Monday, October 10, 2016

Chicago - August 2, 2015

In attendance: 
Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Esmeralda, Eva, Gabe, Isabel, Juan, Juanita, Jeff, Maricela, Marisol, Nazario, Nelson, Ron and Sonia 
After the opening prayer, Marisol read the Prayer for the Sick for Mia and anyone else who was ill.  The spirit around Mia that Marisol sensed in the last session was still waiting to speak.  Nelson said that like us, the spirits can be stubborn and impatient, and Marisol added that they have a mission.  This spirit liked where he was, and he wanted Mia to remain in her current condition.
Spirit 1 (via Marisol):  There were several spirits from many past incarnations around Mia.  The dominant spirit that Marisol was sensing explained that these spirits were "giving her what she doesn't like to do - asking others for help."  In a previous life, Mia had a lot of power, and she used it to torture men until they died.  Mia put men into a center arena of a castle to be whipped in public.  One of these tortured spirits sat through Marisol.  He was angry and intense, and fanning his back from the heat:
Spirit: Don't talk to me, I am burning.  It's hot.  Take this off!
(The spirit asked for Mia's arms to be cut off)
Nelson: Why do you hate her so much?
Spirit: She was guilty, and it was many.  Now she will never get up again.  Now she would prefer to die.  She does not need anyone - and she does not want anyone!
Nelson:  I want you to go someplace where you can feel better...
(The spirit explained that now Mia is the one with her hands tied, and she was unable to ask for water)
Spirit: Let me enjoy this moment.  She cannot even say that she is thirsty.  Do you see the blood (on me)?  There was no pity.  (struggling in chair)  How do I take this off?  I am thirsty now - for vengeance.  I am just getting started, she has not seen anything yet.  Now she will learn.  There are 42 of us...
The spirit spoke calmly.  He insisted that Mia felt the same way now about men in her current existence.  Nelson and the good spirits encouraged him to move on so that he could feel better, but the spirit said, "It's the same existence for her (this time), without the whips."  He eventually agreed to leave.  After he had departed, Nelson said, "Our revenge blinds us to everything else."
Nelson saw a group of spirits around Bernardo.  He asked Bernardo if he would like to be young again, and he understood that Bernardo did not want a recliner or any other symbol normally associated with growing older.  The spirits around him liked to see Bernardo well-groomed, but if he did not act the way they wanted, these female spirits would make him sick. 
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  One of the spirits decided to sit through Nelson.  She did not like Carmen's hair color, and urged her to become a blonde, (similar to the spirit's hair), because Bernardo enjoyed that color:
Spirit: Why do you want to bring me here?  I want to be enjoying life, and dancing...
(Nelson danced silently in his seat, while Marisol and Carmen counseled the spirit)
Spirit: Look at them!  These are old women, and I do not like them.  Don't you see me?  I'm pretty.  I don't like this chair either.  He (Bernardo) has to make a decision.  It's time to dance, and I keep telling him it's time to dance, but he does not get up.
Marisol: That party is over.  Nobody wants to dance.
Spirit (noticing Gabe):  Look at that young man!  I should go with him.  It's getting hot.  I get near him (Bernardo) and he sweats!
Marisol: You are a spirit and you are remembering a past life that no longer exists.
Spirit (beginning to understand):  I know now that it's just the body of another old man.  But old men are good, as they give us money.  I am leaving with this man (the spirit guide) and six lady friends will come along with me.  I am going with a younger group...
Nelson advised Bernardo that when he feels these types of spirits around him, he should not open the door to let them in.  Their intention is to suck up his energy and make him tired.  Ironically, these spirits who make him feel younger are the ones who tire him out, and leave him feeling older.  Maricela said she experienced a touch on her shoulder, and Juanita sensed that these female spirits were enraged to be discovered.  Sonia sensed a white filter as blood was being withdrawn from Mia. Carmen mentioned her grandchildren, and she was cautioned to call her daughter and tell her to be careful of cars driving at the beach.  Eva suggested that Carmen should read a prayer for protection.  Marisol understood that there was a spirit bothering Carmen.  This spirit was making her ill because working with this spirit was an assignment for Carmen, as the spirit refused to sit with anyone else.
Spirit 3 (via Nelson):  Nelson detected a spirit around Jeff who described himself as "a friend".  He wanted Jeff to trip and fall last month as a way to "wake him up":
Spirit: What happened to you? It used to be that if you didn't like someone, you told them to go away - and now you are okay with everyone?  What happened to 'Get away, I don't like you?'  It's the dead people who made him stupid.
Jeff: I learned and changed...
Spirit: Why couldn't you hear me?  I was yelling at you until I got tired of it, so I pushed you.  Well, I tripped you.  I hate him (Nelson) for helping you.  I miss the party, I miss everything we did together - we did it all!  
Marisol: So why did you want to hurt him?
Spirit: To wake him up so we could do the things we used to do.  He (Nelson) was the next one I was going to push, but they stopped me.
Denise: Things change, and people move on...
Jeff: There are rules...
Spirit: I don't understand so many things.  He couldn't hear me and I was yelling and screaming, so I tripped him. He (Nelson) kept saying, 'go way, go away,' so how was it that he could hear me?
Jeff: If you go with the ones around you now, they will explain everything to you.
Spirit (after a pause):  So I died?  All these things I have are not real?
Marisol:  They are memories. 
Spirit: So I am all alone?  (began to cry)  I remember when you used to listen to me, and now I am alone.  Now I know why you were ignoring me. A group of four, that's us and you always liked the number five.  You were the five, but you were missing from the group.  One of us is taking that wig with him - he hated that wig.  They say I cannot be angry.  I can say goodbye and I will see you one day?
Jeff: Yes, you can.  Are you going to tell me your name?
Spirit: It's J.  Jim, Jimmy.  I am sorry if I harmed you, I didn't mean it.  Thank you.  You made me laugh, you made my life better...
Jeff was still uncertain over the identify of the spirit.  Nelson started to detect a sadness for Sonia's son and her grandson.  He understood that Sonia wanted to help, but her efforts had not been encouraged.  Nelson said the older grandson (Xavier) was the one who was now the most affected by the conditions in the house.  Nelson told Sonia that her continued prayers were good.  Her son listens to Sonia and agrees with her - but his actions are the opposite of what he says.  He does not change.  The issue is that he does not want anyone to know his wife or household, as he believes, "It's not under my control, so I need to separate myself from it."
Spirit 4 (via Marisol):  Nelson understood that Xavier wanted to move away from his situation and live with Sonia.  He doesn't know how to ask her this question, but he knows that things will not change and he longs for a life that is more stable.  Xavier wants to continue his education, but his home situation does not allow it.  Nelson cautioned that he should not postpone school.  If Sonia can help him, she should.  A spirit surrounding Xavier moved into Marisol:
Spirit (sobbing):  They say I have to leave him?  He is not happy?  He wants to get out (continued crying)...
Nelson:  If you really want to help him, you need to go...
Spirit: I want to help him, but I can't!  It was never my intention to make him sad.  He doesn't want to see his mom sick anymore and I can't help him!
Nelson:  It's okay, his grandmother is going to help him now - and protect him.
Spirit: She is not his mother!  His mother doesn't treat him like a mother should.  I feel sad because he is a good son, he was good and he is good.  He has a good heart...
(The spirit pretended to hold an infant in her arms.  It became apparent that this spirit was Xavier's mother from a previous life.)
Nelson:  They are going to take you to a beautiful place, and you can help him when you are better.
Spirit:  In the last moments, he was holding me (the spirit).  He would say, 'Don't leave me mom'.  He suffered when I died and it made him an orphan.  Now he still feels the same sadness.  He says, 'I feel like I am alone, like I don't have a mom.'
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  After some additional counseling, the spirit agreed to go with the guides to a hospital.  Nelson's spirit guide silently moved into Nelson to speak to the table:
Spirit: To be a part of a family, do you need to do whatever they say?
Marisol: For me, yes.  But no, you do not.
Spirit: When we put conditions on love, is it really love?
Marisol: It should be unconditional, loving the good things and the bad.
Spirit: Does anyone here have unconditional love from their family?  This is a lesson for everyone here.  When conditions are put on love, it is not love.  What happens when a son or daughter does not do what the parents want?  Can the parents say they are no longer part of that family?
Marisol: If they do, they love themselves more than the child.
Spirit: You can create your own family.  We need to start loving everyone, with no conditions.
Ron: Except...
Sonia: Accept, not except!  (Ron related a story of family members and wedding conflicts)
There were specific messages for some others;
For Maricela: Leave the condition outside - for the brother with a son who has a girlfriend that the family does not like.
For Gabe: You.  You already have a new family, so stop it.  If you do what they want, it will harm you more.
For Nelson:  It's the same message (as Gabe).  He is half in and half out.  As soon as he says he is out, he goes right back in.
For Jeff: He doesn't deal with them anymore, he keeps his distance and it works.
For the table: I want to ask you to discuss family dilemmas next Sunday.  Outside (before we move to the table) and inside, it will be all about family.  Express yourselves with the truth.  I need to clear away some of the family dilemma in here.  We need to clean this group so that the wonderful work can continue.  We need everyone to have their mind, and Jeff will like this as he has been asking for it, on the greater work that needs to be done.
For Marisol:  It's under control for you, and we will continue that work.
For Sonia: I want you to express a story next week as well, to help clean.
For all: There is a friend of the group with me (Polo) and he wants you to know that the assignments he gave you have not been forgotten.  One day he will be here to ask you about them.  We are going around now, cleaning the table, so that everyone can leave feeling better than when they came in today.  Some of you (Gabe and Jeff) wondered where I go after the sessions.  Once the mission is accomplished, I go with the spirits.  There is also other work to do, in other places.  Jeff asked if we sleep.  We are lucky if we have a five minute nap, but it's enough, as there is no time where I come from.  (laughed)  I can hear your thoughts.  Don't be afraid to ask questions, I will answer - as long as you are prepared to hear the answer.
After his spirit guide had stepped back, Nelson said that when we sat at the table today, he saw everyone with unresolved family situations floating over their heads.  He understood that someone at the table was divorced, but that dilemma could have been resolved.  Sonia smelled cigar smoke from a madame who was observing the session, and the group discussed her presence.  Nelson closed with a prayer.

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