Friday, October 7, 2016

Chicago - July 29, 2015

In attendance:  Bernardo, Carmen, Eva, Jeff, Luis, Marisol, Nelson and Sonia 
Nelson had sensed a group of spirits earlier in the week, and they were arranged in a caravan.  This caravan was traveling from a very dark place, and their assignment was to do very negative, dark spiritual work.  Nelson had invited them to speak at our session, and as the caravan approached, it became apparent that this caravan was a combination of rigid military soldiers in front, followed by other spirits dressed in rags similar to what homeless people might wear.  Jeff thought the military men might be Nazi soldiers and the others might be prisoners from concentration camps.  The caravan was looking for someone, and Nelson wondered who it was. 
Spirits 1 & 2 (via Nelson):  Nelson heard one of military spirits say, "It's a secret.  He escaped.  He is a criminal now, because it was without authorization."  The caravan was looking for the escapee to bring him back.  The soldiers had already checked within the caravan, assuming that the poor spirits dressed in raggedy clothing were hiding him. The raggedy poor group had been protecting this spirit when he was a part of the caravan.  The reason that the escapee could not be found was that this spirit had reincarnated as the baby of Rossana.  Nelson's spirit guide quietly moved into Nelson to explain what was about to occur:
Caballito: The spiritual work that had to be done to allow this spirit to reincarnate was immense.  There was so much work and energy put into this boy.  Now he is reincarnated, and he needs to do what he was brought here to do.  I want all of you to see this as a learning experience.  (to Jeff)  The other night you were talking about writing a book - this could be the book - and you could write it, which is why I am speaking in English.  (to the group) There is nothing to be worried about, but there is a lot to be concerned with.  You need to know what is on the plate now before we present it.  You say, "I would like to ____" (fill in the blank with a request), and you do not know the consequences.  The mother of this baby said she was "ready for anything, I am prepared - I am ready."  Let's see if she was really ready.  I wanted this to be in my words, not Nelson's.  We are still getting things in place, but something is going to happen in just a moment."
Nelson's guide ushered in the disciplined leader of the caravan.  The spirit was frustrated because Nelson did not speak his language (German), and he described himself as the "director" of the group.  He was very authoritative and he wanted us to understood that he was in charge.  Marisol counseled him.  The spirit said, "We have been using flashlights in the night to find him!  A criminal is a criminal.  Where is he?  A donde?  A donde?"  Eva explained that the criminal was now a reincarnated baby in the material world.  The spirit of the general became distraught, saying "No, no, no!  He escaped - where, how?"  Eva asked him for the name of who he was looking for.  It wasn't clear if the general understood her request, but he spelled out "Calic".  Asking him for a name had irritated the general, and he pounded on the table and demanded that "military order" be restored.  He told us that he would no longer speak with Eva - only with Marisol.  The good spirits were encouraging him to leave, and Marisol asked him to listen.  The general said there was another group near his, but they were not a part of his group.  He realized that if wanted to know what had happened, he would need to go with the guides. They told him that his uniform was no longer needed.  The spirit agreed to take 142 other spirits with him, exclaiming "It would have been 143, but he escaped!"  The spirit suddenly pushed Nelson's chair backwards, and he departed with his right hand raised in the "Heil Hitler" salute. 
Nelson explained that his guide took him to the caravan, as it was the only way for the general to see him and agree to sit.  Nelson also knew that the general understood his atrocities, as he envisioned him placing a cyanide capsule under his tongue to "escape the torture he knew would come."  The group discussed the situation, and Nelson told Luis that he would play a large role in the development of the reincarnated baby.
(Note:  I researched the "Calic" name, looking for German and Polish generals, and possible Nazi military men who committed suicide by cyanide.  The spirit was much more intelligent than we thought.  He gave us a name that was easier to spell than his own, knowing that the name would lead us to only one place. 
There was only one Calic connected in any way to Nazi Germany (Edouard Calic).  He was not a soldier, he was an author.  He wrote only one book (in German), and it was translated into four other languages.  The book was only about one individual - Reinhard Heydrich, the general who established the Nazi death camps. 
Nelson confirmed that Heydrich was the spirit he saw:
Some key points from the above article:
- In March of 1933, Heydrich was promoted to SS Brigadier General (he founded the SS), and he was not yet 30 years old.  So we know why this spirit was so authoritative and felt superior.  Even the other Nazi leaders feared him.
- Heydrich was injured by a bomb thrown at his car in Prague, and he was rushed to private doctors.  Nelson saw this spirit killing himself with cyanide, and the "official" hospital report stated he died from blood poisoning - "possibly" brought on by fragments of auto upholstery, steel, and his own uniform which had lodged in his spleen.
- The Gestapo and SS hunted down and murdered the Czech agents (who had been sent by England), resistance members, and anyone suspected of being involved in Heydrich's death, totaling over a thousand people. In addition, 3000 Jews were deported for extermination. In Berlin, 500 Jews were arrested, with 152 executed as a reprisal on the day of Heydrich's death. As a further reprisal, Hitler ordered the small Czech mining village of Lidice to be liquidated for aiding the assassins. In one of the most infamous single acts of WWII, all 172 men and boys over age 16 in the village were shot on June 10, 1942, while the women were deported to Ravensbrück concentration camp where most of them died. Ninety young children were sent to the concentration camp at Gneisenau. (These were the raggedy poor spirits that Nelson saw with the caravan of spirits)
- The village of Lidice was destroyed building by building with explosives, then completely leveled until not a trace remained, with grain being planted over the flattened soil.  It was then removed from all German maps.)
Spirits 3 & 4 (via Marisol):  Marisol was studying three spirits, and the first once seemed to have something to do with Carmen.  When she left last Sunday, Carmen sensed the presence of a spirit sitting on one of the outdoor garbage cans.  Her sleep had been troubled ever since. 
The second spirit was for Luis.  He is curious, and he wants to give the good energy he often feels to others.  Marisol and Nelson strongly cautioned him not to give spiritual passes to others.  If anyone asks, Luis should politely decline.  He cannot do that without proper training and further development, as he will open doors that he should not open and make himself sick.  Even if he sees a need or feels an urge - it needs to be very clear that he should not do anything.  Nelson sensed that Luis was going to people that he should not be touching.  Before he can proceed, a spirit needs to be with him and he needs to be able to recognize the spirit.  Luis' spirit guide was standing behind Marisol and Nelson, and he wanted this message repeated, as Nelson had told Luis the same thing yesterday.  His spirit guide wanted Luis to know that reading books was one thing, but understanding them was another, more difficult thing.  Nelson advised Luis that he was not in the right place (state of mind) now, so what he wanted to do could not be done.  Marisol said that Luis understood energy, but he needed to first know his spirit guide better.  Marisol described the energy that Luis should feel as a white light around him that allowed nothing else to come in.  Luis needs to learn how to differentiate the various energies - so he can make a conscience choice, instead of letting the energy control him.  The group discussed the issue and possible mentoring and spiritual educational opportunities for Luis in Puerto Rico. 
Spirit 5 (via Marisol):  The third spirit that Marisol sensed was for someone not at the table.  Everyone at the session was feeling lethargic and tired, and there were several yawns during the session.  Luis had a headache.  This spirit was causing the sleepiness, so Marisol thought it might be connected to someone who was in a drowsy condition.  Sonia explained Mia's hospital condition, but Marisol understood that this spirit was not with her.  The spirit was connected to Nelson's mother, as she was not doing the spiritual work she promised.
The spirit arrived through Marisol, weeping softly.  The condition and circumstances around Nelson's parents was because his mother had closed that spiritual door.  The spirits knocked on the door (Marisol demonstrated by knocking on the table multiple times), and Nelson's mom heard this knocking, but she still refused to answer.  The spirit declared, "It's her mission!  (knocked again on the table) her only mission in this life!"  The spirit described the house of Nelson's parents as "emptiness, loneliness, all alone, and there is too much silence - like a funeral home."  The spirits were knocking on the door until their hands hurt.  The spirit was frustrated and very tired from so much effort and no response.  Carmen and Nelson counseled the spirit.  There were spiritual madames all around, who were there to help.  Nelson advised the spirit that the way to alleviate the pain was to listen to the madames and his guide.  The spirit eventually agreed that he or she was sick.  The skeletal spirits of 101 others would be taken away with this spirit - along with the spirits of 16 madames.
Spirit 6 (via Marisol):  Marisol put her head on the table and sobbed quietly until her spirit guide arrived. Instead of her usual clapping and dancing, she had a somber message.  In a conversation with Nelson, she said his family was stubborn, and she cautioned our group not to neglect our spiritual responsibilities.  She left with a warm message of encouragement, thanking our group for the work we did.  Carmen advised Nelson not to travel to Puerto Rico without spiritual permission.
Spirit 7 (via Nelson):  The discussion returned to Luis, and Nelson sensed a female spirit around him with an attitude of, "I love you, but I want to kill you."  This spirit wanted to possess Luis (Carmen saw the same thing).  The spirit was pulling and cutting strands of his hair at night.  She glanced at Carmen and informed her that she was no competition.  Dancing in her seat, the spirit described how beautiful and alluring she was, as she softly drummed her fingers on the table.  She was enjoying Marisol's counseling, whispering and giggling as she shared her story.  When she was informed that she no longer had a body and she was speaking from the body of a man, her tone changed.  Eva asked the spirit what was Luis' name, and she replied "Ernesto".  As she began to understand her situation and that Luis was not who she assumed, she asked for forgiveness and agreed to go.
Sonia asked the group to pray for Mia's brother (Ray).  In addition to his family duties and his job, his additional responsibilities with making decisions for Mia were taking a toll on him.  Nelson closed with a prayer.

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