Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Chicago - August 23, 2015

In attendance: 
Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff, Marisol, Nelson, Ron, Sonia and the Romero family
There were prayer requests from Marisol (for her new position at work), Ron (his sister's husband), Carmen's granddaughter (four months pregnant), Sonia's ex-husband (Victor), Maricela's brother, and Denise (for Sonia Torres).
Marisol sensed a melancholy mood around the room, and Nelson recognized it as the extreme sadness from a group of frustrated children.  These innocent but lost spirit children ranged in age from three years to about 16 years old.  The despondent children were following parental instructions to "sit and wait, and they would come and get me, but they never did."  None of the children understood that they were dead, and they were frustrated and frightened from waiting and waiting for parents that never arrived. 
Spirit 1 (via Nelson):  A ten year old boy spoke through Nelson.  He had gone on a trip and something happened that he did not understand.  While playing "hide and go seek," he fell and hit his head. He tried to call out for help, but he could not, and help never arrived.  Now he was waiting with the others, tired and hungry, with no idea what to do next:
Spirit (crying softly):  When are they coming?  Who can tell me? 
Marisol: Listen to that friend next to you.
Spirit: I was told not to go with people I do not know.  I don't understand what happened.  This guy said I could tell you my story.
(Jeff and Marisol counseled the spirit)
Spirit (as he began to understand):  They say we can stretch out our legs and wake up again?  We have been in the same position for so long.  There are so many of us (18) and we are all stiff from sitting still.  Two of them have not spent much time here - they said to tell you that.  Oh wow.  They tell me I will celebrate my birthday!  I will be eleven years old, and we can play that game again.  I wanted to cry and now I want to laugh.  They will show me my parents!  (cried with joy)  My 11th birthday.  I can open my eyes to a new life - it's my birthday.  Tell him (Nelson) thanks, as he has been very kind to us.  He is another kid like me.   
On the ride home after the session, Nelson explained that his spirit guide (Caballito) always appeared to him as a ten year old boy.  In an effort to reassure the spirit children that it was safe for one of them to sit, Caballito had shown himself and Nelson as little boys again.
Juanita said she experienced a sensation of being unable to breathe when Ron spoke earlier about his sister's husband.  Nelson drew an illustration of two kidneys ("dried out, like prunes") in reference to Carmen's granddaughter.  (It was later determined that his illustration depicted two ovaries).  The picture symbolized something that looked like it wanted life - and yet, it did not have life.  There was a question of who to save - her or the baby.  (Note: There was a lengthy discussion in regards to Carmen, her daughter, the granddaughter and Bernardo.
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Carmen explained that there was currently no communication between herself and her daughter, since her daughter had closed off the communication.  A spirit sat and spoke through Nelson, stating, "I am happy she said that.  She is telling the truth.  I will not shed a tear for her (the daughter)."  This spirit had been around Carmen's daughter (or Carmen, it was difficult to tell) from the time she was divorced.  Carmen said she had been fighting with the spirit for 30 years, from the time that her daughter was twelve years old.  After some additional coaxing and questioning, it was determined that this spirit was Carmen's previous boyfriend from this lifetime.  He had transitioned to the spirit side, but he never forgot Carmen.  In their previous reincarnations together, Carmen had promised to marry him (twice) and she never did.  The same pattern was repeated again in this life, and the spirit felt betrayed.  The spirit looked at Carmen, but she never saw him.  He insisted that her children were his children.  The spirit was stubborn and angry over being abandoned again by Carmen:
Spirit (forceful): What is mine is mine!  I came to get what is mine, and I have spent a long time looking for her.  I am here for vengeance now, not for love.  I advise all of you not to fall in love because it's a lie.  The love converts to hate.  I have been involved in everything, and now I want vengeance!  I have been waiting for a long time.  Why can't I do what I want?  A person goes blind with vengeance.  I am taking them all! 
(Marisol and Carmen counseled the spirit, advising him that he was a spirit now, and his intentions were misguided and not good.)
Spirit: Why won't they let me do what I want?  You want to confuse me!  I scare him (Bernardo) and he doesn't defend her - what kind of man is he?  I make noises and they don't know where it comes from...
Marisol:  Look at that body, is it yours?
Spirit: No, where is my mustache?  That is not my body, it's an old guy.  I died of cancer, as nobody dies from a broken heart - but still - it hurts.  I looked everywhere, but I was broken.  Can I be happy without her?
Marisol: Yes, now you can be happy...
Spirit: I was never able to be happy, but it sounds good.  I will leave her, I am not interested in her anymore.  I came here with a lot of things, but I am going to leave them over there.  I am leaving all my hate here.  I'm going to meet young women over there.  I am taking six, including myself, along with me...
One of the spirits who left with the ex-boyfriend had been bothering Bernardo.  Marisol was studying a new spirit, and this spirit was related to Carmen's daughter (Linda).  The spirit wanted Linda to be mentally unstable and the spirit wanted her to lose her mind and have a nervous breakdown.  Marisol experienced a sense of nausea and a headache.  Linda was a medium, but the spirit had a very easy time controlling her.  Linda resented Carmen's belief in spiritism.  Linda was married, but the relationship was not an easy one.
Spirit 3 (via Marisol):  The spirit agreed to sit through Marisol.  Carmen moved to a different chair.
Spirit: It is better just to leave me alone.  I didn't want to speak.  I want to break her face!
(The spirit slyly called out for Carmen to return to her seat)
Spirit: I was going to make her fall and be found on the floor.  I don't like her; I only want bad things for her.  What's wrong with her dad?  Nothing.  She bothers me and doesn't let me do my work.  I want her (Linda, the daughter) to be crazy like I ended up!  In an insane asylum...I hate her!
Nelson:  Accept what happened to you without worrying about her.  It's different for her.  They are going to take you to a hospital where you can feel better...
Spirit:  I have a lot of hate, and I am not alone!
Nelson: The ones behind you are going to a different place.  Think about yourself now.
Spirit: I will go.  There are seven crazies with me and we will all go.  Forgive me, and thank her (Carmen) for insisting that I come here today to speak...
Spirit 4 (via Marisol):  Marisol's spirit guide arrived with a message for Carmen.  Her daughter was not well.  One stone was removed today, but there were more.  Bernardo should speak with her, as they have a better relationship - body to body and spirit to spirit.  After thanking our group for the work, Marisol's guide left as quickly as she arrived.
Juanita sensed a rage within Denise.  Just as Carmen needs to learn to close her "spiritual antennas" whenever she leaves her house, Denise needed to do the same thing with her environment.
Spirit 5 (via Nelson):  Nelson's guide had arrived, and he spoke from a position behind Nelson.  Caballito initially phrased his advice in the form of questions:
Spirit: When a storm is coming, what preparations should be made?  How can we prepare for a storm (in the material world)?
Marisol: Have things on hand and not wait for the last minute...
Spirit: (to Gabe): What are you going to do when the (spiritual) storm arrives?   The storm is coming, and you are not prepared for it. 
(Gabe's mother and sister will arrive in Chicago next Sunday.  Nelson described a spiritual "tractor" pulling a massive amount of spiritual debris and negativity along with them.)
Gabe: I am not prepared, but I am preparing things...
Marisol: You know their behavior, so you can predict the patterns.  Have a plan A, a plan B, a plan C...
Jeff: He has some ideas, but he doesn't want to do the homework.
Nelson:  This is a tornado of bad spirits, and he needs to be ready.  It is very powerful and difficult.  I had to remove myself from it.  He cannot react, he has to be proactive.  Those spirits cannot sit today.  They are not ready, and I can't force them.
Gabe: Maybe next Sunday?
Spirit: If it is not too late.  You (Gabe) need to tell the tornado how things will run before it arrives.
The group offered suggestions to Gabe and Nelson closed with a prayer.

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