hole?
Lisa: I am not going to call you.
Spirit: I've been too dark.
Gabe: And now the light feels good.
Spirit: We will go with him (16 spirits).  I apologize for how I came in.  It was all I knew.  (to Lisa)  Don't call me, goodbye, goodbye - don't call me!
Marisol sad that she found herself in a black hole with the spirit, and Nelson added that the spirit, "Was more animalistic than human, which was why he presented himself as a vampire."
Spirit 4 (via Carmen): Nelson's guide had returned, and he had a question for the entire Romero family: "How was last Sunday?"
Esperanza: Very good, we were with family.
Maricela: All good.
Caballito: Erika?  Don't pretend not to know Spanish now.  Was there anything weird or out of place?  Did someone say something that they shouldn't have said?
Erika: They always do.
Caballito: How is your older brother?  Where is he now?
Erika: At home.
Caballito: And you like that idea?
Erika: No.
Caballito: May I say what you don't want to say?  You would be happy if he left. 
(Emilano said he would love to change the situation, but nobody talks.  Nelson spoke privately to him 2-3 weeks ago that action needed to be taken in his home - but nothing was done.  Now the household was like a pot of boiling water that was ready to explode and overflow)
Caballito: There is something forming in that house (Carmen agreed), and I want to clear your space.  (to Erika)  Just for you.  I don't want you to explode or have stomach cramps from keeping it all internal - it's not what you want.  He's selfish, correct?
Erika: I have seen that recently.
Caballito: He thinks that you should leave if you don't like it?
Erika: We had a discussion that didn't end well. 
Caballito: And now the pot is boiling up again.  Have you told your mom and dad how you feel?  (not really) It's because you know you are going to lose...
Erika: That's their golden child.
Caballito: And you are my golden child.  (to Emilano)  Why hasn't anything been done?  Erika is happy, and that needs to continue.  I have been dealing with the same spirit for weeks, ever since we spoke...
The confident spirit moved forward and spoke through Carmen:
Spirit (aggressively): Everything is good!  Nobody talks, but it's okay.  That's how my power is, and now you want me to leave?  I will not.  I am creating even more boiling water as we speak.
Caballito (to Erika): You don't want this spirit in your house?
Erika: No.
Caballito: But your mother does.  If it's not broken, don't fix it is her motto.
Emilano: I don't want it either.
Spirit: I am just relaxing in this big bed, doing nothing!  But I am feeling the heat from that pot.  It's hot.  Do they (the family) really want me to go?  Leave all of you?  Without Erika, I am not going.
Erika: We want you to go.
Spirit: Fine.  I'm leaving.
Caballito advised that there should be a conversation between all of the family members: "When you stay quiet, your silence is seen as approval.  It's not that he has to get out, he has to respect what is permitted.  Sometimes, things must be verbalized.  He is a good kid, but that does not mean that he can take advantage of everyone else."
Marisol had a brief message for Sonia:
Marisol: You are strong on the outside, but unhappy inside?
Sonia: I am happy with this group, I want to keep it going.
Denise: She's worried that we won't have this place.
Sonia: This is home.
Caballito: Do not worry, we will take care of it.  But there are material things that also need to be done.
Marisol: I understand your sorrow.  It was difficult for me when Cando's place closed.  There is a need for this.
Sonia: Thank you.  I wanted to let everyone know that I spoke to my sister and she confirmed everything from the last session.
Nelson: That means a lot to me.
The table discussed Marisol's son.  In some aspects, his nurse/caretaker of 30 years is hoping he does not transition to the spirit side.  Marisol will address the issue.  Caballito also recommended that Andres be given more pain medication when he needed it.  Caballito elaborated, "He is in pain, he's hurting, and he cannot say it." 
Caballito also had a message for our table:
"What can the spirit world do to help you progress in this material world?  Think before you act.  Everyone wants things quickly.  Think first, and you will find the right answer.  Sometimes you can think and ask for help.  You are never alone.  We are around you even if you don't want it.  That's our job.  Look at that part of the world that everyone praises - everyone always looks up!  Look down, as some of us are there.
We are always connected, but some of you are not always listening.  I wanted today to end with something soft and nice.  A kind, loving way of thinking.  And none of you like to think.  You say you do, but my message today is that it is okay to think.  Not every thought requires an action.  That is only necessary once the thinking process is completed.  I am asking all of you to do one thing - think before acting.  Do that, and next week I might give you something else to think about.  The more peaceful you are in this life, the more loving. 
I want Nelson to act like I am.  Calm, relaxed.  He means well.  I control him sometimes because he wants to run, and I tell him: One step at a time, and you will find it easier.  I pull him in when he gets out of line, don't think that I don't.  Think before you act.  Next week, I will ask one of you what action you changed because you took the time to think.  While I am speaking, I am cleaning.  I will take 142 (spirits) with me.  Thank you for allowing this humble worker to do his work.  Until next week, goodbye.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

Chicago - March 27, 2016

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Frank, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff, Lisa, Marisol, Nelson, Ron, and Sonia
Before the opening prayer, Nelson told the group that he was visited by the spirit of his aunt twice over the past week.  She told him, "I know that I am a spirit, but I have questions.  Why do people get sick when I come near them to talk?"  Nelson told her that spiritual energy was different from the energy of the people who were still on earth, and he invited her to our session to speak through a medium.  The questions continued with her second appearance:
Spirit: Why do I need a medium to speak?  Why can't I find some of the people I am looking for?
Nelson: Maybe they are not alive?
Spirit: Why can you see me, and your mother (her sister) cannot?  Is she ignoring me?
Nelson: I have an ability to see spirits - if the spirit world allows it.
After the opening prayer, Marisol read the prayer for those who have lost loved ones who are now in the spirit world.  Nelson believed that his aunt was looking for a purpose or a plan for her life now that she was a spirit.  He shared the warm memories he had with his aunt when she was alive.  Nelson also knew that his aunt was frustrated because she could not locate her deceased husband.   
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  The spirit of Nelson's aunt was present again at our table, and Nelson spoke to her verbally, hoping that she would sit:
Nelson: I know you have this question about your condo.  You wanted it to go tome, but your will was changed so that the government would get it.  Someone changed it, and it was not who you think.  A judge ruled that my mother should receive it, and I know you are angry with that decision.  You visited my mother to ask her about it recently.  (The visit from her sister put Nelson's mother into the hospital, as she feared she was dying)  She did not do it.  I want to thank that judge, because my parents are using that money now to support themselves.  (to the table)  Don't let anything be unresolved when we move to the spirit world...
(The spirit of the aunt sat through Nelson)
Spirit: Where is Riccardo?  (her husband)  I am proud of you, negrito (her nickname for Nelson), because look where you are sitting!  I used to call it (spiritism) hocus-pocus!  I want to thank you.  You  never forgot me.  You kept my memory alive.  All of those prayers that you did?  They worked!  I listened to them.  Not the ones from your mother.  It's different when the prayer comes from love.  I had to leave my drink (she always drank beer in a glass with ice) at the door.  But I have my earrings.  All the earrings he bought for me!  That's all you take when you go - the love.  The heart he had!  I knew I couldn't have kids, and everyone thought I was crazy.  Not him.  Ask him to tell you about the rain forest, when we almost crashed.  I know I am a spirit, but I still have questions.  Where should I go?
Marisol: Now there will be more learning for you.  You are looking for the man who was your partner in life?
Spirit: Yes.  But I cannot see him yet.  I shouldn't force it?
Marisol: You will see him again, but there is more learning first.  For you and for him.
Spirit (noticing Gabe):  You are...I don't believe it!  You are Lourdes' son!  What a nice surprise!  Your mother was not crazy about me.  Tell her that she doesn't know what she is missing.  Tell her Titi said it.  She knows me.  I just wanted to see my sister.
Marisol: But you scared her.
Spirit: We were sometimes good together, sometimes not so good.  At the end, she took care of me.
Marisol: That's love.  You know she's afraid to die...
Spirit: Tell her not to be.  It's nice over here!  At first, it's confusing, but once you figure it out, it's not bad. 
Marisol: That one you are looking for (her husband) needs your help.
Spirit: I know, this man (the spirit guide) tells me I have to work.  Tell Nelson that I didn't mean to scare him.  His sense of humor has not gone away, he's still laughing.  I love him, tell him that.  Because of his prayers, I'm here.  I'm going to work.  (to Marisol)  Can I tell you something?  I want to help you.  She has a negrito at home, too.  I like him.
Marisol: Love is a beautiful thing.
Spirit: It's all you take.  (to Jeff)  I never had the pleasure of meeting you, but I know how much you care for Nelson. You are so lucky, you got my negrito.  Thank you all for listening to me.
As the spirit faded, Carmen realized that the spirit who stood between her and Sonia last week was with us again.  It was about Sonia's sister in Puerto Rico.  The sister was despondent, asking for prayers and hoping that Sonia would visit her.  The sister did not want to transition to the spirit world without being able to see Sonia.
Spirit 2 (via Carmen):  The spirit was bothering Sonia's sister, and putting thoughts into her head:
Spirit (to Sonia): You haven't missed anything over here, why would you go?  She's well with me.  When you come, you stir everything up!  People say this house smells, and that makes me laugh!
Nelson: What is your issue with her coming?
Spirit: I am doing the same job she would do!  I just want to be alone with her, making smells and giving her headaches, so I can laugh.  You need to hear about my suffering, not hers.  I was rotting in that corner, she had no compassion for me.  None.
Nelson: Look at your bones.  From your body, in that corner.
Spirit: No, no, no!  I only see spider webs.  I keep her entertained with them.  Look at the illusion - spider webs!  I would like to see two bodies in that corner.  (pause)  I am cold now.  Those are my bones.  Spiders and worms ate my body.  (the spirit guides covered her for warmth)  Don't let them eat my bones. 
After some additional counseling from Nelson and Sonia, the spirit agreed to go.  Nelson wondered, "Why is so hard to love yourself?"  Another spirit was showing itself in the same corner.  Nelson asked Sonia if there was a hidden secret, or some issue within the house that had an impact on both the mother and the daughter.  Nelson knew it was something private, but he sensed a spirit who wanted to apologize for the role that he played.  Sonia explained that her niece was sexually abused while she was in a hospital years ago.  The incident had a profound effect on the niece.  The mother was also never fully recovered, as the charges were dismissed.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  The boy who committed the act was now deceased.  His spirit wanted to apologize to the girl and her mother, but his presence in the house had made the daughter sick and it caused her to relive the experience.  Nelson described the spirit as wearing glasses, and as he arrived, Marisol and Nelson sensed a very bad smell:
Spirit (violent coughing): She was asleep (cough).  She wanted it, and she got what she wanted. Something happened, from A to B, but I don't know what.  (tearfully)  You don't know who you are anymore.  You have to live with it for the rest of your life.  (crying)  When will this end?  I haven't had any peace, any love, any light since that day.  When?  When will it stop?  When?
(Sonia counseled the spirit in Spanish)
Spirit: When will I ever feel okay?  Can I ask for forgiveness?  To everyone, the mom, the kid.  (continued to sob)  I need to know they forgive me.  I keep reliving the same thing every day.  Day, night, tomorrow, another day.  (weeping with his head on the table)  It's the same thing every day! 
(Carmen helped counsel the spirit)
Spirit: I thought I would see her here.  I am trying to get that dirt off of me.
Carmen: It's cause and effect.  Forgive yourself.
Spirit: I am so sorry, from the bottom of my heart.  If I knew it would cost me my existence, I never would have done it.  I need a hospital.  It was a crime, I was a criminal.  I don't want to be there anymore in that corner.  I'll go.  Criminal!  Mala! 
The spirit departed in a very abrupt, violent manner.  Nelson explained that the boys in the hospital saw Sonia's niece as a problem patient (which was why the spirit said, "She asked for it")  They dared each other to approach her.  When the spirit spoke through Nelson, he kept scratching his thighs, because whenever the niece scratched herself, she would remember the incident.  The boy also died scratching himself from a STD.  The spirit was forced to sit today.  Now that he was removed, Nelson anticipated a change with the niece.  Nelson understood that the niece had often wondered what she did for this to happen to her, and it was important for her to know that she had not done anything wrong.
Spirits 4 & 5 (via Marisol): Marisol shared that her grandfather took his life 24 years ago.  Nelson was shown that he hanged himself, and Marisol confirmed it was how he died.  As she studied his spirit, Marisol saw her grandfather screaming in pain.  After some intense breaths, his spirit sat through Marisol:
Spirit (crying, with his head on the table):  Why, why, why?  Why did I do that?
Nelson: It happened in a moment of weakness.
Spirit:  I am trying to look, to find...I don't know.  I don't see anything but darkness.  I look, but I don't find.  I'm blind.  I was alone, I felt unloved.  I had children, but I didn't.  I was not good to my wife.  When she died, I was lost.  She was my everything.  She knew I was going to do this (suicide), but no one did anything.
Nelson: You thought it was a solution?
Spirit: She didn't love me...
Nelson: The past is done.  Look to the future - a new beginning is starting.
Spirit: No one remembers me.  I'm asking forgiveness - if there is forgiveness for me.  I don't want to be there anymore. 
Nelson: It was (the spirit of) your wife who came looking for you.  Look, she is bringing you a bouquet of flowers.  She's here to get you.
Spirit (relieved): Thank you.
It was not an easy task to persuade the spirit to move on, and both Carmen and Sonia helped to counsel him.  Once he left with his wife, Marisol's guide arrived to cleanse her.  As usual, her joyful dance and hand clapping was a positive experience for the entire table.  After she left, Marisol updated the group on the center in Puerto Rico.  The group was not really working the way they should, they were only passing spirit guides, and communicating good wishes.  Without any persuasion from Marisol, a relative described the sessions to her in a phone call as, "a complete waste of time."
Nelson turned his attention to Isabel, as he knew she was worried about something.  Her thighs were hurting, and she was worried about dying - and worried about her husband, Ron.  Isabel said she had a bad day yesterday, as she kept hearing noises and felt as if something was biting her legs.
Spirit 6 (via Nelson):  Nelson saw the spirit of a little dwarf in Isabel's house.  He could only reach as high as Isabel's legs and thighs (as he saw her as a giant), and he had the mannerisms of a tricky rat or mischievous squirrel.  He would wake up Ron just to laugh at Isabel's response.   He turned the hot water cold and vice versa (Isabel agreed).  Nelson told Isabel  that this life is not the first one in which she was short.  In a prior life, she were married to the spirit.  He made Ron cough in this life. The spirit moved into Nelson to speak when Jeff asked:
Jeff: But why does he want to hurt her?
Spirit: I want to be with her instead of him (Ron)!  He aggravates me.  Why did she marry someone so big, instead of my size?  She's mine.  Mine, mine, mine.  (giggled, and made sucking sounds with his mouth) I am not going anywhere!  She is mine.
(Marisol and Carmen counseled the spirit in Spanish, explaining that the spirit was bothering Isabel)
Spirit: A lot of people bother her, but I'm here to take care of her.  I don't bother her (more giggling).  Nobody can catch me - only her - she's mine!  I don't like the fat white man. 
Isabel:  You are a spirit.
Spirit: A spirit?  Who is a spirit?
Isabel: I don't love you anymore.
Spirit (to Carmen): If she doesn't want me, I will go with you!  (giggles and made kissing noises)  I really love her (Isabel) because we have always been together.  And now they tell me it was in another life?  I don't understand.  (to Isabel)  It's me, I have been looking for you! 
Marisol: Look who you are talking through..
Spirit (noticing Nelson): He's big!  Grande!  What happens now?  We are 18, some of us making noises, some of us biting.  (pause)  I will go, and take everything with me.  (to Isabel)  You can have him (Ron).  We were worried that he would step on us. 
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  Nelson's guide had a message for Lisa, and he delivered it from his usual position standing behind Nelson:
Caballito: What's bothering you?
Lisa: Some things with my father.
Caballito: Do you like to be gothic, with everything black and dark?  (she did)  Do you realize what you attract when you do that?
Lisa: Negative things.
Caballito: You like them.  They make you feel powerful.  It's all about the power with you.  You get into trouble just to get into trouble.  There is a very tall, vampire type man around you.  You like him.  You call on him.  He's telling me that you would like to kill someone one day - just to know what it is like - but you know that is not you.  So don't give him that power.  Tell him to move aside.  Say, "That's not me, I'm Lisa.  Nobody else".  He has too much control over you.  "That's not me, I'm Lisa."  Can you do that for me?  One more favor.  This week, try not to wear black.  Not all black.  It will help this spirit realize that he is not who he thinks he is.  We are trying to take away his power.
Lisa: OK...
Caballito: There is not time for me to sit, as people are in a hurry.  There are plans, correct?
Gabe: Well, I do need to use the bathroom.
Jeff: We can delay our plans, if you want to sit.  I was only planning to eat a cookie.
Caballito: I am sure you will eat many cookies.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

Just A Thought

"There were no sex classes. No friendship classes. No classes on how to navigate a bureaucracy, build an organization, raise money, ...