Thursday, October 13, 2016

Florida - October 21, 2015

In attendance: Astrid, Jackie, Jeff, Nelson, Santiago and Tina
After the opening prayer, Nelson's spirit guide asked us to read a prayer from Kardec's The Spirits' Book for babies about to be born.  Jackie's great niece was expecting a new baby soon, and Nelson was shown the baby surrounded by spirits who responsible for terminating reincarnations.  They wanted this child to be born dead.  Nelson was also shown that the mother was initially happy when she first became pregnant, but she was not happy and very unsure if she welcomed the changes associated with a baby.  Astrid thought that this incident could also be a lesson for the spirit of the baby.  Speaking about the mother, Nelson's guide said: "No, she is requesting it (that the baby not to be born)."  It was the spirit of the baby about to be born asking for help.  This spirit did not want to die after being born, and the rejection from the mother had upset the spirit.  There was also an angrier spirit involved.
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  Nelson was shown that the mother had a relationship in this life with another man, and she aborted a baby they conceived together.  That spirit had returned, wondering why the mother was now willing to have another baby when she did not allow this spirit to be born. As the spirit arrived, Nelson curled up his arms and coughed repeatedly:
Spirit (angry an tearful): Why not me?  Why put me back? (sobbing) Tell me why.
Jackie: It was her choice.  Even though it was wrong.
Spirit: You don't know what it does to us.
Jackie: We do, but she didn't.
Spirit: See how I feel?  See how I cannot function?  I don't understand.  I was ready.  I was ready and they stopped.  And now what?  I'm half.  Half here, half there.
Astrid: You are a complete spirit.  There will be other opportunities for you.  Let it go.
Spirit: I didn't want him to take my place.  I am so sad.  I'm not going to be born and they tell me I cannot destroy that other one.  (long pause)  He's removing my dead body.  Removing what was going to be my body. (pause)  It's very hard to see.  He said it's okay to cry.  That little thing was going to be me.  (long pause)  I can go back to school, back in line, and find out when it will be my turn.  I don't want to cry anymore, I want my energy back.  If you can, tell everyone you know not to do that - because it puts us back.  I'm familiar with that school, I have been on that path before...
Astrid: And by not causing harm, no harm will come to you either...
Spirit: Thank him (the spirit guide) for saving me... 
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  After the spirit left, Nelson's guide had a message:  "In her mind, this is the only child she (the niece) wants, and that is not true.  If she ever wants to be happy or have a good life, she must bring him back (the spirit who just passed).  He has to come back.  This has been done twice with this spirit already.  The mother (of the niece) did the same thing, and this is the same spirit.  Her mother regrets it, as she is having problems now.  There is a cloud (cancer), and she needs a doctor to check it." 
Nelson was exhausted after the spirit, and his guide said: "But you like the results of the work?  (Nelson agreed)  For example, with your mother?  We need to have faith.  After some initial open-ended questions for the table, Nelson's guide was finally able to persuade Tina to talk.  The conversation continued:
Caballito: We like to feel that we are in control, but what happens when we are not?
Tina: We are afraid that we will never be in control again.  Control is important.
Caballito: Even when we realize that it can hurt?
Tina: We waste a lot of energy trying to control.  But if we lose control, it might not come back.
Caballito: It's good energy that is wasted.  Do we still want control if it takes away our loving and kindness?
Tina: Depends.
Caballito: Are we worried that we will be seen as weak?
Tina: Perceived as wrong.
Caballito: Have you ever taken time to look inside and see who you are?  Let things come out as they are?
Tina: You can never take it back once you say it...
Caballito: Even if you say, 'Can you help me?'
Tina: Nobody wants to help...
Caballito: But didn't we just help someone that we don't know (the spirit of the baby)?  Open a little bit.  A life without smiles is not worth living.  Emotions are human, not a weakness.  Part of being human is to understand weaknesses.  There is no judgment here (at this table).  What is the prettiest thing inside you?
Tina (long pause): My home.  It's a peaceful place.
Nelson's spirit guide moved to the side, as a new spirit was emerging.  This spirit has been "in charge" of Tina for so long, he controls her completely.  "That's the spirit who stops her from talking," Jackie added, as she visualized the spirit standing behind Tina.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson's guide wanted to break that connection.  "He followed me and I thought I got rid of him," Tina explained.  Nelson said that Tina should not be afraid.  The spirit wanted and needed to come back for a conversation - to finally have a moment to speak - but he was not ready.  A group of spirits were attempting to take him away for more education, but he had to be put into shackles.   
Caballito (to Tina): There are many barriers in your life.  Let go if it is not important.  Weakness is only what you think is weakness.  We are removing the soldiers who were with him.  They are all from Germany, and still at war.  Some of them see you as Jewish.  There are some additional soldiers, trapped together in a trench who will not go.  Their leader keeps them there...
Tina: And the French will not let them move either.
Caballito: Some of them like you and want to protect you.  Others want to kill you, as Jews are the enemy.
(A spirit arrived, replacing Caballito)
Spirit: What do you want from me?
Jackie: Leave this girl alone.  The war is over.
Spirit: We have been waiting.  Waiting for someone to come.
Astrid: You are wasting your time.
Spirit: What has come now is not what we expected.  They have sent helicopters to get us.
Jeff: To help you move on.
Spirit: They are not the enemy?  Hmmm.  We will go into those helicopters, one by one.  (Nelson began to stamp his feet, as if marching)  Next, next one.  That one is full now, drop that!  Leave that hat.  Next.  That one is full, next.  Fast!  They might catch us.  Next, keep moving.  (pause)  I am the only one left now.  There were 103 of us.  I am going in that last helicopter...going...
The spirit left softly and quickly, sounding sad.  Tina explained that she saw these soldiers in November 2012.  Nelson saw the spirits filling in the war trench after the departure of the soldiers.
Jackie closed with a prayer.

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