Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Chicago - August 16, 2015

In attendance: Bernardo, Carmen, Denise, Gabe, Isabel, Jeff, Milagros, Marisol, Nelson, Sonia and the Romero family
After the opening prayer, Nelson asked if we thought that the sufferings of our material life could be lessened.  The group agreed that they could.  Nelson a read a passage from The Medium's Book http://www.oconsolador.com.br/linkfixo/bibliotecavirtual/ingles/Mediums.pdf and he explained that spiritism was not about suffering, as we should progress and grow without pain.  Nelson asked Denise why she seemed to be choosing pain instead of growth.
There were prayer requests for Marisol's brother-in-law (he is on a list for kidney replacement), Carmen's two elderly uncles (suffering with Alzheimer's), Sonia's ex-husband (Victor Colon, undergoing a quadruple bypass and dementia), Maricela's dad, and Ron (Isabel's husband) who was sick at home.  Sonia updated the group regarding Mia (she is walking and will be discharged from the hospital this Friday). 
Spirit 1 (via Marisol):  When Sonia was speaking about her ex-husband, Marisol understood that his dementia resulted from a lack of oxygen.  His blood flow was also a concern.  Marisol also sensed that Sonia's son was surprised by his father's situation, and she knew that the father and son shared a past history from another lifetime.  A spirit who "wanted to finish him" was moving forward.  He arrived with clenched fists and sat through Marisol.  He was overheated with anger, and he wanted Victor to die.  Nelson asked the spirit what Victor had done to him.  "He was a devil - a  traitor," the spirit replied, "and he took everything from me.  I died from suffocation, and so will he.  Why is that son there?  Why would anyone help him?"  Nelson asked the spirit to forgive Victor, and the spirit wanted to know what Nelson's relationship with Victor was (a friend).  In a previous life, Victor was responsible for this spirit dying from a lack of oxygen when he was left in a hole to suffocate.  The spirit eventually agreed to "wipe his hands" of Victor by going to a hospital with the guides.  He thanked Sonia for bringing him to our table, and he insisted that he did not deserve her kindness.  He took seven others with him (ironically, the number of children that Victor had). 
Spirit 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson sensed a spirit who asked if our group invited every spirit, "even the spirits who are not good?"  When Nelson answered yes, the spirit said, "How dumb you are to invite everyone in, I wouldn't do it."  The spirit explained that everyone in our group was trapped in some sort of hole, and the negative spirits were standing on the lids.  The spirit arrived and sat through Nelson:
Spirit: Everyone here is in a hole, and none of you know how to get out.  We have sumo wrestlers standing on the covers, and they have been there for months. Why did you invite me here?  I don't want your help! 
Denise: We are here to help...
Spirit (laughing): Hypocrites!  Where is the help you think I need?  I was obligated to come here.  You don't know what is behind all of it.  It's a lot.  We want to take all of you out.  I am going to put everyone in the same hole with that gringo (Jeff) sitting on top.
Gabe: Aren't you tired of all that?
(Marisol continued to counsel the spirit, advising him to go into the light)
Spirit: We are everywhere, and there are many of us.  I don't want to go back there.  Insects and snakes are biting us.  It's a bottomless hole and everyone is in bad shape.  If you knew the vermin that was there, sucking on blood - I prefer to go to hell.
Marisol:  You can leave and take them all (the insects, etc. that symbolized other bad spirits) with you...
Spirit: There are 143 insects and vermin, six snakes, and 24 rats. Another 83 spirits (some of them were with Mia) will be taken to a hospital, and I will leave with them.  I wanted to hit him (Nelson) with the lid from that hole twice.  Be careful who you call here - as you don't know who will arrive...
Spirit 3 (via Carmen):  As soon as Nelson finished with the previous spirit, a new spirit arrived.  The spirit was for Milargros, and he sat through Carmen:
Spirit (taunting):  I play around with her.  I bring her, I take her.  I love her so much.  I just want her for myself.  I bring her flowers and she feels young.  I don't like it when she ignores me...
Nelson: You cannot be with her.  You do not have a body.  The flowers you bring her are black.  You were here on Wednesday...
Spirit: But she was not here, so I couldn't talk to her!  I get so angry when she doesn't hear me, so I make her sick.  I take her energy away whenever she's planning to come here (laughed).
Nelson:  Everyone at this table cares about her.  If you go, you can return one day as her friend.
Although he did not like Nelson's offer to return as a friend, the spirit agreed to quietly leave.  Juanita shared a vision she had of Marisol's son (Andres) walking.  Nelson explained that what she saw was his spirit walking, as only his body was ill.  Nelson also sensed that Juanita wanted to tell a family member (Erika) something, but she thought that if she delivered the message, Erika would not believe it. 
Spirit 4 (via Nelson):  Nelson's spirit guide arrived.  He explained that Erika's situation was a difficult combination of the spiritual and material worlds.  Caballito asked Erika, "When are you going to start living?"  Erika was the only one who could resolve her issues.  An empty glass was placed in front of Juanita, and Jeff was asked to pour a small portion of water into the glass - and to discard the rest.  Erika drank the water, and Nelson's guide moved over to her.  He spoke softly in Spanish, and Jeff wondered if English might be easier for Erika to understand.  "I am speaking to the spirits behind her," Caballito corrected.  Erika was told that she has a lot to offer, but her behavior has been attracting bad energy.  Her material issues could be cured, but only with Erika's commitment.  Caballito added that Juanita was destined to start working as a healer, and she should say what she wanted to say.  He moved to the side to allow the other work to continue.
Spirit 5 (via Carmen):  Juanita's spirit guide arrived as soon as Caballito moved away.  She said that Juanita was surrounded by broken glass and used needles, but despite her surroundings, Juanita always asked for help for everyone else.  Her spirit guide said she loved and prayed for Juanita.  She promised to speak through her one day in the future, so that Juanita could work at our table.  It was as if Caballito had cleansed Erika, and Juanita's guide had arrived to cleanse her.
Spirit 6 (via Marisol):  As Juanita's guide stepped away, Marisol began to sense a new spirit around Erika.  Marisol envisioned Erika preparing to go out and then changing her mind at the last minute, and this spirit seemed to influence those decisions.  Erika's delicate stomach was also related to this spirit:
Spirit (angry):  SHUT UP!  Shut up!  She's mine, so shut up.
(Nelson stood and moved near Erika.  The spirit was still confident, but more comfortable)
Spirit (to Erika):  These people are all nuts.  Don't come back anymore.
(Carmen counseled the spirit)
Spirit: I gave her everything.  She didn't want for anything.  (The spirit wanted to stand up and kiss Erika, but Nelson told him to stay seated)  Nothing works now.
(Nelson encouraged the spirit to look at what happened in his prior life with Erika)
Spirit: I gave her water with crystals (tiny shards of glass).  I didn't want to harm her, but tried it again just to have her with me.  I have to ask for her forgiveness because now I know that it gave her a bloody taste in her mouth - and I caused her harm.  So I wasn't good.  I need to learn...
Carmen:  You can go to a school and understand it all better...
Spirit: I have been with her for such a long time.  Sixty years (Erika is 25 in her current life).  We were lovers, but her family did not approve of me.  I will go to that school...
Spirit 7 (via Carmen):  Milagros stood by the edge of the table as a spirit related to her arrived.
Spirit: I have been looking for you - where were you?
Milagros: I was sick, but I'm fine now.
Spirit:  I want you back in that hole, sick again.
Nelson: that is not going to happen, she is going on a vacation.
Spirit: She doesn't have a ticket (demonstrated).  So I will go with her - or force her not to go.
Nelson:  You are going to a different place for your vacation.
Spirit:  No, I am happy with her.  I don't want to leave.  I loved her so much...
Milagros: I am not happy when you are around - I get sick.
Nelson:  You will feel better - and get the education you need, along with light...and water...
Spirit:  It's hurting me to let her go, but I'm too hot now, so I will...
After the spirit departed, Nelson had some advice for Milagros:  She should be there (on her vacation when she goes), and not here (in her mind).  This would require that she not worry too much about her mother or the daughter she would be visiting. 
Spirit 8 (via Nelson):  Isabel stated that her arms and back were hurting, and Nelson asked her, "Why do you try to carry things that are not yours?"  Isabel moved closer to the table.  "There is too much weight on your shoulders," Nelson told her, "and if you continue this way, you will fall.  If you do less, it will result in more.  You are trying to solve everything by caring too much - and you are exhausting yourself.  You have a daughter, but you focus on your son - who is strong and terrible.  It's a difficult job.  Are you ever away from your husband for a long period of time?  (no)  Can you go out with your daughter - just the two of you, to the mall, or shopping?"  An angry spirit related to Ron (Isabel's husband) was moving forward.  He saw Isabel as his servant, removing his shoes:
Spirit: Take my shoes off.  I have a pain, and I do not want to answer any questions.  Leave me alone.  If she wasn't here, I could finish him (Ron).  I don't want to listen to anyone, I like being over there.  It's a very crazy house.  I am doing to him what he did to me.  He's sleeping now, but I make him itch.
Marisol:  Don't you feel pity for her (Isabel) in that environment?
Spirit: No.  We are enemies.  When I want to sleep, I will sleep until I get tired of sleeping.  If she is not there, I can get him (laughed).  And she likes that idea!  (putting his fingers in his ears) I really don't want anyone to talk to me now.  La, la, la, I cannot hear you!
Isabel: Can you forgive me - and Ron?
Spirit: She loves him, and she's good.  They are putting a cream on me for the itching?  They tell me I cannot go back there, so I will go. There are eight with me. I am taking everything - the itchiness, all of the things that irritate.  I am tired and I want to sleep...
Spirit 9 (via Nelson):  Nelson asked Alex if he had found a job.  He answered no, and Nelson asked him what he wanted to do next.  Alex wasn't sure, but Nelson envisioned him in a school environment.  Alex knew what he wanted, but he was unfocused and unable to express it.  Marisol wondered what Alex hoped for with his teaching degree.  Alex explained that he wanted to help communities, but the social justice became a burden.  Alex was now looking for opportunities to teach abroad:
Nelson:  We need to open your heart so that you can
Marisol: So you can fly.
Nelson:  The longer you wait, it will be almost impossible.
(Nelson's guide was speaking to the spirits of four soldiers who were standing at attention behind Alex.  The spirits thought that they were still alive and on duty.  These soldiers kept Alex confused.)
Nelson: Alex has a good heart, but no one has gotten to know it. We need you to be less tight.
(One of the four soldiers frozen in time moved forward to speak through Nelson - even though he was petrified and fearful of being punished.)
Spirit (to Alex):  Who gave you the authorization to escape?  Why did this happen?  We found you and now you are not moving again.  This is my place.  My post.  We will watch you.  And where are we?
Marisol:  The orders have changed...
Denise: The old orders no longer exist...
Spirit (marching in place): Who are you people?  Do not put into his head that he is allowed to think!
Denise: Don't you think it's time?
Spirit: I'm not allowed.  It's not allowed, we will all get into trouble.  My mouth tastes like soap.  We have stood at attention for years - with soap when we did not behave or when we tried to think.
Marisol:  There are new papers.  You can sit if you want.
Spirit (amazed): I can sit?  (speaking to Alex)  Think!  Think!  Think!  Don't let anyone stop you like they stopped us - Think! 
Marisol: You are free now
Spirit: I want to tell him to be free!  Don't let the guards stand in your way.  I will not be punished if I think on my own - so think on your own!  I don't need to be afraid anymore.  I'm going and I am free to think, to move, to not be afraid.  I can think!  I am freeeeee....
The spirit left.  Nelson said the soldiers came from a period in history when Alexander the Great was conquering the world.  The soldiers had large unnatural eyes, the size of Alex's glasses.  Marisol thought the soapy taste in their mouths may have been a drug that caused this condition and kept them alert.
Marisol was prompted by the spirits to ask about Nelson's mother.  Nelson said that as she became closer to her passing, his mother had become more stubborn.  She disliked the weekend ladies who helped her, as she only wanted all of her children around her now.  Marisol understood that Nelson's mother was sometimes dizzy, and she advised caution for her not to fall again.  Nelson mentioned Carmen, a woman who attended the sessions in Puerto Rico who was now hospitalized.  Marisol saw her under the care of hospice.
Nelson's guide wanted to ask Jeff something.  Would he be okay if his mother went into a nursing home?  Jeff understood and said he suspected it was coming, and Caballito explained that it may need to happen soon, once Jeff was back in Florida.  His mother would eat better and flourish in that environment.
Nelson closed with a prayer.

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